Scotland Stops Reporting COVID Vaccine Data The Moment It Paints A Gloomy Image.


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The publishing of COVID-19 data in Scotland has been halted due to concerns that the data is being exploited to create false narratives.

COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are normally reported weekly by Public Health Scotland (PHS). Each measure is split into two groups: those who have never been vaccinated and those who have received the COVID-19 vaccination.

More vaccinated persons are testing positive for COVID-19 and being hospitalized with the disease, according to recent reports.

According to the findings, 367 people who received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were hospitalized, compared to only 64 people who were not immunized. Vaccinated people also had a higher death rate.

Some experts and websites have taken notice of the data, including journalist Alex Berenson, who wrote in a blog post in January that it demonstrated how vaccines have failed to protect recipients.

According to a PHS spokeswoman, the report released on Feb. 16 will be the final one.

“Due to the increased risk of data being misinterpreted,” the spokeswoman wrote in an email, “Public Health Scotland will no longer post a weekly summary of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccination status.”

“Public Health Scotland is examining the content and frequency with which this data is reported. She continued, “Public Health Scotland is committed to providing high-quality public health science, communication, and transparency, and will continue to publish up-to-date research on COVID-19 vaccinations.”

In addition, the government has stated in its publications that the data “should not be utilized to gauge vaccine effectiveness.”

There are “systematic variations and biases between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, including as behavior, vulnerability, and past infection, that are unaccounted for when comparing rates,” according to officials. They cited a non-peer reviewed Australian study that suggested that those who had been vaccinated were more inclined to get checked if they had a sore throat.

According to a slew of research and real-world evidence, vaccine effectiveness has been dwindling as new variants arise. The COVID-19 vaccines worked poorly against Omicron, with protection against infection reducing rapidly and protection against severe disease dropping to a lesser level. As a result, at least one booster dose is recommended, with some countries recommending two boosters for certain populations.

The action by Scotland authorities, according to Dr. Paul Alexander, who studied evidence-based medicine and now works for a group called the Early COVID Care Experts, will make it more difficult to assess vaccine effectiveness.

“The detailed data from Scotland has helped us understand why vaccines fail while our own countries, the United States and Canada, suppress and misrepresent the data.” This is health-care corruption, and we’ve been told that this may be the final report of its kind in Scotland. Why?” In an email to The Epoch Times, Alexander stated.

“Their position now is laughable and horrible all at once. We are now called ‘anti-vaxxers’ by reporting the ACTUAL data. We call on Scotland and others to reverse this and continue to make the data available, especially as it relates to harm post vaccine as we need this for informed decision-making,” he added.

The moment that the data begins to illustrate a dangerous situation for those who choose to participate in this global biological experiment, Scotland decides to stop reporting the data. This is a clear demonstration of the malicious intent behind the COVID-19 plandemic. They’re electing to withhold the data because they can no longer remain transparent due to their citizens taking notice. The “narratives” attained by the public are black and white; the results are clear, these MRNA inoculations are not effective at preventing contraction of COVID-19 and severe illness. That’s not to mention the common reoccurrence of myocarditis in vaccinated individuals. Those who choose to hang on every whim of these politicians are willfully ignorant, and don’t want to believe that they’ve been misled. Please stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Hosea 4:6

Curtin University, the largest university by total number of students in Perth, Western Australia (WA), has enforced vaccination requirements for all employees, students, campuses, and activities.

Curtin Chief Operating Officer Fiona Notley informed students in a letter dated Feb. 10 that the institution was aware that the new directives would prove controversial to some.

“While we know this is potentially controversial, this decision is part of our strategy to counter the impact of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of the University community,” Notley said.

Curtin is the first university in Western Australia to impose the requirement, joining Griffith, La Trobe, and the University of Melbourne on Australia’s eastern coast.

Despite having one of the broadest evidence of eligibility requirements in the country, the state of Washington does not require university students to get vaccinated.

The decision was made following discussions with staff and the student guild, a representative group elected by students, according to the statement. Curtin, on the other hand, made no mention of whether or not students were polled or contacted during the process.

“The decision was made following a period of engagement with the Curtin Student Guild and our staff.” Notley continued, “Feedback from the Guild, who represent all students on campus, and our staff, was strongly in support of requiring vaccination as a crucial way of protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our community,” Notley continued.”

“Students in Western Australia who wish to attend a campus or facility, or participate in a University activity involving physical interaction with others, must provide Curtin with evidence that they have received at least one dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine by February 21, 2022, and a second dose by March 21, 2022.”

Within one month of becoming eligible, students will be needed to obtain a third booster dose. Booster doses are currently three months apart, which means kids may be required to get vaccinated three to four times per year in order to stay enrolled.

“Thank you to all those who have already been vaccinated. I encourage anyone who has not done so to be vaccinated by the relevant deadlines,” Notley added.

Higher education can be attained elsewhere without attending one of these marxist education institutions. While governments across the globe impose medical tyranny upon the world population, institutions like these provide reinforcement to the agenda at large. If need be, avoid higher education institutions until the COVID-19 vaccine fascism digresses. Perhaps it won’t, we’ll have to see what the puppet-masters have in store for us in the coming months to continue their narrative.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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