Watchman: Daily Devotional,The ‘Mark of the Beast’ has Begun–Rev 13:16 – And He Causeth All, Both Small and Great, Rich and Poor, Free and Bond, to Receive a Mark in Their Right Hand, or in Their Foreheads

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Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

The “Luciferase Stamp” Are Not Allowed to Buy or Sell rev.13:17…

By Edward O’Hara

What if the “cov19 vaccine” is an agent by which the genetic code in the body is changed? And what if the “vaccine” has mRNA that by “transfection” carries into the cells material that changes them through what is known as “mutagenesis” so that they are literally changed genetically into something other than human? And what if the “hydrogel” that carries the “vaccine” into the body contains nanoparticles? (

What if those nanoparticles have the ability to mass reproduce themselves?


What if the mRNA that carries the new genetic code into the cell’s DNA changes the cells so that they do not send out antibodies to attack the introduced foreign nanoparticles?

(Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.)

What if 5G is the means by which the nanoparticles in the new species receives commands? (

What if a “luciferase stamp” is used to ID people allowing only those who have voluntarily chosen to take the “cov19 vaccine” to buy or sell?


What if those who refuse the “luciferase stamp” are not allowed to buy or sell? Rev.13:17

Revelation 13-14 Satan's Henchmen

And what if the “luciferase stamp” that is to be used to ID those who have taken the “cov19 vaccine” that placed all those nanoparticles in them is the means by which 5G is given access and control over the new species? (

What if this control is what is used to gather Satan’s army in “the day of the Lord”. Rev.20:8

What if this is how the beast is able to “wear out the saints”(Dan.7:25) and “make war with the saints and overcome them” for “forty two months”? Rev.13:5-7

What if all this is the same genetic manipulation that went on during “the days of Noah” and “the days of Lot”? Gen.6:1-6, Luke17:28, and Mt.24:37

What if this genetic manipulation is “the seed of the serpent at enmity with the seed of the woman”? Gen.3:15 

What if this genetic manipulation is the cause of “If the Lord had not intervened no flesh would have been saved”? Mt.24:22

What if Satan is using the fear of death that makes men all their lifetime to be subject to bondage(Heb.2:15) to “cause both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive the mark in their right hand or forehead”? Rev.13:16

What if this is why Jesus said “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it”? Luke17:33

Why is the “cov19 vaccine” voluntary? What if the “cov19 vaccine” is voluntary because worship must be voluntary and this is the system by which the beast is worshipped and brings in the mark of the beast? Rev.13:15-17 

I have spoken with many who say they are Christians who have said they will take the “vaccine” to save their life and the life of others. Making a pretense at selflessness. While actually exhibiting the selfishness that Jesus said will cause them to lose their eternal life. I even read where so called Christian pastors have called the “cov19 vaccine” a “gift from God”.

I have shared these things with them. But, because of their fear of death they will not believe it is possible that this could be the mark of the beast. Even though as I have shown here it has all of the earmarks of the mark of the beast system described in Rev.13.

So to save their life they will voluntarily take the “cov19 vaccine”. But, are they actually taking the mark of the beast? So that what happens in the end is that they actually lose the life they could have had in eternity with Jesus?

Satan works by deception. And even with all the information showing that this has all the earmarks of the mark of the beast, many who call themselves Christian are still going to take it. Could they be those who Jesus said are the very elect that might be deceived if it were possible in Mt.24:24?

If you do not willingly take the mark of the beast you are not willingly following Satan. That means you are not sealed by Satan and hence you are not damned. I do not believe that this vaxxine IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST. I believe it is one element of that which will be coupled with an identity chip etc.

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Dear Father, You know everything about me. You know the concerns of my heart and the worries that I am now facing. You know that I do not have the strength to go on alone. I come to You now with nothing to offer but my trust in You that You will never leave me nor forsake me.

I humbly ask that You will pour into my heart that peace that passes understanding, so that in Your strength I can face the future with hope in my heart, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in my weakness. In Jesus' name,


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