Daily Devotional:

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Many think that doctrine really isn't that important. They think that if we all just get along, show some unity, things are going to work out ok. Well listen close. Because if you love the truth then you're going to love where this is going.

This message is a kind of prelude to our study going into Rom.5. In this prelude I'm going to talk about the need for repentance for those who have been deceived by the false doctrine of original sin. By offering conclusive proof that it is false doctrine being taught by those who do not know or love the truth. Because for one reason or another they have decided that unity matters more than truth.

But, a wise man once told me

that "It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills." So here we go.

Did you know that Paul taught that there was no law until Moses? Ok, you say. So what? Well, did you also know he taught that because there was no law sins before there was law were not imputed? What?, you say. There was a time when sins were not imputed? When? Glad you asked. Because this means that when Adam sinned there was no penalty for sin. Which changes everything you have ever been taught about original sin and sin nature. Because imputation of Adam's sin is a must for the the doctrine of original sin to be true.

Because without imputation of sins the original sin doctrine falls flat on it's face.

It has no legs to stand on. Because it's entire premise is based on death being a punishment for Adam's original sin being imputed to him. And not only him, but also the rest of mankind.

Another aspect to this is found when we read in Gen.2:7 that Adam was made a living soul, not a living spirit. This means that he could not have died spiritually when he sinned as the doctrine of original sin says he did. And he certainly did not immediately die physically either. As is evidenced in ch.3 when God sends him and Eve out of the garden. But, not before instructing them about what life will be like without the tree of life. And giving them clothes to wear for protection from the elements.

In 1Cor.15:45,46 Paul also states that Adam was not spiritual, but only natural when God made him. Saying "that was not first that was spiritual, but that which is natural". Then speaking of Jesus, the 2nd Adam, he said "afterward that which is spiritual". I will come back to this point later in this message.

But first, regarding penalty for sin, when we read in Rom.5:12-14 about these same events we see Paul saying that sin came into the world through Adam. And we know from the Genesis account that this happened when he ate the fruit, right? And in vs.13 Paul says for until the law sin was in the world. But sin is not imputed when there is no law.

Now think about his statement, sin is not imputed when there is no law. Now think about how it affects the foundational principle of imputation of sin upon which the doctrine of original sin stands or falls. And ask yourself this question. If sin is not imputed when there is no law? And the law didn't come until Moses? Then why do they teach, and why do I believe, that death was a penalty for Adam's sin?

Answer: because the truth has not been more important to you than unity.

Since Paul said sin came into the world through Adam and not before. And that sin was not imputed when there was no law. When a person who believes the doctrine of original sin teaches that Adam was punished with death for his sin. They are actually saying that there must have been law in the garden. Using the instructions God gave Adam that he would die if he ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to support this conclusion.

But, this creates a huge problem. Because Paul says that before there was law sin was in the world. Which would mean that if there was law in the garden when God told Adam not to eat the fruit, then he must have already sinned at some point prior to this. See the problem?

The doctrine of original sin requires law in the garden in order for Adam to be punished with death for his sin. But, if there was law in the garden, then because Paul said before the law sin was in the world, Adam had to have already sinned before God told him not to eat the fruit.

This is one more reason that we know that the doctrine of original sin can not possibly be true. Because Paul says in Rom.5:12 that it was through one man(Adam) that sin came into the world.

So there could not have been sin in the world until AFTER Adam ate the fruit. And that the sin that Paul said was in the world before the law were the sins committed by Adam and the rest of mankind before the law came through Moses.

Which also means there was no law, no moral or written law, until it was given through Moses. Because if there was moral law then it's violation would have brought it's imputation just as written law does. But, Paul says that sins were not imputed to anyone including Adam until the law came through Moses.

So the fact that imputation of sin did not come until the law came through Moses, we must conclude that Adam's sin was not imputed to him or to anyone else as the false doctrine of original sin claims. And anyone who is believing and teaching this false doctrine has some repenting to do.

As you will never understand Paul's gospel until you repent of this false teaching and turn to the truth.

Now I want to return to the prior referenced in this message concerning Adam being a living soul. In 1Cor.15:45,46 Paul teaches that the first Adam was made a living soul. And in contrast that the last Adam(Jesus) was made a living spirit. Saying also that the first Adam was not spiritual when he was made. But, was only natural. And that only afterward when Jesus came was the spiritual.

The difference here shows us why the death that came to Adam could only be physical death. A death that we have found out came not as a punishment for sins. But, one that manifested through Adam's mortality after he could no longer eat from the tree of life.

This is why in Rom.5:12 Paul says "and so death passed upon all men". Because not only was Adam no longer have access to the tree of life. Which caused his mortality he was made with come to the fore. Neither does any man have access to the tree of life. So that beginning to die man finally dies. Just as in Gen.2:17 God said he would.

So there are 3 things that I hope you take with you from this message. 1. The doctrine of original sin is a lie from satan. And 2. That the proof for this is that there was no law before Moses. And since there was no law, sins before the law was given through Moses, including Adam's sin in the garden, were not imputed. And 3. Since sins were not imputed then death is not a penalty for Adam's sin.

So it is my hope as we continue through ch.5 of Romans that if you have been deceived by the doctrine of original sin you see now just what a satanic doctrine it is. Because that doctrine makes men look to naughty and nice, and sin and penalty, ie works, to see their need for salvation. Bringing them to a belief in a false moloch style atonement wherein the reason for Jesus' coming was to pay the penalty for sin that God required to appease His wrath.

When the truth is that the reason Jesus came was so that mortal men could have immortal life. Abundant life. And that this would be accomplished through Jesus' joining with men in our mortality and death. So that by faith in His resurrection we can receive His free gift that joins men with Him in His eternal life and immortality. Life for which no one had to be punished in our place for naughty behavior. And immortality for which no one had to be punished to appease God's wrath.

This is consistent with the God of love that the prophets and apostles preached. This is consistent with the God of love that Jesus showed us when He came to earth to live as a man. This is consistent with the God of love whom John3:17 says "came not into the world to condemn the world. But that the world might be saved through Him."

Because God did not send Jesus because He was angry at us because of any naughty behavior we may have done. 2Cor.5:21 says that when God was in Christ on the cross it was not because He was imputing trespasses to us. But, only that we may know that He loves us so much that He would enter into our mortality and death with us so that we might enter into His immortality and eternal life through faith in Him.

The fact is that Rom.5:8 tells us He loves us so much that even when we did not know or trust in Him, when we were not with Him but against Him, He chose to die on our behalf, not in our stead, by joining with us in our mortality. So that we could join with Him in His immortality.

This is why Paul tells us that all we need to do is trust in Jesus and His resurrection to be saved. To love Him in return for the love He has shown to us. Because it is by doing this that we are made children of God and heirs to His kingdom. If you will do this then you will have eternal life now by His spirit birthed in you. If you will do this then you will put on immortality in the resurrection by putting off this mortal body. If you will do this.... I will see you there or in the air!

This message can also be heard at: https://rumble.com/v2mf3ae-why-adams-sin-could-not-be-imputed-to-him-or-anyone-else-rom.512-14.html

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