According to the White House, Russian Forces Are 20 Miles Outside of Ukraine’s Capital
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According to the White House, Russian Forces Are 20 Miles Outside of Ukraine’s Capital

Biden frequently enjoys spending time away from the White House, even during serious world events.

In August, Biden took nine Marine One flights to his home in Delaware and the presidential retreat at Camp David in just 18 days as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.

“Every time I get a chance, I go home to Delaware,” Biden told an audience in Ohio last week. “You think I’m joking? I’m not

President Zelensky of Ukraine made the following announcement shortly before 1 a.m. Kiev time: "The sabotage forces of the adversary have made their way into the city. My family and I are still here."

In the recorded message, he continued, "We need to negotiate about a ceasefire with Russia." Then came what appears to be the bitter truth that, despite years of 'promises' from Washington and the West of a "road to NATO membership," none of his backers or Ukraine's friends are coming to help:

"We have no apprehensions about speaking with Russia. We are not frightened to discuss our state's security promises. We are not scared to bring up the subject of neutral status. But what assurances will we have in terms of security? But which nations will be willing to provide them?" In response to a previous Russian request to begin negotiating "terms of capitulation," Zelensky said.

"We are the only ones remaining to defend our country. Who is willing to fight beside us? I don't think so. Who is willing to secure Ukraine's Nato membership? Everyone is terrified "Zelensky added.

"I asked the 27 European leaders if Ukraine should join NATO. I was direct in my inquiry. They're all terrified. We're not frightened, either "he stated

What eminent geopolitical expert John Mearsheimer prophesied over a half-decade ago against the backdrop of the original West-backed Ukraine coup is now being witnessed in real time...

In a recently discovered and widely circulated film, Mearsheimer said, "The West is guiding Ukraine down the primrose road, and the final consequence is Ukraine is going to be ruined."

Biden reiterated that "US military will not combat in Ukraine" in a speech on the crisis, while simultaneously announcing further penalties that fall well short of what Congressional hawks seek. On the energy issue, he had remarked, while carefully avoiding penalties on important Russian energy exports:

"We expressly wanted energy payments to continue as part of our sanctions package. "We're keeping a careful eye on energy supply in case there's a disturbance," Biden stated from the White House's East Room. "We've been working with key oil-producing and consuming countries to coordinate our efforts..."

Ukraine's military has knocked out 30 Russian tanks, 130 armored battle vehicles, five planes, and six helicopters after the first full day of action, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The losses in Ukraine, on the other hand, are unquestionably considerably greater.

Meanwhile, according to a CNN journalist quoting US intelligence sources, Russia is prepared to launch a "large-scale assault on Ukraine's capital Kiev about 03:00am Ukraine time."

Ukraine's Defense Ministry has pledged to continue protecting the nation, as Zelensky has issued a 'full mobilization order,' which prohibits any military eligible males aged 16 to 60 from exiting the country.

Here's a roundup of confirmed footage from the New York Times...

Update (4:28 p.m. ET): Despite the fact that Ukraine has seen massive Russian forces (together with Belarussian troops) employed to conquer the nation, Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Minister has stated Kiev would receive "new defensive weaponry" from Washington.

Ukraine's defense minister said Russia is "preparing a fresh round of attacks, including air strikes" at the same time.

However, it looks like the administration is still debating whether or not it wants to continue provoking Russia, despite Biden's earlier statement that the US would not send soldiers to Ukraine to confront Russia.

This comes as the Ukrainian government brags about equipping a local resistance force comprised of citizens and military veterans...

In the last half-day of battle, evidence has surfaced suggesting the Russians may not be facing much opposition as they approach Ukrainian military and bases in several areas.

However, a big reported reversal occurred in the last few hours at the key Hostomel airfield near Kiev, which is now allegedly in Ukrainian military control following hard combat. After a strong aircraft attack, Russia seized it early in the day.

Update (1:49 p.m. ET): The Ukrainian government has announced that Russian soldiers have taken control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site. Bloomberg says that "the Prime Minister announced the takeover in a televised conference, saying Russian soldiers had taken control of the zone including the nuclear power facility."

"The plant lies about 80 miles (129 kilometers) north of Kyiv and a few miles south of the Belarusian border. Holding Chernobyl would provide Russian soldiers a safe staging area where they wouldn't be bombarded "In light of the persistent existence of nuclear waste, the study notes that there is a risk of severe radioactive fallout. There is still speculation that if the site is directly shelled, radioactive pollution will be discharged into the air, perhaps affecting other parts of Europe.

In the evening of Thursday (local time), Russian state media quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that Moscow is giving Kiev "terms of surrender." Meanwhile...


According to Peskov, the president established his picture of what we should anticipate from Ukraine in order to settle the so-called "red-line" issues. This is a reluctance to deploy weapons and a neutral stance.


The operation has objectives that must be met. All choices have been taken, according to the president, and the objectives will be met." Peskov went on to say that if Kiev agreed to accept the criteria, the present military offensive against Ukraine may be put off.

Update(10:11amET): As fierce combat focused around Chernobyl is reported, the possibility for additional fallout from the conflict throughout Europe is growing. Since the April 1986 tragedy, Ukrainian officials have raised concerns about potentially devastating scenarios that may occur in portions of the Chernobyl containment zone, which covers an extended territory surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant where radioactive contamination is greatest. According to Interfax, Russian forces are apparently infiltrating the region from Belarus:

Russian forces from Belarusian territory reached the Chornobyl nuclear power plant zone, according to Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs (NPP).

"If a nuclear waste storage site is destroyed as a consequence of enemy artillery attacks, radioactive dust can spread the regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and EU nations!" Gerashchenko said.

Ukraine's President Zelensky is also said to have raised the alarm about fighting in the containment zone:


Given the fury of Russia's current air and ground operations, any significant catastrophe there might cause widespread terror throughout Europe, as well as a likely long-term severe health impact in some sections of the continent.

Meanwhile, Russia's air war is becoming more intense...

Many hours into Russia's offensive, which began about 5 a.m. Kiev time, it's become evident that a full-scale'shock and awe' invasion is underway - and it's not only in Donbas.The ground depicts what appears to be a continuing air war over Kiev and other towns around the country. Tanks have also been observed driving across the Ukraine-Belarus border, with allegations that Belarusian soldiers are assisting Russian forces in the invasion.

Within a few hours of the attack, Russia's military stated that all of Ukraine's air defense systems had been destroyed. Over much of the nation, a significant Russian aircraft presence, including fighter jets and helicopters, has been reported.

Soon after the initial onslaught, which included cruise missile strikes presumably launched by Russia's Black Sea fleet, Kiev officials claimed that "hundreds" of Ukrainians, including civilians, had been killed.

Much of Ukraine's command and control military infrastructure is thought to have been targeted and struck during the initial wave, as did Ukraine border guards, with reports of soldiers fleeing the Russian assault. Any Ukrainian soldier who surrenders his arms will be granted safe passage by Moscow.

A Ukrainian military jet was also shot down, killing five persons, according to Ukraine's official emergency agency. Surreal combat imagery continues to demonstrate the brutality of an ongoing air conflict.

Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, commented on the extent and intent of the military protests on Thursday, noting Putin's goal of "demilitarization and denazification" of Ukraine.

"Ideally, Ukraine should be freed, free of Nazis, pro-Nazi individuals, and ideology," Peskov said, adding that operations would finish only when these goals were met. It is uncertain if this will result in a change of government in Kiev, though that scenario appears to be more than plausible at this moment. Early reports suggested that President Zelensky had been promised safe passage out of Ukraine.

According to Ukraine's national police and emergency services, combat has erupted across the country, with Russia carrying out over 200 strikes and intense skirmishes continuing in several sections of the country.

President Biden has promised fresh penalties that would be tough and far-reaching, which he says will be unveiled in a speech on Thursday. Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, and other Western officials denounced what they called President Putin's "reckless act" and a "sad day for Ukraine and a tragic day for Europe."


Putin: I'm a Monster, Be Careful Biden!


Meet Moses! He's a young man who grew up in the most challenging circumstances. Today, he has larger-than-life goals to achieve something extraordinary.

SRH: In America, it's coffin time! There will be so many corpses in the coming days that Americans will get immune to them all and simply step over them. We shall one day witness bodies on America's streets who have died of famine. AIDS patients are already dying on the streets because they have nowhere to go!

People's hearts are worried, and their brains are perplexed; the Bible foretells a period of tremendous deception for the people; that time has arrived; politicians must devise increasingly substantial and plausible lies in order to usher in the antichrist; the Tribulation has begun.

"You will be worn out by the hostility of men and dark-spirits unless God has brought you up for this precise purpose"...


Source: HNewsWire    HNewsWire    HNewsWire    HNewsWire


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