Banker and Banks are evil, by design


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Who says banks are evil? Jesus Christ says so: ..and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers…And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves
— Mark 11:15-17

Banks, like beggars, cockroaches, taxmen, and bad drivers, seem to be here to stay. I don’t imagine that we will be able to eliminate them any time soon, and I don’t endorse any pointless act of violence against them. Bombing a bank is like pulling up a dandelion; if you don’t kill the root, you haven’t done anything useful. Nor do I hope that legislationlitigation, or protest will improve banks. It is the concept that is evil, not the implementation. But we will make considerable progress if we simply accept that banks are evil, and shun them whenever possible.

Why are banks evil?

A big part of the problem with a bank is that, like any corporation, it is a construct for the dispersal of responsibility. It is impossible to hold anyone employee responsible for all the bank’s crimes and sins against gods and men. From the CEO and president on down to the teller and guard, everyone can point to somebody else to shift the blame. “It’s our policy.

Dispersal of responsibility is inherent in the notion of the modern corporate bank. But it is not inherent in the plain, simple concept of banking. Many of the ills of the corporate bank cannot thrive in a bank on a smaller, more personal scale. All these abuses of the public trust and of the individual are, by definition, due to the corporate nature of the bank, and cannot be treated properly here. See: Corporations are Inhuman.

The other classes of the harm wrought by banks are inherent in the idea of accumulating money, storing it, paying and demanding interest. These ills are peculiar to banking and will be treated here.

The standard Marxist doctrine holds that labor is the only true value; capital is an accumulation of labor. This is only partially true. Capital also represents an aggregation of resources and land. (Qubble noted.) Labor itself is properly divided into creation and toil. Therefore, capital is the sum of creation, toil, resources, and land.

I hold it as a tenent that it is wrong to exchange these four values freely. This tenant cannot be fully explored here — See The color of money. I will have to ask my readers to accept this tenet in order to move on.

Obviously, banks facilitate the exchange of values. In particular, they give great power to those who hold capital. Worst of all, they give the greatest power to those who hold not even true capital, but merely money — the abstraction of capital.

Banks make it possible for the very rich to remain rich, without the investment of any kind of labor — and to become richer. Since it is not possible to generate true wealth without labor, banks must steal from others to give to the rich.

In other words, banks promote The Man‘s agenda.

If you believe, as I do, that it is wrong for anyone to take from another by force, then you must agree that banks are evil.

Who says are banks evil?

Jesus Christ says so:

…and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers…And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves
— Mark 11:15-17

Saint Paul says so:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
— Timothy 6:10

Muhammed (may his name be praised) says so:

And what you give in interest that it may increase on (other) people’s wealth, increases not with Allah… 
— Koran 30:39

“Those who consume interest shall not rise, except as he rises whom Satan by his touch prostrates (i.e one who is misled); that is because they say:”Trade is like interest”; whereas, Allah has permitted trading but forbidden interest. Whosoever receives a warning from his/her Lord, he shall have his past gains and his affair is committed to Allah; but whosoever reverts (to devouring interest) those, they are the inhabitants of the fire, therein dwelling forever. 
— Koran 2:275

These English translations by:
Asadi, Muhammed A. Koran: A Scientific Analysis. Lahore. IPU. 1992

Liberals say so:

  1. IMF/World Bank structural adjustment programs have increased poverty around the world.
  2. IMF/World Bank “debt relief” for poor and indebted countries is a sham.
  3. The IMF has helped foster a severe depression in Russia.
  4. The IMF helped create and worsen the Asian financial crisis.
  5. The IMF bails out big banks.
  6. IMF/World Bank structural adjustment programs devastate the environment.
  7. IMF/World Bank structural adjustment programs contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS.
  8. IMF/World Bank structural adjustment programs harm women.
  9. IMF/World Bank structural adjustment programs and Bank project loans have led to deforestation worldwide.
  10. World Bank policies have displaced millions of people around the world.
  11. The World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) provides corporate welfare for environmentally destructive projects.
  12. April 16 (2000, protest in D. C.) is a chance to make history.

A Dozen Reasons to Oppose the IMF and World Bank 
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Conservatives say so:

A bank founded by DNC (DEMOCRAT) chairman Terry McAuliffe, which federal regulators determined used unsafe and unsound banking practices, awarded an “unusual and unsecured” loan to Rep. Richard Gephardt in the late 1980s.

Dittohead Deb at

Banks are killing us with charges. ATM services are services that banks offer to expand their business, to make it easy for them to expand their customer base, so what should we be charged. They should be paying (us) to use their banks. I work in the computer industry so I know how much resources are used with the ATMs. Everything is done mostly between computers (not with) human intervention. Yes there is some cost but if you average the cost between the ATM fee and customer use, the banks are making a killing on use. We can and we should make them lower these fees.

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The New York Times says so:

At least 1,000 banks are encouraging customers with low balances to overdraw their checking accounts, allowing the banks to skirt credit laws and collect billions of dollars in new fees….

Unlike (traditional) lines of credit, which typically charge annual interest of up to 20 percent, the new programs charge flat fees for each overdraft that translate into an annual rate of 1,000 percent or more. Unlike traditional lines of credit, which allow repayment whenever the customer chooses, these programs require customers to bring their accounts back into balance in only a few days. While traditional lines of credit have limits of several thousand dollars, the new programs have limits of $100 to $300. After that, banks allow the checks to bounce….

The rapid spread of the programs has turned overdrafts, and the fees that come with them, into one of the largest sources of profit for banks, according to consultants and statistics compiled by government bank regulators. Washington Mutualcharged customers more than $1 billion in overdraft fees last year, some industry analysts estimated.

But regulatorsconsumer groups and some bankers and industry analysts say the overdraft programs, which come with fees of up to $35 per overdraft, are essentially high-interest loans aimed at working-class customers. And because the programs work automatically with debit cards, customers often do not realize they have overdrawn their accounts until they receive a letter from the bank disclosing the fee….

–Alex Berenson, NYT, 23 Jan 2003 (emp. added)

Pink Floyd says so:

…I’m alright Jack keep your hands offa my stack…

Money, from Dark Side of the Moon

At least one Tasmanian Messiah says so:

For any “fool” who does from another “Steal,” legally or not, does his own fate seal.” This is what your God does say through His pen today.

And what about the “Bank” and its “Policy” that says:
“Your funds are safe if you give them to me.”?

But the reality is, they will give the funds away if the “robber” shows power play, and does use some “threat” of “Legality.” In reality, immoral impropriety, that any should wish to another’s funds “Seize” is for sure a sickening “disease,” and the people on earth now need to know which way the power boys go, seeking, every which way, to “legalize” the theft of another’s daily pay. All in the guise of:

“We are the ones “wise,” we know what is best for you. You just shut up, pay up, and thus be true to our incessant demand, that is in fact an “irrevocable” command, and for sure we will solicitors “employ” who will for sure any “dissident” destroy.”

–Malaher, The TAXATION & BANKERS Doc. at

War Stories

Mike Hiras:

Being of Greek descent, I like cash!…Being treated like a subject rather than a customer seems to be a reoccurring theme in our country today by banks and a (slew) of other companies….it seems customers have gotten so used to being treated like morons that they will take so much abuse and not do a thing about it….this is what gives companies like banks the ability to continuously treat customers like crap while continuing to increase profits and business. Amazing isn’t it?…

My local bank was originally Commonwealth Bank, taken over by Meridian, then taken over by someone else, and finally Sovereign Bank. Each takeover has resulted in poorer and poorer customer service, less competitive rates, me having to purchase new checks…and a shrinking ATM network. Customer service lines have gotten worse, and expecting to resolve an issue usually never happens….

To describe the incident which has caused me to hate this bank…I use the (debit card) for deducting my Internet service from my checking account….under a credit card, if it is “maxed” out the transaction gets declined. That’s how it is supposed to work! To my surprise my account gets overdrawn, thus the addition of a $25.00 overdraft fee to my account. I thought this had to be a mistake. If my account was a $1.00 short of what was needed to be in there to cover the transaction, it should have been declined….

The FBI put the Mafia away for extorting money; maybe they should look at banks….

Last month the exact same incident reoccurred. Now the overdraft fee was raised to $30.00. Twelve days later, I received a notification in the mail to let me know that the account was overdrawn and with an additional $5.00/day fee for every day the account was (overdrawn) past 5 business days. Needless to say I was mad! When I got on the phone this time, I was told that Sovereign Bank allows overdrafts to occur on (debit card) transactions as a “courtesy” to their customers to avoid declines. When I asked if the $30.00 +$5.00/day overdraft fees were also a customer courtesy the lady laughed….

The only plus side: they give doggie treats at the window….

–“Sovereign Bank” on Epinions at:

bionicroach: When you have 18 million dollar wires not showing up when and where they should be, it tends to be a problem!…

The bottom line is, unfortunately, that pretty much all banks are evil empires when you get down to it. They are all getting filthy rich using other people’s money. The only saving grace is that some of them actually do some work for that money…


I have been with the halifax (bank) for many years, and it has been mistake after mistake and scam after scam….

I have been reduced to tears in my branch twice in the past two years…

the staff belittled me constantly.

their arrogance and crude greed has been extraordinary, both with my personal affairs and national outrages such as the flip-board scandal, the mortgage robbery and other matters….

never in my life have I ever dealt with such a distant and incompetent institution.

— at

xiong I could tell several personal war stories about evil banks, but I’ll just restrict myself to two. You can fill in the blanks.

Recurring Overdraft

When I first moved to China, I was at sea, cut off from all normal means of communication. It was months before I figured out how to get permission to make an international phone call from my own telephone — until then, I could only go to the post office, naturally only during Chinese daytime, worthless for doing the most business with Americans. Mail to my little provincial home took weeks. But I thought I’d covered my bases before I even left for China because I had my checking accounts and credit card bills plugged into the online bill payment service PayMyBills.

One month, I used PMB to issue a check drawn on Charter One Bank — to pay a credit card bill, naturally. I knew I didn’t have enough money in the account yet, so I sent a check to COB that, together with my existing balance, would adequately cover my debit. I was careful to leave plenty of time for the deposit to clear before the debit would be presented.

I discovered that the debit did not pay, though. Why? When I finally got my paper statement in the mail from COB, I discovered that they had failed to credit my deposit in the time I’d allowed — even though the deposit had cleared the issuing bank. And although they did not pay the debt, they still charged me for an overdraft.

(Meanwhile, of course, the credit card bank was annoyed that I’d not paid and hit me with a late fee, which altogether brought my balance over limit, so of course they charged me an over-limit fee, too, aggravating the over limit. This went on for months, too; every time I got a statement, I’d pay what they demanded, and more — but it was never enough because they’d continue to hit me with more fees. But that’s another node! nor at least, another writeup.)

I quickly responded to the overdraft at COB by dumping about $200 into it. That, I thought, would take care of the overdraft fee and any other fallout, and re-establish my reputation as a serious customer (not = deadbeat). How wrong! I got the information late, due to the slow mail to China, but I eventually learned that my entire previous balance, plus the new deposit, had vanished.

It seems that the credit card bank presented their debit to COB a second time, and unaccountably they paid it, now that they had got around to crediting my first deposit — seeing, no doubt, that the money was now there. But it was not all there, because of the first overdraft fee. So, they paid the debt but charged me again for an overdraft.

And, while the mail was making its way to China, COB continued to charge me a recurring overdraft fee — some piddling little sum of 7 dollars — every single day. By the time my emergency deposit arrived, it just disappeared into the black hole thus dug.

Not content with stealing all my money, COB continued to rack up endless charges on my account. I could not email them, because banks don’t want you to do that. I could not phone them, because of the time change and weirdo ChinaTelecom. I wrote them a paper letter, to receive in return a terse notice that my account had been closed and sold to a collection agency.

Now I am in ChexSystems, and though back in the US, I can’t open a checking account at most banks. But I will never, ever pay COB or their agency a penny, not if they lay a stack of 132 column greenbar on my legs and beat me with a used toner cart.


Since joining the ranks of the gainfully employed, I’ve had to deal with the paycheck. I took my first check to the nearest Bank of America, upon which it was drawn. The teller refused to cash it, as I am not a customer of BofA. The teller supervisor told me it was too much to cash outright — less than $600 is “too much”, in this grand multimillion dollar temple to Mammon.

I went back to my boss and told him the story. He said he couldn’t imagine why I had trouble. He called the evil teller sup and said that none of his other workers ever had trouble cashing his paper. She said that it was not BofA policy to cash such large checks and that all the other tellers who had, were wrong.

He said he’d opened the account at the Powell Street branch and they would surely cash it there. We agreed that one week only, I’d go to Joe’s liquor store and pay him the vig to cash it with no bullshit.

Today, I got another check, this one for a princely sum indeed. I took it to Powell Street, where the teller said the check was not drawn on that branch at all, but on “Los Angeles”. So, she would have to fax the check down to LA for verification. Forty-five minutes later, oops — too bad — the signature on the check does not match that on the signature card. Some discussion with my boss on cell phone. The teller sup at Powell Street took my check, fooled with it for 10 minutes at her desk, and said, “I’ll cash it now. I know this account; they’re good customers here.”

Meanwhile, I am illegally parked in an alleymy bladder is bursting, and I’m losing time (= money) from work. When I asked a teller for the restroom, what do you think? “Oh, that is the employee’s restroom. We don’t have a restroom for customers.

The teller sup counted out my money, telling me all the while what a courtesy she was extending by cashing a $900 check drawn on her own damn bank. She shorted me $5, a penalty for daring to demand real money. Why don’t I play the game, hand the paper off and let it rot for a few days before claiming the cash?

Next payday, I go pay Joe the vig. But somehow, I’m going to beat that out of my boss.


Banks are evil. We all know it, we all say it. But most of us shrug, as we do so often, and say banks are a necessary evil. I don’t. I fail to see what service they provide society at large. I agree that they provide some of their customer’s valuable services, but so do hitmen. They do so by extorting money and time (= life) from the rest of us. Banks are thieves and thugs.

Why should I pay a bank to cash my check? I pay Joe because he’s taking a risk. It’s not his job anyway; his job is to sell booze. He takes my boss’s paper as a business proposition, a gamble. But BofA is already earning interest on my boss’s money, and if that’s not enough, charging him for the privilege. If my boss doesn’t want to pay cash like an honest man, let him pay the bank, fine. But if what he pays isn’t enough to fill out BofA’s bloated bottom line, why should I make up the difference?

It is particularly upsetting and nasty that I will be shoved in the direction of joining the system — opening an account — by means of the runaround and fee. Bank advertising covers huge areas of what would otherwise be sky and trees — isn’t it enough? When ads fail, we’ll penalize you for your freedom. And if you complain too loudly — and we say what that is — why that’s why Chuck is standing in the corner with his nightstick. It’s not business; it’s totalitarianism.

Personal checking accounts are loss leaders for most banks; there just isn’t enough cash in them to make the overhead pay. Some banks just accept that checking is an opportunity to showcase excellent customer service in hopes of getting a customer’s eventual loan business. Some banks insist on high minimum balances and monthly charges to help even the scales. But the current trend is “free” checking, with brutal overdraft fees (and anything else they can think of). As the NYT noted above, this is a gigantic moneymaker and a heinous abuse.

Let’s face the plain truth: The world religion, the one being foisted upon the Earth by America and her First World allies, is Greed. Like Europeans of the Middle Ages, you do not have a choice; you must and will pay your respects to the official god — Mammon, today, who demands his drop of blood from every exchange of value. Banks are nothing less than temples of the God of Money, and if you respect any other god, you’d better be prepared to fight — or quit.

A Ray of Sunshine

Strict Muslims will not borrow money at interest, because they believe that all interest is usury, and forbidden. Islamic Banking is a response to this demand. But that’s another node!

Yeah, I know. You’re just doing your job. But you won’t march me to the gas chamber quietly. Source

List of scandals without insolvency

See also

the Sentinel Management Group (SMG) collapsed, leaving many customer segregated funds lost after they had been used as collateral. After a plethora of lawsuits and creditor claims, a decision earlier this month in the 7th Circuit Court placed the banking cartels ahead of customer claims for funds returned. Essentially, the Bank of New York Mellon (BNYM) sued to be first in line for return on stolen customer account monies – and won the right by the US court system.

In the mainstream media (MSM), the SMG collapse and subsequent ruling in favor of BNYM were touted as a difficulty “for customers to recoup money lost”.

SMG, a Chicago-based futures broker, had stolen more than $500 million in segregated customer funds to use as collateral on a loan to BNYM for in-house proprietary trading operations. Their books were audited by the National Futures Association (NFA), however, the NFA admitted that they could not understand the convoluted mess they were provided by SMG to sign off on. And yet they did, and approved the audit.

BNYM sued SMG to re-coup any monies owed to them. However, these monies were customer segregated funds that SMG stole and re-hypothecated.

In federal court, John D. Tinder, US Circuit Court Judge ruled “that Sentinel failed to keep client funds properly segregated is not, on its own, sufficient to rule as a matter of law that Sentinel acted ‘with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud’ its customers.”

This means that once a banking customer deposits their money into an account with a bank, the funds become the property of the bank. The customer, at the point of deposit, relinquishes all rights to that money regardless of any laws in place, legal assurances, claims or guarantees; and this extends from investments to private checking accounts.

Once the bank has physical possession of your money, they own it and can use it for any means they deem fit. The veil has been lifted on the separation of customer and bank funds. They are now legally co-mingled.

The bank could use it as collateral (as SMG did), to pay off debts, or place it on the stock market to bump up their trading with extra cash. And in the event that the customer allocated funds are lost, the bank does not owe the customer the money back.

Essentially, once your deposit money in your bank account it is gone.

Fred Grede, SMG trustee remarked: “I don’t think that’s what the Commodity Futures Trading Commission had in mind. It does not bode well for the protection of customer funds.”

The MF Global (MFG) scandal rocked the investment world because Jon Corzine, chief executive officer of MF Global, instructed the transfer of $200 million from their customer segregated funds to cover the corporation’s overdraft account with JP Morgan Chase.

Corzine emailed this order just three days before the official collapse of MFG. At the same time, Corzine was moving customer money, this missing $6.3 billion dollar was used on bets on European indebted nations. As those European nation’s credit ratings plummeted, JP Morgan profited financially.

Our financial institutions have been planning for a financial collapse wherein the US government will not offer assistance. The resolution plans required by the Federal Reserve Bank described schemes to have the major domestic banks remain afloat by selling off assets, finding alternative sources of funding, reducing risky measures that make a quick buck. These strategies were to be perfected with “no assumption of extraordinary support from the public sector.”

By selling “non-core assets” without upsetting shareholders while protecting the monetary system, taxpayers and creditors is the work of the mega-banks who have contributed solely to the destruction of the global financial markets. Bank of America (BoA) and Citibank have already begun to liquidate some of their assets – an action a bank takes when they are insolvent.

Both mega-banks and credit unions have been silently altering their deposit/withdrawal policies to deter customers from emptying out their accounts. Because the digital record of monies is greater than the physical cash held by banks, this is a scheme to stave off a “run on the banks”.

With the Patriot Act , signed in 2001 by former President George W. Bush, and extended in 2011 by President Obama states that all banks must record all banking transactions with photo ID and fingerprints that will then be sent to an FBI database wherein all banking information tied to each individual on file can be traced for future reference.

Of recent, when withdrawing cash from an ATM, the daily allotted amount has decreased with some banks, thereby forcing the customer to go into the branch and extract the difference with a teller. At this point, according to anonymous informants, the customer is taken into a back room to be questioned as to why they want the cash, what they are purchasing with the cash, why they are not choosing to use a debit card or another form of digital trade to make the purchase.

These questions are not only intrusive, but they are also illegal.

Some anonymous sources have said that banking representatives who conduct the integrations are directed to keep a record of customer responses on an online application that will be sent to the FBI in conjunction with the Patriot Act mandates on tracking banking activity.

While American citizens sit on the fence about whether or not they even subscribe to a banking collapse in the US, globalists like George Soros are investing heavily in gold. Soros recently “unloaded over one million shares of stock in financial companies and banks that include Citigroup (420,000 shares), JP Morgan (701,400 shares) and Goldman Sachs (120,000 shares). The total value of the stock sales amounts to nearly $50 million” and then purchased 884,000 shares of Gold with SPDR Gold Trust.

The mega-banks, through Wall Street, are also acquiring firearms, ammunition, and control over private mercenary corporations like DynCorp and ‘Blackwater” as authorized by the Department of Defense (DoD) directive 3025.18.

DynCorp is a military-based private mercenary contractor that provides (among other services) intelligence training and support, international security, contingency plans, and operations. Ninety-six percent of their funding is based on annual revenues from the US federal government. The international branch of DynCorp has operated as a “police force” even assisting local law enforcement during Hurricane Katrina.

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Named as investors for the amassing of gun and ammunition manufacturers are Citibank, BoA, Barclays and Deutsche Bank who are pouring money into Cerebus and Veritas Equity who have taken over private corporations involved in the controlling riot situations.

The Federal Reserve Bank, one of the heads of banking cartels, has its own police force which operates as a protective security for the Fed against the American public. As part of the Federal Reserve Act signed in 1913, the designation of a Federal Law Enforcement – special police officers that are exclusively regulated by the authority of the Fed (whether in uniform or plain clothes. These specialized police officers (who train with Special Response Teams) can work in tandem with local law enforcement or US federal agencies. These officers are heavily armed with semi-automatic pistols, submachine guns, and assault rifles as well as body armor.

Just this month, the Kaspersky Lab discovered Gauss, a banking surveillance virus believed to have the capability of stealing money out of customer’s bank accounts, as well as spying on banking transactions, stealing login information for social networks, email and instant messaging. So far, Middle Eastern banks have reported having been affected by Gauss – however, both Citibank and Ebay’s Paypal have also been infected by this new viral threat to our banking systems.

It is clear that the financial collapse could be imminent. Banks are not only preparing with contingency plans but also amassing a private police force for protection. With the legalization of stealing from customer secured funds, combined with a possible banking virus that could provide the perfect cover for an all-in-one banking holiday, the stage is being set for the utter financial destination.

Once all customer funds were electronically transferred into off-shore accounts, the specialized police forces and hired mercenaries would be allocated forward to protect the technocrats from retaliation for their crimes.

The banking holiday will not come with flashing neon signs. Our warnings are right in front of us if we choose to see them. Source

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StevieRay Hansen

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The silencing of the American people before 2020?

John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.

HNewsWire- “All political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Just look at some of our modern-day examples: torture is “enhanced interrogation techniques”; murder is “collateral damage”; the aggression initiation of war is a “pre-emptive strike”; the theft of taxpayers’ money is a “bailout”; and the theft of depositors’ money in a bank is a “haircut” or “bail-in”.In a blatant example of Newspeak, the New World Order controllers (through the psychiatric DSM V) have tried to rename pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons” and redefine pedophilia as “sexual orientation”. This makes no sense since sexual orientation has to do with gender, not age, with whether you are attracted to males or females, not how old they are. There are even organizations (like which are claiming that pedophiles are being unfairly stigmatized for their feelings!

Justice is a word that stands alone, adding anything to it demeans it….

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Children are being misplaced or lost in our foster care system, we must demand more openness and accountability from each state.
If you have information or believe there is a child in danger that’s being exploited please contact 127 Faith Foundation
[email protected]
The 127 Faith Foundation

Please help me help these kids(orphans) that are in trouble, PLEASE 80% of the book sales goes directly to: The 127 Faith Foundation

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“It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not love and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, then to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute


Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….

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Tagged Under: Banks, hnewswire StevieRay Hansen, HNewsWire, antichrist,digital gulag, antichrists, Apple, Bible, Big Tech, bigotry, Christian baker, Christianity, Christians, Colorado, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, conservatives, deep state, demonic assault, end of days, end times, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, hate groups, Hate speech



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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