
Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Edward O’Hara …

This is so true. So many believe in whatever their senses lead them to that their beliefs make up what is the proverbial soup sandwich. What Paul referred to as those who “oppose themselves”. A smorgasbord of this, that, and the other, that has no basis in truth. The only truth that sets men free. Truth that is a person whose name is Jesus. But, even many of those who say they believe in Jesus have beliefs that are not consistent with what the Bible teaches. Even though they may proclaim their beliefs are the result of Bible study. 

Why is it so hard for people who say they believe the Bible to actually believe it? Is it because they have never understood what they have read? Or is it because what they read has been interpreted for them so that they believe the interpretation rather than what the Bible plainly says? Or is it because they do not allow the context of a verse to determine it’s meaning for them? But, instead apply whatever meaning to it that will fit their preconceived notions of who God is, who Jesus is, and what the atonement is for? Whatever the reason it is imperative that we believe what the Bible plainly says. 

What People Really Mean When They Say “But I Believe The ...

I have seen the reasoning that comes from reading into the text some preconceived notions they may have lead them to some very off target conclusions. Some concluding for example that Jesus is not God because John said He came in the same flesh all men have. Even though we see Isaiah saying His name will be “the mighty God” and “everlasting Father”. And still others that conclude that Adam’s sin was imputed to all mankind causing death as a penalty for that sin. Even though Paul says plainly regarding the sin of Adam and those who came after him that this sin was not imputed because there was no law. Sadly, whole religions, cults really, have been built upon these false conclusions. If they would only believe the plain language of the Bible in context all this could have been avoided. Satan’s greatest deception is that men would believe they are saved and believing the Bible when they really do not. 

But, it will take some effort to do this. Because the knowledge of God and His salvation does not fall on us like ripe apples off of a tree. It is gotten from the study of God’s word like Proverbs 2 says. By being searched for as for hidden treasure. God says,

If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints.

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.” Vs.4-9.  This shows that righteousness, judgment, and equity are not what we think they are as natural men. They are what God says they are. And for us to know what God says they are we need to know Him and believe His word. 

It isn’t easy and it will take some time. Maybe the rest of your life. But, it will be worth it. Because when we seek God we find Him. And when we ask God He gives to us. When we knock He answers the door and allows us into as much of the fulness of His revelation that we can hear. So that we can know the depths of the riches of His kindness and mercy and grace.  

Grace that is His love in action that caused Him to come as a man to live among us. That through His taking on of human flesh He would die the same death all men die. And by joining with us in our death He makes it possible by His resurrection for us to join with Him in His life. Eternal life. Spiritual life. 

Not the life that Adam had while he was in the garden. Because Paul tells us that his life in the garden was only a natural life. Not a spiritual one. A natural life that could only last as long he was able to eat from the tree of life. A life that had no spiritual component by which he could perceive or even relate to God on a personal level. Because Jesus said God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. And the natural man can not begin to know the spiritual things of God. 

This is why Peter taught that it was God’s plan from before the foundation of the world that Jesus would die for mankind. This means that from the time God made man there was a need for Jesus to come. That need was for man to be made a spiritual being so that men could relate to God in spirit and in truth so that he could inherit God’s spiritual kingdom. Not to remain in the natural garden a natural man forever. A kingdom Jesus said men who are only born of the flesh can never even see. 

This is why Jesus said we must be born again. Born of the Spirit. Because they that are the sons of God are led by His Spirit. They are taught by His Spirit. And they are kept by His Spirit. 

Isn’t it wonderful that we do not have to depend on our own strength to keep ourselves? God is ever faithful. And He will not allow us to be plucked from His hands.  But, we need to believe what the Bible plainly says before we can understand God’s plan. 

If we will study the scriptures for understanding instead of trying to find proof that we have been right all along, we will gain the knowledge of God with a proper fear of the Lord. Not fear in the sense that He is waiting for us to do something bad so He can slap us down. But, a respect for Him and His word in a humility before Him so that we will believe what the scripture plainly says. And we will not try to make the scriptures say what is only the product of our own understanding. Our own imaginations. Then we will begin to know the love of God the apostles taught. 

If we will do this then we will never be deceived by the cults that make God a monster who requires the bloody and torturous death of the innocent to appease His wrath. This was not the reason Jesus had to die. The Bible never says any such thing. The Bible says that in Christ God joined with mankind under death’s power. So that by His resurrection we could join with Him in His eternal life. For this to happen death had to be conquered. And that is exactly why Jesus had to come in the same flesh all men have. Because only then could He die the death all men die. Showing this death when He was separated from the Father while on the cross He said, “Father why hast thou forsaken me?” This is when He joined with us under death’s power. 

But, He was reunited with the Father by the resurrection. A reunion of love made possible because God is love, that made it possible that we could join in that union by loving God and one another as He has loved us. And after speaking to the disciples of how He had to leave because the Holy Spirit would now lead them and guide them into the truth, He went to the Father as He was received up into glory. The angel telling them that in like manner will He return. 

So His death was not a payment of a penalty for Adam’s sin that was never imputed to them in the first place. It is a love story that God intended them to know so they would respond to that love that delivers them from death by a free will choice to love Him in return for His love. This is the Jesus the Bible proclaims. This is the God the Bible proclaims. This is the atonement the Bible proclaims. Truly an amazing love story. 

By believing what you want when it is instead of the plain teaching in the Bible you deny yourself of any chance at knowing Jesus. Because it is only the plain teaching of the Bible that can give us the mind of Christ. A mind that can understand the spiritual things God wants us to know. The things that change our ways into God’s ways and our thoughts into God’s thoughts. 

...for love of the journey: Man’s Ways

Can you see now why you need Jesus? Not because you have been bad. But, because we are not spiritual but only natural. And only a spiritual man can inherit God’s eternal spiritual kingdom. And because death reigns. And Jesus has made the way for us to be made God’s children by the spiritual birth. A birth that takes us out from under the reign of death into the spiritual kingdom of God.

Will you trust in Jesus today so that you too can have the eternal life that He came to provide you with? If you will then please pray with me now. Dear Jesus, I believe in you and your resurrection. I believe you have conquered my death so that I can have eternal life. By trusting in you as Lord and your resurrection from the dead. Thank you for saving me and giving me a new birth. A spiritual birth so that I am now a child of God. And now will have for my inheritance God’s kingdom. Thank you that now I can say as Thomas said you are my Lord and my God. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Praise God! Welcome to the family of God! By praying with me you have been born again. And you are now on your way to heaven. Begin to study the Bible and believe what is plainly written in it. And come back here often to hear the word of God proclaimed so you can become the mature man or woman of God that He predestinated all men to be. 

See you there or in the air!

This message can also be heard here

The 127 Faith Foundation Has Been Overwhelmed With Request to Accept New Orphans Aging Out of the Child Protective Custody Program, in Our Continued Quest to Take These Children in We Are Asking That You Please Help Us, We Need Your Financial Support. Our Prayer Is That the Good People of This Country Continued Support of the 127 Faith Foundation, Please Help Us So We Can Help the Least Among Us, These Orphans. Thank You for Your Support.
StevieRay Hansen, Founder 127 Faith Foundation



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Edward O'Hara

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