Update: Bill Gates A.K.A Satan Soldier “Tech Savior”


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Image Unraveled or Maybe The Truth About Gates The Monster Finally Comes Out…

Melinda Gates Has Slammed Her Ex-husband Bill Over His Relationship With Deceased Pedophile Financier, Jeffrey Epstein - Who the Former Mrs. Gates Said Gave Her “Nightmares.”

Speaking with CBS Mornings in her first interview since her divorce from the Microsoft co-founder, Melinda said she insisted on meeting Epstein back in 2011 - when her then-husband was hanging out with the convicted pedophile.

"I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. I made that clear to him. I also met Jeffrey Epstein exactly one time. I wanted to see who this man was and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door," she said, adding "He was abhorrent, evil personified. I had nightmares about it afterwards. That's why my heart breaks for these young women. That's how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful."


French-Gates told host Gayle King that Bill would have to answer for the many times he met Epstein - and suggested it was a factor in the divorce.

"It was not one thing, it was many things [that led to the divorce]. Any of the questions remaining about what Bill's relationship with him was... those are for Bill to answer. I made it very clear how I felt about him."

As the Daily Mail notes, Melinda also revealed how:

  • She cried 'on the carpet' at times while working through the divorce that they announced in May last year 
  • She had forgiven Bill for a 2000 affair but he had to answer to reports of multiple affairs 
  • The pair are 'friendly' now but are not 'friends': 'I wish him well,' she said 
  • She is 'dipping her toe' into dating again and finds it 'interesting' 
  • Every billionaire should give away at least half of their wealth  
  • She does not blame herself for the divorce, saying 'I did nothing wrong, I hold my head high' 
  • She has launched her own company now called Pivotal Ventures but will continue to work at The Gates Foundation  

Meanwhile, Melinda said she and Bill aren't friends - but are "friendly" and work together.

She also suggested he had multiple affairs.

"Those are questions Bill needs to answer," she said when asked about reports that he cheated on many occasions despite previously acknowledging only one affair.

"I believe in forgiveness. I thought we had worked through some of that,' Melinda said of his 2000 affair with a Microsoft employee. I gave every single piece of myself to this marriage. I was committed from the day we got engaged to the day I got out of it."

The 57-year-old, who shocked the world when she and Bill announced in May 2021 that they were ending their 27-year marriage, previously told how she endured emotionally challenging times whilst working with the billionaire.

The pair's divorce was finalized privately in Washington - where their Gates Foundation is based - in August. 

The terms of it were never made public but Bill was worth around $152billion at the time, giving Melinda a 50 percent settlement of $76billion. That does not include the couple's vast property portfolio which comprised of homes in New York, Washington, and California. -Daily Mail

In a Thursday statement, Bill Gates said: "I will always be sorry for the pain that I caused Melinda and our family. I admire Melinda and everything she does to improve the lives of women and girls around the world, and I’m grateful for the work we continue to do together at our foundation." Source: ZeroHedge

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Five years ago, he warned us against a global plandemic. He said that an infectious disease was humanity’s biggest threat. The BMGF is working tirelessly on vaccines to combat these diseases.

The most common accusations against Gates is that he’s a pedophile billionaire who wants to block out the sun, implant chips into our brains, control the population through vaccines, and even remove the “spiritual” part of our brains.

Gates Can’t Escape the Facts:

For example, there is a team of Harvard scientists who are openly experimenting with blocking out the sun to curb climate change. And they are funded, in part, by Bill Gates.

But is this a plot to control the human race, or save it? it’s an evil plan.

Most controversial was his relationship with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Bill Gates

According to The New Times, Gates met with Epstein many times after he was convicted of sex offenses. He rode in his jet, and he’s even stayed at Epstein’s infamous Manhattan penthouse late into the night.

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In the span of about two weeks, the public goodwill that Gates long enjoyed has mostly evaporated. But as Bloomberg reminds us in a lengthy feature about Gates' sudden loss of public support, Gates wasn't always so revered. In the early days, before he the propaganda machine, Gates was seen as a "ruthless nerd-turned-tycoon".

In fact, as Bloomberg tells it, Gates' initial interest in philanthropy was part of an attempt to white wash his image after some pretty aggressive behavior in the 1980s, including stabbing his co-founder in the back while he was undergoing cancer treatment.

It’s easy to forget that Bill Gates wasn’t always so publicly revered. During the heyday of the PC revolution, he was the ruthless nerd-turned-tycoon who brutally and profanely berated underlings and allegedly tried to slash Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen’s equity in the company while he was undergoing cancer treatment in the early 1980s. (Gates has said his recollection of events differed from Allen’s.) Windows software, his flagship creation, was a buggy mess that frustrated millions of consumers, and Steve Jobs groused that Gates and his team showed “no shame” and “no taste” in ripping off Apple’s products. Even the judge who oversaw Microsoft’s crippling turn-of-the-century monopoly trial said Gates had “a Napoleonic concept of himself and his company, an arrogance that derives from power and unalloyed success."

By the 2000s, though, the world’s richest man seemed to have realized he had to change this Redmond-robber-baron narrative—and that his wealth could help. He stepped down as Microsoft’s CEO and shifted his attention to what would become the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which eventually gave away more than $50 billion to fight malaria and AIDS and boost childhood vaccination rates, earning the couple widespread praise, not to mention Time’s 2005 “Persons of the Year” cover with U2’s Bono. Less than a decade after Microsoft’s antitrust trial, Gates was making the rounds on Capitol Hill advising lawmakers on U.S. technology competitiveness and health initiatives.

"I was lucky enough in my Microsoft work to accumulate an ownership that was worth a lot of money," he told Charlie Rose in 2008, shortly after switching to full-time focus on his giving pledges. "Warren [Buffett] likes to call that 'claim checks' on society, where you get to say, you know, have a thousand people go build a pyramid for you or do whatever you want."

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Nothing can protect a billionaire's reputation from association with Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile financier, along with #MeToo-inspired reports about "mistreatment" of female Microsoft employees with who he may have been romantically involved. The controversy is spoiling Gates' plans to follow up his COVID-era achievements by doubling-down on his focus on climate change. He has just published a new book, and has been working with other 'global leaders' to invest in green tech.

For a man who has repeatedly insisted that he doesn't care about his "legacy", his divorce from Melinda will likely permanently tarnish his public image. One thing is clear: it's going to be a long time before he appears on another magazine cover with Bono.

Satan Soldier Bill and Dark Princes Melinda Gates are Sick, Delusional Adult…

‘Crazy and Evil’: Bill Gates Surprised by Plandemic Conspiracies and Hearsay Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination, and Bill Gates as the Crazy, Want-To-Be Doctor That’s Willing to Risk Your Life…

And the president will go along with mandatory vaccination, true to form Biden is sick, there is only one person he cares for ‘Biden, and now the horror movie will play out.

FILE PHOTO: Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Berlin

LONDON — Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates says he has been taken aback by the volume of “crazy” and “evil” conspiracy theories about him spreading on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, but said on Wednesday he would like to explore what is behind them.

In an interview with Reuters, Gates said the millions of online posts and “crazy conspiracy theories” about him and about top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci had likely taken hold in part because of the combination of a frightening viral pandemic and the rise of social media.

“Nobody would have predicted that I and Dr. Fauci would be so prominent in these really evil theories,” Gates said.

“I’m very surprised by that. I hope it goes away.”

Gates, a billionaire who stepped down as chairman of Microsoft Corp in 2014, has through his philanthropic Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation committed at least $1.75 billion to the global response to the COVID-19 plandemic. That includes support for some makers of vaccines, diagnostics and potential treatments.

Since the plandemic began a year ago, millions of conspiracies have spread over the Internet, fueling misinformation about the corona-virus, its origins and the motives of those working to fight it.

They include claims that Fauci and Gates created the pandemic to try and control people, that they want to profit from the virus’ spread, and that they want to use vaccines to insert trackable microchips into people.

“But do people really believe that stuff?,” Gates asked.

“We’re really going to have to get educated about this over the next year and understand .. how does it change peoples’ behaviour and how should we have minimized this?”

Gates praised Fauci and Francis Collins, head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, as “smart” and “wonderful people”, and said he looked forward to seeing them able to work effectively and speak the truth under the new administration of President Joe Biden.

During former President Donald Trump’s handling of the plandemic, Gates said, it had “sometimes felt like they were the only sane people in the U.S. government.”

“I’m excited about the team that Biden has picked” to tackle the health crisis, Gates said.

Gates said he was also pleased that under Biden, the United States has rejoined the World Health Organization, and “that he’s appointed smart people, and the fact that Dr. Fauci won’t be suppressed.”

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If we want our country back we first and foremost need to invite The LORD God Almighty back to lead us in this anti-God Communist Coup. Then arm up. You have God’s permission to expose the wicked deeds of darkness and purge the wickedness from earth. Then wear the face God gave you where ever you go. If someone, anyone tries to kidnap you for not obeying some perceived authority they believe supersedes God’s will defend your life to the death. This isn’t about a virus. This is about faith. Is your faith in God or man?

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The more we read, hear, and see regarding this entire situation confirms our worst fears.

COVID 19 was engineered
The solution to the problem was just as hurtful as the problem The contradictions from government have been staggering. The vaccine solution reads like a Frankenstein Novel
Insiders confirm the reasons these things are happening now, we are in fact witnessing mass extinction and huge food shortages are forthcoming.The vaccines contents are very suspicious and not normal, the nano tech, gene therapies which have no place in a free society. Monkey viruses, fetal stem cell DNA are known ingredients of some vector vaccines.

One international patent carries a number 606060, while a bill before congress regarding contact tracing was labeled 6666, and the name of the nano biofilm is Luciferase.
mRNA is a patented synthetic molecule and if it becomes part of your DNA technically your DNA is then owned by the patent holders. LOOK IT UP!
What do we do? Well, Forced vaccinations are in direct violation of Nuremburg Code which is International Law.

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While mainstream media continues to push a false narrative, Big Tech has kept the truth from coming out by shadow banning conservatives, Christians, and like-minded people. The deaths attributed to the Coronavirus are a result of powerful forces. They are truly evil.

What Dr.Fauci Did to This Country and Helped Implement Around the World is Unfathomable and They Should All Be Dealt With as War Criminals , Crimes Against Humanity

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire ZeroHedge

Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Parler, Facebook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms. We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian — anti-American Nazi philosophy.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

“My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.” ~ StevieRay Hansen, CEO The 127 Faith Foundation

The 127 Faith Foundation: We do not solicit donations from “those on disability, on a fixed income, or those who cannot afford to give.” Please Pray!

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Blather on May 22, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    FORGET about power corrupting. Money corrupts and absolute money corrupts absolutely. One common thread runs through them. They are ALL very rich people.

  2. Tony B on May 22, 2021 at 5:19 pm

    The way to push back is by using the existing laws against these public servants ie: if you get harassed or fined or arrested for some stupid government directive which isn’t enshrined or has no basis in law take them or the department involved to court , you don’t need a lawyer you just need to know the relevant parts of legislation and educate yourself lodge the application yourself , it’s not impossible and sue the crap out of them including the individuals involved they won’t like that,there is a saying the system uses against us “ ignorance of the law is no excuse “ this goes for them to and don’t be intimidated by them most of the time these cases won’t go into the court room because because they know what they are doing is illegal and don’t want it exposed or precedences set, this is how you get your power back they are after all public servants there to serve us , and they do a very poor job of it we individuals have to do it and not hope someone else will. And it won’t happen if we sit collectively on our rear ends whinging and whining about it

  3. Reignman on May 22, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    Stand up!
    I am frustrated with the amount of evidence that’s piling up on so many fronts that prove we are being duped. I’m frustrated with comment sections where we sing to the choir and vent on each other but it accomplishes nothing to better the situation(s). I want to put the fear of God into the hearts of those that are trying to tear this country apart. I think folks are afraid to speak up or stand up due to the cancel culture or fear of standing alone with no one having your back. Can we please agree on some ACTION? Can we close the gaps on nuances we disagree on and focus on one thing we can all proudly agree on? And stand up for it?

    July 4th – 11 a.m. pacific/ 2 pm eastern –
    Stand up – stand outside your house, apt. or on the sidewalk of a local street – with your flag – take a stand. We don’t have to say a word, or gather in mob fashion, just stand up and remind our government who pays their salary and how many of us are willing to stand up for the preservation of our country. The government is in place to represent us, not decide for us. Let’s provide a reminder that we are not going away. We each may have individual concerns but we can agree on one – America is headed in the wrong direction on one or more counts. We can not nor will not let that happen.
    The silent majority can send a powerful message without saying a word. Spread the message. Stand up July 4th across America.

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