Watchman Warning Plandemic Working: Known and Suspected Terrorists Enter the U.S. in Unprecedented Numbers, Around 700,000 to Date. You Can Thank Obama, Biden, Google, FakeBook, Twitter and All of Satan Soldiers

HNewsWire: The Biden administration is hellbent on destroying our once-great nation. Nothing they have done is in the best interests of American folks. In reality, they are assaulting our way of life from every available direction. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) claims that the increase in illegal immigration has resulted in more known and suspected terrorists entering the United States than ever before. The Louisiana delegate told NTD, The Epoch Times’ sister publication, that the Biden administration was presenting “absurd” estimates on the real number of known and suspected terrorists entering America’s borders. Higgins, a well-respected police officer, believes the figure is significantly higher, owing in part to the number of “got-aways,” or suspected terrorists who have worked hard to escape being apprehended by authorities at the border. Higgins’ remarks came after Border Patrol officers apprehended 50 persons from the FBI’s……...

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Watchman: The Silencing of the Lambs the United Nations Calls for ‘Global Guidelines’ to Combat ‘Disinformation’ on Social Media

HNewsWire: Last month, over 4,300 individuals attended a meeting hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to demand for worldwide rules for regulating social media platforms. The three-day Internet for Trust Conference attempted to build the regulatory legislation that will serve as the framework for its public draft, which will be presented in September. “The blurring of true and false boundaries, the highly coordinated denial of scientific facts, the amplification of disinformation and conspiracies—these did not emerge from social media. Yet, in the absence of control, they thrive much better than the truth “Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, stated during her introductory statement. She asked governments to work together to ensure that information remains a global common good, noting that “only by fully measuring this technological transformation can we assure it does not sacrifice human rights,……...

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Watchman’s Updated List of New Losers: Chick-fl-A, Disney, Target, Bud Light, Adidas, Starbucks, and the LA Dodgers Puts Itself Out of Business—NEXT?

HNewsWire: Some conservatives have suggested a boycott of Chick-fil-A after the fast-food chain was discovered to have a vice president of “diversity, equity, [and] inclusion,” or DEI. A view of Chick-fil-A on Austell Road as customers pull around for their drive-thru orders on March 18, 2020 in Austell, Georgia. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) In a previously issued Chick-fil-A news release, the company said that Erick McReynolds serves as its vice president of DEI, saying: “Chick-fil-A restaurants have long been recognized as a place where people know they will be treated well. Modeling care for others starts in the restaurant, and we are committed to ensuring mutual respect, understanding, and dignity everywhere we do business.” DEI is a set of principles that large corporations, government agencies, and schools have increasingly incorporated into their work environments, often mandating employees receive……...

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Parasitic Prostitutes, According to the Watchman There Is a Very Real Risk of Collapse in the Western Banking System

Side Bar SRH: Debt deal passes; McCarthy gets help from Dems; did I not tell you McCarthy is the other side, the UNIPARTY, these are crooks Republican Resistance Falters, Again–“To SRH, it doesn’t look like cuts at all. In fact, spending will go up every year under that debt plan,”Parasitic Prostitutes! HNewsWire: Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News There is virtually nobody in either the corporate or alternative media these days who are not warning about the serious problems with U.S. and European banks today. Even if a U.S. debt ceiling agreement is reached this week, it will not save the banking system. I am highlighting two new articles published today that reveal just how dire the current banking crisis is, and what may be lying ahead in the not-too-distant future with a new financial system rolled out……...

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Watchman: Globalists Like Schwab and His Closest Aides Are “Legitimate Military Targets” Because They Have Been Trying to Take Power Illegally Through a Globalist Coup D’Etat

HNewsWire: Putin is right! And Klaus Schwab, The SOB ‘Days Are Numbered’… God’ Is In Control, Take Cover, Mr.Klaus HNewsWire says that Putin is right. And Klaus Schwab is a jerk whose “days are numbered.” God is in charge, so Klaus, hide! Klaus Schwab, who started the World Economic Forum (WEF), is a “globalist terrorist” who is “holding humanity to ransom,” according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who told the elite that their New World Order had failed and that their “days are numbered.” On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi. In his speech, he talked about the tectonic and permanent changes that are happening in the global order. Putin says that globalists like Schwab and his closest advisers are “legitimate military targets” because they…


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Watchman Says the Enemies Are: CNN, FOX, MSLSD,ABC,NBC, CBS. Ever Talking Head of Fox News, and Other Prominent Figures in the Mainstream Corporate Media Are Dangerous

HNewsWire: Watchman,Anderson Cooper, a Proud Sodomite, is the typical elitist propaganda pusher masquerading as a journalist, which is why he had nothing to say when presented with the facts about a long-running CIA program lately. The video clip below contains all of the information you need to know about Cooper and his colleagues in mainstream corporate media. While they may or may not support various politicians, they can always be counted on to serve as “partners” with the administrative state’s unelected powers. So, yeah, Operation Mockingbird exists. It was discovered at hearings given by U.S. Senator Frank Church almost 45 years ago.In 1975, the Church Committee was a United States Senate select committee that investigated abuses by the three-letter agencies, the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS. These agencies, along with many more that did not exist in 1975, have only…


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Watchman: The Vaccine From Hell—Dr. Madej Notes That Moderna’s Vaccine

Includes a Luciferase Enzyme That Not Only Facilitates RNA Reprogramming Of an Antigen but Also Has Bio luminescent Properties (Glows)… That Can Facilitate Confirmation of Your Vaccination by, Let’s Say, Scanning Your Injection Site to “Read the Glowing Enzyme, Kind of Like a Bar-Code,” Explains Dr. Madej. Video explains that whichever COVID19 ‘vaccine’ shot you take, the manufacturers admit it is essentially the same set of basic ingredients ranging from nanoparticles, lipids and the dreaded Luciferase and more. Ingredients you would likely never likely choose to put into your body if you were not being so systematically coerced by governments and the fake media. More at Take the dark-tech of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), its civilian counterpart BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research & Development), the stealth-ness of nanotechnology, the Gates Foundation funded “Quantum Dot Tattoo” aka “mark of the…


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Watchman Says God Is King and There Can Be No Other: Musk Says: No Doubt My Satan Is Behind My Transhumanism Movement. Satan Hates God’s Plan and Will Not “Bring Many Sons to Glory” (Hebrews 2:10). Satan Will Do Everything He Can to Try to Destroy Mankind Before That Happens, and Transhumanism Appears to Be a Way Satan Is Trying to Do That

HNewsWire: Imagine a future when earth’s inhabitants are not humans, but cyborgs—robot like beings with both biological and mechanical components. With exosuits for added strength, cybernetic arms and legs,  surgically-implanted earbuds for advanced hearing, bionic eyes for X-ray and infrared vision, and digitally-enhanced brains, these “super-bots” think and act at lightning speed. Nanobots inside their bodies work continually to maintain and repair organs and tissues. Equally impressive are their “organic parts,” which have been genetically engineered for health. These super beings may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but they are the very real aspiration of influential business leaders, government officials, biotech engineers, scientists and futurists around the world, who are spearheading a philosophical and socio-political movement known as transhumanism. In a nutshell, the transhumanist movement seeks to develop and use technology to radically transform humanity beyond its…


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Watchman: The Figures Have Been Done. COVID-19 Is a Bio-Weapon Designed for the Purpose of Killing

HNewsWire: Here are some poignant words from one who understood the evils of arbitrary rule: “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves in a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.” John Locke, 1632-1704.   Click On  GraniteRidgeSoapworks HNewsWire: Everywhere, evil is attempting to take over. American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly. Most people agree that the only reason they haven’t closed the trap yet is because we still have weapons and the Second Amendment. “The last bastion” is the United…


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RFK Jr. Is Not the Solution, Watchman. There Is No Political Answer to This mRNA Problem, but Because They Lack Discernment, Deceived Christians Believe There Is. Who Use “Hopium” Believe They Will Be Caught up in the Rapture Prior to the Antichrist Appearance. Before Mao Massacred Millions of Them, the Chinese Christians in China Were Given Instruction in the Aforementioned

HNewsWire: Before reading the article that follows and watching the 1:00-minute video of RFK Jr. endorsing vaccines that is embedded in the link, I believed that RFK Jr. would make a better president. He favors vaccination. That’s accurate. Additionally, he wants laws that mandate vaccinations for all Americans. He’s only opposed to the COVID-19 vaccine, making him the ideal “Trojan Horse.” He’ll probably believe the lie that the upcoming “new” vaccine is “safer,” and he’ll push it like Trump did a year ago. Do you know that a new vaccine is on the way? I overheard Trump claiming that the upcoming “new” COVID vaccine is safer than the current one a year ago. This “new” vaccine, in my opinion, will be required. People will be advised to take it because it is safer, or else “No vaccine. No food.” (The…


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