Covid-19 To Be Renamed The “Covid-19 Scandal.” All Those Responsible Should Be


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Prosecuted for Civil Damages Due to Their Manipulation of Data and Falsified Test Results…

Anyone participating in forced COVID vaccinations, either through supplying the injections or actually doing the injections, you are hereby put on notice…that you are participating in homicide and mass murder, and justice will catch up to you at some point.

Totalitarians and con-artists who hyped and exploited the coronavirus panic to steal freedom and destroy livelihoods are in the crosshairs, facing the wrath of a team of high-profile international lawyers and doctors determined to seek justice. According to the attorneys involved, the coming tsunami of legal action against the COVID-19 tyrants within and outside government represents the biggest set of tort lawsuits in human history.

Beware of fraudsters taking advantage of pandemic | EAP

The scientists and medical experts in the coalition contend that governments’ response to the “pandemic” was beyond unjustified. Whether justice can be secured in courts across the United States and even in other nations, though, remains to be seen.

The effort to use the judicial system against the weaponization of the pandemic features a growing global coalition of doctors and scientists, all of whom are speaking out against what they view as a dangerous disinformation campaign to justify tyranny. The alliance, known as the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee” (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss, or ACU, in German), was formally created by four attorneys on July 10.

It now includes well over 500 doctors and experts in multiple disciplines. They concluded that the draconian government measures against freedom are all out of proportion to the dangers posed by the Communist Chinese virus.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, one of the founders of the ACU, has been practicing law as a consumer-protection trial lawyer in both Germany and California for over a quarter of a century. In an hour-long video announcement, Fuellmich promised that an international class-action lawsuit was being prepared, specifically targeting those responsible for imposing the deadly “lock-down” policies on much of humanity.

Just a handful of jurisdictions in the Western world, including Sweden and a number of American states such as South Dakota, refused to go along with the policies — and they are all doing just fine, and in some cases significantly better than jurisdictions that enforced brutal and economically cataclysmic lock-down policies.

Fuellmich also argued that fraudulent testing was being used to create a panic aimed at justifying the tyranny. Indeed, COVID has “not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world,” he said, noting that studies on the issue showed the mortality rate of the virus to be similar to that of the seasonal flu. Most of the deaths that were attributed to corona-virus in places such as Italy and New York were actually the result of deliberate government decisions to place sick patients with flu, colds, and COVID into nursing homes, he said.

The overwhelming majority of the victims were already well over average life expectancy, he added.

By contrast, the government-ordered lock-downs have “caused the loss of innumerable human lives, and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide.” From surging suicide and drug-abuse levels to an unprecedented mental-health crisis, the concrete effects of the lockdown are becoming more and more apparent. Meanwhile, the only way COVID-19 could be classified as a “pandemic” was by having the UN World Health Organization change the definition 12 years ago to exclude the requirement for “widespread” death.

The Scamdemic: How Fraudsters Are Leveraging Fear In A ...

Among his most serious concerns is that because of the “deliberate panic-mongering” by the COVID hysteria peddlers, self-government and democratic rule “is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models.” On top of that, children around the world have been “traumatized en masse, with the worst psychological consequences yet to be expected in the medium and long term.

COVID-19 Bio-weapon + Covid Vaccines + 5G Frequencies = Extinction Level Event

Alas, we state the obvious: the Covid ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines at all; they were never meant to be.

Each of the Big Pharma injections was formulated as a highly sophisticated bioweapon designed to kill, debilitate, sicken, incapacitate and/or injure the unfortunate victims.

To date, all of the scientific, anecdotal and circumstantial evidence clearly points to painstakingly bioengineered “Covid vaccine’ that was foisted on humanity in order to depopulate the planet.

These extremely risky experimental ‘vaccines’ have been administered without regard for the individual’s age, health status, allergic response(s) or capacity to properly detoxify the extremely harmful ingredients. See: Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Contains 99% Graphene Oxide After Electron Microscope Analysis

Graphene Oxide & 5G

It’s of paramount importance to understand why such a large volume of a known toxin such as graphene oxide has been put into these ‘vaccines’.

From the very beginning it was correctly observed that there was a direct correlation between COVID-19 outbreaks and 5G roll-outs around the world.

In fact, all the first major SARS-CoV-2 clusters mushroomed in major metro areas that had just undergone the military deployment of 5G in 2019.

Therefore, the established connection between those coronavirus epidemic explosions and flipping the switch on the 5G power grids is now undeniable.

This critical data point informs an emerging scientific narrative that’s now being explored by an experienced and qualified team of Spanish researchers.

La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, has discovered that
vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an absorption band for 5G frequencies
and it may also be the reason behind the magnetic phenomenon.

Bioterrorism Conspiracy to Commit Global Genocide

Where it concerns this complex criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder, there simply is no defense for any of the malevolent co-conspirators—Big Pharma, the American Healthcare System, the Public Health Agencies of the US Government, WHO, B&MGF, etc.  Each of these institutions was well aware that vaccines don’t work and have never worked as follows:

VACCINE FRAUD CONTINUES! During the smallpox epidemic of 1871, 90% of the smallpox cases had already been vaccinated!

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Not only do vaccines not work as alleged by the Big Pharma-Medical-Government Complex, they’re actually manufactured as weapons of mass death and disease.

With the roll-out of every COVID-19 vaccine program around the world, it’s now clear that the explicit purpose of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda was to conduct a slow-motion extermination of the human race.  Of course, many of those who do not die from the different Covid jabs will inevitably suffer a fate much worse than death.

Anyone who does not believe this ought to listen to this former Big Pharma executive who has literally put his life on the line to get the shocking truth out about this rapidly unfolding Extinction Level Event.

ou Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

StevieRay Hansen

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid




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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. ragman57 on September 27, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    The federal health bureaucracy is encouraging businesses and local governments to mandate vaccines, despite the growing list of adverse effects, their modest effectiveness against the predominant Delta variant, and the imminent need for booster shots. According to data gathered from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, as of August 23, 2021, there have been 13,068 deaths, 154,142 hospitalizations, 5,617 cases of anaphylaxis, 4,681 cases of Bell’s Palsy, 1,607 miscarriages, 4,861 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, 13,812 life-threatening reactions, and 17,228 permanently disabled, among other issues. On one hand, it is arguable that this is a pittance given that 360,634,287 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson/Janssen (J&J) vaccines have been given. On the other hand, a 2011 Harvard study concluded that only 1 per cent of adverse events are reported to the government system.

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