Satan Soldiers: Crazy Speeches in Black Lives Matter Plaza in DC, With One


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverted mouth, I hate.

 America Is Approaching a National Nightmare in 2020….. With loud chatter of Civil War in the air as the Democratic party and the treasonous bureaucracy they created within our intelligence agencies continue their very real  coup attempt against President Donald Trump while attempting to completely negate the vote of the American people, which would fully transform America into a banana republic, we probably shouldn’t be the least bit surprised that the US Marines have just put out MARADMINS Number 550/19 titled “MANPOWER GUIDANCE FOR ACTIVATION AND DEACTIVATION OF RESERVE COMPONENT MARINES ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY ISO DEFENSE SUPPORT OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES” signed October 3rd.

John saw a representation of Lucifer and his demons in the same way that he saw the seven-headed beast in Revelation 13:1. If you remember, the seven-headed beast looked like a leopard, but it had feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion. These features are representations that describe Babylon’s powers. Lucifer and his demons will not physically look like locusts having scorpion tails. Instead, the devil and his angels will be brilliant, glorious beings with a human-like appearance, because, like mankind, they were made in God’s image. (Genesis 1:26Job 38:7) The demons from the Abyss will be much larger and more powerful than humans. People will not be able to control, stop, or kill them. God will release them from the Abyss and give them the power to rule over the whole world for about fourteen months.
God only releases the devil and his angels from the spirit realm (the Abyss), after the world has rejected the clearest evidence of His will and higher authority. When the fifth trumpet occurs, Lucifer will confront each wicked person with the clearest evidence of his will and authority. Standing about fifteen feet tall and deceptively cloaked in brilliant light and charming benevolence, the devil will tell the wicked that he is “Almighty God.” I believe that Lucifer is physical “15 feet tall” using the following texts. Psalm 8:3-5 reveals that Jesus created man “smaller” or “shorter” than the angels and 1 Kings 6:23-26 documents that Solomon constructed a life-sized likeness of the two angels for the Most Holy Place.
To prove the lie that he is “Almighty God,” the devil will call fire down from the sky on command. (Revelation 13:13) The devil will declare he has come to establish God’s kingdom on Earth and he invites everyone to join him for 1,000 years of peace and prosperity. The devil is called “the false prophet” for this reason. Behind the scenes, demons will arrest and torture everyone caught refusing to worship the devil for blasphemy and insubordination.

There Is Going To Be WAR, Crowds Are Getting Bigger and Bigger – Tensions Escalating – People Calling Cops Racist Etc.

During his first live interview since being confronted and assaulted outside the White House last night, Rand Paul, the senator who back in June introduced a bill that would end the kind of “no-knock” warrants that contributed to the murder of Breonna Taylor, described the “horrific” experience of being attacked alongside his wife.

Paul is no stranger to confrontation (remember the incident with his neighbor?) but he said he regretted his decision to try to walk back to his hotel. As Paul and his wife and friends walked, the crowd around them started getting bigger and bigger. They were shouting threats, but they were also shouting “say her name” in reference to Breonna Taylor.

“You couldn’t reason with this mob, but I’m actually the author of a law to try and get rid of no knock raids. These people were unhinged. I’m not sure we would have made it.”

At one point, the mob knocked down one of the officers guarding Paul and his wife. Asked about the types of threats, Paul said he heard members of the crowd bray about trying to kill him and his wife. If the police hadn’t been there “we would not be here today, or we would be in a hospital today.”

“I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, had they gotten at us they would have gotten us to the ground, we might not have been killed, might just have been injured by being kicked in the head, or kicked in the stomach until we were senseless,” he explained.

Later in the interview, he said he feared the mob would have “killed us” if the police hadn’t been there to stop them.

“They were inciting a riot and they would have killed us had the police not been there,” he said, before profusely thanking the police who stepped up to protect him.

Toward the end of the interview, Paul said he believes the mob that attacked him was partly comprised of paid protesters who arrived in Washington DC from out of state, and were given money for their accommodations so they could come and protest.

“I believe there are going to be people who are involved with the attack on us that actually were paid to come here, are not from Washington, DC, and are sort of paid to be anarchists.”

While Americans have a right to peaceably assemble, inciting a riot is a crime, and paid agitators deserve to be arrested, along with whoever is financing them.

“This is disturbing because really, if you’re inciting a riot that’s a crime, but if you’re paying someone to incite a riot that person needs to go to jail as well.”

“If you’re paying someone to incite a riot, that person needs to go to jail as well. I like being free to be able to take a walk in the park…I don’t hear Joe Biden saying anything about it…these are their voters.”

Mobs like this are why politicians who are playing footsie with the crypto-communists calling for “de-funding” the police shouldn’t be given the opportunity to lead.

“It’s become so dangerous for us and I don’t hear Joe Biden or Kamala Harris saying one thing about the violence. This mob is their voters. This is the new Democrat party, and if we don’t resist this, the United States is going to become Portland. We’re going to become Chicago. All of these failed cities Democrats have run, the president said in his speech,” he said. “If we allow them to take over the White House, we are going to become Portland, the country will be on fire, we have to have law and order and we have to support the police. I can’t say that strong enough.”

While Paul acknowledged that he and his wife got out unscathed, he noted that the mob was still out on the street on Friday morning.

“We can’t live this way. It’s getting worse and worse.”

As time goes on there will be a lot of politicians, police officers, judges that will take cover, in other words they are going to remain neutral out for fear for their lives. You are on your own people, prepare to the worst, pray for the best, Tribulations will be very ugly. StevieRay Hansen

Update: 12/6/2020 Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything else has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist, the power structure that is hell-bent on bringing the New World Order into the reality of the sleeping masses, get woke or get yoked, the choice still lives in the people’s hands. Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of mankind, We are in the Great Tribulations…