Death Angel In Charge: Vermont, the State With the Highest Vaccination Rate in the


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United States, is Experiencing a CCP Virus Surge at Levels Not Seen Since the Pandemic’s Peak Last Winter…

Death Angel a.k.a Corona-virus Mutating Into Something Far More Deadlier, Pestilence Will Not Go Away No God No Cure, and Vaccine Completely Useless (Joe Biden, WHO, CDC, Bill Gates and Co)… The Fifth Wave Is Coming, Really– Get Ready For Global Lock-down, the Elitist Need to Think About What They Have Done and Take Cover, AntiChrist Makes His Appearance Soon…

As predicted in revelations, a collapse in the food supply will result in the immediate “famine” that are directly cited in the passage, followed by “pestilence” or disease. Indeed, if the Green New Deal now being pushed by elected officials were to become a reality, it would result in mass death, starvation, pestilence, and even economic destruction. It’s interesting when you connect the dots, the masses are opposed to God’s blueprint and therefore will bring destruction upon the earth intentionally. Me, I, mine, narcissists generation will bring total destruction upon God’s people, only the chosen will survive, we live in evil times, dress appropriately, put on the full armor of God!….

The number of cases in Vermont is at a record level, hospitalizations are close to the records notched last winter, and the state recorded the deadliest day and the second deadliest month of the pandemic in September.

“I think it’s clearly frustrating for all of us,” Michael Pieciak, the commissioner of the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation who monitors CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus statistics for the state.

Cases in Vermont, already at record levels for the state, just keep on rising, even with the highest vaccination rate in the country — 89% of the 18+ population is at least partially vaccinated, 88% of 12+ & ~100% of seniors

Anyone asked Fauci why he was so wrong about 50%?— IM (@ianmSC) September 29, 2021

More than 69 percent of Vermont’s population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of Sept. 24, according to the CDC, far above the national rate of 56 percent.

The state recorded the highest rate of hospitalizations per 100,000 residents on Sept. 30, breaching a record set on Jan. 31 last year. Eight people died of the CCP virus in Vermont on Sept. 13, the highest grim total recorded since the outbreak of the virus.

In late August, four of ten cases of COVID-19 in Vermont were among vaccinated people, according to a letter signed by 90 employees of the Vermont Health Department, including state Epidemiologist Patsy Kelso.

Gov. Phil Scott (R) lifted the state of emergency in Vermont in June when 80 percent of the population had received at least one shot of the vaccine. He has since indicated he is wary of reimposing the state of emergency.

“We can’t be in a perpetual state of emergency,” Scott said this week.

The four states which follow Vermont in terms of the highest vaccination rates in the nation are also experiencing alarming signs.

The head of UMass Memorial Health, the largest health system in central Massachusetts, said recently that regional hospitals were seeing nearly 20 times more COVID-19 patients than in June and there isn’t an ICU bed to spare. Massachusetts has the fifth-highest vaccination rate in the nation.

In Connecticut, the second most vaccinated state in the U.S., the legislature recently extended the governor’s emergency powers to make it easier to cope with the latest wave of the pandemic.

On Sept. 22, Maine, the third most-vaccinated U.S. state, had nearly 90 people in intensive care units, a pandemic peak for the state.

Maine is about to set a new high in cases, with 86% of everyone over 18 at least partially vaccinated, 84% 12+ & 99% of 65+

Their daily average is now well above the national average & currently 69% higher than Florida

Good thing we’re mandating vaccines to “stop transmission!”— IM (@ianmSC) October 1, 2021

Dear Dr.Kill Shot Fauci, please explain… Stop Prevaricate” which of course is a politically correct synonym for “lie”

Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire

You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

How Long Before USA Says: We Will Not Comply?

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid




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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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