Drag Queen Story Hour ‘Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised,’ Counselor Says


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Denying the existence of Satan and the demonic is foolish, Drag Queen Grooming Programs, they are designed to inflict your children with the sin virus, and It leaves you ill-prepared for the reality of spiritual warfare. How can victory over an enemy be achieved if you deny the enemy exists? (Drag Satan Queen). Denying the existence of Satan leaves you blind to his schemes and naked to his attacks upon your Children…

“Miss Kitty Litter” reading to children at a “Drag Queen Story Hour” in the Austin Public Library in Austin, Texas. | Courtesy of Mass Resistance

A clinical counselor who has worked with over 4,000 serial predators is urging parents to be vigilant after a Texas library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids featuring a reader who has a criminal record. 

Parents in Texas discovered that David Lee Richardson, who goes by the drag name “Miss Kitty Litter” and has been participating in Drag Queen Story Hour events for the Austin Public Library System over the past year, has a criminal record for prostitution. 

This is not the first case of a library inviting Drag Queen Story Hour readers with a criminal history to read to and interact with young children. Two men charged with sexually assaulting a child were allowed to read to children at a library in Houston last year.  

The group Mass Resistance, which has been at the forefront of exposing other sex offenders hiding behind drag names elsewhere in the state, posted evidence of Richardson’s history from the Texas Department of Public Safety on its website Tuesday. A criminal history search document shows that in 1996, Richardson was arrested and convicted of offering sex for money, which is prohibited in the state penal code.

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Activists also highlighted Richardson’s social media postings from earlier this year, which included extremely lewd messages and photos that included swear words, references to prostitution, and celebrations of sexual violence like sado-masochism.

Jon Uhler, clinical counselor. | Courtesy of Jon Uhler

Jon Uhler, a licensed professional counselor who has worked clinically with approximately 4,000 serial predators for over 11 years, said in an interview with The Christian Post on Wednesday that he believes Drag Queen Story Hour events constitute “the greatest grooming program ever devised” and predators “are laughing all the way to the bank.”

While drag queens reading stories to children at public libraries has been billed as an innocuous activity, community groups and mothers who resist are right to oppose it, he adds, because sexual predators and offenders prioritize convincing people to doubt their instincts and think that their “red flags” are nonsense.

“The question is: Why are these men dressed in women’s underwear and drag wanting greater access to children?” Uhler asked.

He noted that because predators can calculate that the public senses something off-putting about them, they manipulate perceptions about what they are really doing. Such has been the case with the public relations efforts surrounding the Drag Queen Story Hour.

“Their favorite phrase is: ‘Well, I know what it looks like but it’s really not that,'” he said.

“So now they’ve spun it. And what we’re hearing from these guys is 100 percent a lie.”

Uhler calls the push to foment confusion in the minds of children and break down their boundaries with gender-bending messages — with Drag Queen Story Hour at libraries and gender fluidity lessons at schools — a “moral e-bola virus” that is spreading rapidly through society.

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“We cannot afford to do nothing because we have very darkened and deviant individuals that are predators [going] after our kids and they are expanding. To not do anything is to hand our kids over [to them],” he said.

But Uhler does not believe marching and picketing Drag Queen Story Hour events is effective because by the time they are scheduled it’s almost always too late. Instead, parents should go to the events and tape what goes on with their phones or hidden cameras and then expose them.

“The only way this is going to be stopped is if the public sees that every single time, at every single one of these, really perverse things are going on. So you let their own actions speak for themselves,” Uhler said.

“But then at the same time, you go to the decision-makers, usually the county commissioners or supervisors, and follow the money. Whoever has the checkbook for the library, that’s who you talk to,” he added, noting that he has never met a public official who has a clinical background in working forensically with sex offenders.

Because of their lack of expertise, these people in the office have no meaningful way of assessing risk and determining who is and is not a predator.

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“Predators are using this [Drag Queen Story Hour] as a test to find out the degree of resolve of that community,” he continued. “And if it’s easy pickings, trust me, predators are going to begin to flock to that community.”

While he could not comment definitively on the specifics of the funding streams behind the Drag Queen Story Hour, a nonprofit organization that began in San Francisco in 2015, he does not consider these events as something many communities would ordinarily have.

“You just don’t have this degree of coordination,” he said. “If you look at how many libraries around the country now are hosting these, that takes time, effort, energy, money, and coordination. You cannot tell me that this is just some spontaneous thing in local communities that just happen to be all happening at the same time, that this is an organic movement.”

Uhler created the nation’s first intensive treatment program within solitary confinement and headed up one of Pennsylvania’s high-intensity sex offender programs for predators and has written hundreds of paroled sex offender psychological evaluations.

Asked to respond to how men become deviants, he replied that it is “100 percent” fueled by pornography. Source

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Yet another lurid “drag queen” who is reading to children in a public library setting has been exposed as a sex criminal, in this case, a male prostitute.  

After exposing two convicted sex offenders earlier this year, grassroots group Texas MassResistance went to war with city leaders in liberal-run Austin after city leaders shrugged off the disturbing criminal history and faulted the conservative activists for politicizing the pro-LGBT story hours.

At a testy August 8 city council meeting in Austin, Councilman Jimmy Flannigan denounced public speakers protesting the story hours. He accused them of lying and spreading “misinformation about my community,” TV news station KXAN reported. Why is ‘drag queen story hour’ being defended even after convicted sex offenders participated? (Choose up to two) (Poll Closed)Kids are pawns in LGBT agenda 39.06%  (1,580 votes)  Only ‘evil’ to Left is ‘intolerant’ Right 21.29%  (861 votes)  People are sick – it’s that simple 15.9%  (643 votes)  Would like to hear parents answer that question 13.72%  (555 votes)  Pedophiles just another victim to Left 5.98%  (242 votes)  Childhood innocence a foreign concept 4.05%  (164 votes)   Total Votes: 4,045

Citing the concerns raised at the city council meeting, KXAN erroneously reported that one drag queen reader “may have had a criminal history,” even though MassResistance had uncovered and publicized the public records of two convicted sex offenders at the meeting. 

Determined to keep fighting after the August 8 face-off, MassResistance keeps digging and soon found the criminal history of David Lee Richardson (pictured above). He is an Austin-based drag queen known as “Miss Kitty Litter,” who has also participated in the “Drag Storytime for Children” at Austin’s public library.

Richardson was arrested and convicted of offering sex for money in 1996, MassResistance learned.

OneNewsNow incidentally included Richardson in an August 21 story about the “story hour” in another Texas city, Leander, an Austin suburb.

Richardson referred to as “Miss Kitty Litter” in the story, told a TV news station that the story hours promote “diversity, inclusiveness, and kindness.”

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Tracy Shannon, who heads Texas Mass Resistance, tells OneNewsNow the Houston chapter discovered in March that not one but two story-hour participants at the Houston Public Library are convicted, child molesters.

OneNewsNow reported in a March 31 story that “Tatiana Mala-Nina,” Albert Garza, was convicted of aggravated sexual assault on an 8-year-old in 2009.  

Garza (pictured below) is a registered sex offender who was allowed to read to children at Freed-Montrose Library.

Weeks later, MassResistance uncovered the criminal history of a second drag queen: William Travis Dees was convicted of sex crimes against children ages 4,5,6, and 8.

Convicted drag queen

Dees was allowed to greet Houston’s children as they entered the public library for “story hour.”

The Houston Chronicle newspaper reported at the time that Shannon and MassResistance filed public record requests about background information about the book-reading drag queens but the city denied the requests.

Shannon told the newspaper Garza’s past was uncovered via social media.

After confronting Houston leaders, MassResistance confronted city leaders including Flannigan, who is openly homosexual, two weeks ago and shared the sickening criminal history of Garza and Dees. 

“They were not interested in that information,” Shannon says of Austin’s city council members. “And I guess about a week after that, somebody from Austin discovered the criminal report for this drag queen — that he’d had an actual criminal record in the past.” Source

Adults should never use children to justify or normalize their behaviors. Drag queen displays in libraries may be great fun with all things sparkly and fancy, but when my kids were small and they enjoyed something, they wanted to learn more about it,” another mom from nearby Tacoma told CP Friday.

“The world of drag is filled with porn, sex, drugs, and alcohol. That’s what kids will find when they Google their favorite drag queen. The Instagram accounts of these performers are not family-friendly.

The people spreading concrete information on the dangers of globalism are accomplishing far more than those sitting around buying bitcoin or passing around Q-cult nonsense.

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StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

Let Me Make This Abundantly Clear. (I Am Apolitical) While I Have a General Distaste for Politicians No Matter the Party They Belong To, I Am Unashamedly Politically a Bible Believing Conservative Christian. I Have a Severe Distrust of Government. I Believe It Is the Most Inefficient and Ineffective Way to Accomplish Most Things. While I Strongly Disagree with Liberals/Progressives and Conservative on Most Political Issues, and While I Believe Liberals/Progressives and Most Politicians Are Terribly Misguided and Naive About What Big Government Will Eventually Result In, I Strive to Not Question Their Motives. at the Same Time, While I Find Myself in Agreement with Conservative Politicians on Some Issues, I Do Not Believe Electing Republicans Is the Answer to Everything. for Me, Very Sadly, the Main Difference Between Republicans and Democrats Is How Quickly They Want to Drive the Car Towards the Cliff. Simply put, I do not believe the government is the solution to everything. I do not place any faith, trust, or hope in any politicians to fix what is wrong with the world. “Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20)

Education is useless without the bible (Daniel Webster)

Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes.

John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!

  1. Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
  2. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9. persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10. always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
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People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the doorstep Tribulation.

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….


“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.”


My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

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Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The silencing of the American people before 2020?

“The human heart is an idol factory.”

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.


The prophet does not confuse truth with consensus. The prophet does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public .

Everything done in dark will be brought to light, being biblically bankrupt will not exclude the elitist.

Let Me Make This Abundantly Clear. (I Am Apolitical) While I Have a General Distaste for Politicians No Matter the Party They Belong To, I Am Unashamedly Politically a Bible Believing Conservative Christian. I Have a Severe Distrust of Government. I Believe It Is the Most Inefficient and Ineffective Way to Accomplish Most Things. While I Strongly Disagree with Liberals/Progressives and Conservative on Most Political Issues, and While I Believe Liberals/Progressives and Most Politicians Are Terribly Misguided and Naive About What Big Government Will Eventually Result In, I Strive to Not Question Their Motives. at the Same Time, While I Find Myself in Agreement with Conservative Politicians on Some Issues, I Do Not Believe Electing Republicans Is the Answer to Everything. for Me, Very Sadly, the Main Difference Between Republicans and Democrats Is How Quickly They Want to Drive the Car Towards the Cliff. Simply Put, I Do Not Believe the Government Is the Solution for Everything. I Do Not Place Any Faith, Trust, or Hope in Any Politicians to Fix What Is Wrong with the World. “Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20) The prophet does not confuse truth with consensus. The prophet does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public. StevieRay Hansen

Read More Censored News

Thanks to people like Pastor Steven Anderson and the choir of preachers he has assembled within the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement there has been a resurgence in what is called the Reprobate Doctrine. A Biblical doctrine that demonstrates in scripture, that God will turn people over to their vile lifestyles as a curse, blinding them to salvation in Jesus, giving them over to a devil’s hell for eternity. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language.

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Tagged Under: Banks, tribulation, hnewswire StevieRay Hansen, HNewsWire, antichrist,digital gulag, antichrists, Apple, Bible, Big Tech, bigotry, Christian baker, Christianity, Christians, Colorado, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, conservatives, deep state, demonic assault, end of days, end times, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, hate groups, Hate speech,Electronic Prison, Birth Pains, banned, bias, Big Tech, Censorship, Collapse, content publishers, digital tyranny, Donald Trump, election fraud, evil, freedom of speech, Google, impotence, meddling, oppressed, President Trump, speech police, tech giants, technocrats, thought control, Trump, Tyranny



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

2 thoughts on “Drag Queen Story Hour ‘Greatest Grooming Program Ever Devised,’ Counselor Says

  1. Jon Uhler has not “worked with 4000 incarcerated predators”. He was part of a unit in the prison that kept mentally-ill prisoners in solitary confinement (illegally), subjected them to abuse, and then of course they never got any better. In 2016 he was charged with forging signatures on prisoner/patient documents and sacked. He never worked in a sex offender unit and has no training in sex offenders apart from a seminar he once attended.

    I understand you dislike drag queens. So do I. But Uhler is not a credible source.

    1. Why are these men dressed in women’s underwear and drag wanting greater access to children?

      “The world of drag is filled with porn, sex, drugs, and alcohol. That’s what kids will find when they Google their favorite drag queen. The Instagram accounts of these performers are not family-friendly.

      John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.

      Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!

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