EU’s Novavax Is Experiencing An Unwelcoming Rollout Amid “Vaccine” Hesitancy.


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Novavax: COVID vaccine is more than 89% effective

In the early stages of its deployment, demand for the COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the American biotech firm Novavax, has been unimpressive in the European Union’s main countries, undermining hopes that it will persuade vaccine skeptics to receive a shot.

Over 85% of adults in the EU’s 27 member states have gotten at least one dose, with nearly two-thirds receiving a booster, while tens of millions remain unvaccinated.

The Novavax vaccine, which was approved by EU regulators under the trade name Nuvaxovid, was expected to persuade some skeptics because it uses a more traditional technology than the other four vaccines approved in the EU so far.

However, preliminary data on Nuvaxovid’s use shows that it has had just a minor influence on vaccination programs.

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, just over 38,000 Novavax doses have been provided in Germany, the EU’s most populated country with more than 10 million unvaccinated adults since the rollout began on Feb. 24.

In Germany, approximately 90,000 COVID vaccines have been provided daily on average so far in March, largely boosters. Despite the fact that over 2 million doses were dispersed across the country, just 3% of them were Novavax’s.

A similar issue is developing in Italy, where fewer than 16,000 Nuvaxovid doses have been administered since the rollout began on February 28 after one million shots were delivered to vaccination centers. According to government data, the country injected about 70,000 COVID-19 vaccines every day, mostly boosters, during the same time period.

Novavax claims that their protein-based vaccine will help drive vaccination among those who have been unwilling to get immunised, and that it has begun an educational campaign on vaccine options.

The vaccine’s introduction so late in the region’s campaign, which began in late 2020, and amid the loosening of restrictive measures were among the reasons for the “disappointing results,” according to Guido Rasi, former head of the EU’s pharmaceuticals agency.

Booster vaccinations account for around two-thirds of all vaccinations in recent weeks, according to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), with the (messenger) mRNA vaccine created by Pfizer and BioNTech remains the most popular.

Nuvaxovid is almost solely used as a first dose for people who have never been vaccinated.

“The anticipation that the (Novavax) vaccination would persuade the skeptics was dashed. “Unfortunately, there has been no increase in the number of newly vaccinated persons,” said Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, a research organization.

Only roughly 1,300 people in France received the Novavax vaccination in the first ten days of its distribution.

Data from the French health agency showed that demand for boosters was much higher, with nearly 12,000 of Pfizer’s third doses administered on March 10 alone, the latest day for which data is available.

The Government is lifting restrictions without a plan to protect immunocompromised people, for whom the vaccines are proving less effective. The prime minister may want the country to get its confidence back, but this will cause huge anxiety among immunocompromised people and leave many of them feeling abandoned. This will lead to people finding it more difficult to live their daily lives and, sadly, some people dying from Covid.

Helen Rowntree, director of research, services and engagement for Blood Cancer UK

Throughout the pandemic, universal free testing has been a crucial tool, helping many vulnerable people to continue living normal lives by providing reassurance that those they are meeting do not have Covid. Taking this away is not only reckless but dangerous, and instead of ‘restoring freedom’ may force vulnerable people back into isolation, with no support from the government whatsoever. If we are to truly move forward and live with Covid, the government must ensure that friends and family of vulnerable people can get free tests, and they must improve access to antiviral treatments for those at risk.

Phillip Anderson, head of policy at the MS Society

Clearly there is a middle ground to be taken here; But that wouldn’t incite enough chaos into society for these globalists to be satisfied. How else could a new world order be ushered in when we’ve already solved the most pressing issues of our time? The truth is, we’ll likely never see peace until these tyrants get what they want from society; And what they want is more power. The COVID-19 plandemic already gave them a taste of tyranny, and they’re going to stop at nothing to attain it again.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Yeung, a Hong Kong resident, waited for 13 hours in the cold, wet weather outside a hospital in the city’s eastern district with his 3-year-old daughter, who had a high fever, before being admitted for COVID-19 therapy.

Her fever had subsided by the time they were able to enter, and she didn’t require medical assistance.

Despite this, the 42-year-old utility worker was forced to spend four nights at the hospital without a bed since he and his daughter were not allowed to leave. They were subsequently detained for another nine days at a federal detention center.

Not becoming sick caused him the most anxiety, but leaving his wife and 22-month-old son at home alone with COVID-19 was worse.

“My wife went through a lot. Because of the difficulty of caring for the infant and the lack of time to rest, her symptoms worsened,” said Yeung, who declined to offer his full name due to the sensitivity of the situation.

“She stated that if no one came back to help her, she would leap down the building.”

Yeung’s story is one of many in the global financial center, which, more than two years after the pandemic began, has some of the strictest coronavirus rules in the world.

Infections have reached new highs, with over 500,000 infections and over 2,500 deaths–the majority of which have occurred in the last two weeks.

Many of the city’s 7.4 million citizens are suffering from mental exhaustion as a result of government policies and messaging, which has caused worry and anxiety, according to health specialists.

For example, for a time, the Hong Kong government ordered that infected children, no matter how young, be kept in isolation.

“At the cost of our bodily safety… It appears that they have lost sight of its humanity. “There is an underlying anxiety in all of these measures,” said Dr Judy Blaine, a health specialist at Hong Kong consultancy Odyssey.

Domestic helpers, migrant workers, and low-income people, many of whom live in tiny partitioned flats with elderly parents and their children, bear a disproportionate share of the load.

According to a poll conducted by the People Service Centre, four out of five low-income families stated they had experienced significant COVID-related stress in the previous month.

Over 900,000 pupils have returned home from school. Playgrounds and most other venues are closed, parents are attempting to work from home, and teachers are warning parents about the long-term consequences of keeping children out of school.

Following vegetable shortages in February, food prices have risen sharply, and supermarkets have been nearly empty for more than ten days as residents stock up amid fears of a citywide lockdown.

After contracting COVID-19, some domestic assistants have been ejected from their employers’ homes, while some inhabitants have taken to sleeping on rooftops and in stairwells to avoid infecting their families, according to local NGOs.

“The pandemic has lasted two years, and the shortage of supplies and government support has caused everyone to fear,” said Sze Lai Shan, who works for the Society for Community Organization, which helps low-income families.

“Feelings of powerlessness breed panic,” she noted, noting that many individuals are enduring financial hardship as a result of their inability to work.

COVID-19 infections have caused a spike in calls to Red Cross support hotlines in the last two weeks, according to Dr Eliza Cheung, one of the organization’s clinical psychologists.

The majority are senior inhabitants from low-income families and homes who were already vulnerable prior to the outbreak. Many people are concerned that they may run out of food and other needs, and they feel helpless.

“By the time they get to us, the mood is very dire.” They have already attempted a variety of methods to locate various types of materials. They’ve reached the point where the family barely has two days’ worth of food and are unsure what to do,” Cheung added.

The CCP’s bellicose behavior is at an all time high trending upward, and most people are completely unaware of their crimes against humanity all together. They’re too busy distracting themselves from the despotic globalist elite manufactured society around them. Who knows, perhaps in the coming months Fauci and his constituents will be brought to justice and the truth will prevail. I’d only say that now because the omicron variant being less virulent and more transmissible inevitably means COVID is endemic in the eyes of the government. This still gives politicians and the CDC the ability to wiggle into our lives for the coming years.

One thing is for certain, and it’s that Xi will not stop his human rights violations without direct confrontation. Whoever conducts business with China are either inexcusably misinformed, or are actively showing support for the Chinese regimes crimes against humanity. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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