First Coronavirus Case Reported In New York
23 mins read

First Coronavirus Case Reported In New York

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3rd case of coronavirus confirmed in Ontario, Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements are here…

CDC Quarantines 195 Americans Evacuated From Wuhan


  • New York Post reports the first Coronavirus case in Queen, but NYC health spokesman denies it.
  • Confirmed cases worldwide rise to 9,928 from 7,700 a day earlier, with 213 fatalities.
  • UK Researchers suggests 75,800 infected in Wuhan
  • Impact of the virus “not fully reflected” in rigged China PMI number
  • Goldman disagrees with Ross, says virus blowback will wipe 0.4% off US GDP growth
  • ‘The U.K. health department confirmed two cases of coronavirus in England on Friday, while the U.S. and Japan advised citizens to avoid traveling to China.
  • The UK confirms first two coronavirus cases after multiple scares
  • Hong Kong schools shuttered until March 2
  • Singapore closes borders to Chinese travelers, the first Southeast Asian nation to do so.
  • More than 43 airlines cancel flights to China
  • France successfully evacuates citizens
  • 1,000 suspected virus cases ‘under observation’ in India
  • Confirmed cases near 10,000 as Russia confirms 2
  • JPM cuts global growth forecast
  • United and Delta allow pilots to decline trips
  • Delta expands China cancellations through April; American also suspends flights
  • CDC quarantines Americans
  • Canada announces the fourth case

* * *

Update (1315ET): In a historic move, the CDC has issued an official federal quarantine order for the Americans who returned to Alaska then California, on a chartered Boeing jet. The 195 passengers were mostly diplomats and other professionals living in Wuhan. The quarantine order will keep them isolated for 2 weeks – the same length of time that evacuees in the UK will face.


Its the first time such an order has been issued in 50 years. The CDC also warned that the virus continues to spread rapidly in China, appearing to contradict their international partners at the WHO.

Curious how the CDC has the authority to do this? Here’s a rundown on how federal quarantine powers work, from the CDC’s website:

The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

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Federal isolation and quarantine are authorized for these communicable diseases

  • * Cholera
  • * Diphtheria
  • * Infectious tuberculosis
  • * Plague
  • * Smallpox
  • * Yellow fever
  • * Viral hemorrhagic fevers
  • * Severe acute respiratory syndromes
  • * Flu that can cause a pandemic

Federal isolation and quarantine are authorized by the Executive Order of the President. The President can revise this list by Executive Order.
The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Under 42 Code of Federal Regulations parts 70 and 71, CDC is authorized to detain, medically examine, and release persons arriving into the United States and traveling between states who are suspected of carrying these communicable diseases.

As part of its federal authority, CDC routinely monitors persons arriving at U.S. land border crossings and passengers and crew arriving at U.S. ports of entry for signs or symptoms of communicable diseases.

When alerted about an ill passenger or crew member by the pilot of a plane or captain of a ship, CDC may detain passengers and crew as necessary to investigate whether the cause of the illness on board is a communicable disease.

Elsewhere in North America, Canada’s Global News reports that Canada is about to announce its fourth confirmed case of the virus. Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that the White House could further restrict travel to China, possibly in the form of an outright ban on travel in China for Americans. Last night, the State Department lifted its travel advisory warning to 4. Meanwhile, the Guardian and others are reporting that Washington has apparently angered Beijing with its ‘Level 4’ travel advisory (especially after President Xi strong-armed the WHO to propagate Beijng’s lies). If that’s accurate, imagine what would happen if the US imposed a travel ban?

* * *

Update (1255ET): Almost immediately after the Daily News report, a NYC spokesman was quoted by Bloomberg saying there were “no confirmed, suspected” Coronavirus cases.


So… chaos, although even if NYC is not “bending” the truth to avoid a panic, it is likely just a matter of time before Coronavirus does make landfall in the Big Apple.

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Update (1245ET): New York City has reported its first case of Coronavirus according to an unconfirmed report in the NY Daily News.

An Asian man in his 50s was admitted to Elmhurst Hospital with the illness, the source said.

The FDNY and the NYPD could not immediately confirm a coronavirus patient in New York.

An NYPD message sent to eight Queens precincts early Friday advised officers to protect themselves if they planned to go to Elmhurst Hospital.

“Make sure the officer has proper gear (mask) to protect themselves,” the message said. –NY Daily News

* * *

Update (1045ET): After its pilots’ union sued the airline to try and force cancellations, American has acquiesced and joined Delta in cancelling all flights to and from China, though the exact timeframe of the cancellations hasn’t yet been reported. Analysts expect the airline will wait a week to start cancelling flights to give customers a way out of China.

CNBC Now@CNBCnowReplying to @CNBCnow

BREAKING: American Airlines to also halt all U.S.-China flights 1579:44 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy168 people are talking about this

As the selloff in stocks worsens, the Economist has just previewed the cover of next week’s issue:

Simon Chesterman 陈西文@ProfChesterman

A picture’s worth a thousand words — but sometimes The Economist hedges on its cover and tries to get two thousand.

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97:58 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Simon Chesterman 陈西文’s other Tweets

As we await the 10,000th confirmed case, here’s a chart showing the distribution of new cases.

FBS    @filipebatsilv

Distribution of laboratory-confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV by country and region outside China …

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3510:23 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy28 people are talking about this

* * *

Update (1030ET): More videos of China’s ghost-like roads and public transit platforms have reached twitter.

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  • First coronavirus case reported in Queens, New York according to the New York Post – though not officially confirmed.
  • The UK confirms first two coronavirus cases after multiple scares
  • Confirmed cases worldwide rise to 9,928 from 7,700 a day earlier, with 213 fatalities.
  • Risk-off mood hits stocks
  • Impact of the virus “not fully reflected” in rigged China PMI number
  • At least two-thirds of China’s economy to stay shut.
  • Goldman disagrees with Ross, says virus blowback will wipe 0.4% off US GDP growth
  • ‘The U.K. health department confirmed two cases of coronavirus in England on Friday, while the U.S. and Japan advised citizens to avoid traveling to China.
  • Hong Kong schools shuttered until March 2
  • Singapore closes borders to Chinese travelers, the first Southeast Asian nation to do so.
  • More than 43 airlines cancel flights to China
  • France successfully evacuates citizens
  • 1,000 suspected virus cases ‘under observation’ in India
  • Confirmed cases near 10,000 as Russia confirms 2
  • JPM cuts global growth forecast
  • United and Delta allow pilots to decline trips
  • Delta expands China cancellations through April
  • Research suggests 75,800 infected in Wuhan
  • Iran cancels flights to and from China

Update (1245ET): New York City has reported its first case of Coronavirus according to an unconfirmed report in the NY Daily News.

An Asian man in his 50s was admitted to Elmhurst Hospital with the illness, the source said.

The FDNY and the NYPD could not immediately confirm a coronavirus patient in New York.

An NYPD message sent to eight Queens precincts early Friday advised officers to protect themselves if they planned to go to Elmhurst Hospital.

“Make sure the officer has proper gear (mask) to protect themselves,” the message said. –NY Daily News

* * *

Update (1045ET): After its pilots’ union sued the airline to try and force cancellations, American has acquiesced and joined Delta in canceling all flights to and from China, though the exact timeframe of the cancellations hasn’t yet been reported. Analysts expect the airline will wait a week to start canceling flights to give customers a way out of China.

CNBC Now@CNBCnowReplying to @CNBCnow

BREAKING: American Airlines to also halt all U.S.-China flights 1479:44 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy165 people are talking about this

As the selloff in stocks worsens, the Economist has just previewed the cover of next week’s issue:

Simon Chesterman 陈西文@ProfChesterman

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A picture’s worth a thousand words — but sometimes The Economist hedges on its cover and tries to get two thousand.

View image on Twitter

77:58 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Simon Chesterman 陈西文’s other Tweets

As we await the 10,000th confirmed case, here’s a chart showing the distribution of new cases.

FBS    @filipebatsilv

Distribution of laboratory confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV by country and region outside China …

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3310:23 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy26 people are talking about this

* * *

Update (1030ET): More videos of China’s ghost-like roads and public transit platforms have reached twitter.

Considering it doesn’t have the resources to combat the virus should it arrive, Iran is cutting off all flights to and from China indefinitely due to the outbreak.

That’s right: Iran canceled flights before the US.

CNBC reported that travel on Beijing’s public transit shrank 84% from a year earlier on Jan. 30, given that it’s traditionally the first day after the LNY holiday.

The NYT published the following chart comparing the official infectiousness of the Wuhan virus with other recent pandemics.

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Update (1000ET): Medical journal The Lancet just published a new study claiming that up to 75,800 people might already be infected with novel coronavirus in the city of Wuhan alone.

“Not everyone infected with 2019-nCoV would require or seek medical attention. During the urgent demands of an expanding epidemic of a new virus, especially when system capacity is getting overwhelmed, some of those infected may be undercounted in official register.”

“The transmissibility of 2019-nCoV—or at least its geographical distribution—seems to be higher and broader than initially expected. Why? Partly this may be because of China’s rapid expansion of its transport networks, especially air and high-speed rail. Wuhan is a crucial hub: linking west to Chengdu, south to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, east to Nanjing and Shanghai, and north to Beijing. With much of December a period when the outbreak went unreported and unrecognised, the population exposed to the virus is far greater than first thought—a cause for heightened concern.”

The scientists also acknowledged that the virus has spread “more broadly than initially anticipated.”

The Lancet@TheLancetReplying to @TheLancet

This new modelling study estimates 75,800 individuals in the Chinese city of Wuhan may have been infected with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) as of January 25, 2020 – but authors caution that the true size of the epidemic remains unclear …

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2828:56 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy308 people are talking about this

The Lancet@TheLancetReplying to @TheLancet

These early estimates underscore that it will likely take rapid immediate scale-up of substantial public health control measures to prevent large epidemics in areas outside Wuhan. In our new issue @richardhorton1 shares early lessons from the outbreak …Offline: 2019-nCoV outbreak—early lessonsIt is still too early, and available information is still too incomplete, to be certain about many aspects of the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in China. However, important elements of…thelancet.com609:03 AM – Jan 31, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy44 people are talking about this

Just imagine: If there are 75,000 cases in Wuhan, what’s the total number from all of China’s 31 provinces?

In the US, Delta just suspended routes to China until May because of the drop in demand caused by the coronavirus. It will continue operating flights between now and Feb. 5 because it wants to give customers the opportunity to get out of China. Delta’s cancellations have been described as the “most aggressive” of the major US airlines.

For whatever reason, flights have continued out of Wuhan as more countries seek to evacuate their citizens.

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Read the full Lancet report below:

Pi is 0140673620302129 by Zerohedge on Scribd

Read the full study below:

Pi is 0140673620302129 by Zerohedge on Scribd

* * *

Update (0920ET): India just created a law to ban the shipping abroad of facemasks and other supplies needed to fight an epidemic. Now that cases have been confirmed in India, it’s all hands on deck.

Sidhant Sibal@sidhant

Breaking: India bans export of all varieties of personal protection equipment including Clothing and Masks including N95 masks #wuhanconoravirus

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1678:00 AM – Jan 31, 2020 · New Delhi, IndiaTwitter Ads info and privacy97 people are talking about this

So governments are now hoarding supplies to fight this virus as Wuhan remains totally screwed.

United and Delta are now allowing pilots to decline trips to China, policies that will be tantamount to a shadow cancellation of all flights until further notice. This comes after an American Airlines pilot union sued the company to try and force it to cancel China trips.

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Update (0845ET): The total number of confirmed cases worldwide is creeping closer and closer to 10k. In the latest cases to be reported in the press, Germany has confirmed a sixth case – a child in Bavaria, according to the Guardian. The child is related to an employee at a Munich company where four others were infected, virtually guaranteeing that this will be confirmed as a human-to-human transmission.

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Meanwhile, 83 British citizens have been successfully evacuated from Wuhan. There were another 27 passengers on the flight who weren’t British nationals. They will all be quarantined for two weeks at Arrowe Park hospital in Wirral.

* * *

Update (0745ET): Like the UK, after several false alarms, Russia has now confirmed its first coronavirus cases, Deputy PM Tatiana Golikova confirmed, according to RT. Russian media said two cases have been confirmed, and are now in isolation.

Two Chinese citizens have been diagnosed with the coronavirus in Russia’s Zabaikalsky Krai and Tyumen Oblast in Siberia, Golikova said on Friday.

In other news, analysts at JPM have released their own projections for how the outbreak will hurt global growth: analysts at the biggest US bank shaved its forecast for global growth by 0.3% points for Q1.  “Based on the patterns observed from other epidemics, we assume that the outbreak will likely run its course over 2-3 months, meaning the hit to activity happens in the current quarter,” JPMorgan analysts wrote in a note to clients. “Also in line with historical experience, we expect full recovery to follow.”

Goldman, meanwhile, forecast that the outbreak would shave 0.4% off Q1 growth in the US. After shuttering its land border with China, Russia said it’s weighing whether to temporarily halt working visas for Chinese nationals, in the latest repudiation of the WHO’s insistence that traveling to China is still ‘safe.’ The Vampire Squid also cut China’s 2020 GDP growth expectations to 5.5% from 5.9%

These, added to the latest count of confirmed cases from China, has sent the number of confirmed cases over 10,000.

* * *

Update (0650ET): India has only confirmed a single case of the virus, and the victim’s condition is said to be improving, But the Guardian just noted that there are 1,000 people under observation in various parts of Kerala. 15 are in isolation wards in various hospitals.

Authorities were attempting to contact all the passengers who traveled on a flight from Kolkata to Cochin on Jan. 23 that the infected patient had been on, a day after she traveled from Beijing.

3rd case of coronavirus confirmed in Ontario

Global News has learned that Ontario health officials will be announcing a third confirmed case of the new coronavirus in Ontario on Friday.

The announcement will be made by Dr. David Williams, chief medical officer of health, at 2:30 p.m.

READ MORE: Man with coronavirus discharged from Toronto hospital

Sources told Global News the patient is from London, Ont., and had recently traveled to China.

It’s unclear if the individual is currently receiving treatment in London or Toronto.

On Friday, a man in his 50s, who was the first confirmed case in Canada, was released by Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.

READ MORE: Ontario health officials monitoring 27 people for possible coronavirus, no new cases confirmed

He and his wife, who was diagnosed shortly after her husband, are said to be recovering at home in isolation.

The couple had recently traveled from Wuhan, China, which is said to be the epicenter of the outbreak.

Symptoms of the illness, according to Canada’s chief medical officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, may take about two weeks to manifest and are similar to those of the common flu.

READ MORE: 2nd case of coronavirus now confirmed in Toronto

The symptoms include coughing, a fever and a general feeling of malaise. Some people may also have difficulty breathing.

There are now four cases of coronavirus confirmed in Canada, with B.C. confirming a case on Tuesday.

In China, the death toll has reached more than 200 people, while thousands of others are sick.

4:12Coronavirus declared international public health emergency Coronavirus declared an international public health emergency

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Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

demon virus

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

If you have a news scoop or an interesting story for us, please reach out at [email protected]

Coronavirus, biblical truth, tribulation, antichrist, B.E.A.S.T, tribulation, demon virus, end times, Electronic Prison, Birth Pains, MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources

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