Freemasonry’s Ties to Alchemy


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I’m here today making the claim that there is an organization thats brainwashing its lower ranks to benefit its satanic intent. In the age of information we don’t have to look far to find evidence that people are delving deeper into secularism. Suspiciously deep, so much so that one might say they are outright disrespecting our God the father on a regular basis. Outright defiance to Christ on all fronts, why? Because the elites know that they have sealed their fate on this earth as children of satan.

The relationship between alchemy and Freemasonry is a subject that has been written about in the recent work of independent author David Harrison’s The Lost Rites and Rituals of Freemasonry; certainly some of the symbolism used in English Freemasonry reflects the theme of the transmutation of a Freemason – how to make a good man better, the journey from apprentice to master being part of a pathway to perfection and excellence.

For those who are not aware, Freemasonry is a very old secular society by which those seeking power can network amongst each other. As innocent as it may seem at a community level, this secret society has been a filtering process by which pure evil is selected. Whilst there is no degree in Freemasonry higher than that of Master Mason, there are additional degrees that are offered only to those who are Master Masons. Master mason is only the beginning of the process for these poor souls if they are deemed worthy of moving forward.

It is my firm belief that once a Mason progresses beyond Master Mason, they begin participating in rituals that require more secret. Charged with pagan symbolism and alchemy. Albert Pike, 33-degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogma states in his book, “Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!

The apostle Paul tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). It is not hard information to find that Masons have a hard time being invited to join the 33rd degree. This is because they don’t yet know that satan is calling out to them. But when they realize they have a choice to make, it’s already too late.

Certain rites from the eighteenth century such as Count Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite and Melissino’s Rite refer to alchemy or chemistry in their respective rituals, especially in the way the process of alchemy is said to change certain substances; alchemy being used not only as a reminder of the philosophical ideas of the time, but as a metaphor for the journey of the Freemason as he (or in the case of Cagliostro’s Rite – he or she) continues through the higher degrees, transmuting to perfection accordingly as he/she discovers the lost knowledge of the ancients.

Symbols such as the Ouroborus,  Mercury with Caduceus and the importance of the sun and the moon, not only remind us of the alchemical themes shared with Freemasonry, but also of the rites of the eighteenth century that attracted Freemasons who experimented in alchemy, Masons such as Louis Claude Saint-Martin, who became involved in the Rite de Elus Coens and Count Cagliostro himself, who formed his own style of Freemasonry, both testifying to the links between alchemy and Freemasonry. As Freemasons, we symbolically work stone to perfect it, stone that originally comes from the earth, and in Melissino’s Rite it is mentioned that ‘chemistry is art, and wisdom is nature, and the most learned chemist cannot be even a pupil amongst us.’ We strive for perfection in ritual and in life itself, like alchemists seeking lost knowledge to turn metal into gold.

There still are echoes of the link between Freemasonry and alchemy, from the certain symbols used and in some of the old rituals, even perhaps in the way the candidate is divested of all metals before entering the lodge today, we only have to look.

We have access to most of the knowledge in the world with the internet. With some diligent research, you can uncover the deepest secrets in plain sight. Where do you think witchcraft went? Do you think it just disappeared? Did you know Freemasonry is commonly referred to as “the craft”? It is my firm belief that this organization is something much bigger than it looks, and it is up to me as an individual to bring thought provoking evidence to support these claims.

Sources:,, Biblia,



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