Harry Potter Undermines Faith in God, “Sympathising With The Occult. The Denial Of Christian Faith


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As the popularity of the Harry Potter series continues to grow, Christian parents are left with some difficult questions. Some believe that the magical world of Harry Potter is little more than harmless fun and fantasy. Others fear that these books and movies are an invitation to the occult. Regardless of a parent’s viewpoint, Harry Potter has become unavoidable, as he now boldly lines the shelves of children’s bookstores, public libraries, and schools. Without question, Christians should have some concerns and need to use careful discernment in deciding whether or not to allow their children to immerse themselves in the world of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter books and films are full of stereotypical magic. Witchcraft and wizardry are central themes, and the lead roles are played by wizards, witches, and other magical creatures. Although the characters practice casting spells, reading crystal balls, etc., they do not communicate with spiritual (supernatural) forces. While this may be considered a positive, one definite negative is that there is no higher power to answer to at all.

Unlike other fantasy children’s stories that contain witches and the like, such as C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books do not have a positive biblical worldview. The distinction between good and bad can become blurred as both the “good” and “evil” characters participate in different types of witchcraft and magic. The Bible clearly condemns all kinds of witchcraft, sorcery, and spiritism (Deuteronomy 18:10-11). Philippians 4:8 says to “fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.” So does this mean that all Christians should avoid Harry Potter altogether?

These images are demonic and they are from the Harry Potter series, parents be warned


I am writing this urgent message because I was once a witch. I lived by the stars as an astrologer and numerologist casting horoscopes and spells. I lived in the mysterious and shadowy realm of the occult. By means of spells and magic, I was able to invoke the powers of the “controlling unknown” and fly upon the night winds transcending the astral plane. Halloween was my favorite time of the year and I was intrigued and absorbed in the realm of Wiccan witchcraft. All of this was happening in the decade of the 1960s when witchcraft was just starting to come out of the broom closet.

It was during that decade of the 1960s, in the year 1966, that a woman named J.K. Rowling was born. This is the woman who has captivated the world in this year of 2000 with four books known as the “Harry Potter Series.” These books are orientational and instructional manuals of witchcraft woven into the format of entertainment. These four books by J.K. Rowling teach witchcraft! I know this because I was once very much a part of that world. Witchcraft was very different in the 1960s. There were a lot fewer witches, and the craft was far more secretive. At the end of that spiritually troubled decade, I was miraculously saved by the power of Jesus Christ and His saving blood. I was also delivered from every evil spirit that lived in me and was set free. However, as I began to attend fundamental Christian churches, I realized that even their witchcraft had left its mark. Pagan holidays and sabbats were celebrated as “Christian holidays.”

As time went on, I watched the so-called “Christian” churches compromising and unifying. I also watched with amazement as teachings from Eastern religions and “New Age” doctrine began to captivate congregations. It was a satanic set-up, and I saw it coming. Illuministic conspirators were bringing forth a one-world religion with a cleverly concealed element of occultism interwoven in its teachings. In order to succeed in bringing witchcraft to the world and thus complete satanic control, an entire generation would have to be induced and taught to think like witches, talk like witches, dress like witches, and act like witches. The occult songs of the 1960s launched the Luciferian project of capturing the minds of an entire generation. In the song “Sound Of Silence” by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, we were told of seeds that were left while an entire generation was sleeping, and that the “vision that was planted in my brain still remains.”

Now it is the year 2000. All of the foundations for occultism and witchcraft are in place. The Illuminists have to move quickly because time is running out. It was the Communist revolutionary Lenin who said, “Give me one generation of youth, and I will transform the entire world.” Now an entire generation of youth has been given to a woman named J.K. Rowling and her four books on witchcraft, known as the Harry Potter Series.

As a former witch, I can speak with authority when I say that I have examined the works of Rowling and that the Harry Potter books are training manuals for the occult. Untold millions of young people are being taught to think, speak, dress and act like witches by filling their heads with the contents of these books. Children are obsessed with the Harry Potter books that they have left the television and video games to reading these witchcraft manuals.

The first book of the series, entitled “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, finds the orphan, Harry Potter, embarking into a new realm when he is taken to “Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” At this occult school, Harry Potter learns how to obtain and use witchcraft equipment. Harry also learns a new vocabulary, including words such as “Azkaban”, “Circe”, “Draco”, “Erised”, “Hermes”, and “Slytherin”; all of which are names of real devils or demons. These are not characters of fiction! How serious is this? By reading these materials, many millions of young people are learning how to work with demon spirits. They are getting to know them by name. Vast numbers of children professing to be Christians are also filling their hearts and minds, while willingly ignorant parents look the other way.

The titles of the books should be warning enough to make us realize how satanic and anti-christ these books are. The aforementioned title of the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, was a real give away.

The second book was called “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, while the third book was entitled “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” Nothing could be more obvious than that Harry Potter books are pure witchcraft and of the devil.

This is the oldest con game ever hatched out of hell. As a real witch, I learned about the two sides of “the force.” When real witches have sabots and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying “Blessed be”, and when they part, they say “The Force be with you.” Both sides of this “Force” are Satan. It is not a good side of the force that overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it’s the blood of Jesus Christ that destroys both supposed sides of the satanic “Force.”

High-level witches believe that there are seven satanic princes and that the seventh, which is assigned to Christians, has no name. In coven meetings, he is called “the nameless one.” In the Harry Potter books, there is a character called “Voldemort.” The pronunciation guide says of this being “He who must not be named.” On July 8 at midnight, bookstores everywhere were stormed by millions of children to obtain the latest and fourth book of the series known as “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” These books were taken into homes everywhere with a real evil spirit following each copy to curse those homes. July 8th was also the 18th day (three sixes in numerology 666) from the witches’ sabat of midsummer. July 8th was also the 13th day from the signing of the United Religions Charter in San Francisco. Now we have learned that the public school system is planning to use the magic of Harry Potter in the classrooms making the public schools centers of witchcraft training.

What does God have to say about such books as the Harry Potter series? In the Bible in the book of Acts, we read the following in the 19th chapter, verses 18 – 20: “And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.”

Harry Potter: ‘Making Evil Look Innocent’

Issue Date: November/December 2001

What are kids saying about Harry Potter?

Here are some samples:

“I want to go to wizard school and learn magic. I’d like to learn to use a wand to cast spells.” Dylan, age 10.

“If I could go to wizard school, I might be able to do spells and potions and fly a broomstick.” Mara, age 12.

“It would be great to be a wizard because you could control situations and things like teachers.” Jeffrey, age 11.

“I’d like to go to wizard school and learn magic and put spells on people. I’d make up an ugly spell and then it’s pay-back time.” Catherine, age 9.

“I feel like I’m inside Harry’s world. If I went to wizard school I’d study everything: spells, counterspells, and defense against the dark arts.” Carolyn, age 10.

“I liked it when the bad guys killed the unicorn and Voldemort drank its blood.” Julie, age 13.

“The books are very clever. I couldn’t put them down. When I was scared I made myself believe that it was supposed to be funny so I wasn’t so scared.” Nuray age 11.

These are the comments of young readers of the Harry Potter wizard books quoted on a new video by Jeremiah Films. On the video, called Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged, Making Evil Look Innocent, author Robert S. McGee explains: “Children as young as kindergarten are being introduced to human sacrifice, the sucking of blood from dead animals, and possession by spirit beings.”

Courts have banned the teaching of Christianity in public schools but Wicca, which is recognized by the U.S. courts as a religion and given tax-exempt status by the IRS, is taught freely. Harry Potter has become the method of introduction of Wicca to the very young.

Harry Potter materials have become much more than a hand full of children’s fantasy books. Warner Brothers, Coca Cola, Minutemaid, and Mattel have used the Potter materials to launch games, puzzles, toys, backpacks, and every possible merchandising product.

Scholastic, Inc., a major supplier of public school teaching aids has added the Potter literature to its line of curriculum materials. When the name “Harry Potter” is keyed into the Scholastic.com web site search engine, it returns 268 matches. “Jesus” returned only 23.

And now, a major movie is about to break on the scene called “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” Millions of dollars are being spent on pre-release hype.

Once introduced to the world of wizards, spells, and dark arts, readers of Harry Potter can advance their knowledge and skills in witchcraft and paganism by visiting the hundreds of web sites available on the internet.

Or, they can purchase more books on the subject from the well-stocked Wiccan sections in local book superstores. Or, they can find over a thousand volumes on witchcraft available at Amazon.com.

Harry Potter books have taken the world of children’s fantasy literature by storm. Over 200 million have been sold in 40 languages. One study shows that over half of the children in the western world have read at least one of the Potter books. Many reported rereading each book several times.

But is it just fantasy literature like Snow White and Cinderella? In the Harry Potter video, cult expert Caryl Matrisciana points out that in the older stories, evil never prevails.

There are no absolutes in his world. What is right depends on the situation.

Witchcraft now has a complete package. Starting in kindergarten with Harry Potter and TV witch shows, children are led on to the horror movies and hundreds of Wicca and pagan web sites. When they thirst for more power, high school and college Wicca covens are available. In the adult world, corporations are hiring New Age practitioners to provide seminars in sensitivity training, stress relief, and self-improvement for employees.

Former Satanist William Schnoebelen points out in his book, Wicca, Satan’s Little White Lie, that, “I finally learned in the most graphic fashion imaginable that the difference between witchcraft or Wicca and Satanism is actually non-existent.”

Before he was saved he found himself cruising the streets looking for a lone female to assault, not for sex, but to drink her blood.

The bottom line is a hunger for power. Harry Potter and the rest of witchcraft promises that power. But in the end, they discover that Satan is really in charge of the power and only uses it like cheese in a mousetrap.

Harry Potter provides a basic initiation into witchcraft for a whole new generation. Imagine what the world will be like when they grow up.

Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged Making Evil Look Innocent

Millions of American schoolchildren have a new subject in school: witchcraft!
Through the Harry Potter series, the ancient occult religion of Wicca is being introduced in almost every public school in America. This video explains how Scholastic Inc., the largest publisher of children’s books in the world, is supplying Harry Potter materials to millions of schoolchildren. Scholastic Inc. is using its unrivaled position in the educational system to flood classrooms and libraries with witchcraft, repackaged as “children’s fantasy literature.” Teachers are encouraged to read the Harry Potter books aloud in class, and millions of children are being desensitized to the dangers of the occult spirit world.

Through Harry’s world of sorcery, they are learning what tools today’s witches and pagans use — supernatural imagination, spiritual concentration, wands, brooms, spells, and curses. Warner Brothers new film based on Harry Potter has been called an accurate portrayal of witchcraft. And indeed it is.

In this video, you will see how completely occult is the world of Harry Potter. After reading the Harry Potter books, millions of children will demand to see Warner Bros. new movie, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.”

Christian parents have faced a similar problem for years with the teaching of evolution in their public schools. They have responded by teaching their children that they cannot believe everything they are taught in school. Now, with the Harry Potter books on witchcraft becoming part of the public school curriculum, parents need to know enough about it to also teach their children that the spell-casting and other activities of Harry Potter are also forbidden territory. This video will help.

Harry’s books are about a young 11-year-old generational wizard, Harry Potter, who attends the prestigious 1000-year-old occult boarding school, Hogwart’s School of witchcraft and Wizardry. All his teachers are practicing occultists, and tutor their students in the dark arts of sorcery and divination: fortune-telling, astrology, potion mixing, spell weaving and curse casting. Harry’s world says that drinking dead animal blood gives power, a satanic human sacrifice and Harry’s powerful blood brings new life, demon possession is not spiritually dangerous, and that passing through fire, contacting the dead, and conversing with ghosts, others in the spirit world, and more, is normal and acceptable. Source

In the Potter series, the line is not so clear. The “good” guys practice “white magic”, while the bad guys practice the “Dark Arts”. Readers become fascinated with the magic used (explained in remarkable detail). Yet God is clear in Scripture that any practice of magic is an “abomination” to him. God doesn’t distinguish between “white” and “dark” magic since they both originate from the same source.

“There shall not be found among you anyone who …practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you.”
Deut. 18:10-14

Furthermore, if one were to use the reasoning that such objectionable material can be included in fantasy literature, then “that line of reasoning would tell you that you could include in fantasy any violence, pornography, whatever you wanted, and still defend those books by that very same statement.” [11]

The problem is, witchcraft is not fantasy; it is a sinful reality in our world.

The movies and books not only teach anti-Christian lessons on the occult, but also moral relativism, and desensitize children to profanity and off-color humor.

I have long maintained that the Harry Potter series is bad for kids, and have always been surprised when Christian parents defended the books. It is bad for children to see a “hero” such as Harry Potter using the powers of evil and witchcraft to solve his problems. Now author J.K. Rowling has admitted that Albus Dumbledore, Potter’s headmaster, and mentor is a homosexual.

It is interesting that Rowling waited until she had sold 325 million copies of these evil books and made over a billion dollars in profits before she “outed” the wizard. She claims she did it to reduce prejudice against homosexuals, but obviously money was more important than she claimed an interest in making homosexuality more acceptable. She didn’t want to hurt book sales, so she waited until the last book in her seven-book series had sold twelve million copies before she made her revelation.

  • What is the Occult? Answer
  • What does the Bible say about the occult? Answer
  • MALEVOLENT SPIRITS—Where do these dangerous, hostile, and evil entities come from? An Open Letter to Wiccan Believers – GO
  • WICCANS AND PAGANS—What do they believe? Answer
  • What does the Bible say about spirits being left behind on Earth after death? Answer
  • “Harry Potter, Sorcery and Fantasy” – offsite
  • “Harry Potter: A Journey to Power” – offsite
  • “Some Thoughts on the Harry Potter Series” – offsite
  • “Harry Potter and Christians” (Reachout Trust) – offsite
  • “The Problem With Harry Potter” by Dr. David Brown – offsite
  • “Harry Potter: Seduction into the Dark World of the Occult” – offsite

The dictionary defines occult as “hidden, secret and mysterious, particularly pertaining to the supernatural.” Examples of occult practices are astrologywitchcraft (Wicca), the black arts, fortune-telling, magic (both black and white), Ouija boards, Tarot cards, spiritism, parapsychology, and Satanism. Human beings have always been interested in the occult, from ancient times until today. Occult practices and psychic phenomena have captivated millions of people worldwide, and this is not limited to the ignorant or uneducated. There are several factors that make the occult fascinating to everyone, even in our age of technological and scientific advances. 

For one thing, occult practices appeal to our natural curiosity. Many people who get involved in the occult begin with “harmless” practices such as playing with an Ouija board out of simple curiosity. Many who have experimented this way have found themselves going deeper and deeper into the occult. Unfortunately, this type of involvement is akin to quicksand—easy to get into and difficult to get out of. Another fascination of the occult is that it appears to offer quick and easy answers to life’s questions. The astrologer gladly charts your future, the Ouija board, and Tarot cards give you direction, and the psychic gets you in touch with your Aunt Esther who tells you all is fine in the afterlife. Occult practices are controlled by demons, who offer just enough information to keep their victims intrigued while exerting more and more control over gullible hearts and minds.

The danger of occult practices cannot be overstated. God strictly warned the Israelites against being involved with the occult (Leviticus 20:6). The pagan nations that surrounded Israel were steeped in divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and spiritism, and this is one reason why God gave His people the authority to drive them out of the land (Deuteronomy 18:9–14). The New Testament says that the rise of interest in the occult is a sign of the end of the age: “The [Holy] Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). 

How are we to recognize the occult and those who promote it? An incident involving Paul and Barnabas in the early days of the church is a good place to start. They “traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, ‘You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?’” (Acts 13:6–10). 

In this account, we see several characteristics of those involved in the occult. They are false prophets (verse 6) who deny the basic doctrines of Christianity: the deity of Christ, the fall of man into sin, heaven, hell, salvation and the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Second, they seek to influence other people, particularly those in positions of power, to turn them from the faith (verses 6-7). Third, they do everything in their power to keep the true gospel of Christ from being spread, opposing His ministers at every turn (verse 8). When the truth of the gospel is curtailed, watered down, or flatly rejected, Satan and his demons rejoice. 

There is no mistaking the fact that the occult in all its forms should be avoided. We are to “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Part of being self-controlled and alert is being wise to Satan’s schemes, but not to delve into the details of every occult practice and phenomenon. We are to understand the devil’s ultimate goal—the destruction of our souls—and take the offense by putting on the “full armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10–18). Only then can we stand firm and extinguish the “flaming arrows” of the evil one.

Contributors Contributor

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com


Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….

“Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

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