Live Stream With StevieRay Hansen


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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(Investigative Editor, SRH): Banned in Parts of Europe and America, Wanted by Islamic Countries, Threatened by Terrorist Groups, Pursued by Left-Wing Media, Smeared by Hollywood Elites and False Religious Leaders. Calm Does Not Suit Me Since I Was Born for the Storms. Take Heed

Live Stream M-F 11:00 am CST

  • Watchman: Bill Gates Tinkering With God’s Design Spells Big Trouble

    SRH, Sudden or extreme onslaught of various troubles, losses, and trialsThis is a ruthless attack that Satan often brings against believers. It seems to come outof nowhere, and it’s just one thing after another. It’s hard to even see straight, you feelyour life is suddenly spinning out of control. Job’s life is an example to us of what this maybe like (Job 1-2). The devil went to God to ask him if he could torment Job, thinking hewould try to lead him away from the Lord through the many struggles he faced. As weknow from the book of Job, this righteous man stood strong. Though it seemed he waslosing everything dear to him, he knew that God held him secure through all the loss andhardship around him. God will never allow the enemy to have full control, he doesn’t havethe […]

  • Update 4/8/24 Watchman’s Warning: Darkness Came Over the Whole Land for the Sun Stopped Shining—Bill Gates Wants To Block Out The Sun—Satan Soldiers Working Hard For Satan!

    HNewsWire: Tyler Durden’s Photo by Tyler Durden Monday, Apr 08, 2024 Authored by Paul Joseph Watson Via, A secretive project conducted from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay will shoot trillions of aerosol particles into the sky to increase cloud cover in the name of preventing global warming, and details have been held back to “avoid (a) public backlash.” The experiment is being dubbed America’s “first outdoor test to limit global warming.” “The Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement, or CAARE, project is using specially built sprayers to shoot trillions of sea salt particles into the sky in an effort to increase the density – and reflective capacity – of marine clouds,” reports Scientific American. “The experiment is taking place, when conditions permit, atop the USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum in Alameda, […]

  • Live Stream With StevieRay Hansen

    (Investigative Editor, SRH): Banned in Parts of Europe and America, Wanted by Islamic Countries, Threatened by Terrorist Groups, Pursued by Left-Wing Media, Smeared by Hollywood Elites and False Religious Leaders. Calm Does Not Suit Me Since I Was Born for the Storms. Take Heed Live Stream M-F 11:00 am CST

  • Watchman’s View, The World Hates True Christ Believers

    Jesus, the Christian’s ultimate model, was alone at his death because of his unwillingness to compromise truth. “He was deserted, forgotten, betrayed, and alone! At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them! But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. “The cost of standing for truth is so high, so precious, so all-consuming that almost no one will meet it. StevieRay Hansen Slim sized Perfume Oils are perfect to take with you in your hand […]

  • It’s Coffin Time in America! In the Days Ahead There Will Be So Many Corpses That Americans Will Become Immune to It All – Just Step Over Bodies. We Will See Bodies Dead From Murder & Starvation on America’s Streets, All Hell Breaking Loose

    Authorities Confirm Multiple Victims After Shooting Reported at Maryland Plant HNewsWire: On Thursday afternoon, a shooting at a facility in Washington County, Maryland, left many people injured. At a press conference, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan confirmed that at least three persons were killed in the accident. According to a Washington County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman, deputies arrived to the Columbia Machine Inc. active shooting incident in Smithsburg at roughly 2:30 p.m. ET. According to the sheriff’s office, the suspect was shot and wounded during a confrontation with a state trooper. Hogan said he had no idea how the shooter, who has not been named, is doing. It was announced on Twitter by the ATF office in Baltimore that its special agents are helping with the investigation. “I’ve been informed on the issue, but it’s still continuing.” He stated, “I’m not sure […]

  • Watchman Update: Governments Around The World to Restrict Movement of The People HardLockDown Coming…

    HNewsWire: Why so serious?  Why are they so indignant over lack of vaccination for a virus with a median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%? While speaking at the Brainstorm Health conference by Fortune Magazine held in Marina del Rey, California, in April 2023, Chelsea Clinton asserts that vaccine hesitancy and outright rejection have been an “unfortunate” side effect of the coronavirus pandemic.  She goes on to promote a partnership with the World Health Organization and the Gates Foundation to push a program of mass jabs for children to make up for declining vaccination rates. “I think we are less prepared today than we were, arguably, in January 2020-partially because of the lack of trust and confidence in not only our scientists, but in science itself, and certainly in public health professionals. We all deserve to hopefully not be as […]

  • Watchman: Daily Devotional, You Must Hold Fast to God’s Promise and Vision. God’s Timing and Method for Their Realization Are Both Perfect. The Ways of God Are Very Different From the Ways of Man

    Genesis 40:14 14 But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. 41:1 1 When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, God told Joseph in dreams that his family will eventually submit to him as king. His brothers resented him because of his ambitions and his father’s fondness. Brothers, at the age of 17, sold their younger sibling to slave dealers. They made up a lie to tell their dad, claiming that an animal had taken his life. And in Egypt, Joseph rose through the ranks to become the first in charge of his master’s household. He would not disobey God or his master by giving in to the wife’s sexual desires. Because of her baseless accusations, […]

  • “One-World Religion”, Referring to the False Religion’s Influence Among the World’s Rulers and Influential People

    HNewsWire: The one-world religion described in Revelation 17:1-18 as “the great harlot” will be part of the end-times scenario. The term harlot is used throughout the Old Testament as a metaphor for false religion. The actual identity and makeup of the religion have been debated for centuries and has resulted in a number of different views among Bible commentators and theologians. There are convincing arguments for the one world religion being Catholicism, Islam, the New Age movement, or some form of religion not even invented yet, and an internet search will produce many more possibilities and theories. There is no doubt that some sort of one-world religion under the false prophet will be a part of the end times, perhaps made up of a number of different religions, sects, and isms that are around today. Revelation 17:1-18 gives us several characteristics of the one-world religion. […]

  • Update: There Are Many Enemies of Christ. Homosexuals Have Done an Incredible Job of Twisting God’s Word to Fit Their Filthy, Wicked Lifestyle

    The Lukewarm Christian… Christian Rock Star Comes Out as Homosexual. Here’s the Letter He Wrote to the World Trey Pearson once claimed, “I never wanted to be homosexual.” I was worried about what God and the people I cared about would think of me.Trey Pearson has been releasing Since its release in 2001, Trey Pearson’s “Everyday Sunday” has sold about a quarter of a million copies, and his 2009 album debuted at number 200 on the Billboard 200. He has performed in front of thousands of people in all 50 states and 20 different countries with major Christian artists like Toby Mac, Switchfoot, MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, and many more. Trey Pearson’s photo was used here.Sorry if I’m shedding a few tears. Unfortunately, this has been a long time in the making. By the time we were halfway through our first […]

  • This Document Was Authored by the SRH on April 23, 2019 and its Relevant Today. There Exist Individuals Who Are Currently in a State of Slumber. A Single Election Could Potentially Result in the Loss of Our Ability to Practice the Worship of the Christian God as Described in the Bible, Rather Than the Version That Is Dictated to Us. This Has Lead to a Situation Where We Are No Longer Living in Accordance With Our Faith, but Rather Under the Influence of Satan

    Worldwide Spiritual Darkness“darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people” (Isa 60.2)Sadly, the governments of many ‘Christianised’ nations are steadily abandoning biblical truth. Absolute biblical truth on morality link is now replaced by humanistic ‘equality’ legislation, and the biblical concept of creation is treated as a myth and evolutionary theory treated as fact link. Most institutionalised western churches are in decline and biblical faith is being replaced by eastern religions, or no faith at all. The west is being dominated by Satanic blackness – humanism, multiculturalism, relativism, evolutionism, religious pluralism and political correctness. The Old Testament book of Daniel contains one of the most significant and intriguing prophecies of the Bible: “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make an atonement for […]

  • Watchman Warning: The Medical Establishment Is Working Hand in Hand With Globalists to Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda

    HNewsWire: Dr. David Ayoub MD Explains How the Medical Establishment Is Working Hand in Hand With Globalists To Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda ” … This chills me. This was a press release, Aug. 05, on Aug. 30 and 31 more than 750,000 vaccinators will go house to house and work in vaccination booths across Indonesia to reach more than 24 million children under the age of five. In one day. This is a trial run in order to vaccinate a lot of people. So if and when something goes wrong with the vaccine, nobody will refuse it. They’ve already taken it. It takes a little time for the rumors to spread about abortions, ovulation problems, paralysis, so forth. They have a trial run to vaccinate a huge number of people in one day. And I believe this is possible that this infrastructure that’s being built in this country with the flu vaccine, this pandemic that’s going to come, they are […]

  • Watchman: Obama/Biden Foot Soldiers—Demonic Trans Activists Clash With Conservatives in Nashville, These Subhuman Antichrist Creatures Are Dangerous

    HNewsWire: Biden Demonic Foot Soldiers, the Watchman Warns Transgender– In addition to being the elite foot soldiers, enforcers of evil, and people with Ungodly agendas, transgender people have a bad reputation. By now, it’s clear that the mRNA vaccine is an evil operating system designed to produce evil doers. Homosexual pride flags are now flying over the White House per Joe Biden’s order. Unfortunately, we have elected a group of sinful people to leadership positions.   HNewsWire: Several thousand Tennesseans gathered at the state capitol in Nashville Friday to protest gender mutilation surgeries for minors. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) was one of the keynote speakers. “Children first, and families first,” Blackburn said. “The radical left is trying to put their woke agenda on every single family in this state. Since the pandemic began, the left has been trying to tell… […]

  • Watchman: There’s Demonic Activity at The White House, Hell Gates Open Wide,AKA Tribulation

    By SRH, There be much talk on social media ’bout the bearded man groovin’ next to Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband. The footage was captured at a White House Juneteenth festivity. ‘Twas none other than actor Billy Porter, famed for his part in the Broadway show, “Kinky Boots.” He stood mere feet from President Biden in the foremost row. At a certain moment, he knelt afore Biden and kissed the president’s hand. Porter then cried out, “Pride.” No conservative blacks graced the occasion. I deem Homosexual be the new black.

  • Watchman: US Targets Journalists Who Criticize Administration’s Foreign Policy

    HNewsWire: By Tyler Durden Authored by Dennis Kucinich Scott Ritter was pulled off a NY-to-Istanbul flight on Monday by US officials and his passport confiscated in a startling new development in the government’s open drive to censor and silence critics of the Administration’s foreign policies at a time when the United States is supplying billions of dollars in arms to foment wider war in Russia, accelerate the attacks on Gazans and set the stage for war with China over Taiwan. A Marine veteran and true American patriot, Mr. Ritter is also a noted former Chief UN weapons inspector, author and journalist.  He was enroute to Russia to attend an international conference in St. Petersburg.   Mr. Ritter first came to my attention when he testified at a Capitol hearing I sponsored to inquire into the Bush Administration’s plans to attack […]

  • Update: Watchman Israel-Hamas War : Why Was There No Response to Border and Fence Breaches Despite Israel Having One of the Most Advanced and High-Tech Armies in the World? The Evil WEF and Their NWO Allies Orchestrated This Conflict

    Update The restoration of the Temple is one of the upcoming significant events for Israel in biblical prophecy. We can claim with certainty that the temple’s rebuilding will fulfill biblical prophecies since it marks a significant turning point. To me, the timing of the event described in Psalm 83 is unclear, therefore I’m not sure if it will happen soon or not. For instance, it might be a component of Gog and Magog’s assault against God’s people. But I don’t rule out the possibility that it will happen sooner. I urge you all to pray. ONLY using numbers. Welcome to the second installment of the Script, which will focus on an all-out conflict in the Middle East that may result in the last invasion of Israel predicted in the Bible. Israel’s 9/11 moment was the “surprise attack” by Hamas, according […]


    HNewsWire: By C.A. Skeet, As a boy growing up, I was taught that there are certain rules one adhered to during a physical fight with another boy. The first rule was that you and your friends never team up against a solitary enemy. That’s what gangbangers do. But if a real man has a problem with another man, that’s a one-on-one fight. Anything else is dishonorable. The second rule was that there is no hitting “below the belt.” This, likewise, is a dishonorable way of fighting, reserved for cowards who wanted a victory without taking the risk of actually fighting. The third rule is that, should your opponent give up, tap out, or otherwise submit, the fight is over. You don’t kick a man when he’s down. The only times these rules should be overridden were if any of the… […]

  • Watchman’s Update: There Won’t Be Enough Police Officers Or Military To Contain Those Riots That are Coming to America All HELL Breaks Loose—Be Prepare to Defend Your Families Without the Help From Law Enforcement, That Day Is Coming… Treat your skin well. Our soaps are gentle and produce a smooth creamy lather that is nourishing to your skin. They are handmade in small batches. We use only high-quality natural ingredients. No chemicals, no sodium laurel sulfate, no phthalates, no parabens, no detergents. HNW Sponsor GraniteRidgeSoapwork   Paris Plunges Into Chaos As Protesters Denounce New Security Law Soaring coronavirus cases, a slumping economy, and continued social unrest plague France at the moment. According to RT News, thousands of protesters flooded the street of Paris Saturday to denounce President Emmanuel Macron’s “Global Security” bill. On Nov. 27, the French National Assembly approved the Global Security bill’s Article 24, which makes it illegal to distribute images or videos of police officers that can easily be identified. The security bill has been criticized by activists and journalists, who warn the government is set […]

  • Freedom of Speech in the United States Is Controlled by Google AKA ‘Reprobate’– Its Controlled by Facebook, and It’s Controlled by Twitter, “Big Tech Now Flexing Its Muscles and Got Sick Biden in the White House”

    Big Tech flexing its muscles in support of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow said. Marlow made the allegation during an interview with Tucker Carlson on his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” over at the Fox News Channel. According to Marlow, he and the rest of the Breitbart team noticed that, since 2016, their site has experienced a steady drop in their visibility index. “We started looking at our traffic, and gradually since the 2016 election, Google has been diminishing our search results, and then all of a sudden, in May of this year virtually, we virtually lost all Google traffic, all search traffic altogether,” Marlow said, adding that their visibility index – the indicator for a website’s visibility in Google’s search rankings – went down by 99.7 percent. HNewsWire editor: “Big Tech now flexing its muscles to keep Sick Biden to the White […]

  • Watchman’s Update: Governments Worldwide Will Soon Force Their Citizens to Use Central Bank Digital Currencies CBDCs. CBDCs Will Enable Devious Social Engineering by Allowing Governments to Punish and Reward People

    SRH: Bidumb is doing havoc on our nation. NWO HELL ON EARTH The Land of the Free couldn’t care less how they are viewed. The technocracy’s leaders must destroy brains and intellectuals in order to convince the steeple to support the planned “epidemic.” MOST Watchmen makes no attempt to conflate truth and agreement. Most Watchmen draw NO distinction between God’s message and the word of all those in authority… HNewsWire: The monstrous inflation we’ve seen in recent years began with asset inflation and then spread to consumer prices. Now, governments and statistical bodies are tinkering with the CPI calculation to mask the currency’s loss of purchasing power, and central banks were forced to raise rates following the disaster created in 2020, when the massive increase in money supply went to finance bloated government spending and created the mess we live in […]

  • Watchman: The World Entered Tribulations January 1, 2020, The Worst

    Is Yet to Come, Anarchy in Every Direction… Hell on Earth, It’s Going to Get Real and Nowhere to Hide… Bible prophecy predicts that there will be several significant events signaling the End of the Age. These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period called Daniel’s 70th Week, and they will serve to alert everyone that the final days have come upon the world… Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 Weeks is an incredible prediction of the Lord’s future dealings with the nation of Israel. The angel Gabriel gave this prophecy to Daniel over 2,500 years ago (Dan. 9:24-27). The word translated “week” in this prophecy is actually the Hebrew word “shabua”, which means a period of 7 days or 7 years. In the context of this prophecy, it means 7 years; thus, according to Daniel, there […]

  • Watchman: What Is the Real Target of the COVID-19 Vaccines That Were Rashly Put Into Production and Forced on Us? Pharmakeia, the “God Gene,” and Removing One’s Need for God—Modern Science,Bill KILL’EM Gates Is Obsessed With Finding a Gene That Controls Our Worship of God

    HNewsWire: PHARMAKEIA, THE ‘GOD GENE,’ AND JUST WHAT IS THE REAL TARGET OF THE COVID-19 VACCINES THAT WERE FORCED ON US?They arrived at a conclusion after studying 2,000 subjects (1,000 religious, 1,000 non-religious) and measuring gene expressions related to an individual’s religious leanings. They discovered a direct link between one’s desire and natural need to seek God and worship in some form and one’s genes. Several genes influence one’s beliefs, but the VMAT2 gene is the most important for spirituality (religious practices). That was the single gene responsible for a person’s need for God. What would a prescription drug that inhibits the VMAT2 gene do to a person if their findings were correct?So, in summary, we have pharmaceutical predictions of removing the soul, a study of a gene linked to religious beliefs, a prescription medication that inhibits said gene, a… […]

  • Watchman: Dr. Joseph Mercola Highlights the Potential Life-Threatening Hazards Associated With Blood Transfusions Originating From Individuals Who Have Received the COVID Vaccine

    HNewsWire: Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply. Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (aka “shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”) are other major concerns. Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products. The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both injected and non-injected people to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have […]

  • Watchman’s Updated List of New Losers: Chick-fl-A, Disney, Target, Bud Light, Adidas, Starbucks, and the LA Dodgers Puts Itself Out of Business—NEXT?

    HNewsWire: Some conservatives have suggested a boycott of Chick-fil-A after the fast-food chain was discovered to have a vice president of “diversity, equity, [and] inclusion,” or DEI. A view of Chick-fil-A on Austell Road as customers pull around for their drive-thru orders on March 18, 2020 in Austell, Georgia. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) In a previously issued Chick-fil-A news release, the company said that Erick McReynolds serves as its vice president of DEI, saying: “Chick-fil-A restaurants have long been recognized as a place where people know they will be treated well. Modeling care for others starts in the restaurant, and we are committed to ensuring mutual respect, understanding, and dignity everywhere we do business.” DEI is a set of principles that large corporations, government agencies, and schools have increasingly incorporated into their work environments, often mandating employees receive… […]

  • Watchman: Leave Google Behind With a Private, De-googled, Freedom-Oriented Android Distribution

    Google Destroy Everything They Touch By SRH, A Private, De-Googled, Freedom-Focused Android DistributionIn an era where privacy feels like a luxury and tech giants and governments seem to know our every move, a growing number of people are seeking ways to reclaim their digital lives.The omnipresence of Google in our daily routines—from searching the web to navigating with maps and managing emails—has led to a sense of unease about the amount of data being collected. But what if there was a way to de-Google your life without sacrificing the convenience of modern technology? Enter the world of private and open-source mobile operating systems. We’ve explored this extensively in our De-Google Your Life series and today we have a new addition we’ve been testing… A Private, De-Googled, Freedom-Focused Android DistributionIn an era where privacy feels like a luxury and tech giants […]

  • Watchman: There Are More Reports Coming Out of Vaccinated Individuals No Longer Being Able to Sense God in Their Life,Nephilim in Today World Are Not Human and Therefore Are Nonredeemable. Nephilim Are Half Human Half Demon That Is How God Will Regard Those Who Take an mRNA Vaccine StevieRay Hansen…

    Satan Soldiers Have Censor This Article “They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead” Astra Zeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems” The Video Below Describes Department of Defense Officials Being Briefed on How a Proposed Virus Immunization Would Be Able to Turn a “Religious Fanatic” (Real Believer in Jesus?), Into a “Normal Person”, Who Doesn’t Act Like They Really Believe What the Bible Says…The Goal Appears to Be to Cause the Area of the Brain Associated With “Disgust” to Light up When Spiritual Matters Are Brought Up. AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave of rare disclosures by drug companies under pressure to be more transparent about how they are testing products that are the world’s best hope for ending the pandemic. The… […]

  • Watchman: Who is Going to Jail First? Is It Safe and Effective? More Than Half a Million Children and Young Adults Have Lost Their Lives. Bill Gates Should Be in Prison. Google’s Dr.Kill Shot Expert

    By SRH, A UN expert has advocated for the “culling” of billions of people worldwide in an effort to “save the planet” from “global warming.” UCL The only “realistic way” to “avoid catastrophic climate breakdown,” according to Professor Bill McGuire, a United Nations (UN) “agenda contributor,” is to “cull” the human population through a “high fatality pandemic.” McGuire made the declaration in a post on X that he later removed in response to harsh criticism. He counters, saying that he removed the post “not because I regret it,” but rather because certain people misinterpreted it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States released a covert report that reveals the surprising effects of COVID mRNA injections on American children and young people. According to the shocking findings, half a million+ American children and young people have… […]

  • Subscription Membership to HNewsWire, Sign up for a Subscription to Support HNewsWire’s Censorship Struggle.

    Sign up for a Subscription to Support HNewsWire’s Censorship Struggle.

  • Watchman: Events Signaling the End The Beast Deceives The World Antichrist’s Ascent To Power

    HNewsWire: Bible prophecy predicts that there will be several significant events signaling the End of the Age. These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period called Daniel’s 70th Week, and they will serve to alert everyone that the final days have come upon the world… Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 Weeks is an incredible prediction of the Lord’s future dealings with the nation of Israel. The angel Gabriel gave this prophecy to Daniel over 2,500 years ago (Dan. 9:24-27). The word translated “week” in this prophecy is actually the Hebrew word “shabua”, which means a period of 7 days or 7 years. In the context of this prophecy, it means 7 years; thus, according to Daniel, there are 70×7 or 490 years that encompass the entire prophecy. The last 7 year period, called Daniel’s 70th Week, […]

  • Update: The Death Angel Will Be Relentless With Renegade Politicians and Ungodly Individuals—Welcome To The New Norm—DEATH—Pestilence Via Kill Shots AKA Vaccines

    Pledged to “Shut Down” the Coronavirus When Campaigning in 2020, but Nearly a Year After His First Day in Office, the U.S. Is Set to Surpass Record Coronavirus Hospitalizations This Week, Pestilence Can’t Be Stop Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important (Trump)…(Bill Gates)…(Soros) Manslaughter by government decree. Pestilence has arrived via Vaccines Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has tested positive for the coronavirus after returning from the holiday break In a statement on Sunday, the congresswoman’s office announced that she tested positive for the coronavirus after receiving two vaccine doses and a booster shot. The statement did not specify if AOC’s symptoms were mild. “Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for COVID-19,” said the statement. “She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home. The Congresswoman received her booster shot this […]

  • Watchman: Texas VA Clinic Removes Cross From Lobby: No God. No Peace. We Have Let God Hating Moron’s Rule Us!

    For The Christian, This World Is The Only Hell They Will Ever Know ,With an Increasing Number of People in the West Wishing for a World Without Christianity, ‘You Might Get What You Want, but You Might Not Want What You Get” MAYHEM! HNewsWire: A cross was removed from the lobby of a VA medical clinic in Austin, Texas, the latest in the Biden administration’s crackdown on Christianity. In recent days, the administration has sent FBI agents to harass pro-life activists; Catholic priests were expelled from Walter Reed Medical Center; they infiltrated Catholic churches in Virginia; and they even ordered the Merchant Marine Academy to cover a painting of Jesus Christ. The Biden Administration is at war with Christianity. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation claims that 19 “anonymous” veterans complained about the presence of the cross inside the VA clinic […]

  • Watchman Update: Governments Will Ban Bitcoin or Any Other Cryptocurrencies — Most Authorities Will Outlaw Them, Because They (Gov) Don’t Want to Lose Their Monopoly

    HNewsWire Live Stream, 24/7 News          HNewsWire: If COVID taught us anything it was that an emergency, real or faked, facilitates a lot of things that would never happen otherwise. The tyrants know this and are in the process of creating financial emergencies that will allow them to argue that there is no alternative but to implement CBDCs. The Biden Administration is implementing policy after policy that devalues the American dollar by limiting Americas ability to mine its own resources or produce its own goods while printing endless money. This will (or more likely is) facilitate an economic collapse. Meanwhile, WEF/CCP partner groups like Black Rock and Vanguard are leveraging their positions as major stakeholders in small and midsized banks to force the banks to accept terrible ESG and other risky investments that will, when combined with the […]

  • Watchman: If You Really Want to Know What Is Going On, Read MSM News and Google Articles Upside Down

    HNewsWire: People Die From Lack of Truth, Google, YouTube, and the Social Media Platforms Are Guilty of Misleading the American People, Hell-On Earth These ungodly behemoths are guilty bias towards Christian and Conservative people… Recently, Chad Robichaux, a Force Reconnaissance Marine and founder of the Mighty Oaks Foundation, which helps military veterans dealing with PTSD, explained on social media that ads posted through Google Ads with the keyword “Christian” included were not allowed. Robichaux tested whether this applied to all religious language and references but found that the term “Muslim” was accepted by Google Ads with no issues. Robichaux’s initial tweet showing the “Christian” term being refused can be seen below: Robichaux then attempted to use the term “Muslim” which was accepted by Google Ads: Robichaux appeared on Breitbart News Tonight on Tuesday to discuss the incident and the other forms of censorship… […]

  • Watchman: The Internet Is No Longer Part of the Army of Truth Thanks To Google et al.

    By SRH, Google has compromised nearly every large application and website on the internet, accounting for 95% of the main information portals, making them no longer part of the free world or the army of truth. If this surprises you, you haven’t used Google or Facebook recently. They are both substantially rigged, not to provide you with the information you need but to send you information that someone somewhere wants you to have. The problem is worsening rather than improving. This is despite future judicial battles aimed at restoring free expression. If there was a genuine threat that this would occur, wouldn’t the censored venues improve rather than worsen? The Internet and Its Bold Champion: Rest in Peace The Internet and Its Bold Champion: Rest in Peace My fear is that few people remember a period when the internet represented […]

  • Update: Mayhem a.k.a Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State, Get Ready For Hell On Earth

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that his government will provide charter buses or flights to transport illegal immigrants released from federal custody into its territory to Washing HNewsWire: Watchman: According to the White House, Islamophobia Is the Issue, Not Anti-semitism…   Q Was the president briefed on Samantha Woll, the leader of a synagogue in Detroit who was stabbed to death? MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, obviously, our hearts go out to the families there. It’s a devastating, devastating news story. The President obviously is-just like everyone else is paying close attention and saw those reports. I don’t have anything else to add. Obviously, the investigation continues, and we are willing to assist in any way. I just don’t have anything else beyond that. Q: What is his level of concern right now about the potential rise of antisemitism in light of […]

  • Watchman Gives Warning:Turkey’s Erdogan Is an Excellent Candidate for the Antichrist

    Muslim World Must Unite Against Israel, Erdogan Says to Iran’s Raisi,the Two World Leaders Also Discussed the Incidents at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Iranian-Turkish Relations HNewsWire: By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: APRIL 7, 2023 18:59 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a ceremony to mark an increase in capacity at a natural gas storage facility in Silivri near Istanbul, Turkey, December 16, 2022. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi over the phone that the “Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine,” Turkish media reported. The two world leaders also discussed the incidents at the al-Aqsa mosque and Iranian-Turkish relations, the report said. The Turkish president also noted the importance to preserve the status of holy areas and emphasized “reasonable thinking” in order to prevent further escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian… […]

  • Bill Gates: Introduction Into Destruction, The Mark Of The Beast “id2020 Alliance”

    While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil… Up-Date–Bill Gates Brought US The Personal Computer; Now He Brings US The Mark Of The Beast Under The Guise Of Virus Safety… “Immunity Certificates” Are Coming – COVID-Survivors To Get ‘Special Passports’ Enabling Return To ‘Normalcy’ American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.  Update: Even more prophetically, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman tweeted about his “optimism” and the need for “…Hydroxychloriquine and antibiotics appear to help. There is increasing evidence […]

  • Watchman: We See in This Account Maui That Just as Satan and His Demons, Bill Gates and Company, and Other Techno Predictions, Such as Musk X, Can Seemingly Alter Weather and Lives, as We See Now in the Field of Geoengineering and the Use of Energy Weapons, So Can God. We Now Know That Satan and His Globalist Allies Have Tipped Their Hand—They Are No Match For God…

    According to eyewitness accounts, Maui police officers blockaded the escape and evacuation routes. The police officer said: “I’m under order to keep them here”. People burned alive in their cars… Climate Lockdowns Are Next on the Agenda for Totalitarianism Tribulation! HNewsWire: We are living in the end times. The exaltation of the satanic and demonic will grow worse, not better. The whole world will fall under Satan’s spell. “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” -Revelation 12:9  Millions Will Die 2023-2024-2025 and 2026. According to eyewitness accounts, Maui police officers blockaded the escape and evacuation routes. The police officer said: “I’m under order to keep them here“. People burned alive in their cars… Please watch and share widely: Hundreds of people are believed to be dead, and entire towns have been burned to the […]

  • Watchman: Daily Devotional, End-Time Demonic Activities in the Book of Revelation, Tribulation Now Playing Out

    We are living in the end times. The exaltation of the satanic and demonic will grow worse, not better. The whole world will fall under Satan’s spell. “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” -Revelation 12:9 This includes the apostate churches and all those who trust in them. The one-world religion described in Revelation 17:1-18 as “the great harlot” will be part of the end-times scenario. The term harlot is used throughout the Old Testament as a metaphor for false religion. The actual identity and makeup of the religion have been debated for centuries and has resulted in a number of different views among Bible commentators and theologians. There are convincing arguments for the one world religion being Catholicism, Islam, the New Age movement, or some form of religion not even invented yet, and an internet search will […]

  • The Great Israel Deception: Who Is the True Israel Today?

    I SRH endure solidly anti-Vaccine, and pro-God’s pure immune system… The Country Prides Itself as the Gay Capital of the World Homosexuality Runs Rampant, Benjamin Netanyahu Is Not a Biblical Jew, God’s Country and His People Have Been Hijacked by God Hating Lunatics and the false Jews who hate, loathe and despise our Lord and Savior, and who deny His Lordship while simultaneously claiming to be “God’s chosen people.” Matthew 3:9 …’And think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.’ Who is true Israel today? If you do a search for the end times, you will find that the majority of websites you come across will be focused on the literal nation of Israel in the Middle East. Why? Because many […]

  • Watchman Wants Answers: How Come No One Seems to Be Talking About the Fact That Another Deadly Epidemic Is Already Unfolding? Perhaps Pestilence Has Defeated the CDC, FDA, Bill Gates, and the W.H.O. Health Renegades

    HNewsWire: A Colorado educator has passed away due to bacterial meningitis. What exactly is it? To allow for contract tracing, the Cherry Creek School District canceled classes, sports, and other activities. April 12, 2023, 3:46 PM Today’s EDTilSource: Meghan Holbrook A high school teacher in Colorado died over the weekend after exhibiting “symptoms consistent with bacterial meningitis,” according to her school district. When bacteria infect the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain, this disease is contagious. Eaglecrest High School, where Maddie Schmidt worked as a teacher, canceled after-school activities and sports on Tuesday, as well as school and activities on Wednesday, to aid in contract tracing and “determine next steps,” according to a letter sent to the school community and shared with Arapahoe County has only confirmed a single case of bacterial meningitis. A second educator in the […]

  • Watchman’s Warning: Mass Deaths Are Coming To mRNA Kill Shot Misinformed Participants,We Can Thank Google’s Dr.Gates

    By SRH, “Even after a single injection, everyone who gets an mRNA injection will die within three to five years.” World-class scientist who used to be Bill Gates’ immunization specialist raised the alarm, predicting a “wave of morbidity” and “mortality” among COVID mRNA vaccine users. Ex-Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and immunization specialist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has issued a warning that populations worldwide will soon see a “completely unprecedented” decline. Bossche projects that the death toll will be “up to 30–40% in highly vaccinated countries.” Leading experts alerted the public during an interview with vaccine expert and researcher Steve Kirsch. He further emphasizes that since COVID will always mutate, mRNA injections are not a viable treatment. “The mutations are not limited to spike protein, which indicates enhanced activity of CTLs (cytotoxic T cells) to diminish viral infectiousness,” Kirsch… […]

  • Watchman Warning Update: There Is a Concerted Effort Underway to Prepare the Public for a “New Pandemic” (Plandemic) H5N1 Bird Flu, Its All Bull Sh** Lies!

    SRH: All Lies, Another “vaccine” has been “authorized” and “warehoused” in case the current bird flu virus evolves to make human infection more likely. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called for widespread monitoring of slave populations to detect human infections now that these “vaccines” are available. On June 20, 2023, CDC presenters provided a comprehensive overview of novel influenza A viruses, including avian influenza vaccines, during a Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) call. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced today that all novel influenza A viruses are of public health concern due to the potential for influenza viruses to evolve, and sporadic cases of ‘bird flu’ in humans are expected to continue throughout 2023. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of June 14, 2023 (Precision Vaccinations), the recent… […]

  • Watchman: Google Will Flip The World UpSideDown Soon, They Are Controlled by CIA et al. They Won’t Tolerate Free People

    They Are Playing For Keeps. Satan Soldiers At Google Said in Court Documents: Free Speech Is “Disastrous” for Society, The issue with approving and accepting any New World Order is that no government has ever provided genuine hope or peace for humanity, and none will ever provide it. A guy becomes disillusioned and enslaved by the government as he looks to it for global peace and hope as it makes false promises. Due to the inherent weaknesses of power struggles, greed, and corruption, no quasi-world empire has ever managed to endure, as history has repeatedly demonstrated. A harsh awakening awaits those who hope for the establishment of a New World Order, regardless of their religious or secular beliefs. The reality is that, despite human intelligence and creativity, misguided religious teachings are unable to create utopia. Perpetual tranquility and joy are… […]

  • Watchman Warning: The World Health Organization (W.H.O/U.N.) Plans to Impose “Medical Dictatorship” in the Fall of 2023 or 2024. W.H.O Continues to Pose a Serious Danger to the United States’ Ability to Govern Itself, The U.N. & W.H.O are EVIL. Pale Horse In Play

    The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support HNewsWire: The proposal might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist. n September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform. Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as… […]

  • Watchman: January 1, 2024, Entering the Fifth Year of Tribulation. Prepare Yourself, Things Are About to Get Serious

    SRH: You Will Be Betrayed Even by Your Parents, Brothers, Relatives, and Friends, and They Will Put Some of You to Death. All Men Will Hate You Because of Me. (Words of Jesus Recorded in Luke 21:16-17) SRH, I do not profess to possess all the solutions. Just like with anything else, growth is a gradual process, and this platform represents my quest to discover those solutions. Acts 17:11 embodies the expectation I have of those who peruse this page, as I endeavor to progress towards the objective of becoming a vigilant watchman. SRH: Most of the time, “tribulation” means a state of extreme pain or trouble. Believers in Christ believe that the Tribulation will happen at the end of Daniel’s 70 Weeks, which is the last seven years. During this time, Jesus will judge the wicked world and restore […]

  • Watchman Says Once the Events of the End Times Begin, They Will Happen Quickly During the Tribulation Period, The World Will Be Ruled by a Godless Man Presiding Over an Evil Governmental System

    Update 3/11/24: The Coming War of Gog and Magog The passage in Ezekiel 38 through 39 details an imminent invasion of Israel by a significant coalition of neighboring nations. Considering the current news and conflicts in the Middle East, it’s fascinating to think about how ancient prophecies might be coming to pass. In Ezekiel 36-37, a prophecy discusses the gathering of the Jewish people to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by a major invasion. For almost 2000 years, the Jewish people were scattered around the world, and it was only on May 14, 1948, that Israel was established as a nation. With the nation of Israel now established, the stage appears to be prepared for a significant conflict that will mark the beginning of a period of turmoil and the emergence of a powerful figure-a conflict that […]

  • Watchman Gives a Warning: “Beware of Your Friends; Do Not Trust Your Brothers. Every Brother Is a Deceiver, and Every Friend a Slanderer. A Friend Deceives a Friend, and No One Speaks the Truth. They Have Taught Their Tongues to Lie; They Weary Themselves With Sinning. You Live in the Midst of Deception; In Their Deceit They Refuse to Acknowledge Me,” Declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:4-6)

    HNewsWire: Corrupt Religious Leaders But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD. “‘How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have? Therefore I will give their wives to other men and their fields to new owners. From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. “Peace, peace,” they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they […]

  • Update: “To Kill With Sword With Famine and With Pestilence” the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    HNewsWire: 2 Timothy 3:1-5… But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people… HNewsWire-“To kill with sword with famine and with pestilence”… Fully Vaccinated Former SecState Colin Powell Dies From COVID Complications Colin Powell, the first Black US secretary of state , has died from complications from COVID-19, his family said on Facebook. “General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from COVID-19,” read a statement posted to his […]

  • Watchman: The American People Are Bearing the Financial Burden of the Fake Planned War. Iran and Israel Are Engaging in Missile Launches Against Each Other for Amusement.

    HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 19, 2024 – 10:20 AM There has been no Iranian response against Israel for the overnight Israeli retaliation attack on the Islamic Republic. US officials have since confirmed that it was in fact an Israeli attack, yet all the while Iran’s leaders are trying desperately to downplay it, saying it inflicted no damage, and that several reported explosions were actually the result of Iran’s air defenses intercepting a few drones, particularly over the city of Isfahan, site of a key nuclear facility. Importantly, as we predicted, Tehran is saying it has no plans for further retaliation following the oddly toothless, performative response from Israel. Officially, Iran and its state media are even referring to the attack incident as having been done by “infiltrators” while not readily naming Israel, also declaring that the aggression ‘failed’. […]

  • Update: The Antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Will Make His Appearance On The World Stage Soon, Everything is Right on Schedule… Benjamin Netanyahu is an Ashkenazim Jew, Not A Real Bible Jew, He Worships Satan

      HNewsWire Exposes the Elitist’s Ungodly Agenda: You Need the Truth to Make an Informed Decision. God bless you. Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. Check out the HIMEDIA Group. Netanyahu and the Right Have Regain Power; They’ll Hold It for a Long Time Netanyahu is looking forward to his return to the PM Residence on Balfour Street following Bennett’s interruption is understandable, and poll results have done little to undermine that confidence – and the experts’ talk of continuous gridlock is comprehensible. While Bennett opted not to make Balfour Street his permanent abode, temporary Prime Minister Lapid will live there for the foreseeable future.Bennett has agreed to follow a coalition agreement that states he would be in charge until the Knesset is dissolved and a new coalition is sworn in. […]

  • Watchman: Update “Be Warned, We Are Close To War — White Horse In Play, We Are on Our Way to War With Russia. ” Satan Soldiers Urge Russia to Act. Unfortunately, the Russia Issue is a Plandemic New World Order Satanic ploy, and as a Result, Hell on Earth Will Arrive Soon.

    Be gentle with your skin. Our soaps are kind to your skin and create a creamy, silky lather that is nourishing. Small batches are made by hand. We only use the best natural ingredients. There are no chemicals, phthalates, parabens, sodium laurel sulfate, or detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase.   War Footing, US Tells Any Remaining Americans To Get Out Of Russia Or Face Possible Conscription HNewsWire: Apparently sensing that Russia is about to escalate the war in Ukraine in some dramatic fashion, potentially to involve a new national mobilization effort ahead of a coming Spring offensive, the US Embassy in Moscow has issued an urgent new appeal for any and all Americans still in Russia to depart immediately. The fresh advisory alert released Sunday warns of “unpredictable consequences” for any US […]

  • Watchman’s Update: Gog and Magog Have Taken Shape, Saudi Arabia Seeks to Join the Russia/China-Led BRICS Coalition, and America Will Cease to Exist Once This Event Occurs, Tribulation Warp Speed!

    HNewsWire: Take A Hard look At This Pic! It’s hard to overstate the potential impact of a move underway that – thanks to Biden’s catastrophic diplomacy – could result in China replacing the U.S. as a security guarantor with the petro-monarchies that control so much of the world’s oil reserves. Notice The Left Hand HNewsWire:Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman welcomed Xi Jinping to Riyadh (screen grab from YouTube). Bloomberg reports: Oil-rich Gulf monarchies are using their wealth to strengthen ties with China as they worry about the future of their long-standing security partnership with the United States. Seven months after President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Gulf summit in Riyadh, economic exchanges between the world’s second-largest economy and countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have increased, expanding far beyond crude purchases, where Beijing has long held sway. […]

  • Watchman For HNewsWire: We Are Being Lied Too — Governments Around the Globe to Suppress Free Speech — Mainstream Media Will Be More Than Glad to Accommodate Satan Soldiers

    Featured Story December 7, 2022 Between 2019 and 2020, everyone at CNN, every anchor, and correspondent voluntarily whored over their souls to andrew cuomo. Cooper, tapper, blitzer, camerota, stelter, keiler, lemon, berman… they all spent a year denying and covering up andrew’s cuomo’s pile of serial scandals – sexual and otherwise. They all spent a year mythologizing andrew cuomo as america’s governor. They collectively spent a year presenting andrew cuomo as a president-in-waiting to take down trump. Knowing all about the zucker-gollust-andrew cuomo link, every major figure at CNN nonetheless whored out their ethics and journalistic credibility to spew truckloads of falsehoods in service to this jaw-dropping corruption. And this network-wide corruption to elevate andrew cuomo surely contributed to damaging forever the CNN brand, which is now a basement-rated joke. They’re all soiled by this sleazy affair, all of them, […]

  • Update: Satan Soldiers Will Crush the Working Poor One State at a Time — With Soaring Food, Fuel, and Shelter Inflation

    HNewsWire: ‘As of 2022, Tim Gurner is 41 years old and boasts an impressive net worth of $929 million, according to The Australian Financial Review’s 2022 Rich List.‘ The Goal Of Crushing The Labor Force In truth, what Gurner said is indeed the overt goal of not so much the governments but the world central banks, working to slow growth and demand, by clamping down tight on the labor market with a vice grip, and limiting the availability of credit and loans to smaller businesses and the consumer. AUTHOR’S NOTE: The remainder of this section is from a lengthy, unpublished article I wrote earlier this year but could not quite not finish it due to other arrangements, but it cites direct quotes from the presidents of the U.S. Federal Reserve, where they explicitly say that they are trying to slow […]

  • Watchman’s Update: According to the Watchman, There Will Be Great Division—Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, and Son Against Father—and These Corrupt Wealthy Individuals and Politicians Will Literally Tear Each Other Apart..

    Mega-Rich Are Going into Hiding at Warp Speed! HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The mega rich are forcing out millionaires as ‘billionaire bunker’ island, Indian Creek in Miami, Florida, increasingly becomes a private enclave of the uber elite. A local historian told Bloomberg that even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because they are being priced out by people like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. “Only the very wealthy, the billionaires can afford to live in Indian Creek now. Hundreds of millions aren’t gonna cut it anymore,” said Paul George. Bezos already owns multiple properties on the island and is looking to buy three more, having bought two neighboring homes on the island for a total of nearly $150 million last year. Why anyone would need five or more properties on […]

  • Update: mRNA Technology Is Pretty Much Worthless Against Flu, However the Kill Shots Works Great Eliminating Useless Eaters

    SRH: At My First Defense No One Came to Stand By Me, but All Deserted Me. May It Not Be Charged Against Them! But the Lord Stood by Me and Strengthened Me, so That Through Me the Message Might Be Fully Proclaimed and All the Gentiles Might Hear It. So I Was Rescued From the Lion’s Mouth. The Lord Will Rescue Me From Every Evil Deed and Bring Me Safely Into His Heavenly Kingdom. To Him Be the Glory Forever and Ever. HNewsWire Live Stream 24/7 News UpDates and World Events HNewsWire: Data suggests sudden adult death syndrome due to vaccines, The Government Exempted Itself and Big Pharma From Litigation, Then Told Everyone They Had to Drink the Juice or Lose Everything So, which government official, Biden,Trump or Johnson, will be arrested first? There are plenty to select from, and […]

  • Watchman See Government Against The People—State Against State—Governor Against Governor—Mayor Against Mayor—Government Against Government—Neighbor Against Neighbor—Tribulation

    A Republican Party would have stood up to curb the horrible excesses of a Democratic Party focused on destroying everything that has allowed people to thrive in this land: property law, economic liberty, free speech, and now even your physical health. HNewsWire: For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has elevated its travel recommendation from Level 1 to Level 2 because of monkeypox cases recorded in Europe, North America, and Australia. There is a “low danger to the general population” at this time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It doesn’t matter whether the next danger is a military threat, an environmental health issue, or something else entirely; you have to maintain your freedom, your individual liberties, no matter what.” all choices are made with God at the front of the […]

  • The Names And Faces Of Satan Soldiers Who Are Killing Humanity — The World Economic Forum (WEF) Death March is Taking America Down Hell’s Highway

     The ones on the left are the ones that actually got the money.  Trump’s Operation Warp Speed went to Anser. These Are the Real Satan Soldiers Take a Good Look at the List Just So You Understand Facebook and Google’s CEO Founders Are Demon – Fact –  Ever-one on This List Is EVIL…   If you thought the last Dr David Martin talk was exciting, this one, which he gave at the Red Pill Expo is positively electrifying. He says that this is “final” speech but that we will be hearing from him, only it will be a new version: No more Mr Nice Guy. We get to see a bit of that in this presentation. He is angry. David has put the names and faces of all of the major players in the theater of the COVID War onto one slide, […]

  • Watchman: Lawlessness Will Abound in the Days Ahead, It’s Fair to Say That This Country’s People Are on Their Own, All Hell Is About to Break Loose …

    “ Stay Home’: Feds Tell San Francisco Workers To Telecommute Due To Crime Wave by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 – 07:05 PM Crime is so bad near San Francisco’s US Department of Health and Human Services federal building that officials have advised hundreds of employees to work remotely for the foreseeable future. Pelosi federal building in San Francisco Citing public safety concerns outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street – which houses several federal agencies including the HHS, the Department of Labor, the Department of Transportation and Nancy Pelosi’s office – officials issued the stay-home recommendation in an Aug. 4 memo to regional leaders. “In light of the conditions at the (Federal Building) we recommend employees … maximize the use of telework for the foreseeable future,” according to a copy of the memo by HHS Assistant… […]

  • Watchman Warning: “I Think Jesus Would Not Recognize 99.7% Of Churches Today,” Since “Faith” Can Mean Different Things to Different People,“ Ungodly Religious Language,” Sanitizing Messages in Such a Way Where People “Can’t Be Honest, Can’t Express Doubt and Can’t Fail, The Church is in Deep Trouble,Hell Bound!

      Be gentle with your skin. Our soaps are kind to your skin and create a creamy, silky lather that is nourishing. Small batches are made by hand. We only use the best natural ingredients. There are no chemicals, phthalates, parabens, sodium laurel sulfate, or detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase. SRH: Galatians 6:7 warns us what happens when we remove the authority of God from our values, our goals, and our laws: Society reaps what it sows as well. The light went out in the church, and that’s the reason the world got dark. Dark times were perpetrated by the “last one out, turn out the lights”. HNewsWire:  We Have Let the Government’s Evil Doing, Its Abuses, Power Grabs, Brutality, Meanness, Inhumanity, Immorality, Greed, Corruption, Debauchery, and Tyranny Go On for Too […]

  • Watchman: A Democratic Lawmaker Calls for Trump’s Assassination as the Only Option Left for Satan’s Soldiers–Trump is in-Trouble…Letitia James to Start Seizing Trump’s Properties

    SRH: Update: 4/8/24 According to former federal prosecutor Eric Lisann, Knight Specialty Insurance won’t be allowed to post a $175 million bond for Donald Trump as he appeals a fraud judgment. This statement came in response to lawyer Dave Kingman’s assertion that the insurance company wouldn’t be able to secure the bond for Trump. HNewsWire: During an interview on MSNBC, a representative from the US Virgin Islands said the quiet part about former President Trump out loud. Stacey Plaskett, a Democratic House delegate, suggested Trump be shot. She quickly corrected herself, saying, “Stopped.” “Having Trump not only have the codes but now have the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out there and share it in his resort with anyone and everything who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans,” Plaskett said. “He needs to… […]

  • Watchman:Trump’s in Trouble and Has Acknowledged His Inability to Post the Substantial $464M or 175M Dollar Bond. The Con Man Has Been Exposed and Has Hurt Those That Believed He Was the Savior,Just Ask the Pillow Guy, and a Long list of Self-induced Victims

    By SRH, On one stage, Trump carries a sodomite flag, asserting their rights, and the next, he clutches a Bible, telling them he is the chosen one. He is anything you want him to be. He is a narcissist. Donald Trump has acknowledged his inability to secure the bond for his New York civil fraud trial, as his legal team filed a request on Monday to postpone the execution of the judgment. The ex-president was fined $354 million for engaging in real estate-related fraud in New York. With daily interest of $112,000, the total amount has now surpassed $467 million. Trump’s attorneys claim that in order to obtain the bond, they would have to provide collateral worth $557 million, which they argue is practically impossible. The Chubb Corporation, an insurance group that supported Trump’s $91.6 million bond in E. Jean […]

  • Watchman: Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, Tribulation The Last Days Would Be Preceded by Several Things Many False Christs Would Come, Deceiving Many; We Would “Hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars

    Things Many False Christs Would Come, Deceiving Many; We Would “Hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars… Those interested in the Great Tribulation should understand those travel restrictions will occur. This plague is an example of travel conditions at a time when you will want to travel to safety in the wilderness but you can’t… Revelation 4:1 introduces a section of Scripture that details “things which must be hereafter.” What follows are prophecies of the “end times.” We have not yet reached the tribulation, the revelation of the Antichrist, or other “end-time” events. What we do see is a “preparation” for those events. Jesus said that the last days would be preceded by several things: many false Christs would come, deceiving many; we would “hear of wars and rumors of wars”; and there would be an increase in “famines, and pestilences, […]

  • Watchman’s Update: Warning About Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus—Parallels Between Bill Gates COVID Measures and Nazi Germany

    They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: There’s a Big Difference Between COVID-19 (Flu) and a Pestilent, If It Kills It’s a Pestilent, the COVID 19 Flu Is a Common Occurrence in Society, Time Will Tell What the Death Angel Has Prescribed I go back to my original statement in January, this is a “Pestilence”, God knew evil men were in labs concocting a virus with the intention of harming humanity. SRH… Reviewed by Evelyne Shuster In Murderous medicine Naomi Baumslag documents the complicity of Nazi doctors and pharmaceutical companies in murderous medical experiments related to epidemic typhus to further Jewish genocide. On the book’s cover is a picture of the shaved heads of newly dead men, frozen in snow, with snow caps as skull caps, reminiscent of the Jewish yarmulke. Eyes and mouths are closed, forever blinded and silenced about […]

  • Watchman: DuckDuckgo, Which Is Sometimes Referred to as a Google Alternative, Has Declared That It Would “De-rank” Websites Connected With “Disinformation, in Other Words They Will Use“Censorship” On Truth

    SRH: HNewsWire has been censored by all the search engines, including DuckDuckGo Satan Soldiers At World Economic Forum Makes Censorship Pledge To ‘Tackle Harmful Content And Conduct Online’ Big Tech-Government Coalition to Control What People See Online…. HNewsWire-DuckDuckGo, a prominent privacy-focused search engine that is often compared to Google, has stated that it would “de-rank” sites connected with “disinformation” and add “information bubbles” to “highlight excellent information.” The news sparked great outrage among DuckDuckGo fans, who regard the revisions as an adoption of the Masters of the Universe’s censoring tactics. In a recent Twitter post, the CEO of privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo said that the business will start de-ranking “sites connected with misinformation,” a practice Google has employed for years to prevent users from seeing material it deems offensive. Duckduckgo is a web-based search engine. DuckDuckGo search engine (screenshot) Gabriel […]

  • Watchman’s Update: 4/5/24 4.8 Earthquake NYC and N.J. Pestilence Often Translated Plague“Weather Disaster” Sunday Afternoon in the Los Angeles Region. The Tremor Occurred as Tropical Storm Hilary Was Causing Severe Flooding

    According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake reportedly affected 42 million people. Bedminister, New Jersey, experienced a 2.0 aftershock as reported by various sources. The extent of the damage caused by the earthquake remains unclear. New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) mentioned that her team is currently evaluating the impacts and any potential damage resulting from the earthquake. She assured that updates will be provided to the public throughout the day. Hochul also highlighted that this earthquake is one of the largest to hit the east coast in the past century. Mayor Eric Adams (D-N.Y.) of New York City stated that there have been no significant impacts observed from the earthquake so far. However, his office is still in the process of assessing the overall impact. The most recent major earthquake on the east coast occurred on August 23rd, […]

  • Watchman: Speaker Fake Christian Johnson is Not Going Anywhere Republicans Voice Support for Speaker Johnson After MTG’s Move to Oust Him, We, The People, Have NO SAY-Hell On Earth

    By SRH, Republicans Offer Speaker Johnson The We, the people, have no say after MTG’s attempt to remove him. In reaction to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) effort calling for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to resign, a number of Republicans have come out in favor of Johnson. In an attempt to remove Mr. Johnson from his position as leader, Ms. Greene filed a move to vacate on March 22. She was upset that Congress had approved a $1.2 trillion spending plan in order to prevent a government shutdown. After filing the motion, Ms. Greene told reporters, “It’s more of a warning and a pink slip,” stressing that she is not requesting an instant floor vote and accusing Mr. Johnson of betraying the trust of the House Republican Conference. “It doesn’t have to be forced; there is no time limit […]

  • Watchman Question: Credit Suisse Has Collapsed Because One of the Board Members Is “Gender Fluid” and Can’t Make Up His Mind Whether He Identifies as a Man or a Woman on Any Given Day. Some May Wonder, “How Can This Guy Operate a Firm When He Can’t Even Decide if He’s a Man or a Woman?” Sin Virus in Switzerland

    HNewsWire Live Stream 24/7  News UpDates and World Events   HAL TURNER As the world watches the stock value of Credit Suisse implode, people are asking how this could happen. That question is causing attention to be paid to the company Directors; one of whom is “Gender Fluid.” Folks are now asking “How can this guy run a company when he can’t even decide if he’s a man or a woman?” Pictured above is Credit Suisse Director Philip Bunce.  However, depending on how he feels on any given day, he may come to work dressed in a wig and women’s clothes, calling himself “Pips” Bunce. And while he’s busy trying to decide on whether he is a male or female on any given day, the company he is supposed to be Directing is seeing it’s stock value collapse. Of course, […]

  • Watchman Warning: Update on the Sin Virus Trans People—LGBTQ+E for Evil,You Are on Notice, Anti-Christ Subhuman Individuals Who Have Mocked God’s Design and Destroyed the Fiber of God’s Blueprint for Man and Woman Judgment is Near—Be Warned, They Will Become Very Violent in the Near Future. They are Satan’s Foot Soldiers.

    HNewsWire: The Bible clearly teaches that God is the one who assigned the sexes. Notice what God didn’t do in Genesis: He never asked Adam or Eve if they were “comfortable” or “happy” with their assigned sex. He never created multiple wives for Adam or multiple husbands for Eve. He never asked Adam or Eve about their “sexual orientation” or sexual preferences. Instead, God created only two sexes (male and female), and He created the first marriage institution (one man and one woman). God did it that way, because that’s how God wanted His creation to operate. Anything outside of God’s plan for sexuality is a perversion, orchestrated by the greatest pervert in the universe: Satan. Next, we see that the Mosaic Law clearly prevented cross-dressing: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: […]

  • Watchman’s Update 3/15/24 Texas AG Paxton Suggests ‘Rule of Law Means Nothing’ to Judge McAfee Domestic Terrorism–Tribulation Lawlessness in America

    SRH: The Cost of Standing for Truth Is So High, so Precious, so All-Consuming That Almost No One Will Meet It Update 3/15/24 Texas AG Paxton Suggests ‘Rule of Law Means Nothing’ to Judge McAfee Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton lambasted the ruling and suggested that Judge Scott McAfee allowed the rule of law to “go by the wayside.” “Today, the rule of law is completely going by the wayside and I think it really started under President Obama, and we’ve just moved to this place where now judges – and I deal with this, I know President Trump deals with this … the rule of law means nothing,” he told Blaze TV host Glenn Beck. “They look at things politically, and they want a certain result, which is get rid of him so that he cannot be president-because they […]

  • Watchman: Daily Devotional, What Are Watchmen in the Bible?

             Ezekiel 33:7 “So You, Son of Man, I Have Made a Watchman for the House of Israel. Whenever You Hear a Word From My Mouth, You Shall Give Them Warning From Me Watchmen in the Bible were guards responsible for protecting towns and military installations from surprise enemy attacks and other potential dangers. Ancient Israelite cities often stationed watchmen on high walls or in watchtowers. Their job was to keep watch and warn the townspeople of impending threats. The Hebrew word translated “watchman” means “one who looks out,” “one who spies,” or “one who watches.” Sometimes watchmen were scouts who looked out for approaching friends as well as enemies. There are many references to watchmen who kept an eye out for physical threats in the Bible: “Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel, and […]

  • Watchman: Daily Devotional, It’s Your Choice The Ultimate Destination Is Heaven or Hell. You Decide Where You Are Going to Go

    Watchman: Daily Devotional  And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.-Hebrews 9:27 As The Makropulos Case opened at New York’s Metropolitan Opera on January 5, 1996, tenor Richard Versalle was performing. He mounted a ladder and sang, “You can only live so long” as part of the action. Then, without warning, he was knocked off the ladder. The singer died of a heart attack, which is a terrible loss. He had no idea he was saying them for the last time. One day, we shall all speak our final words. It makes no difference whether you are an opera singer, CEO, global leader, gang member, or a complete unknown. Eventually, we’ll all expire. If it were your birthday today, what would you do? For all of time and space, where would you like […]

  • Watchman: Visit Our New HNewsWire Store HNewsWire Store

  • Watchman: Record Number of Illegal Crossings: 371,000 in December There Has Been a Significant Increase in the Number of Illegal Border Crossings, Leading to Heightened Scrutiny of the Shadowy Obama/Biden Administration’s Approach to Managing the Planned Invasion of Illegal Immigrants Into TX

    Stay very alert for a terrorist action from this dem assisted invasion. Hold EVERY dem responsible for whatever evil happens because of their collective policies. By SRH, Last month, data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) revealed a significant increase in the number of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. This ongoing border situation shows no signs of resolution. In December, a remarkable 371,036 individuals were apprehended while attempting to enter the United States unlawfully, surpassing the previous record of 341,392 set in August 2023. There has been a significant increase in encounters along the southwest land border, reaching a new record of 302,034, according to data released by CBP in January. In a stunning turn of events, the numbers have reached unprecedented levels, just as House Republicans are preparing to take action against Department of Homeland Security […]

  • Watchman: The Same Terrorists Who Just Carried Out This Awful Act in Israel Are Still Alive and Well. Their Hatred and Their Steadfast Desire to Do Harm to the United States of America Are Still Present. “Nobody in Their Right Mind Can Say That Our Border Is Secure.”

    By SRH, The terrorists who just committed this heinous act in Israel are still alive and continuing to carry out their activities. Their animosity toward the United States of America, as well as their unwavering will to cause harm to the country, are still present. “Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure.” A terrorist strike carried out by Hamas against Israel is causing reverberations all across the world, and the porous borders of the United States are once again in the limelight. “There is not a single person in their right mind who can assert that our border is safe.” According to Mr. Morgan, there is a genuine worry that terrorists have already crossed the border into the United States. This is especially true for the group of more than 1.6 million illegal immigrants who […]

  • Watchman: It’s Time to Secede.the Supreme Court Allows the Federal Government to Remove Texas Border Wire, and Texans Pay the Price for Allowing Fed Gov Scum to Be In Charge of Our Lives, We the People No Longer Have a U.S. Supreme Court Justice System

    Texas Will Make a Huge Move Relatively Soon, According to Watchman: It’s Time to Secede and Govern Ourselves. TX  Should Go It Alone. Other States Will Be Very Supportive of Us. Other Countries as Well. The Oil and Gas Business, Which the Federal Government Wishes to Eliminate, Will Thrive in a Free and Autonomous Country Like Texas. It Is #Texit Time. By SRH, Out of a possible nine votes, the Supreme Court chose to let the U.S. Border Patrol take down the razor wire that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott put up along the U.S.-Mexico border while a legal challenge is being heard. An order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in mid-December 2023 was overturned by the high court in a short order. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh voted against the […]

  • Watchman: In the 2020 Presidential Election, Big Tech Censored Everything From Evidence of Vote Irregularities to Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Which Amounted to Nothing Less Than Election Tampering. When Will Christians/Conservatives Bud Light Twitter, Fake Book, and Stop Using Google? They are Evil!

    HNewsWire: As Democrats seek to hobble the competition ahead of the 2022 midterms – between Trump’s ongoing Mar-a-Lago raid drama, a Steve Bannon indictment over fundraising for a private wall, and Biden’s DOJ slapping 35 Trump associates with warrants or subpoenas – ‘Big Tech’ is doing their part to protect establishment narratives from dangerous wrongthink.   Four weeks ago, Twitter announced they would be ‘pre-bunking’ election claims during the 2022 midterms “to get ahead of misleading narratives” and “to proactively address topics that may be the subject of misinformation.” Then, on Wednesday the social media giant announced the expansion of ‘Birdwatch‘ – the company’s fact-checking program which has contributors flag “misleading” tweets with “notes that provide informative context.” According to the company, users who see a Birdwatch disclaimer are “20-40% less likely to agree with the substance of a potentially misleading Tweet than someone who sees the Tweet alone.” As Just […]

  • Watchman: America Doesn’t Know Right From Wrong—Because We’ve Thrown out the Bible

    Biblical truth, which happens to be foreign to a lot of people, the epidemic, the sin virus has mutated out of control, look around. SRH.. HNewsWire: Almost two thousand years ago, Truth was put on trial and judged by people who were devoted to lies. In fact, Truth faced six trials in less than one full day, three of which were religious, and three that were legal. In the end, few people involved in those events could answer the question, “What is truth?” After being arrested, the Truth was first led to a man named Annas, a corrupt former high priest of the Jews. Annas broke numerous Jewish laws during the trial, including holding the trial in his house, trying to induce self-accusations against the defendant, and striking the defendant, who had been convicted of nothing at the time. After […]

  • Watchman Warning: Satan Soldiers Knew All Along Covid-19 Vaccines Are Killing Thousands — Tribulation In Play

    HNewsWire: Good versus Evil Requires “Right Judgment”… Another key aspect of the Bible’s teaching on “good versus evil” is that no person is infallible, even on spiritual matters. Those who are guided by the Holy Spirit are better equipped to judge spiritual matters (1 Corinthians 2:14), and they ought to do so. Scripture is clear that all people are subject to sin, and it is just as clear that all people are subject to correction (Hebrews 12:5-11), learning (2 Timothy 2:15), and limitations (1 Samuel 16:7). In Matthew 7 Jesus gives an extensive explanation of how to properly discern between good and evil: to “judge” in the correct way; that is, to use “right judgment” (John 7:24). The Bible commends examination (Acts 17:11), commands putting things to the test (1 John 4:1), and promotes accountability (1 Peter 3:15) and a commitment to […]

  • Watchman: See Those Who Recover From All That Was Intended to Destroy Them. These Are the People of God, and They Are Not to Be Trifled With. Note to the Antichrist Garbage

      Tucker Details ‘Rise of Trans Terrorism,’ Movement Targeting Christians HNewsWire: Fox News host Tucker Carlson took on the transgender movement’s hostility to Christians Tuesday night, warning of a “rise of trans terrorism.” “The trans movement, it turns out, is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy,” Carlson said. “People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not.” Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson · Follow The trans movement, it turns out, is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy. People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not. Watch on Twitter 7:15 PM · Mar 28, 2023 Copy link The transgender movement is “targeting Christians,” Carlson warned. WION News reported that Tsukuru Fors, the co-founder of TRAN, said the annual “Trans Day of Visibility” had been changed to the “Trans […]

  • Watchman: Listen Up, You Evil Globalist. You Domonic B******* Who Believe That God’s Children Are Going to Be Intimidated Into Taking Your Poisonous mRNA Into Their Bodies—You Are Wrong. Get This Straight. God Protects the True Believers, and You’re a Piece of Crap. Don’t Continue Down This Road. One More Time—From the Watchmen to Satan Soldiers—Bill Gates, Gov. Officials, Fake Dr. Fauci, CDC, FDA, and the W.H.O: We Are Not Locking Down or Masking Up Again, We Will Not Take Any More of Your Safe and Effective Boosters—Screw You!

    SRH: “What Does It Mean to Have a Reprobate Mind?” Worthless Literally or Morally–Ask  Satan Soldiers,Bill Gates, Gov. Officials, Fake Dr. Fauci, CDC, FDA, and the W.H.O The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).” Those (Big Tech CEO’s) “resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith” (2 Timothy 3:8). The resistance to the truth because of corrupt minds. In Titus, Paul also refers to those whose works are reprobate: “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, […]

  • Watchman: Update Hospitals Have Become the Modern Day Concentration Camps—COVID Cases Are a Revenue Stream for Hospitals

    Featured Story: HNewsWire:  Hospital Holocaust!! Despite the fact that every attempt to petition for their mother’s COVID-19 therapy was treated with “weird actions and attitudes” by hospital staff, Clover and Jodi Carroll recalled what their mother had said to them as children: “Carrolls never quit.” Carolyn Carroll was admitted to a Texas hospital on July 5, 2021, and died on August 1, 2021, at the hands of what Clover and Jodi claim were the hospital’s COVID-19 treatment methods. Carolyn’s situation, according to her siblings, exemplifies “medical tyranny” that has been imposed on “thousands of people across the country.” Clover and Jodi, on the other hand, insist they are not victims. “Victims wonder why this is occurring,” Clover explained to The Epoch Times. “Survivors want to know what they can do.” Clover and Jodi are now both members of the Former Feds […]

  • Update: The Illuminati’s Satanic Council, Soros Moving His Pawns on Behalf of the Illuminati, Obama on Board of Directors Our Demonic Leaders

    HNewsWire: There are only two perspectives on history: one that everything happens by chance, and the other that everything happens on purpose. The uninformed, stupid, and liar have the first viewpoint, whereas the wise hold the second. History is created on purpose, rather than by chance. This was realized by two public people separated by time. “Nothing in politics ever occurs by accident,” stated Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States. You can guarantee it was planned that way if it occurs.” “The world is ruled by persons very different from those expected by the public,” observed British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881). These two simple statements illustrate the fundamental premise that underpins the substantive and proper study of History: that every major event in politics, economics, finance, and international relations is the result of calculated […]

  • Watchman: Experts Warn That the New COVID Strain BA.6 Is ‘Probably’ Already in THE US, Prompting Demands for Masks to Be Reinstated—the Experts Haven’t Got the People Memo Yet: Screw You!

    SRH: These are the darkest, most difficult days in human history. We are facing the end of freedom and the end of the awesome wonder of the independent, human spirit. I genuinely believe that rabid enemies such as Soros, Blair, HRH Charles (the HRH stands for His Royal Hypocrite), the Rothschilds, Schwab, Gates, Musk, Biden, the Bilderbergers et al are the most evil conspirators to have ever walked this earth. The Evil Hornswogglers should be hung, drawn and quartered. When, in the name of God, justice, humanity, wisdom and hope are the moronic mask wearers, the lock-down-lovers and the witless, covid jabbed collaborators going to wake up to reality? I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every… […]

  • Revelation 6:8 In Play: the Sky Has Turned Green in America,I Looked, and Behold, an Ashen Horse; And He Who Sat on It Had the Name Death; And Hades Was Following With Him. They Were Given Authority Over a Fourth of the Earth, to Kill With Sword, Famine, Pestilence, and Wild Beasts of the Earth

      HNewsWire: 6:8 Revelation In America, the sky has turned green. I looked, and there was an ashen horse, and the rider’s name was Death, and Hades was following him. They were granted control over a fourth of the globe and were given the authority to kill with the sword, hunger, disease, and wild creatures of the ground. Residents of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, observed an unusual occurrence. The whole city sky became green. According to Futurism, the natural occurrence might have been created by a peculiar storm. A huge thunderstorm system known as the Derecho rushed across the region, causing the tragic tragedy. It wounded numerous individuals, ruined property, and knocked off thousands of electrical lines. Derechos are very strong and catastrophic, with hurricane-like gusts and torrential, pouring rain over hundreds of kilometers. Although they may generate odd events, […]

  • Watchman Reporting More Lies From Trump: Trump Promised to Sign a Law if He Is Re-Elected That Would Ban Transgender Surgeries on Children–More BS! He Supports Homosexuals

    HNewsWire: “Something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say,” Trump told the crowd, adding “It’s so ridiculous. It’s so horrible and so ridiculous. I will keep men out of women’s sports. And I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Prohibited.” Trump continued, “and on day one I will reinstate the Trump ban on transgenders in the military. Because a warrior should be focused on crushing American enemies, on being strong, on having the image of being strong.” “They have to be powerful. They have to be strong, especially when you see what’s happening in the world today, not catering to radical gender ideology,” he continued. Watch: Trump also promised to “immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, […]

  • Update8/21/23 Watchman Has a Message for the CDC: Go to Hell. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Has Updated Its Stance on Masks and Is Now Recommending Wearing Masks for up to Six Months a Year in Health Care Settings. One More Time: We Are Not Locking Down or Masking Up Ever Again, and We (Christ Believers) Will Not Take Any More of Your Safe and Effective Boosters—Screw You!

    HNewsWire: In the old Soviet Union, citizens were not required to be a member of the Communist Party. But if you were not, you could never expect to rise far professionally or socially. You would never be the head of a department in university, a factory manager, much less the General Secretary. They were always recruited out of the party. Party membership was proof of loyalty. It was a demonstration that you were willing to put loyalty over morality. Rising high in the party also meant that others in the ruling class likely had something on you. No one gained power without other powerful people knowing of your grim deeds. That way there was mutual trust, or, to put it another way, mutual blackmail. Honor among thieves only holds true for those who are guilty of thievery. The system was […]

  • Watchman Update Biden Will Declared a National Climate Emergency Be Warned: Hard Lockdown Freedom of Movement Will Be Restricted by Governments Across the Globe. The US Will Be Overwhelmed by Satan’s Soldiers ( Biden , Obama, Sorso and Co.) in the Winter of 2023, Tribulation Warp Speed

    HNewsWire: The conditioning of American citizens, in particular, to move from a mindset where our rights come from God based on individual rights, and moving into more of a realm of collectivism, where we care more about other people and other people’s perceptions than we do our own critical thinking and our own self determinations.” HNewsWire: “Ivanka has been included in Fortune magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40″ list (2014) and was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (2015).” With more and more people beginning to finally take notice of the World Economic Forum’s plans, such as them touting what they call “The Great Reset,” and “You’ll own nothing and be happy” by the year 2030, along with the push for “stakeholder capitalism,” and the “4th Industrial Revolution.” Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy… […]

  • Watchman: The Most Deadly Domestic Terrorists Have Taken up Residence in the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, Pentagon, and Crystal City

    Politicians should all be wearing ankle monitors-if not shackles. The U.S. government is covertly recruiting Google, which maintains access to swaths of Americans’ personal data and information, to surveil their web searches, a new report from Forbes suggests. For years, the federal government has quietly demanded that the Big Tech search engine company hand over user data on anyone who conducts online searches using key terms. In 2017, a Minnesota judge OKed a warrant directing Google to expose user data for anyone in Edina who searched a certain fraud victim’s name. In a similar request in 2020, investigators demanded the Silicon Valley giant reveal information about “anyone who had searched for the address of an arson victim who was a witness in the government’s racketeering case against singer R Kelly.” In the most recently publicized warrant, which was accidentally unsealed by […]

  • Watchman: Trump Owns Warp Speed a.k.a Kill Shots… “COVID Jabs Also Infect the Unvaccinated.” Pestilence Through Kill Shots: The mRNA and DNA Vaccinations Are Based on Biotech’s Revolutionary Gene-Editing Methods, Sure Death, Pale Horse In Play

    Be gentle with your skin. Our soaps are kind to your skin and create a creamy, silky lather that is nourishing. Small batches are made by hand. We only use the best natural ingredients. There are no chemicals, phthalates, parabens, sodium laurel sulfate, or detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase.   HNewsWire: Coronavirus Mutating Into Something Far More Deadlier, Pestilence Will Not Go Away I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Trump Had Control Over Warp Speed and Approved the Demonic Cocktail , Also Known as Kill Shots “COVID Jabs Infect the Unvaccinated.” The MRNA and DNA Vaccinations Are Based on Biotech’s Revolutionary Gene-Editing Methods. COVID-According to Dr. Robert Malone, 19 vaccinations may be generating more sickness since they target an outdated… […]

  • Watchman’s Warning: No One Seems to Be Paying Attention as the One-World Beast System Roars Into Existence. Following in the Footsteps of Visa, MasterCard, and Amazon, JP Morgan Has Introduced an Invasive Bio-metric Payment Plan at the Point of Sale

    HNewsWire: While Americans become increasingly hypnotized by 2024 election coverage, where all they hear about is Donald Trump’s antics, globalists and technocrats move swiftly to install a new global economic order that will subjugate humanity by outsmarting the political system. Trump is the ideal polarizing figure to distract Americans during this crucial historical moment. Keeping your attention on him will cause you to miss the bigger picture. This relates to the rapidly approaching beast system, which is marching us toward World War III and economic slavery through cashless payment systems, biometric surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and even death. Yes, World War III and mRNA injections will facilitate the global culling of human populations that Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, and the Rockefellers have advocated for decades. With this context in mind, let’s move on to the […]

  • Watchman: The Warrior’s Mouth Is Filled with Prayers and Bold Speech His Sword Has No Scabbard and His Back Has No Armor, for Retreat Is Unthinkable

    Be gentle with your skin. Our soaps are kind to your skin and create a creamy, silky lather that is nourishing. Small batches are made by hand. We only use the best natural ingredients. There are no chemicals, phthalates, parabens, sodium laurel sulfate, or detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase. GraniteRidgeSoapworks I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Pestilence via Kill Shot Injections – 29 US States Have Confirmed Omicron Variant Cases, Mostly Among Vaccinated – Next? We Will Be Ruled By a Godless Men Presiding Over an Evil Governmental System. The Bible Associates This End-Times Ruler With a Terrible Beast in Revelation and in Daniel, the Day is Here-Get ready… What is the sound of one hand clapping? Anyone Interested in […]

  • Watchman: Kohl’s Is the Latest Department Store Retailer to Promote Transgender and LGBTQE E for Evil Children’s Merchandise, Launching a Store Selling Nasty Evil Pride Onesies for Infants. You Already Know What to Do–Woke To Broke

    SRH: Transhumanism is one of the most dangerous and diabolical philosophical ideas in our post-postmodern era. The feeble-minded masses are being brainwashed with transhumanist propaganda through movies and TV shows, such as the pathetic attempts at humor in Amazon Prime’s Upload or the abomination that is the Vision – a mere AI turned into a synthetic humanoid – in Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Transhumanism is the inevitable outcome of the theory of evolution: that humanity will keep evolving as it always has, probably hastening the process through our technological advancements. But beware, for this evolution will bring about a new era of power and domination. Stefan Sorgner’s book Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction reveals the sinister truth that humans must seize control of evolution and recklessly integrate technology into their very being, all in the name of a twisted… […]

  • Watchman Update: Satan-Soldier Censors Appalled to Hand Twitter Over to Free-Speech Advocates. Will Elon Musk Champion the First Amendment or Disappoint? Part 1

    HNewsWire: Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle opened the interview with Nunes by discussing TRUTH Social and asked the CEO his thoughts on Elon Musk’s move to back out of his Twitter buyout deal. Nunes said Musk’s decision to back out was “no surprise” to him after following the saga for the past few months. Nunes added that he did not buy into the narrative that Musk would become a “savior” for Twitter and rid the platform of its censorship tactics. Nunes described Twitter as a “global PR wire for celebrity types, sport people, corporations, political hacks, and weird reporters.” He also said Twitter is not TRUTH Social’s competition because “everyday Americans just don’t use” Twitter. “You know, everyday Americans just don’t use it. So With our competition for TRUTH social, we’re not just trying to be a PR wire. Obviously, […]

  • Watchman’s Update: 7/26/23 It’s Time to Fight Back, Bud Light, Chase Bank for Shutting Down Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Business Bank Accounts, Including the CEO, CFO, and Their Family Members,No Reason Given—SRH: Reason Chase Is Evil

    T HNewsWire: The Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands, armed with highly effective legal talent from the law firm, MotleyRice – which stakes its reputation on its “boldness” – has filed new documents in its federal lawsuit against the largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase. The new documents are, indeed, breathtakingly bold. The U.S. Virgin Islands’ attorneys have clarified to the court that they plan to show in a trial scheduled for October that JPMorgan Chase not only facilitated the sex trafficking of underage girls by Jeffrey Epstein but that the bank “actively participated in Epstein’s sex-trafficking venture from 2006 until 2019.” That is a very explosive assertion. For starters, it throws up a giant red flare as to why the American public has heard nothing from the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice about […]

  • Watchman: Death Angel Visit Nine Catholic Bishops With COVID-19, All Die in a Single Week

    Between Jan. 8 and Jan. 15, bishops across three continents died as a result of the coronavirus. The deceased bishops ranged in age from 53 years old to 91. Five of the bishops died in Europe, where a new strain of COVID-19 has led many countries to implement further restrictions. Four bishops died on the same day, Jan. 13: Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, who was 70 years old; Bishop Moses Hamungole of Monze, Zambia, who died at the age of 53; 87-year-old Bishop Mario Cecchini of Fano, Italy; and Cardinal Eusébio Oscar Scheid, the 88-year-old retired archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tartaglia tested positive for COVID-19 after Christmas and was self-isolating, but Glasgow archdiocese stressed that the cause of his death was currently unclear. Bells tolled across the Colombian diocese of Santa Marta on Jan. 12 to honor Bishop Luis Adriano Piedrahita Sandoval, 74, who died […]

  • Worldwide ‘System Collapse’ The Plandemic That Will Starve Million To Death — Tribulation…Plandemic & The Globalist Calls

    HNewsWire: The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it’s robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history. The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it’s robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history. – Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) June 5, 2022 The problem is that this has been going for decades and there’s now no way to fix it. The reality is that the US has been bankrupt for some time and what’s coming is a nightmare: Mass […]

  • Satan Soldiers Use Fear to Take Over The World With a “FAKE DISEASE” That Has NO Symptoms

    There are two ways in which people are controlled: first of all frighten them, and then demoralize them. An educated healthy, and confident nation is harder to govern. It turns out that – ironically – asymptomatic COVID-19 might not be asymptomatic after all because for any number of vulnerable people the very existence of this asymptomatic disease has the potential to make them sick – sick with fear, worry and anxiety. Biologists tell each other stories. These stories might involve lots of acronyms and use strange and wonderful verbs and nouns but, unlike say mathematics, the mechanism by which biologists convey their science is at heart through the use of language. But unlike works of creative writing, the language used by biologists needs to be precise because bad English can lead to bad science. Which is why it jarred so […]

  • Watchman Warning: “These So-Called Vaccines Are Not Really Vaccines, but These Kill Shots Have Been Manufactured Under Defense Contracts, Utilizing the Defense Production Act,” Says Watchman of the COVID Satan Soldiers Plandemic

    Former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova was suspended from twitter after claiming that the US military was involved with the creation and distribution of the so called Covid-19 vaccines. HNewsWire: Latypova discussed her research into the dangerous Covid jabs and how the military was involved during an interview with The Epoch Times earlier this week. Twitter Suspends Big Pharma Whistleblower Who Exposed US Military’s Involvement In Covid Jabs Fact checked June 23, 2023 Niamh Harris News Former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova was suspended from twitter after claiming that the US military was involved with the creation and distribution of the so called Covid-19 vaccines.   Latypova discussed her research into the dangerous Covid jabs and how the military was involved during an interview with The Epoch Times earlier this week. Twitter suspended Latypova’s account on Wednesday after several of her recent… […]

  • Watchman Warning: Update Pale Horse In Play: There Is a Good Possibility of Civil War on the Horizon, and for Those of You Who Are Unprepared, I Would Advise You to Make Every Preparation Possible to Protect Your Family as Well as the God-Given Freedom to Worship Tribulation Warp Speed

    Satan’s Soldiers, Antifa, the Fascist Organization, They Are Violent; It Is Time to Confront These Thugs… The first thing we can all do is research who these groups are. Take a look at their tactics. Look at where they get their money. The most important thing we can all do is share this information with the people around us. Most people will reject violent extremism, and it is important that we show them what is really going on with groups like the UEAALDF, BAMN, and Antifa. The second thing we can do is to boycott the groups and people that donate to the UEAALDF. This may include changing certain brands that we have all come to love. This was hard for me since I am usually against boycotts except in the most dire circumstances. I think this might be one of… […]

  • Watchman: Prepare for a “Cryptic” COVID Strain Insane Manhunt in Ohio for Unknown, Asymptomatic “COVID Carrier” They Are Not Finished; The “COVID-19 Project” Psyop Is Still Ongoing.

    HNewsWire: Scientists are trying to track down an Ohio resident who they believe is the longest-standing Covid patient ever, can reveal. The patient – thought to live in the Columbus area – is carrying a highly mutated version of the virus that is ‘unlike anything’ experts have seen. The virus has been detected through wastewater sampling and traced back to early 2021. It is being repeatedly picked up along a 40-mile area, signaling that one person is carrying and shedding it through their stool. Dr Marc Johnson, a microbiologist at the University of Missouri, warned the mutations the strain has would be serious enough to make it a ‘variant of concern’ if it began circulating in the population. Please watch this 8 min video by Tim Truth and share it widely. Reminder: The World Bank document titled “COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM AND PROPOSED… […]

  • Watchman Warning: America Is Done: It’s Biblical, Everybody Wants To Hop On The BRICS Express—End of an Age

    HNewsWire: In a move expected to fuel the ongoing de-dollarization trend, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have announced plans to introduce a new trading currency backed by gold. The official announcement is slated to take place during the BRICS summit in South Africa in August. This development comes as central banks worldwide have been increasing their gold reserves to diversify away from the U.S. dollar-especially those belonging to the BRICS nations. In fact, the Chinese and Russian central banks have purchased no less than 130 tons of gold in Q1 and Q2 2023 alone. In 2022, global central banks added at least 400 tons to their reserves. Source: US Global Investors Analysts view the potential gold-backed currency as a significant step toward challenging the dominance of the U.S. dollar and increasing the international credibility of […]

  • Watchman: Believers aka Christian Have a Choice It Is Better to Be Divided by Truth,Than to Be United in Error,It is Better to Speak the Truth That Hurts and Then Heals, Than Falsehood That Comforts and Then kills

    It Is Better To Speak The Truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not loved and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, then to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached […]

  • Update: The Missouri Sheriff Said He Told the FBI That He Won’t Comply With Audits Regarding Missouri Counties’ Concealed Carry Permit Information, Mayhem, A.K.A. Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State

      Abbott Calls the Border Situation a “Invasion,” and Says Texas Will Take “Unprecedented Measures” to Combat It HNewsWire: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has proclaimed a “invasion” as illegal immigrants continue to pour into the state. The newly re-elected governor is citing the Invasion Clause of the United States and Texas Constitutions to use powers expressly granted for an invasion scenario. The news was made by the governor in a tweet on Tuesday. “I utilized the U.S. and Texas Constitutions’ Invasion Clauses to fully enable Texas to take extraordinary actions to protect our state against an invasion,” he wrote. NBC Suspends Reporter In Connection With Retracted Paul Pelosi Story Abbot went on to describe the authorities he will use in order to “keep our state and country safe:” Deploy the National Guard to protect the border, as well as to […]

  • New Updates: Watchman Preparing for the Arrival of Mayhem, I See a Great Deal of Difficulties for the Established System–Death

    Satan’s Synagogue atop the New World Order The evil Empire of Secret Societies’ relentless and tragic climb to supremacy has led mankind to the point in its history when practically every person in the highest positions is a member of Secret Societies. There are only two historical perspectives: one in which everything happens by coincidence and the other in which everything happens on purpose. The first is held by the ignorant, dumb, and liars, whereas the second is held by the smart. History is constructed on purpose, not by happenstance. Two public personalities separated by time realized this. “Nothing happens by chance in politics,” said Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1955), the 32nd President of the United States. If anything happens, you can bet it was designed that way.” “The world is run by people who are extremely different from those who […]

  • Watchman Sees Mayhem Coming To America: Gun-Wielding Thugs Terrorized Memphis Motorists Over the Weekend–This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg–Get Prepared Tribulation in Play

    No God No Peace–Mass Shooting Leaves Many Dead, Wounded in Alabama HNewsWire: A mass shooting at a 16th birthday party has shook a small Alabama town, with reports of four to twelve people killed and nearly two dozen injured. The police have been extremely tight-lipped about the shooting on Saturday night. Law enforcement held a press conference after more than 12 hours, but they still refused to release any additional information. “There were four lives-not fatalities, but lives-that were tragically lost in this incident.” “There have also been numerous injuries,” Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Senior Trooper Jeremy Burkett said. According to HNewsWire sources, a gunman opened fire inside a crowded dance studio in downtown Dadeville, Alabama, a town of about 3,000 people. The majority, if not all, of the victims are thought to be teenagers. Photographs of the crime scene […]

  • Watchman Says These People Are EVIL: CDC Director Refuses To Tell Senators How Many CDC Employees Are Fully-Vaxx’d – Truth Be Known She’s Not Vaccinated either

    That Goes for 98% Of the Elitist They Have Not Taken This Vaccine From Hell nor Will They Ever, It’s Only for the Little People…   The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday declined to share with a Senate panel how many of the agency’s workers have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine. Satan Dark Princess Walensky Flip-Flops Again! The agency, or the CDC, has been at the forefront of pushing COVID-19 vaccination during the pandemic since the first vaccine received emergency authorization late last year. “What percent of CDC employees are vaccinated?” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) asked Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s head, during a Senate Health Committee hearing in Washington. “We’re actively encouraging vaccination in all of our employees and doing outreach in order to get our agency vaccinated,” Walensky responded. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the top Republican […]

  • Watchman: Steve Quayle Joined Alex Jones Live via Skype to Discuss the World’s Growing Dangers and Evils. During This Discussion, Quayle Shared His Account of a Vision He Had in Which Jesus Christ Entrusted Him With Joseph’s Ministry–Today There Are Many So-Called Prophets That We Might Spell “Profits” Because They Are Motivated by Money

    SRH: In the Bible, watchmen were guards tasked with guarding cities and military outposts against unexpected enemy attacks and other potential threats. Watchmen were frequently posted in watchtowers or on high walls in ancient Israelite cities. It was their responsibility to keep watch and alert the locals to any threats. The Hebrew word for “watchman” is “one who looks out,” “one who spies,” or “one who watches.” Watchmen occasionally served as scouts who kept an eye out for both friends and enemies on the move. The Bible frequently makes mention of watchmen who kept an eye out for potential dangers: “Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel, and he saw the company of Jehu as he came and said, ‘I see a company.’ Take a horseman and send him to meet them, and let him ask, “Is […]

  • Watchman: Global Warming Is Due to Government Interference and Satan Soldiers Warfare,EVIL

    The World Economic Forum and Those UN-Godly Satan Soldiers at the U.N. Are Responsible for the Global “War on Farmers.” in an Effort to Turn Our World Into Hell on Earth, They Will Starve Humanity, Tribulation In Play HNewsWire: Guns and dietary restrictions People are under media domination. They are exclusively devoted to achieving global population control. They should be shut down along with the Biden Administration, UN, WHO, NIAH, CDC, and FDA since they are a bad organization. Numerous experts told The Epoch Times that the United Nations’ “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are closely related to the escalating regulatory assault on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond. In fact, a number of the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directly tied […]

  • Satan Soldiers: We in Governments Will Introduce Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccines For Healthcare

    Workers – Vaccine Passports Were Always The Plan… It appears as though there is a coordinated effort to introduce the idea of making the Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for the masses, as just last night French Prime Minister Macron announced that Covid vaccinations will become compulsory for all healthcare workers from July 21st. Last night, Greece and France announced that Covid-19 vaccines will be mandatory for all healthcare workers and care home employees. / Image source: UW Medicine. The new rules mean that all healthcare workers must be fully vaccinated by September 15th otherwise, they will not be allowed to go to work and will not be paid. In a televised address to the nation, Macron said: “We need to strive for having vaccination levels at near 100% across France because that is the only way that we will have a sound […]

  • Watchman’s Waring: China Will Be the First Country to Launch a Digital Currency: What Happens Then — All of Satan Soldiers Will Come Together and Biblical History Becomes Reality, the Mark of the Beast Is Here…

    On October 1, 2021 I told my readers that China would run our New digital ID program. Well, let’s hear it, folks: which way are you going To go? Atlanta Airport Goes Full Dystopian, Using Digital Facial Recognition IDs, Fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s Prophecy That Humans Will Be Digitized and Many Nations Will Adopt China’s ‘Very Attractive Model’The digitization of humanity has begun in earnest. It’s coming soon to a city near you. Have you thought about how you will react to it? By Leo Hohmann June 28, 2023 World Economic Forum founder and executive director Klaus Schwab heaped praise on the Chinese Communist Party this week for adopting “new COVID control measures” while boosting “social dynamism” at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions. We will break down in this article what Schwab means by “social dynamism.” This is […]

  • Watchman Reports After 14 Months, Natural Immunity Is 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID-19: Satan Soldiers Do Not Want the People to Recognize the Truth

    HNewsWire: People will ultimately believe you if you tell a large enough lie and keep saying it. The falsehood can only be maintained as long as the government can shield the people from the political, economic, and military consequences of the lie. As a result, it is critical for the state to utilize all of its powers to suppress dissent, since the truth is the deadliest enemy of the lie, and hence the truth is the state’s greatest adversary. Goebbels, Joseph History repeats itself. After 14 months, natural immunity is 97 percent effective against severe COVID-19: Satan Soldiers don’t want people to grasp the truth. Natural immunity is 97 percent effective against serious infections after 14 months. COVID-19: Satanist Soldiers Do Not Want People To Recognize The Truth According to a recent research, the protection against serious sickness provided by […]

  • Watchman’s Update: The Signs Are All Around, Christian Persecution Around The World & Now In America

    ‘Vile, Satanic Attack’: Gunmen Kill at Least 50 Worshipers and Children at Church on Pentecost Sunday in Nigeria On Pentecost Sunday, gunmen shot at worshippers and set off bombs at a church in southwestern Nigeria. They are thought to have killed at least 50 people, most of whom were children. Legislator Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole said that the attackers came to St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state just as people were starting to gather for worship. Ondo Governor Rotimi Akeredolu wrote on Twitter that the attackers “will be found and made to pay for their crimes.” Canadian Pastor Who Was Arrested By ‘Gestapo’ Police For COVID Violations Warns Of Tyranny Coming To America (Photo : YouTube) Pastor Artur Pawlowski kneeling down on his knees as Canadian police arrest him for holding a church service. Update: 4/16/22 Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski, who […]

  • Watchman Says, “Be Angry, and Yet Do Not Sin; Do Not Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger, and Do Not Give the Devil an Opportunity” (Eph. 4:26–27). Anger Is Wrong When It Leads Us to Sin (i.e., Revenge, Lying, Gossip, Murder, Etc.)

    Be Angry: Kill Shots Child Trafficking Has Become Big Business in America Evil Politicians Have Gain Control Governments Around The Globe, Intentionally Wrecking The Economy They Can Monitor Everyone’s Activity, Beasts of Revelation List Of All US Politicians Charged Or Convicted of Sex Crimes Against Minors Demonic-activity-end-times Tribulation Plandemic Pestilence Antichrist HNewsWire: When writing to Christians at Ephesus, Paul stated, “Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity” (Eph. 4:26-27). Anger is wrong when it leads us to sin (i.e. revenge, lying, gossip, murder, etc.). Is it alright for God’s people to get angry? The answer is yes and no. There is a sinful anger that God’s people must avoid (Eph. 4:31; Col. 3:8; Titus 1:7); however, there are times when we will experience […]

  • Update: Pestilence: Homosexual Sex in Full Stride—Keep Poking God in the Eye With That Pride Trans, Homosexual Evil Misfits Crap, Monkeypox Virus Linked to Men Who Have Sex With Other Men, the Worst Is Yet to Come, No GOD, No Cure, Death Cometh! Pale Horse In Play

    HNewsWire: Pestilence Lightning-fast spread around the globe Warp Speed A guy in Massachusetts has tested positive for a severe monkeypox virus. Sex with other males has been related to recent incidents in the United Kingdom, Spain, and Portugal. Wednesday, the CDC verified the U.S. case after initial testing was performed at the State Public Health Laboratory in Jamaica Plain on Tuesday night. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) released a statement saying that the individual is in stable health and presents no threat to the public. An investigation is taking place between the Massachusetts Department of Health, the CDC, local health authorities in his area, and his medical providers to find out more about the man’s whereabouts. Since the beginning of May, there have been nine confirmed cases of monkeypox in the United Kingdom. One of these instances just […]

  • When Will This Evil Man Be Stopped?” Asks the Watchman. “Bill Gates Is the Largest Funder of Trying to Find Viruses in Caves and Bring Them to Big Cities to Release Them on Us–Tribulation

    HNewsWire: PHARMAKEIA, THE ‘GOD GENE,’ AND JUST WHAT IS THE REAL TARGET OF THE COVID-19 VACCINES THAT WERE FORCED ON US?They arrived at a conclusion after studying 2,000 subjects (1,000 religious, 1,000 non-religious) and measuring gene expressions related to an individual’s religious leanings. They discovered a direct link between one’s desire and natural need to seek God and worship in some form and one’s genes. Several genes influence one’s beliefs, but the VMAT2 gene is the most important for spirituality (religious practices). That was the single gene responsible for a person’s need for God. What would a prescription drug that inhibits the VMAT2 gene do to a person if their findings were correct?So, in summary, we have pharmaceutical predictions of removing the soul… On Sunday, Senator Paul unleashed a scathing attack on globalist Bill Gates, suggesting that the COVID pandemic… […]

  • Satan Princess Jill Biden Predicts a Wave of Cancer Diagnoses After COVID-19. What Does She Know That the American Public Does Not?

    HNewsWire: On Monday evening, Satan Princess Jill Biden warned that the COVID-19 epidemic will result in a spike in cancer cases. On May 20, 2022, Satan Princess Jill Biden departs from the Church of the Society of Jesus in Quito, Ecuador. Biden did not specify a rationale for the increase in cancer diagnoses, but she did note that the pandemic prevented many individuals from getting routine medical checks. The first lady urged people to make up for missed cancer tests. Biden told Fake News Group Newsmax that “people are going back” to doctors because they “realize, ‘Gosh, I neglected to have my colonoscopy; I didn’t get my mammogram; I didn’t get my skin screening.” “I believe there will be more cancers in the coming months,” the first lady warned. “It’s not a red or blue issue,” Satan Princess Jill Biden clarified…. […]

  • Watchman Warning Satanic Pfizer: And the Light of a Candle Shall Shine No More at All in Thee; And the Voice of the Bridegroom and of the Bride Shall Be Heard No More at All in Thee: For Thy Merchants Were the Great Men of the Earth; For by Thy Sorceries (φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ Pharmakeia) Were All Nations Deceived. – Revelation 18:23

    The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 is permanently displayed in the lobby of The Pfizer World Headquarters in New York. According to the official description, the mural depicts the History of Medicine. The artwork is filled with occult symbols and disturbing predictive programming.   HNewsWire: This is one of the countless examples of the Luciferian world powers openly disclosing their intentions using symbols and predictive programming while marketing and mandating the “safe and effective” Pfizer poison to the unsuspected (deceived) population worldwide. The photos below are just a few examples, the mural is literally packed with Luciferian symbolism: Horus the son of Osiris, representation of The Antichrist son of Satan   The All-Seeing Eye Of Horus   Cross with the Egyptian Ankh, a symbol used in crosses of Satan and Leviathan ( Leviathan is a serpent and a symbol of Israel’s enemies, who will be […]

  • Where Are the Watchmen? the WatchMen That Would Boldly Confront the Ruling Class with Harsh Truths Whenever Prophet is Used in This Article it Actually Should be Referred to as Watchmen

    Usually, About Social Justice, God may raise some WatchMen up to be a WatchMen to the Nation. Many of the prophets of the Old Testament found themselves confronting kings and taking an important role in national affairs. Some also addressed their words to foreign nations. They demonstrate the ministry of the Prophet to the Nation. Such a man was likely to be drastic, radical, possibly at times violent, and the curious crowd that gathered to watch him work soon branded him as extreme, fanatical, negative. And in a sense they were right. He was single-minded, severe, fearless, and these were the qualities the circumstances demanded. He shocked some, frightened others and alienated not a few, but he knew who had called him and what he was sent to do. His ministry was geared to the emergency, and that fact marked […]

  • Watchman:The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Bio-hazard Lab Was Studying “The World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens”

    HNewsWire: In biology, a pathogen in the oldest and broadest sense is anything that can produce disease. A pathogen may also be referred to as an infectious agent, or simply a germ. The term pathogen came into use in the 1880s. Typically, the term is used to describe an infectious microorganism or agent, such as a virus, bacterium, protozoan, prion, viroid, or fungus… Now that not one but seven Chinese cities – including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic – and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine… … comparisons to the infamous Raccoon City from Resident Evil are coming in hot and heavy. And, since reality often tends to imitate if not art then certainly Hollywood, earlier today we jokingly asked if the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University would end up being China’s version of Umbrella Corp. zerohedge@zerohedge Is the… […]

  • Watchman’s New Warning: The Government Is Attempting to Kill Low-Income Americans as They Wait In Mile-Long Food Lines After Flu COVID-19 Plandemic Benefits Expire

    HNewsWire: Every single person or agency responsible for the fraud COVID plandemic, for it was a hoax, must be held accountable; Fauci, Francis Collins, the NIH, and others did the most wrong; yes, China should be punished, but the NIH, FDA, CDC, NIAID, Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Baric, and Azar played larger roles in this and should be held just as, if not more, accountable than China. Throughout the last year, 18 US states have officially ended pandemic-era states of emergency, including the COVID food benefit, while a December congressional order will stop help for the remaining 32 states, as well as the District of Columbia, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam, in March. Returning to pre-plandemic policies involves raising unemployment benefits and child tax credits, as well as pulling back a Medicaid modification that increased enrollment. People are now… […]

  • When a Nation Turns From God Then Turns to Incoherent

    Babble Scientists, (God Haters) This Is What You Get–50 Million Americans Out of Work an Economy That Has Been Destroying and People Looking for the FEMA Line to Feed Their Families… I SRH endure solidly anti-Vaccine, and pro-God’s pure immune system. When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we’d say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself. He uttered the following incoherent nonsense, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn’t go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work: ‘We did not shut down entirely,’ Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said. ‘We need to draw back a few yards and say, “OK, we can’t stay shut down forever.”… You’ve got to shut down but then you’ve got to gradually open.’ Have you got that? […]

  • Watchman: Update, We Should Prohibit Vaccinated People From Donating Blood; More Than 90% Of Current Donors Have either Been Infected With COVID or Have Been Vaccinated Against It. Dr. Michael Busch, Vitalant Research Institute Director

    Watchman: Although 80% of the blood supply is contaminated with spike proteins from mRNA  kill shots, blood banks unintentionally admit patients with tainted blood. HNewsWire: UNVACCINATED blood donor startup? It appears so & I am doing some background investigation to establish the veracity; it is called “Blessed by his Blood Cooperative” (BBHB) Stand by as I learn more but this is a step in the right direction knowing too that this is a monumental lift given the regulatory and storage and operational needs; just massive, but huge PRAISE! Dr. Paul Alexander Source:  Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are… […]

  • Bill Barr The Fat Man, the Coward, the Little Speak, and the Spineless Satan Soldier Defend the Raid by Claiming Trump ‘Jerked Around’ the FBI by Failing to Declassify Documents, Not True, Mr. Barr Your an Obese Joke to Americans

    SRH :  Fat Man Barr and his ancestors have always lived in a swamp. Though he has shown strong partisanship, he has kept his political affiliations to himself. He’s showing himself to be the BushWacker partisan hack that he has become, a lapdog for a criminal Bush family. These people won’t leave me alone. Barr = the a$$hat who counseled Bush Sr. to halt the Iran/Contra trial of Casper Weinberger and pervert Justice. I knew President Trump had made a terrible mistake the day he hired Barr as AG because he is a longtime member of the Bush/Clinton Crime Family. Barr is a crook, it’s a fact. We can’t believe a word of what that fat guy Barr says! To cover for his own incompetence, he’ll say anything. As AG, he was a complete and utter failure. In the end, he […]

  • The March Toward A Technocratic Dystopia Begins With The War On “Domestic Terrorists”; AKA The Right Side Of The Isle.

    At a tense House Judiciary Committee meeting on March 16, Democrats renewed their drive for an injection of domestic counterterrorism resources for the Justice Department, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security, with Republicans pushing back. At the March 16 markup, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) praised the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, claiming that it is necessary to combat white supremacy. “The Department of Justice has a variety of statutory authority to prosecute domestic terrorists, including white supremacists, but it is evident that the Department has not pursued a sufficient number of these cases,” Nadler stated. “This bill would provide the Department of Justice with the tools it needs to track, identify, and prosecute domestic terrorist cases, as well as the data it needs to focus on the most serious threats.” Nadler claimed that the House passed […]

  • Watchman Warns: In Israel, Tensions Are Already Escalating, Jordan’s Abdullah Warns Israel Not to Cross ‘Red Lines’ on Jerusalem’s Holy Sit in Israel

    HNewsWire: In addition to returning to power after being unjustly removed, incoming Israeli Prime Minister Antichrist Benjamin Netanyahu is also bringing down the entrenched “deep state” that sought to get rid of him and almost succeeded. While the strategy of Antichrist Netanyahu may shock the left-leaning Israeli media, it may serve as a template for any future U.S. Trump’s potential for future success under a Republican government is on display. To review, Antichrist Netanyahu served as prime minister from 1996 to 1999, after being elected in a reaction against the leftist Labor Party’s peace deals with the Palestinians. In the past, when he struck such arrangements in response to American pressure, he was promptly elected. Antichrist Netanyahu might have reacted bitterly, but instead he returned to government under Ariel Sharon as finance minister. He instituted far-reaching free-market reforms, which have helped… […]

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Twitter Account Has Been Restricted After ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Post, The People’s Enemies are Twitter, Fake Book, and Google! Mr. Musk, the Truth Should be Revealed. Twitter, Google, and Fake Book are NWO Propaganda Outlets.EVIL!

    HNewsWire: Twitter Restricts Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Account Following ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Post, Satan’s Soldiers Twitter, Fake Book, and Google are the enemies of the people! Stop playing their stupid, silly game. There is no such thing as trans. They concocted nonsense. Illness of the mind. Since Musk’s takeover, nothing has changed at Twitter. Twitter has restricted the congressional account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) after she shared a notice for an upcoming rally, called the “Trans Day of Vengeance.” On her personal Twitter account, Greene shared a screenshot that showed how she is being banned for seven days for having violated Twitter’s rules on “violent speech.” Congresswoman Green was attempting to make the public aware of this. Everyone with common sense understands that ANTIFA and the BLM incite violence, riots, and looting. These organizations must be stopped at any […]

  • Watchman: A Real-Life Mad Max Movie Is Coming, Prophecy Often Looks Very Different

    Say hello to Granite Ridge Soap-works! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the code HNEWS15 to receive 15% off your first purchase. There were, of course, lone prophets like Elijah and John the Baptist, but more often prophets were fully integrated into the “system.” Jeremiah, the paradigm of prophetic pathos, came from the fallen priestly house of Eli, and Ezekiel, Zechariah, and (possibly) Isaiah were also […]

  • According to a Watchman, Elon Musk Is a Soldier of Satan Who Will Bring About the Mark of the Beast in People’s Foreheads. Neuralink– Individuals Who Identify as Christians and Engage in Online Social Media Platforms…

    Such as Twitter and Facebook, May Be Susceptible to Being Influenced by Elon Musk’s Purportedly Misguided Vision of a Dystopian Society. It Is Important to Recall That According to the Bible, Numerous Individuals Will Be Misled by Deceitful Fake Anti-Christ Prophets, Including Elton Musk HNewsWire: Elon Musk’s Neuralink has started looking for a clinical trial director, bringing the company one step closer to developing technology that can connect the human mind directly to devices. According to Neuralink’s website, the company’s goal is to create a “brain computer interface” that will allow people to wireless transmit and receive information between their brain and a computer. For several decades, scholars have been gradually advancing the development of brain-computer interfaces. During the 1970s, the Department of Defense became involved in the aforementioned matter, motivated by aspirations of creating an army of superhuman soldiers. […]

  • Watchman’s Update: The Sin Virus Trans People—LGBTQ+E For EVIL,You Are On Notice, Anti-Christ Subhuman Individuals Who Have Mocked God’s Design, Destroyed the Fiber of God’s Blueprint for Man and Woman. Death Will Consume Your Miserable Evil Ungodly Lives in the Days Ahead

    Country Music Celebrates Drag Queens   HNewsWire: By welcoming a group of drag queens into the fold of country music, a stunning rebuke was delivered to the genre’s fan base. Country music corrupted by the devil… After paying tribute to the victims of the school shooting in Nashville, country singer Kelsea Ballerini danced alongside drag queens during the opening ceremony of the CMT Music Awards. The Covenant School, which is a Christian institution, was where the victims received their education. They were killed by a transgender shooter, a woman who mistakenly believed she was a man and used her gun to kill them. This particular aspect was omitted from the CMT program. According to CMT’s report, “The queens stayed behind her as she played her pink guitar, but later in the performance, the fierce foursome helped take off Ballerini’s green… […]

  • Update: Correction Pale Horse In Play: Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children Have Been Reported Throughout the World, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Informed HNewsWire How Many of These Hepatitis Cases Are Vaccinated Children

    HNewsWire: Satan Soldiers Are Killing Our Children, According to the World Health Organization, health authorities in 33 countries have received reports of 920 likely instances of severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin in young children (WHO). On May 19, 2008, a lady examines a microscope. The health service stated in a news statement on Friday that the newest report on the epidemic shows a rise of 270 cases since it presented data last month showing 650 cases of severe acute hepatitis were detected in youngsters between April 5 and May 26. The bulk of the instances, 460 in total, are in Europe, with 267 from the United Kingdom alone. In the United States, about one-third of the likely cases have been recorded. The epidemic was originally recorded in the United Kingdom in April, and it has now spread to dozens […]

  • There Aren’t Many States as Interesting as Texas, According to the Watchman’s Home. The “Come and Take It” Flag Flown by a Defiant and Outnumbered Group of Texan Rebels Who Won the Battle of San Jacinto and Proclaimed Texas Independent Symbolized the State’s Enduring Spirit of Independence. Satan Soldiers, Stay Away From Texas

    SRH: I May Have Been Wrong About Governor Abbot! Texas has a history of self reliance and the promotion of individual freedom. Its ethos forms the perfect peanut-butter-and-jelly combination with Bitcoin’s open, permission less, decentralized monetary protocol. As such, Texas seems the most ready to absorb the economic reality that such a financial network promises – one that means you cannot step between users and their money in a forceful manner and that, if threatened, would see these users pick up and leave, bringing their economic power with them. The state’s embrace of this economic shift can be understood through the continued increase in bitcoin mining in Texas, the passage of House Bill 1576 and the current plan for an El Salvador Embassy in Texas. In addition, Texas is the largest energy producer in the United States. This advantage is of material importance, as seen with the […]

  • Update: Civil Unrest Is Erupting All Over The World, But Just Wait Until America Joins The Party Again! Tribulation The World is About to Come Un-Done

    Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase. HNewsWire: HNewsWire: Watchman Asserts That in Order to Construct a New World Order, the Existing One Must First Be Obliterated. The Watchman Reports, that this is all a part of a larger plan called a Grand Strategy with the goal of “starting […]

  • Watchman Warning: Derivatives Will Be the Next Bomb to Go Off in the Banking Crisis

    HNewsWire Live Stream 24/7 News UpDates and World Events Our materialistic culture, by contrast, believes primarily only in the physical world, either denying or ignoring the spiritual world. The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. HNewsWire: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen finds herself in a very dubious position. Under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010, the U.S. Treasury Secretary was given increased powers to oversee financial stability in the U.S. banking system. This increase in power came in response to the 2008 financial crisis – the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression. The legislation made the Treasury Secretary the Chair of the […]

  • Watchman Warning The Monday Stock Market and the Investor Space Are About to Come Undone, and the Intentional Destruction of the Financial World Around the Globe Will Come Crashing Down Within a Short Period of Time. Blackstone Defaults on $562 MM in CMBS as It Keeps Blocking Investor Withdrawals From A $71 BN REIT

    SRH: (Matthew 24:22). The Apostle John states that the chaos will be so great that the leaders of the world will crawl into caves and cry out for the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them (Revelation 6:15-16). We Are Watching Out Of Control Politicians, That Are Intentionally Destroying This Country and Trump Is One Of Them! HNewsWire: Trump is among those warning that the nation is on the verge of a massive economic calamity. He Is One Of Them, “Globalist” ” Trump, With what is happening to our economy, and with the proposals being made on the LARGEST AND DUMBEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, TIMES FIVE, JOE BIDEN WILL GO DOWN AS THE HERBERT HOOVER OF THE MODRRN [sic] AGE,” Trump exclaimed on Truth Social. “WE WILL HAVE A GREAT DEPRESSION FAR BIGGER AND MORE POWERFUL […]

  • Watchman Reporting the Banking Industry’s Collapse Has Begun With Useless FDIC–Insured Big Tech Silvergate Bank Announced on Wednesday That It Was Liquidating Its Assets and Closing Down. Today, the Four Largest American Banks Lost $52 Billion in Valuation as the Dow Fell 540 Points–Tribulation Moving Forward–God Warned Us!

    HNewsWire: Economic Collapse Is ‘By Design’ and Orchestrated HNewsWire: America’s economic crisis is deepening “is “by design,” “everything was planned,” With two quarters of negative growth, we’ve already entered a technical recession. Democrats are fomenting an economic calamity as a pretext for consolidating even more power and control in the hands of the government and its affiliated corporations. “They’re just buying time because they know things are going to get much worse; it’s all planned because they need that moment of catastrophic economic collapse to drive through their socialist scheme.” Political observers are warned not to dismiss political elites as oblivious to the consequences of their own abuses of power. “I’m fed up with people giving them the benefit of the doubt. They said it was only temporary because they didn’t know what else to do. They were, of course, […]

  • Watchman Has Uncovered Some Facts: Menachery et al. Reveal in a 2015 Research That the COVID Virus Was Created in the United States

    Was it a leak or release? I say release. Intentional or accidental? Well, that is the key issue and I say either, yet still saying accidental but also I would say that if it is shown deliberate, then we would be saying someone deliberately released this from a lab. HNewsWire: See this paper: “SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence” by Menachery et al. and published March 2016; this paper with the 2015 publication tells us that these malfeasance created this; why? Dr. Paul Alexander Why? Like for the mRNA technology gene injection, why develop this, these chimera deadly coronaviruses? Was this developed in a lab? Yes. US lab, likely. This one paper, and their 2015 ‘NATURE’ paper, shows clearly that COVID virus was developed in collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers (main funding by US) and this collaboration played a… […]

  • Exclusive–Watchman Reporting: After Years of Big Tech and Governments Censoring the COVID Debate, the COVID-19 Dispute, Leaked From the Virology Lab in Wuhan, China (The Sole Level 4 Facility in Asia), Is Growing Louder

    HNewsWire: Watchman’s Report: After years of Big Tech and governments stifling the Covid debate, the claim that Covid-19 leaked from the virology facility in Wuhan, China (the only Level 4 lab in Asia) is becoming louder. Last July, the WHO, a staunch defender of the Chinese government, reversed course and acknowledged the potential of a lab leak. In October, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions stated that “strong evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a research-related incident associated with a Wuhan laboratory.” The FBI and other intelligence organizations have also conducted investigations into the Wuhan Lab. The Energy Department is the latest US institution to adopt the lab leak theory, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing a classified intelligence report sent to the White House and key members of Congress. According to the… […]

  • Satan Soldier Master Liar Trump Gets Briefly Booed By Supporters After Pushing Kill Shot COVID Vaccine — Remember Trump Owns COVID mRNA Kill Shots Warp Speed…

    Adams, Jerome: This tweet shows how much of a clown car show POTUS Trump has around him; this guy was foolish, clueless, and moronic as Trump’s Surgeon General, and he still is stupid, making Murthy blush.If you can make SG Murthy blush, you must be quite foolish, according to this goofball, who compares the bogus COVID mRNA Kill Shots technology doses to Tylenol and ibuprofen. It should be evident by now that Trump intends to win the upcoming presidential election and get his supporters to queue up for MRNA kill shot vaccines. Trump has no idea, and it’s clear that the individuals he had surrounding him in the White House prior were nothing more than Satanic warriors clothed in false white robes. This individual, I’m talking about Trump, is dangerous. Medical freedom has become a force to reckon with, so much […]

  • Update: The Stage Is Being Set: The Final War of Wars, China Prepares to Overwhelm U.S. With Lethal ‘Navy Killer’ Missile Swarm, and Israel Is Hanging in the Balance, Revelation 6:2

    Leaders of the “Most Sanctioned Countries” in the World, Putin and Kim, Pledge Closer Ties Against the “Hostile” U.S. HNewsWire: News outlets in both Russia and North Korea claim that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have exchanged messages in which they express their desire to strengthen ties between their countries at a time when both are under severe sanctions from the United States and its allies. Putin wished Kim “good health and success” in an official diplomatic note, outlining a desire for closer cooperation between the two countries at a time when Moscow is actively seeking to strengthen strategic alliances with non-Western countries, including China and India, as the Ukraine invasion rages on for its sixth month. Additionally, Putin hoped that closer ties between Moscow and Pyongyang “would perfectly coincide with the interests of the people of the two […]

  • Update:1/20/23 This Is the Beginning of a Long Campaign by Satan’s Soldiers Against the People. After the Attack on the NC Power Grid, More Power Substations Have Been Attacked

    Three Power Substations Attacked In Washington State On Christmas Day HNewsWire: There is serious cause for alarm about the recent rise in power grid sabotage events in the United States. According to ABC News, on Christmas Day, vandals broke into three substation facilities in Pierce County, Washington, leaving thousands of customers in the dark. Tacoma Public Utilities was in charge of two of the substations, while Puget Sound Energy was in charge of the third. All three were assaulted, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office; however, it is unclear “whether this was a concerted attack on the power systems” or not. Early on Christmas morning, vandals caused damage to an electrical substation, prompting Tacoma Power personnel to repair the facility. Photo by Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times. The substations were not broken into, and the only damage done was […]

  • So Pfizer, Through Satan Soldier, Elitist Gottlieb, Used Twitter to Suppress the Truth in Order to Sell More Kill Shot Vaccines. When Will the Pfizer Brass Be Indicted? If a Normal, Everyday Person Did That? We’d Be In Trouble, “Jail”

    SRH: Don’t beat about the bush; this is a depopulation caused by artificial intelligence. Bill Gates’s Kill Shot bioweapon! Our criminal justice system and the rest of the world are full with unbelievable hypocrisy. When I was 34 years old, I spent six years in prison for passing fraudulent checks. These scum can lie, murder millions of people with an airborne hazardous bioweapon they created, and yet go free. All of us are in the Tribulation now; may God protect us. A fast return, Lord Jesus. HNewsWire: In Sept. 2021, President Joe Biden declared a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and blamed this on the roughly 80 million Americans who failed to get the COVID-19 shot. However, by 2022, vaccinated people made up the majority of the population, with about 79 percent of adults having completed at least their initial shots. The most recent Centers […]

  • Defender of Child Sex Trafficker Epstein Supports Forced Vaccinations

    We got a little glimpse into the deep state elite lineup before they managed to sweep it under rug. But we shouldn’t forget who was associated with the well-known child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. One of those people was Alan Dershowitz. He is a Harvard Law School professor and high-profile defense lawyer. He helped get Jeffrey Epstein out of his first charges of sexual abuse against underage girls back in 2005. There are two tyrants in this story, one is a slick criminal lawyer runs around with child molesters, the other is a nerd that could not control or eliminate viruses on his Microsoft platform software, they both are repulsive human beings that want to control the herd. Thankfully the working class has woke to these sinister individuals that have a desire to control humanity by any means necessary The […]

  • World Health Organization Satan Soldiers Has Been Granted Freedom To Internationally Declare Public Health Emergencies Based On Evidence Deemed Sufficient.

    The World Health Organization (Satan Soldiers) Is Effectively a Global Government Agency, Evil to the Bone  When a “public health emergency of worldwide significance” or a “plandemic” is declared, the World Health Organization (WHO) assumes the role of a global government. Drs. Silvia Behrendt and Astrid Stuckelberger served in pivotal roles at both the World Health Organization and the United Nations. They prove that the World Health Organization is a tool of unaccountable financial interests bent on global dominance. Nearly every country on Earth has signed the Pandemic Treaty, which declares that all national laws and constitutions are null and void in the event of a pandemic. Consequently, the WHO functions as a de facto global government. The World Health Organization vetoed any treatment for HIV/AIDS.During the upcoming epidemic in 2020, we saw the WHO use its dictatorial powers over […]

  • Update:12/24/22 @ 12:03 AM… Death Angel On The Loose, The Godless China COVID Pestilence Has Arrived: Emerging Evidence Suggestions That the COVID Variant Is a Very Real Threat Warp Tribulation Speed

    I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Godless China’s Post-Zero-COVID Surge Is Infecting 37 Million People Per Day HNewsWire: In a stunning admission, according to estimates from the government’s top health authority, nearly 37 million people in China may have been infected with Covid-19 on a single day this week. This is a shockingly stark divergence from the extremely low ‘official’ case count (which reported just 62,592 symptomatic) and utterly dwarfs the previous global daily record of about 4 million, set in January 2022, as Omicron spread… The new data was provided in a closed-door meeting by Sun Yang, a deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, on Wednesday. According to two people familiar with the matter, The FT reports that Chinese officials estimate about 250mn people or 18 per cent […]

  • It’s Here! Digital Currency, One World Religion, New World Order — You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going.

    HNewsWire: The Australian Central Bank is Collaborating With the BIS to Launch a Digital Currency System, A.K.A The Beast Over the next year, Australia’s Reserve Bank will start a pilot program in partnership with the Bank for International Settlements and America is Next (the central bank of central banks) to examine the “benefits” of a blockchain ledger-based digital currency system. The central bank joins a growing list of participants in the BIS‘s attempts to create CBDCs (central bank digital currencies), with the goal of introducing them globally by 2025-2030. It is vital to emphasize that significant economic developments must occur within the next few years in order for CBDC to be a feasible alternative for the general public. Despite the fact that many people choose electronic transactions for convenience, a considerable chunk of the population still prefers cash. In the […]

  • Our Country Has Had a Series of Ungodly Leaders, Each One More Ungodly Than the Previous One, With Each New One Actually Described as Even More Sinful

    HNewsWire: The American people have watched a progression of ungodly leadership that grew worse as time passed.  Each ungodly leader more ungodly than the last one – with each new one defined as even more ungodly. Doomsayers for many years have been predicting the decline and fall of this country. And while many of these short-term predictions have proved inaccurate, there is some truth to the prevailing belief that this nation will fall like every great nation before it. Apart from revival and reformation, this nation is destined to decline. The problem with many of these doomsayers is that while their prognosis is right, their diagnosis is wrong. Yes, the future is bleak. But our problem is not ultimately political, economic, or social, as these doomsayers would have us believe. The decline of this nation (just as the decline of […]

  • Kill Shots: Covid-19 Deaths 3,000% Higher Than This Time Last Year And 80% Of The Dead Had The Vaccine

    Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important (Bill Gates) (Trump). I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, and January There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid “This is a barsoft that shows the past 10 years of VAERS data plotted against the total number of adverse event reports for all vaccines for the years 2011 to 2020 and for COVID associated products . “The left barsoft represents all adverse event reports and the right barsoft represents all death adverse event reports,” “There’s an over 1000 percent increase in the total number of adverse events for 2021, and […]

  • Update: The Nation, in Nearly Every Aspect, Is Failing Such Is the Fate of Nations Who Adopt Spineless Money, We’re Headed for Complete Financial, Moral, and Political Collapse, From Then on The Plandemic Will Be Accomplished

    Featured Story: HNewsWire-It’s corruption, evil teachers unions, arbitrary rules, monster debt, anti-Christ Anthony Fauci, fake money, woke, and a dependent populace. We’re headed for complete financial, moral, and political collapse. HNewsWire: Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan and one of the most respected Wall Street leaders, gave a stern warning to investors. He advised people to prepare for an upcoming economic “hurricane.” At an investor conference on Wednesday, Dimon said, “That hurricane is right out there down the road coming our way.” The chief executive added, “We don’t know if it’s a minor one or Superstorm Sandy. You better brace yourself.” Dimon alluded to Hurricane Sandy, a storm National Geographic referred to as a “raging freak of nature.” The hurricane took a big toll, creating destruction, knocking out power for many families and closing down businesses for an extended period […]

  • Update: 11/23/22 Police: Employee Killed 6 in Virginia Walmart Shooting. These Types of Mass Shootings Will Become a Common Occurrence in Our Society as We Goes Through Tribulations

    HNewsWire: Shooting at a Virginia Walmart Leaves Several Dead,On November 23, 2022, in Chesapeake, Virginia, police responded to a report of a mass shooting at a Walmart. People were stocking up for the Thanksgiving holiday on the Tuesday night before the massacre. Multiple individuals were reportedly shot and murdered by an employee at the Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Tuesday night, according to the police. The incident, according to WAVY, occurred at 10:12 p.m. inside a supermarket on Battlefield Boulevard. Chesapeake officials confirmed seven deaths, including the shooter, to the New York Times. Leo Kosinski, a police spokesman, claimed that upon entering the business, they discovered “many dead and several wounded.” According to NBC News, a law enforcement source has identified the gunman as a “disgruntled employee.” The shooter, who used a handgun, is presumed to have committed suicide, Chesapeake Police […]

  • Update: Once Again Our Elected Officials Have Lied to the American People They Absolutely Know the Food Chain is Broken, Over 100 Destroyed or Damaged U.S. Food Processing Plants Yet They Continue to Put Lipstick on a Pig in Order to Keep the Masses Calm

    97 Fires Have Destroyed or Damaged U.S. Food Processing Plants Since Biden’s “Election”…Here’s the List Here is a list (courtesy of The Gateway Pundit):   1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville 4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL 7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call 7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson’s River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama 8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell 9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines  10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID 11/15/21 A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry 11/29/21 A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. […]

  • Update: Gettr Ban HNewsWire But Trump Promises To Restore Free Speech In America, Another Empty Promise From The Master Lowlife Satan Soldier — He Owns

    Warp Speed — Are You Kidding ME, He’s Going to Save Free Speech if We Give Him Another Four Year, if You Buy His Horse Crap I’ve Got Bridges for Sale,Cheap… Former President Donald Trump warned at his third “Save America” rally on Saturday night that Americans no longer have free speech, describing a powerful system “for media and online censorship” that only presents the Democratic Party’s view of politics, including that Trump is attacking democracy by discussing potential election fraud. “We have a truly sick election system, it’s got to be changed,” the 45th president told thousands of supporters gathered in Robarts Arena in Sarasota, Florida. “Remember this, I am not the one trying to undermine American democracy,” he said in response to the legacy media and Democrat claims. “I am the one trying to save American democracy.” Weeks After Blasting Twitter For ‘Strangling Free Expression’ […]

  • “They’re Trying To Put Me In Jail” – Trump Calls For “Biggest Protests We’ve Ever Had” If “Racist” Prosecutors “Do Anything Illegal”

    Featured Story: Trump grumbles to his base while those that went to battle for him when he was in the white house are still setting languishing in jail. This guy is disgraceful, heartless, and has no character. Did you see Trump sending lawyers to DC to defend those that defended him? Hell no, don’t you think this guy is worthless, and he wants another four years in the people’s house. if you achieve that for him you have no reason to gripe when he turns on you like a mad mongrel. While the mainstream media mostly ignored the event for fear of being accused of racism for simply having the temerity to cover it, crowds of President Trump’s loyal supporters gathered Saturday night in Conroe, Texas for the first Trump rally of the 2022 mid-term election cycle. Because even if […]

  • Update: Pestilence: H5N8 Bird Flu One of the Top Experts in Russia Says That There is

    “A Fairly High Degree of Probability” That It is Now Being Passed From One Person to Another… “Tribulation In Play”… HNewsWire: For decades, the avian flu strain H5N8 only infected birds. It’s now made the jump to humans. Beijing Vet Dies Of Monkey B Virus, Which Has 70-80% Fatality Rate On July 16,  This Godless Country– China reported the first Monkey B Virus death in its history. The individual, identified as a veterinarian in Beijing, was infected by monkeys in March and passed away on May 27.   Monkey B virus (BV), also known as Herpes B virus, has a fatality rate of 70 to 80 percent, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s English journal the “China CDC Weekly” cited in its July 17 report. The report said that the deceased’s close contacts were tested in April and were free of the virus. According […]

  • Update: Pale Horse In Play: Pestilence, Monkeypox Lightning-Fast Spread Around the Globe Warp Speed, Time Is Short People, Un-godliness Has Run It’s Course,Tribulation Playing Out RealTime

    The Main Stream Media Removed Any Mention of Transmission via Homosexual Activity. Just Like They Did With HIV/Aids HNewsWire:  Romans 1:27 – “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Yes, Paul actually talks about how homosexuality is a punishment for pride!.   UN-Godliness, Monkeypox is allegedly on the agenda for an urgent meeting of the WHO. HNewsWire: The Globe Health Organization is apparently organizing an emergency conference to discuss the frightening spread of monkeypox throughout the world, including a probable case in New York. According to the Telegraph, the United Nations’ health agency is gathering together renowned specialists on the uncommon illness after a number of additional nations disclosed their […]

  • Update: 11/2/22 The World Awaits Netanyahu, The Anti-Christ Will Be Coming Out On The World Stage Soon, Today In Fact!

    With 86% of votes tallied, Netanyahu on verge of breaking deadlock, regaining power HNewsWire: With these numbers, the far right is poised to win unprecedented power, and the Likud leader’s bloc has 65 seats. However, if Meretz and Balad reach the threshold, this could all change. Time: 7:01 a.m., today On the morning of November 2, 2022, the morning following the Knesset elections, Likud party chairman Benjamin Netanyahu was spotted out on a stroll. On the morning of November 2, 2022, the morning following the Knesset elections, Likud party chairman Benjamin Netanyahu was spotted out on a walk. All indicators pointed to a resounding victory for opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his bloc of right-wing, far-right, and religious parties as ballots were being counted on Wednesday in the Israeli Knesset election, a result that could put an end to a political […]

  • Fuel Company Issues Diesel Shortage Warning, Says US ‘Rapidly Devolving’

    Biden Says He Will Keep Tapping Oil Reserves HNewsWire: “The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is meant to protect consumers against emergency supply disruptions, not politicians during an election year,” Jeff Eshelman, president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said in a statement. Mr. Eshelman, whose group represents thousands of typically smaller and midsize exploration and production companies, said the SPR release is a “short-term fix for prices at best.” “It not only reduces our capacity to protect ourselves in case of a true emergency in the future, but also increases America’s reliance on the politically volatile countries that currently provide most of our oil,” he said. Satan Soldier Biden, who was flanked by other Satan Soldier Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and the State Department’s energy envoy, Amos Hochstein, also echoed past administration defenses of its energy policies, saying the country […]

  • Update: 8/6/22 Polio Resurfaces in New York, Step-Up and Get Yours, New York Health Officials Say Infection Originated in a Kill Shot Vaccine, Who’s Next?

    Side Bar: While in Texas, we spoke with Dr. Robert Malone about how the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) actually works, and how many of these adverse events are truly reported. He revealed to us the inner workings of the VAERS system, its shortfalls, attempts that have been made to update it, and the difficulty of finding the true number of deaths resulting from the COVID vaccine. Watch Video Source: ET Pestilence On The Move Again: Health Officials Said ‘Hundreds’ of People in NY “May” ,That Would Mean Are Infected With Polio HNewsWire: Last month, news of an unvaccinated man acquiring polio and suffering paralysis in New York’s Rockland County was quickly followed by reports of the virus being identified in the county’s wastewater. According to CNBC, polio has been found in sewage samples gathered from two distinct sites […]

  • The American People Do Not Understand Their Elected Officials Have Turned on Them in Order to Hold Their Power Positions and a Seat at the NWO Table

    What the Hell’s Going on’: Ted Cruz Roasted for Claiming January 6 Was a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack’ — The American People Are About to Get a Lesson in Trusting the Politician Ted Cruz (R-TX) received backlash for claiming on Wednesday the January 6 riot was a “violent terrorist attack.” While Cruz may have ambitions to run for president in 2024, the senator from Texas echoed familiar Democrat rhetoric about the incident. “We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,” Cruz claimed. Many Republicans reacted to the statement with derision and suggested Cruz was betraying the Republican Party, though Cruz has tried to dig himself out from his statement. Sebastian Gorka suggested that Cruz has become compromised. “Who got to Ted Cruz,” he tweeted. Cheney: Blaming Pelosi for 1/6 […]

  • Those Who Suppress Truth: Afghanistan Airstrike One Year Later, Update.

    Say hello to Granite Ridge Soap-works! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the code HNEWS15 to receive 15% off your first purchase. The U.S. administration is still striving to make amends for its final act in Afghanistan, an erroneous bombing that claimed the lives of 10 civilians, including seven children, almost a year later. The charity worker Zemari Ahmadi and members of his family […]

  • Hard Lockdown Coming This Fall, Mandatory Kill Shots Vaccines: Satan Soldier Known Liar Fauci Says It’s Likely U.S. Will See a Surge in Coronavirus and Monkeypox Cases in the Fall

    HNewsWire: Rather than the lockdowns, it was the conditioning of American citizens, particularly, to move from a mindset where our rights come from God and are individual rights, to one where we care more about other people and their perceptions than we do about our own critical thinking and our own self-determinations. To deal with issues such as COVID and monkeypox, the world is engaged in an ideological struggle: on one side are those who believe in individualism as the foundation of freedom; on the other, there are those who believe that this pandemic and the associated fear can be used to build a massive collectivist EVIL society. According to Satan Soldier Klaus Schwab, who founded the World Economic Forum as its executive chairman, “The Great Reset” is a good example of this. This chance to establish the global reset […]

  • Revelation 20:4 In Play — The Israel Government

    Has Made It a Requirement to Get The Kill Shot in Order to Live a “ So-Called New Normal” Life… Many Americans are unaware of it but halfway around the world in Israel, refusing to get vaccinated for the Wuhan corona-virus (Covid-19) is now a death sentence. Despite Having A Highly Vaccinated Population, Israel Experiences Unprecedented Daily Infection Rates: Report Although vaccinated to the max, Israel recorded the highest daily coronavirus infections per capita, with the Ministry of Health reporting more than 10,700 new cases each day. According to The Times of Israel, Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said during a video conference on Sept. 14 that the latest numbers represent “a record that did not exist in the previous waves.” Ash said Tuesday that the current surge of coronavirus infections dwarfs past outbreaks and expressed disappointment that a recent decreasing […]

  • There’s a Big Difference Between COVID-19 (Flu)and Pestilent–If It Kills It is a Pestilent, the COVID 19 Flu Is a Common Occurrence in Society, Time Will Tell What the Death Angel Has Prescribed…

    THE GOVERNMENT’S CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE, LED BY VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE POSTS GUIDELINES FOR KEEPING SAFE–A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, “ALL BS” … The government’s coronavirus task force, led by Useless Vice President Mike Pence, released guidelines to help schools, businesses, homes, and offices in navigating COVID-19. The guidelines, which look similar to that of restaurant food-safety charts, list simple behaviors — washing hands, handling food carefully and creating spaces for at-risk family members —  that health officials believe could impact the spread of the coronavirus… Vice President Pence also posted images of the guidelines on Twitter. In addition, they will also be published on the CDC’s hub for coronavirus-related information. A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, A BUNCH Of BULL SHIT! Long before we ever heard of this new coronavirus, African Swine Fever was devastating pork farms from one end of China to […]

  • Update: Satan Soldier Bill Gates Warns About a Plandemic, One ‘That Will Get Attention This Time’ — Pestilence

    Pestilence Are Here and Bill Gates Can’t Found a Fix… Most people have no idea how such a rich and smart person could be so dim on essential matters of complex cell biology. Hacking the human body, improving it with uploads and downloads, is surely a more ominous challenge than inventing and managing man-made computers. So herein I try to present the reasons (Ungodly) Gates’s way of thinking. The relative deficiencies of this kill shot vaccine to stop infection and transmission are now well known. Pestilence Can Not Be Stop Speaking about the last days Paul said, “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2Ti 3:13). In other words, there will be progressive insanity displayed on earth. Since that is a biblical truth, we cannot be so naive as to believe that we can […]

  • The Kill Shot Statistics: 80 Percent Of Covid Deaths In August Were Vaccinated People

    I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. But the strangeness doesn’t end there, just take a look at the latest Covid-19 Statistical Report released by Public Health Scotland (PHS) on the 8th September 2021. The report provides an array on data on testing, quarantining, vaccinations, cases, hospitalisations, and deaths but it doesn’t get very interesting until you read Table 15 which covers the number of Covid-19 positive cases by week and vaccination status. This means that between 28th August and 3rd September there were 22,318 cases among the vaccinated population – almost 2,000 more than the unvaccinated population. The same can also be said for the week of 21st August to 27th August which saw 15,647 cases among the unvaccinated population and 22,234 cases among the vaccinated population, and the same can also be […]

  • Update: Red Horse In Play: Ten Were Killed Today at the Grocery Store, Mostly People of Color. It Is Labeled “A Hate Crime and Racially Motives Violent Extremism With Min’s of the Shooting.” Meanwhile, Down the Street, an Abortion Clinic Kills 50+ Every Day, Mostly People of Color. That Is Labeled Health Care

    HNewsWire: Psyops at work folks… This is strictly a psyops operation,the blood was still flowing when the local media and politicians, with no evidence or investigation, declared it a racist hate crime and act of terrorism. The media is to blame for the next few days in Buffalo… Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational and tactical. Strategic PSYOP include informational […]

  • Update:7/6/22 @12:01 AM Lawless Chicago He/She Mayor Could Have Solved This Problem Years Ago, but Chose to Persuade Illinoisans and the Rest of America to Accept the New World Order Instead. Six People Are Killed After a Gunman Opens Fire During a 4TH of July Parade in a Chicago Suburb, Not a Shocker!

    HNewsWire: Robert Crimo III was taken into custody Monday evening following a shooting in Highland Park, Illinois that left at least six people dead and over two dozen injured despite having among the strictest gun-safety laws in the country. He is currently being referred to as a “person of interest” while Highland Park Police question him. Source: ZeroHedge   HNewsWire Uncle of July 4TH Parade Shooter Says There Were ‘No Warning Signs’ He Would Carry Out Attack, Really? The suspected gunman who killed 7 people in the Independence Day parade attack in suburban Chicago legally bought two high-powered rifles and three other weapons, despite having had knives confiscated in 2019 after he threatened suicide and violence, according to police. 21-year-old Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III was charged with seven counts of first-degree murder on Tuesday for the shooting, and “dozens […]

  • Isn’t It in the Constitution for People to Peacefully Protest? No Permission Is Required, (BLM) (Antifa) …Clearly, the Biden Administration Does Not Plan For This to Be Peaceful; Instead, Like His Canadian Counterpart, He Intends to Turn These Hardworking Truckers Into Terrorists

    Trudeau Canadian Brown Shirts, I’m Thinking, are on Standby. “Mayor (Muriel) Bowser is being briefed by public safety officials as we continue to monitor the situation closely,” the alert said. “There are layered mitigation strategies in place and our agencies remain in regular contact with local, regional and federal partners. The alert said a permit application has not been submitted to the Metropolitan Police Department as of Tuesday. It also asked residents to remain vigilant and report suspicious activity. Permit, That Is Not Stated in the Constitution. Truck On Guys!   In the face of trucking convoys preparing demonstrations over pandemic restrictions beginning next week, the Pentagon is set to approve the deployment of 700 to 800 unarmed national guard troops to the nation’s capital, a US official said on Tuesday. The National Guard has been requested to help the […]

  • Update: 6/29/22 Demonic Activity In The End Times — Demon Activity Detail Satanic Influence

    Wisconsin Woman Allegedly Strangles Man During Sexual Encounter, Dismembers Body HNewsWire- During a sexual encounter, a woman in Green Bay, Wisconsin, reportedly strangled a man before mutilating his corpse, throwing his head and a “male organ” in a bucket, and fleeing the scene with his legs in a crockpot. WARNING: There are gruesome details in this narrative. It is recommended that readers use caution. According to Brown County’s online jail records, Taylor D. Schabusiness, 24, has been charged with first-degree intentional killing, mutilating a body, third-degree sexual assault, and a probation violation. According to a criminal complaint acquired by WBAY, a lady contacted police from her Stony Brook Lane house in Green Bay on February 23 at 3:25 a.m., saying she discovered her yet-to-be-identified 25-year-old son’s severed head in a bucket. She said she awakened between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. […]

  • Big Pharma and Microsoft Are Teaming up in Something Called the ‘id2020 Alliance

    ALSO, KNOWN AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST — THE ‘ID2020 ALLIANCE COMBINE’s VACCINATIONS WITH IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIPS TO CREATE YOUR DIGITAL ID… Revelation 13:15And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil… The ID2020 Alliance, as it’s being called, is a digital identity program that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchips into people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, […]

  • Planned Parenthood and the worship of Baal

     Biblically, abortion is the murder of a human being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6; Exodus 21:22-25; Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5). That a Christian should be pro-life would seem, to me, abundantly biblically clear. With most other political issues, however, there are not explicitly biblical commands or principles. With some of the most clearly defined regulations on abortion in the nation, Missouri had managed to lower the number of abortion facilities to a single clinic, but a second Missouri clinic opened its doors recently and two others plan on following soon. Planned Parenthood has battled against state regulations requiring abortion clinics to meet the same surgical center standards as full hospitals and for their doctors to have hospital privileges, and in April a federal court sided with the abortion giant.Breitbart TV What Is Planned Parenthood U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs granted a preliminary injunction invalidating […]

  • Update: Once Again Proves That Even in Places Where There Are No Guns, People Still Kill. Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People.

    Four Injured In New Zealand After Mass Stabbing Attack HNewsWire: Four people were stabbed in a “fast-paced” mass stabbing incident in New Zealand by a guy armed with a huge kitchen knife before police arrived and caught him. Lower Hutt Police tape off the location of a suspected death at another residence on Farmer Crescent on September 21st, 2012 in New Zealand. All of the injured parties have been categorized as having “moderate” injuries, including the perpetrator. It was approximately 11 a.m. local time in Murrays Bay, Auckland, when the guy started stabbing individuals. Then he proceeded across to Mairangi Bay, where he was stopped by members of the public. Superintendent Naila Hassan, the district commander in Waitemata, told reporters that the assault might have gone “a lot worse” if the people had not intervened. Her account said that she […]

  • Evil Physicians Euthanize Women Whose Husbands and Daughters Must Restrain Them While They Die as a “Culture of Death.”

    HNewsWire: Abortion on demand has been practiced for decades. Now some are seriously proposing infanticide. And euthanasia is promoted as a viable means of solving various social and financial problems. This focus on death as an answer to the world’s problems is a total reversal of the biblical model. Death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). Life is a sacred gift from God (Genesis 2:7). When given the choice between life and death, God told Israel to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Euthanasia spurns the gift and embraces the curse. The overriding truth that God is sovereign drives us to the conclusion that euthanasia and assisted suicide are wrong. A Dutch court acquitted a doctor on Wednesday of all charges for the euthanasia of an elderly woman who suffered from dementia but may not have wanted to end her life when […]

  • Update: 6/15/22 Netanyahu, Gantz Land in DC Ahead of Meeting With Trump on Peace Plan, The One Major Event That Set Tribulation in Motion, Most Missed This Event!

    Update: 1/27/2020 at 2:09 King of Jordan: Our ‘no’ to the ‘Deal of the Century’ is absolute HnewsWire: King Abdullah II of Jordan affirmed that his rejection of US President Donald Trump’s anticipated plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the “Deal of the Century,” is “absolute,” multiple reports stated. This is a developing story Everything Is Right on Schedule And, Now, the Time Is Come to Remove One of the Final Obstacles Standing in the Way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – Even If, Over the Course of Many Decades, It Has Already Been Greatly Diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. System; Or, More Specifically, Bullshit Emerging as Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.)… Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu land in DC on January 26, 2020. (photo credit: Lahav Harkov) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz landed […]

  • Update: 6/8/22 @ 6:15 Armed Man Arrested Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s House; Planned To Kill Supreme Court Justice: We Will See Terror Related Incidents in America Going Forward This Will Become a Common Occurrence. Tribulation on Steroids, Death Will Become Common Place

    HNewsWire: Armed Man Arrested Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s House; Planned To Kill Supreme Court Justice An armed man who meant to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was apprehended outside the Supreme Court Justice’s home approximately 1:50 a.m. on Wednesday.According to the Washington Post, preliminary information suggests that the guy was enraged by the recently leaked Roe v. Wade judgment, which overturned the constitutional right to abortion. According to the Post, he was also enraged by recent major killings. A protester stands outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house in Chevy Chase, Maryland, on Monday, September 13, 2021. After taking a cab to Kavanaugh’s house, the individual, who was not from Maryland, was apprehended without incident. He was stopped near the property, but not at it, according to officials. “A guy was apprehended near Justice Kavanaugh’s home at 1:50 a.m. morning. […]

  • A Storm Is Coming The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse are Described

    in Revelation Chapter 6, Verses 1-8… They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions, Big Tech, Mainstream Media, and of course those liberal politicians that want to control mankind’s every move, they are reprobates, meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.” Blood has surely Flow in the streets, and unless the people are free to live their lives as God intended, the alternative mayhem, death, and destruction, it’s called hell on earth–tribulation and we are here now, prepare yourself for the ride, it will be bumpy.  “All political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Just look at some of our modern-day examples: torture is “enhanced interrogation techniques”; murder is “collateral damage”; the aggression initiation of war is a “pre-emptive strike”; the theft of taxpayers’ money is a “bailout”, […]

  • Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Corona-virus Vaccinations–Hell On Earth (Tribulations)

      While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil… Lying has always worked, and the bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. We are quickly reaching the end of reality, we have now entered a state of what God had promised, Hell On Earth (Tribulations)… Galatians 6:7 warns us what happens when we remove the authority of God from our values, our goals, and our laws: Society reaps what it sows as well… The light went out in the church, and that’s the reason the world got dark. Dark times were perpetrated by the “last one out, turn out the lights” “The church lights have […]

  • Update: Ban Hammer Dropping! Biden Disinformation Czar Jankowicz, And Hate-Filled Gaddle Demand the Power to Edit Other People’s Tweets—No Free Speech on Twitter Yet.

    The Destruction of Humanity has Begun,Satan Princess, Head Of Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’ Previously Compared Free Speech To “Fairy Dust” HNewsWire: During his statement regarding censorship on social media platforms in front of the United Kingdom Parliament, the current head of what has been termed the “Ministry of Truth” under the administration of Satan Soldier Joe Biden referred to free speech as “fairy dust.” Indeed, you can. The remarks were made by Satan Princess Nina Jankowicz, who was recently appointed as the ‘disinformation czar’ of the Department of Homeland Security. She made them while providing oral evidence regarding the implementation of the UK’s controversial Online Safety Bill, which will ban legal content that has “the potential to cause harm.” During his statement regarding censorship on social media platforms in front of the United Kingdom Parliament, the current head of what […]

  • People Are Fed up With Medical Terrorism, Mandates Via Their Government Politicians, and There Will Be Blood Spilled in the Streets All Across the Globe

    Thousands of Protesters Descended on Jerusalem to Denounce Israel’s Ongoing COVID Kill Shot Mandates A huge chain of vehicles has stuck up traffic in Jerusalem as huge number of Israelis rioted to fight the country’s Covid kill shot limitations, taking a note from the ‘Opportunity Convoy’ exhibit coordinated in Canada’s capital over continuous immunization prerequisites there. Long lines of vehicles should have been visible heading for Jerusalem on Monday, supposedly from urban areas across Israel, in film flowing via web-based media. Like their Canadian driver partners, dissenters blasted on their horns, lifted pennants and recited trademarks against the Covid commands, some in any event, conveying Canada’s public banner at the same time. ISRAEL: 30,000 vehicles and 40 escorts from 40 urban areas across Israel merge into one joined Israeli Freedom Convoy in Jerusalem to dissent the undemocratic Covid Kill Shot […]

  • HNewsWire Exclusive: Apparently Hospitals Now Have the Ability to Kidnap Those They Believe Are COVID Positive, Hell on Earth, It’s Getting Real!

    HNewsWire Exclusive: Jan 11 – I started feeling weak from Covid symptoms Jan 12 – I called out of work as teacher and did not return until Feb 23 Jan 17 – I met with Dr. Padilla and was put on ivermectin among many other medications and supplements as Front-line Doctors protocol. Jan 18 – I received Ivermectin sent to me from a pharmacy. Jan 21 – My wife was concerned that I was dehydrated and called ambulance. I was put on a saline solution and brought to Bristol Hospital. From the beginning, I said I did not want to be admitted. However, I was. After a night in emergency room, I was brought to a room in the hospital. From then on, I was not really aware of how long I was there because I never saw the outside […]

  • Christian Persecution In The Land Of The Free

    Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam criminalized gatherings of more than 10 people, even if they’re attending a religious service… The Democrat announced Monday that, effective Tuesday at midnight, “all public and private in-person gatherings of 10 or more individuals are prohibited” in the state of Virginia. Guidance issued by the governor’s office regarding the order notes that religious institutions are not excluded from this order. Northam’s announcement is further expanded in Executive Order 53, which placed temporary restrictions on restaurants, recreational and entertainment gatherings, and non-essential retail businesses, as well as closed K-12 schools throughout the state due to the coronavirus pandemic. “Only in the Bible are the components of the Declaration’s phrase, ‘all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator (singular) with certain unalienable rights’ present. It is a biblical concept (Genesis) that God created man in His image and likeness. Only because of […]

  • HNewsWire: Another Plandemic — The Supply Chain is Broken Intentionally — It’s Going to Be a Cold Challenging Winter

    For US Here in The United states… Here we are again! Starving people to death, the same playbook of Mao and Stalin! Satan Soldiers Plan the Unraveling of Our Social Fabric, Leaving Many Family Households on The Streets, “Homeless” You can’t tyranny your way out of a plandemic — but you can plandemic your way into tyranny. Sadly, Americans have a short memory when it comes to giving up their freedoms for a false sense of security. When a society surrenders individual liberty to the state, the state never gives it back. The energy crisis that is rippling through Asia and Europe could unleash electricity shortages and blackouts in the U.S., according to Bloomberg.  Ernie Thrasher, CEO of Xcoal Energy & Resources LLC., told energy research firm IHS Markit that U.S. utilities quickly turn to more coal because of soaring natural gas prices.  “We’ve […]

  • Update: 3/6/22 @ 1:35 PM Convoy’s Live Cams,The People’s Convoy” Makes Its Way to the Nation’s Capital in Protest of COVID-19 Mandates — As DC National Guard, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) are on High Alert

    Two hours ago, the first wave of the “People’s Convoy” entered the Capital Beltway encircling Washington, D.C. At the time, traffic data supplied by TomTom showed the 64-mile loop around the metro area was without congestion, but that has all changed. TomTom shows “major” and “minor” delays throughout the highway stretch. Source: ZeroHedge     HNewsWire- The “People’s Convoy” of semi-trucks (some with trailers), RVs, trucks, SUVs, and vehicles departed from the Hagerstown Speedway in Hagerstown, Maryland, on Sunday morning. They’re scheduled to gather on the Capital Beltway later today and circle the length of roadway that encircles the District of Columbia “until the group’s demands are granted,” convoy organizer Brian Brase told the Washington Post. According to TomTom data, the convoy has already departed Hagerstown and is jamming miles of roadway. Hagerstown is about a 70-mile drive from Washington, […]

  • Pentagon Approves Deployment of National Guard Troops for DC Trucker Convoy Protest, When BLM or Antifa Burned Killed Destroyed, What Agency Was Deployed?

    Hundreds of National Guard troops have been stationed in Washington, D.C. to assist with the handling of trucker convoy demonstrations planned to begin this week, according to officials. The deployments of the guards, which had been requested by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the United States Capitol Police, were approved by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, according to the DOD (USCP). “The people who live, work, and visit the District are part of our community, and their safety is our top mission priority,” D.C. National Guard commanding general Maj. Gen. Sherrie L. McCandless said in a statement to the media. “Our MPD and USCP allies have requested for our assistance in ensuring that people may peacefully and securely demonstrate, and we are ready to help.” Around 400 soldiers of the D.C. National Guard will be allowed to “offer support […]

  • Update: 3/4/22 The Plandemics First Phase Is Now Complete; The Second Phase Will Begin in the Next Days. Politicians All Around the World Will Wage a War of Terror on Their Own People, There Will Be No Mercy

    Recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) decisions to monitor trucker protests and link domestic terrorism to misinformation have prompted backlash from some conservatives and civil libertarians, but DHS Counter-terrorism Coordinator John Cohen defended his department’s actions at a Feb. 15 online occasion. The DHS’s Feb. 7 bulletin warned of a heightened terrorism threat because of “false and misleading narratives,” misinformation, and “conspiracy theories.” “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment loaded up with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis-dis-and mal-information introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors,” the bulletin said. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) b. 15 letter, while Center to Advance Secureportedly accused the DHS of “policing” speech in a Ferity in America (CASA) is probing the department over its methodology for […]

  • Satan Soldiers Plandemic: US Food Banks Warn Soaring Prices Will Affect Distributions They’re Also Affecting the

    Mission of Us Food Banks Who Are Spending a Lot More on Food Than Ever Before… US Meat Prices To Remain Elevated Amid Depleted Reserves Beef, pork, and chicken in US cold storage warehouses have yet to recover from pandemic lows and could continue to support higher prices.  New United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data shows beef reserves dropped 7.7% from a year ago in August, poultry supplies fell 20%, and pork plunged 44% to their lowest levels since 2017, according to Bloomberg.  Jim Sullivan, commercial director for Stable USA, said low meat inventories would suggest meat prices will stay elevated. “Prices remain very elevated compared to seasonal expectations,” Sullivan said.  Soaring supermarket prices have been on the radar of the Biden administration as working-poor families allocate a high percentage of their incomes to basic and essential items. Higher food inflation […]

  • Update: 2/24/22 @ 10:49 AM — Live Feed In Ukrainian, Putin Declares the Start of a “Special Military Operation” to Protect Donbass — Putin’s “Shock & Awe” War On Ukraine

    In Ukraine, Putin Launches a “Special Military Operation,” Which Kiev Refers to as a “Full-Scale Invasion” This bloodshed and suffering might have been prevented if the Obama, Biden administration and NATO had simply accepted Russia’s valid security concerns about Ukraine joining NATO, which would put US/NATO military directly on Russia’s border. Live Feed From Ukrainian Putin’s “Shock & Awe” War On Ukraine Many hours into Russia’s offensive, which began about 5 a.m. Kiev time, it’s become evident that a full-scale’shock and awe’ invasion is underway – and it’s not only in Donbas. Stunning footage from the ground depicts what appears to be a continuing air war over Kiev and other towns around the country. Tanks have also been observed driving across the Ukraine-Belarus border, with allegations that Belarusian soldiers are assisting Russian forces in the invasion. Within a few hours […]

  • A Request for Assistance From the Leaders of Two Ukrainian Self-Declared Autonomous Territories: Kremlin

    The leaders of two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine have requested military assistance from Russian President Vladimir Putin, a Kremlin spokesman said Wednesday, as Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed that US intelligence has determined that additional military forces have entered the two regions. Russian President Vladimir Putin “received letters of appeal from Leonid Pasechnik, leader of the Luhansk People’s Republic, and Denis Pushilin, head of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told state-run media, referring to the breakaway territories’ titles. Peskov said that the two separatist region’s leaders feel there are “threats from Kyiv” towards Donetsk and Luhansk residents. Ukrainian officials have emphatically denied assaulting the Russian military or troops loyal to the two separatist areas, while Kirby recently told reporters that he believes Moscow is aiming to use “false flags” to justify an invasion of Ukraine. “We […]

  • Update: 2/23/22 @5:45PM Satan Soldier Trudeau, a.k.a Boy-Emperor Invoked the Emergencies Act Without Significant Cutoff Points Under the Law, Canada Brown Shirts Set to End Freedom Convoy “Legal Demonstration”

    Trudeau Revokes the Emergencies Act, Stating That the “Immediate Emergency Situation Is Ended After invoking the Emergencies Act little over a week ago in response to persistent trucker convoy blockades and protests, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government will stop using it. Trudeau, together with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, Justice Minister David Lametti, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair, made the announcement on Wednesday. “We’re ready to affirm that the issue is no longer an emergency today, following thorough evaluation.” As a result, the federal government will no longer invoke the Emergencies Act,” declared the prime minister. While the “urgent emergency scenario” has passed, Trudeau stated that the issue “won’t go away.” “At home and throughout the world, we must always struggle to safeguard and enhance our democracy,” he told […]

  • The Russian Ambassador Warns That “Ordinary Americans” Are About to Feel the Real Pain After Biden Shot Himself in the Foot

    Following President Joe Biden’s declaration of the “principal tranche” of what were generally minor and pitiful assents on some Russian banks and people, Moscow’s diplomat to the United States has spoke to the American public, cautioning that eventually “standard” US residents will feel the aggravation. “I don’t recollect a solitary day when our nation lived with practically no limitations from the Western world. We figured out how to function in such circumstances. Furthermore get by, yet in addition foster our state,” said Ambassador Anatoly Antonov through a Russian Embassy Facebook post on Wednesday. Russian envoy to the United States Anatoly Antonov, by means of Foreign Ministry/Newsweek He was rehashing a recognizable Kremlin line of late – that the economy is prepared to turn into “stronghold Russia” and can suffer anything Washington forces for quite a while. Be that as it […]

  • How Did We Get Into This Present State of Lawlessness?The Thieves at GoFraudMe Are Thriving, Just Like Some Major Financial Institutions, Thievery Is a Way of Life

    As Organizers Turn To Cryptocurrency, TD Bank Will Surrender Donations to the Court “TD has asked the court to accept the funds, which were raised through crowdfunding and deposited into personal accounts at TD, so they may be managed and distributed in accordance with the intentions of the donors, and/or to be returned to the donors who have requested refunds but whose entitlement to a refund cannot be determined by TD,” said spokeswoman Carla Hindman. The Convoy, meanwhile, plans to fight for their donations – and is now looking to raise funding via cryptocurrency. Convoy lawyer Keith Wilson said that the group planned to fight to retrieve any money they had raised – and could be seen in a video promoting the group’s next play: a cryptocurrency fundraiser that has raised almost US$1 million. “We will be taking expedited legal […]

  • Update: False Flag, More Fear Porn Coming Out of The White House: Biden Rambling, Russia Might Invade Ukraine “As Soon As Tomorrow” or Next Week, or Sometime!

    The White House’s New Friday Ukraine Panic Porn Is Called “Distraction & Disinformation” by Russia Despite the administration’s usual contradictory message, on the one hand serving up another dose of afternoon panic and market turmoil over reports that Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of days (it’s been “days” and “imminent” for several weeks at this point), nothing appears to have changed on the ground at the Russia-Ukraine border. Russian forces have reportedly pushed closer to the border, according to Blinken. Multiple White House officials have told various major US news outlets that the US now believes Putin has chose to invade Ukraine – though in a public news briefing, Jake Sullivan painted a mixed picture, telling US citizens to leave Ukraine immediately because a military offensive is imminent, while also cautioning that he’s not sure Putin has made […]

  • Update: 2/11/22 Death Angel Steps of Judgment, WOKE Big Tech You’re Next Take Cover Reprobates

    HNewsWire- A major outage appears to have taken some Twitter users off the network at 1200 ET, according to Downdector. Some Twitter users are alleging they’ve been logged out of the platform, receiving this error: “Something went wrong, but don’t fret – it’s not your fault. Let’s try again.” Downdetector reveals the initial outages were recorded about 1200 ET and continue to spike approximately one hour later. So far, 25,311 people have reported difficulties. The outage is pervasive. Twitter’s API status indicates several failures. Identified – We’re witnessing a high amount of API problems starting about 17:41 UTC and are presently investigating. The existence and breadth of any consumer effect has not been established at this time, but we will offer an update as soon as we know more. Widespread Internet Outages — How U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Regulate in […]

  • Update: 9/18/2021 San Francisco CA Get Ready for the Death Angel, Fire Tornado

    Scorched Earth House Cleaning WOKE. One of Satan Soldiers AKA California Gov. Newsom Apparently Is Lost, Either Can’t Make Good Decisions or Refuses To, It’s the Progressive Liberal Way… When looking at Scripture, it appears angels do have a hand in death and destruction. In Revelation, God gives one of the angels the power to cause death, and the four horsemen have the power to wipe out one-fourth of the earth’s population (Revelation 6:8). Although, one could argue that the four horsemen may not necessarily be angels or demons, but rather, symbolize rulers and authorities on earth. However, it appears demons may also try to have a hand in death. Jesus encounters a demon-possessed boy whose demon tries to kill him. The demon often throws him into fire and water to burn or drown him (Mark 9:22). Does this mean that angels […]

  • The White House Is Bracing for a Flood of Coronavirus Cases to Hit the United States in January — HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, January and February

    Featured Story There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of COVID, Tribulation Has Moved Into Its Second Year, It’s Going to Get Ugly… Pestilence on the Move, Warp Speed   The White House is preparing for a surge of coronavirus cases to hit the United States in January – HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, January and February There Will Be a terrible Death Rate, globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid, Tribulation Has Moved Into Its Second Year, It’s Going to Get Ugly… Pestilence On The Move, Warp Speed The White House is bracing for a tide of coronavirus cases to hit the United States in January after […]

  • Update: 90 Million Americans Brace For Winter Storm; Is Texas Ready This Time?

    Top Areas by OutagesTexas 69,799Arkansas 24,301California 10,149Indiana 7,108Oklahoma 4,047Last Updated2/3/2022, 07:59:30 AM Source: poweroutage Earth’s Temperature Saw A Sharp Drop In January, As Did Solar Activity — Global Cooling Is Here, Undeniable, And Set To Intensify The UAH temperate dataset is maintained by former NASA scientist Dr Roy Spencer and his University of Alabama in Huntsville colleague, climate scientist Dr John Christy. Since 1979, NOAA satellites have been carrying instruments which measure the natural microwave thermal emissions from oxygen in the atmosphere. The intensity of the signals these microwave radiometers measure at different microwave frequencies is directly proportional to the temperature of different, deep layers of the atmosphere. Every month, Dr Spencer and Dr Christy update global temperature datasets that represent the piecing together of the temperature data from a total of fifteen instruments flying on different satellites, know colloquially […]

  • Update: 2/2/22 The World is About to Be Plunged Into a “Dark Winter” of Extreme Food Scarcity,

    Power Grid / Energy Scarcity and Accelerating Spike Protein Fatalities Occurring Among the Vaccinate… Food Prices Hit Highest Level in a Decade, Food Has Been Weaponized, Satan Soldiers Are Godless… Food prices across the world have risen to their highest levels in a decade on the back of tightening supply conditions coupled with robust demand, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The FAO’s food price index, which measures world food commodity prices, has surged by 32.8 percent in the 12 months through September, coming in at a reading of 130 points, a level not seen since 2011. On a month-over-month basis, the index rose 1.2 percent. Accounting for the bulk of the rise in the index were higher prices of most cereals and vegetable oils. The FAO vegetable oil price index was up 60 percent in […]

  • There Is No Recovery the Worst Economic Crisis Anyone Has Ever Seen, Tribulation

    US Government Could Miss Payments as Soon as Dec. 21 WASHINGTON-A bipartisan think tank warned on Friday the U.S. government could start missing payments on its bills as soon as Dec. 21 if Congress fails to raise the debt limit, as top Democrats and Republicans sought a path around such a financial calamity. The Bipartisan Policy Center’s projection, based on updated official data on tax receipts and government spending, underscores the mounting pressure on President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party to find a way to raise the statutory $28.9 trillion debt limit and avoid the heavy economic repercussions that could come with missed payments. Earn up to $11 for every friend who reads this article. You can earn points by sharing articles to friends. With points, you can redeem for gift cards from 100+ top brands, or other benefits. Learn more […]

  • Update: 1/21/22 The World Has Enter a “Pestilence” Phase Health Departments in Several States Confirmed That They Are Looking Into a Steep Surge in the Mortality Rate for People Aged 18 to 49 in 2021 — a Majority of Which Are Not Linked to COVID-19

    If the experimental vaccines actually work, then how are unvaccinated people a threat to vaccinated people and why should unvaccinated people be forced to take the jab? If the vaccines don’t work, then, again, why should ANYONE be forced to take an untested and unreliable vax? Slow-Joe argues that the vaccinations are “safe and effective” Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021—a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. Deaths among people aged 18 to 49 increased more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019, before the pandemic, according to an analysis by The Epoch Times of death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

  • Update:1/15/22 at 6:31 AM People Move To Higher Ground “Pestilence” Often Translated “Plague” or “Weather Disaster” – God’s Talking – US West Coast Under Tsunami Threat After Undersea Volcano Eruption In South Pacific – The Big Freeze is Coming

    People waking up in San Diego have received a terrifying “emergency alert” on their phones warning them about a tsunami that may occur around 0750 PST. “Waves of 1 to 3 feet are possible,” the alert said. Here’s what one reader in Mission Beach sent us: Across the West Coast of the United States, a tsunami advisory is in effect for Saturday morning. The advisories were issued after a massive undersea volcano erupted Saturday off the South Pacific island of Tonga. “A tsunami has been confirmed and some impacts are expected,” the National Weather Service’s National Tsunami Warning Center said early Saturday. The advisory covers: The California coast from the California-Mexico border to the Oregon-California border, including San Francisco Bay. The Oregon coast from the Oregon-California border to the Oregon-Washington border, including the Columbia River estuary coast. The outer coast of Washington state from […]

  • Update: Philadelphia Issues Corona-Virus Vaccine Passport Requirements — Citizenship Gone Forever

    Hong Kong Forcing UK, US Arrivals Into Quarantine Camps After Single Asymptomatic Omicron Case Hong Kong residents returning from the United States are being forced to spend one week in a ‘spartain’ quarantine camp, after which they must serve out two weeks in a hotel room that they pay for themselves, according to the South China Morning Post. Screenshot, SCMP The new measures which were announced on Friday come after the city’s health authorities elevated the country to the highest Covid-19 risk level, prompted by one confirmed case of the Omicron variant in a traveler from the US – an asymptomatic 37-year-old man who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and traveled from Los Angeles on Dec. 7. In a press release, the city said that those arriving from the US would be subject to the “most stringent quarantine and testing requirements,” which would take […]

  • Update: CDC: Over 8,284 Deaths Now Following The Death Angel mRNA Experimental Injections – “Vaccine Hesitancy” Increasing…

    More People Died In The Key Clinical Trial For Pfizer’s Covid Kill Shot Vaccine Than The Company Publicly Reported Pfizer lied about the number of individuals who died during their COVID vaccine trials. Pfizer told the world 15 people who received the vaccine in its trial had died as of mid-March. Turns out the real number then was 21, compared to only 17 deaths in people who hadn’t been vaccinated. Alex Berenson reported: On July 28, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech posted a six-month data update from their key Covid vaccine clinical trial, the one that led regulators worldwide to okay the shot. At a time when questions about vaccine effectiveness were rising, the report received worldwide attention. Pfizer said the vaccine’s efficacy remained relatively strong, at 84 percent after six months. It also reported 15 of the roughly 22,000 […]

  • Update: 1215/21 The Death Angel Has Been Instructed to Confuse Big Tech — Social Media — 63,000 Websites Hit With Outages As Users Report Amazon Web Service Issues — Hours Of Darkness Coming More Often

    Update (1130ET): A person familiar with today’s AWS outage told Bloomberg it’s unrelated to last week’s outage.  Amazon company had one of its worst outages in its history earlier this month, affecting Netflix, robot vacuums and even ticket sales for Adele’s upcoming tour. Amazon attributed the outage to “unexpected behavior” of its automated processes. -Bloomberg  * * * Preliminary reports from Pingdom AB, a Swedish website monitoring company, show more than 63,000 websites are experiencing issues worldwide. At the same time, Downdetector reports users are experiencing problems with Amazon Web Services. REPORTS INDICATE THERE MAY BE A WIDESPREAD OUTAGE AT AMAZON WEB SERVICES, WHICH MAY BE IMPACTING SERVICE- DOWNDETECTOR – zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 15, 2021 Pingdom shows 63,671 websites are experiencing issues on Wednesday morning. Downdetector shows AWS problems are being reported on the Eastern US half. An alert on AWS Status page reads, […]

  • Update: 9/23/21 Satan Soldier George W. Bushwacker Appeared to Use His Speech Recognizing the 20th

    Anniversary of 9/11 to Compare the January 6th Protests to the So-Called Terrorists Who Attacked America…  ‘Liberal Media Darling’ George W. Bushwacker Confronted By Iraq Veteran Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, ZeroHedge An Iraq veteran gave George W. Bush a stark reminder this past weekend that although he’s now a liberal media darling, there are plenty of Americans who remember the lies that led to millions of deaths. Corporal Mike Prysner was captured on video launching into a tirade against Bush during a speech in Beverly Hills. “When are you going to apologize for the million Iraqis who are dead because you lied?” Prysner yelled at Bush. “You lied about weapons of mass destruction! You lied about connections to 9/11! You sent me to Iraq! You sent me to Iraq!” Prysner continued. Bush can be heard responding “you said you’d behave […]

  • Up-Date: 11/22/21 One of The Two Men Behind The Global Corona-virus Pestilence

    “Extreme Cover-Up” – Scientists Who Penned Lancet Letter To Bat Down Lab Theory Have Links To China An investigation by The Daily Telegraph reveals that all but one scientist who wrote a letter in The Lancet medical journal dismissing even the slightest possibility COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, have ties to Chinese researchers. This stunning revelation suggests that 26 of the 27 scientists listed in the letter might of had a conflict of interest. Peter Daszak fist-bumps fellow Covid-19 origins investigator in Wuhan, China The letter, published in March of last year, sought to quash any debate among the scientific community or the media over the origins of the virus – until international intelligence findings in 2021 brought the matter back to the spotlight.  The man who orchestrated the article is Dr. Peter Daszak, CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit which was armed with millions in […]

  • Update: 11/24/21 at 11:01 AM Now 23 Months Into Tribulations the Lawlessness, God Empty Society Will Be the Norm Going Forward, The World is Growing Increasingly Depraved…

    Black Supremacist Darrell Brooks Rapped About Being A ‘Terrorist’ And Called For Violence Against White People The black supremacist ex-con charged in the deaths of six people at a Wisconsin Christmas parade rapped about being a ‘terrorist,’ and posted online that ‘Hitler was right’ to have killed Jews because ‘the negroes … are the true hebrews,’ while also calling for violence against white people. Darrell Brooks Jr, 39, is charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide, and has more charges pending according to prosecutors in Waukesha, Wisconsin, after eight-year-old Jackson Sparks was named by relatives as the sixth victim to have died from his injuries after Brooks allegedly plowed into a Christmas parade. More than 60 people were injured in the massacre, which has already become non-news among mainstream outlets. One person died in the Charlottesville car attack. Six have died already in the […]

  • Update: 11/22/21 At 9:25 PM The ‘New Normal’ Out There, Tribulation Crazy

    Here’s The Stunning 44-Page Criminal History Of The Christmas Parade Massacre Person Of Interest Darrell Brooks Background C… by The Western Journal Just like a broken clock is right twice a day, the left gets things right every once and a while. For example, our justice system does need some reform, as the left has said – just not quite in the way it believes. The Christmas parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Sunday, was a perfect example of how this system can be reformed. Five people were killed and more than 40 injured when a vehicle plowed through the crowd. Fox News was among those reporting Monday that Darrell Brooks, 39, was in custody in connection with the horrifying incident. As it turns out, Brooks is a convicted felon with a lengthy criminal record. This is Darrell Brooks, the […]

  • Update:11/22/21 HNewsWire: Germany Will Introduce Mandatory Kill Shot Vaccines — the Regime Claims the China Corona-Virus Cases Are Climbing — We Know They’re Lying!

      “Pestilence Vaxx’d, Cured, Or Dead” – Satan Soldier a.k.a German Health Minister Hints At Jab Mandate; Merkel Fears “Highly Dramatic” Situation After demonstrations erupted across Europe and more broadly across the globe over the weekend, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that the latest surge in European COVID infections is “worse than anything Germany has experienced so far” and called for more tight restrictions to try and stop the Pestilence a.k.a CHINA virus from spreading again over the holidays. Dark Princess Merkel told officials from her Christian Democratic Party on Monday that the situation is “highly dramatic” and warned that hospitals would soon be overwhelmed unless the 4th wave of the CHINA virus is broken, according to a Bloomberg report. The outgoing chancellor warned that many Germans don’t seem to understand the severity of the crisis as cases have spiked across […]

  • Update: 11/21/21 at 9:15 AM Portland Rittenhouse Protest Escalates Into Riot — The Rittenhouse Jurors’ Verdict Not Guilty — Lawlessness Will Rule in the Days to Come It’s Called Tribulation, Get Used to It — the Lawless is in Charge

    Police declared a riot in downtown Portland, Oregon after a group protesting Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal damaged property and threw rocks at cops on Friday night. The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office declared the riot just after 9 p.m. local time after 200 protesters began breaking windows and doors of city buildings and “throwing objects” at cops, officials said. The group also talked about burning down the city’s Justice Center, which houses the Portland Police Bureau headquarters, a county jail and some courtrooms, KOIN TV reported. Police Chief Chuck Lovell told the outlet earlier in the night that it was “reasonable to expect there will be some type of reaction to the verdict.” Video from the scene posted by local independent journalist Grace Morgan showed armed police officers retreating as protesters advanced toward them. Other videos showed windows smashed at the Multnomah County Office building. Portland Tribune reporter Zane Sparling shared […]

  • Update: 11/20/21 at 9:29 AM Kyle Rittenhouse Not guilty — Now the Racist Hate Filled Individuals Come Out From Under Their Rock to Throw the First Stone, They All Live in Glass Houses

    Satan Soldier Jerry Nadler Has Spoken… Jerry Nadler, Representative for New York’s 10th congressional district and acting chairman of the House Judiciary Democrats, has signaled a possible Department of Justice investigation into Kyle Rittenhouse. On Friday, the 18-year-old Rittenhouse was found not guilty of homicide and other charges related to the shootings of three men, two fatally, on Aug. 25, 2020, during the racial justice riots that took place in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Following the verdict on Friday, Nadler suggested a federal review of the case was justified. By doing so, Nadler is quite possibly setting the stage to have the verdict overturned. This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest. – […]


    Anti-Christ Germany, Ungodly Politicians, Preparing To Impose Austria-Style Lock-down On The Unvaxx’d – It’s Coming to America… I know Americans tend to think this kind of Nightmare could not happen here, simply refusing to take a kill shot into your body. People, it can and will happen here. It’s just a matter of time. This time next year, real pressure will be on this country’s unvaccinated and locked down will be reality. You can thank Google, social media, the liberal demonic News for approving someone like Biden and his kind to run this country. Tribulation… Germany is preparing to follow the example of Austria by imposing new lock-down measures that will exclusively apply to the unvaccinated. As we highlighted yesterday, Austrian authorities are enforcing the new measures by having police patrol supermarkets and highways, stopping people and checking their vaccination status. Similar […]

  • Update: 11/16/21 Pestilence: “They’re Everywhere” Deadly ‘Fat-Tailed Scorpions’ Swarm Egyptian Town…

    Pestilence a Deadly Disaster Disease That Affects an Entire Community… It’s interesting to me you don’t find the words plague(s) and pestilence in the New Testament under any context other than the judgment of God.  (In fact, for the most part, the context of those words in the Old Testament is also within the judgment of God.) Deadly ‘Fat-Tailed Scorpions’ Swarm Egyptian Town After Flooding – At Least 500 Hospitalized A rare storm in the south of Egypt has caused floods that in turn unleashed many thousands of scorpions taking shelter in people homes and swarming inhabited areas. International reports have counted at least 500 hospitalized, including at least three deaths reported, following days of heavy rain in Aswan, Egypt along the Nile. The huge number of injuries are from scorpions and snakes which were stirred out of their hiding places and entered the nearby town, quickly resulted […]

  • HNewsWire Will Be Charging Big Tech

    for Links Going Forward, We Will Be Demanding Payment for Our Content. From: HNewsWire 2/22/2021 To Google, YouTube, Bing, Twitter, FaceBook, Parler, Reddit When a big tech company says its product is free, consumers are the ones being sold, “These ‘free’ products track everything we do so tech companies can sell our information to the highest bidder and use it to target us with creepy ads. Even worse, tech companies do their best to hide how much consumer data is worth and to whom it is sold.” HNewsWire demand Accountability and to whom did big Tech sell information to, you are hereby put on notice to cease and desist. Subject Demand letter Dear, Google, YouTube, Bing, Twitter, FaceBook, Parler, Reddit Kindly, adhere to the demands on this letter to avoid further consequences. Thank you in advance for a prompt action. […]

  • Update 11/8/21 Pestilence Is a Housecleaning For Corrupt Judges and Politicians, As U.S. Leaders Beginning to Self Quarantine — Pestilence

    Jen Psaki Caught COVID and DISAPPEARED, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’ — Gavin Newsom Hasn’t Been Seen in Public in Eleven Days Ever since White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that she had a case of Covid-19, despite being fully vaccinated, she has been absent from the public spotlight. This week her role was taken by Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who just might be the least credible person on the planet. Psaki disclosed on October 31 that she had a “breatkthrough case” of Covid-19 in what she characterized as an abundance of transparency. “Psaki, who is fully vaccinated, said she has experienced only mild symptoms,” NPR reported. “In a statement, she said she had not had contact with senior White House officials since Wednesday — four days before she tested positive — and last saw Biden on Tuesday, when they were wearing […]

  • While The Kill Jab Isn’t Mandatory Yet, That Day is Coming “Very Soon”

    If you’re complying with a government whose objective is Genocide, you’re going along with your own execution. Once the U.S. Federal Government and Big Pharma violated our personal sovereignty with obvious intent to harm or kill. The American people have every legitimate reason, God-given right, constitutional power, inalienable liberty, and lawful authority to fight against those criminal entities for the sake of self-defense and/or self-preservation. Anyone participating in forced COVID vaccinations, either through supplying the injections or actually doing the injections, you are hereby put on notice… That you are participating in homicide and mass murder, and justice will catch up to you at some point.  Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask Oregon has gone from a liberal hell hole to 1930s Germany overnight. The Oregon Health […]

  • Update: 10/22/21 The White House is Rolling Out an ‘Advertising’ Campaign to Convince Parents

    and Kids The Kill Shot Vaccine is Safe and Effective… Right After The COVID-19 Kill Shot Vaccine: UK Child Deaths Are 52% Higher Than The 5-Year-Average You can’t say no, you can’t sue for harm, and you can’t see the data underlying the government’s claim that the product is safe and effective. That seems fair. The Biden Administration Straight From The Pit Of Hell Right After The COVID-19 Kill Shot Vaccine: UK Child Deaths Are 52% Higher Than The 5-Year-Average New data published by the Office for National Statistics has revealed that the number of children to have died since Chris Whitty advised the Government they should be offered the Covid-19 vaccine is 52% higher than the five-year-average, after previously being 14% down on the five-year-average up until the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization being overruled.  The evidence strongly suggests that […]

  • Update: Trump and Gates Have Spoken, Get Your Vaccine, Trump Has Turned on the American People Along Time Ago, Trump is a Great Satan Soldier

    “I Would Convince People” – Trump Says US Wouldn’t Need COVID Vaccine Mandate If He Was President Satan Soldier Trump has a very simple solution for President Biden’s problem of vaccine credibility. “I would sell it to them,” the former president said during an interview with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly that aired last night on The First TV. He added that when he was president there was “no talk of” vaccine mandates, and added that in under nine months, his administration helped produce not one but three vaccines, all of which have proven to be the industry standard around the world. “I wouldn’t say to anybody, ‘You have to.’ But I would sell it. Look, I’m very proud of what we did with the vaccines,” Trump told political news host Bill O’Reilly in an interview that will air at 8 […]

  • Dr. Mccullough: Satan Soldiers Are Coming and he Predicted That the United States is

    Gearing Up to Force People Into Getting the Injections… In an extraordinary interview last week, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism, and that the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19 — such as hydroxychloroquine — “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.” Dr. McCullough made the explosive comments during a webinar on June 11, with  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer, who believes the pandemic was planned, and is “a crime against humanity.” Nuremberg Trial 2.0 is in Preparation: W.H.O And World Leaders Will Have To Answer For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’. McCullough said he believes the bioterrorism has come in two stages—the first wave being the rollout of the coronavirus, and the second, the rollout of the dangerous vaccines, which he said may already be responsible for […]

  • The Best Story We’ve Shared to Date!

    At HNewsWire we like to keep our readers informed about the truth behind what you see and read from the mainstream news outlets. Our goal is to expose lies and correct the intentional misinformation spreading throughout our society. We do this by presenting the simple facts and allowing our readers to make up their own minds. Often, what we reveal may lead to an assumption that there’s nothing good happening in the world today. Obviously, that’s not the case. So, get ready. We hope you love this. Moses is a young man who grew up in the worst of circumstances. His parents and family members were involved in gang activity and introduced him to a life of crime at a very young age. His home, if it could be called that, was filled with drug abuse, prostitution, and the worst […]

  • Update: 10/5/21 People Are Rebelling Against Lock-downs, Masks Worldwide —

    Satan Soldiers Can Go To Hell… Turns out most citizens of the World aren’t ten-year-old children who constantly have to be told what to do. Meanwhile In Australia… All Hell Breaking Loose Footage out of Melbourne Australia this past weekend shows a squad of riot police harassing and beating grocery shoppers attempting to buy food and coffee before returning home, while a second video captured angry protesters fighting back, chasing the police away and loudly chanting “FREEDOM”. The insane video resembles something out of a dystopian nightmare movie. Watch (WARNING, Strong language throughout): The city is STILL under lockdown after 245 days, making it the longest lockdown anywhere in the world, and vaccine mandates have been announced for all state workers. Protesters took to the streets and police struggled to contain all of them. Workers in the state of Victoria, including retail workers, […]

  • Government’s Around the Global to Censor Journalists — Big Tech is Actively Censoring

    American Journalists on Behalf of the Godless Chinese Communist Party… A Big Tech company composed of more than 774 million members is reportedly tying up with Chinese Communists in line with the censorship of its content. The Republican Party of Arizona tweeted about LinkedIn‘s censorship of Republicans out of its partnership with the Chinese Communist Party. The tweet included a link to an Axios report on Florida Senator Rick Scott questioning Microsoft-owned LinkedIn regarding its censorship on the profiles of U.S. journalists last week. “Why are American Big Tech companies teaming up with the Communist Chinese government to censor journalists? Why is it only Republicans asking questions? #BigTechCensorship,” the Republican Party of Arizona said on Friday. Why are American Big Tech companies teaming up with the Communist Chinese government to censor journalists? Why is it only Republicans asking questions? #BigTechCensorship — Republican Party of Arizona (@AZGOP) September […]

  • Force Kill Shot Vaccines Are Here, Satan Soldier Four Star General Biden’s Military Puts West Point Cadets in Solitary

    Confinement If They Refuse COVID Vaccine… You’ve Been Lied To, if You’re Complying With a Government, There Objective is Genocide,You’re Going Along With Your Own execution… I am not going to allow the Covid maniacs to convince me to be vaccinated. There is a mass death campaign underway right now. I am going to survive a global genocide. SRH… The United States Military Academy at West Point is attempting to force all cadets to get vaccinated for the Wuhan corona-virus (Covid-19) by threatening them with solitary confinement, separation from the Academy, and no more essential training. Senior military officers at the institution are reportedly demanding that students take the experimental injections on command or else be treated like an enemy in war. At first, more than 700 cadets resisted, but heavy pressure has reduced that number to less than 100. Anyone who even agrees […]

  • Important Update: 10/1/21 Satan Soldiers at the CDC Now Preparing Quarantine Camps, You’re Welcome

    . State Governments Preparing ‘Quarantine Facilities’ For Americans Unable To Isolate At Home The Washington Department of Health is advertising job opportunities for employees to work in quarantine and isolation facilities that will be used to house Americans who are unable to quarantine at home, prompting fears that the program could eventually be used to forcibly detain people. Ethan Miller via Getty Images Titled ‘Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants’ – the job offers “continuous” employment with a salary of up to $4286 dollars a month. The facility is located “within a motel in Lewis County” and employees will be tasked with providing for COVID infectees “transportation to and from the facility in vans that have been altered to separate air flow to protect the driver.” “Team members provide for all aspects of the guest’s stay to include providing laundry services, […]

  • Update: 9/30/21 When the Momentum of Collapse Crosses the Event

    Horizon, It No Longer Matters Who Claims the Title of Head Snake… Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A “System Collapse” Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains If CNN starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blog, what does that mean?  Unfortunately, the truth about what is in our immediate future is becoming apparent to everyone.  Global supply chains are in a state of complete and utter chaos, and this is driving up prices and causing widespread shortages all over the country.  Over the past couple of weeks, I have written five articles with either “shortage” or “shortages” in the title, and some have accused me of being a little alarmist.  If that is the case, then CNN is being alarmist too, because one of their top stories today openly warned of a “global transport system collapse”… In an open […]

  • In My Opinion, We Are Already Under a Form of Martial Law — Martial Law is

    the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed, or in occupied territory… ‘ When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr. President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote. Martial law can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public, as seen in multiple countries listed below… In extreme circumstances, there is an exception: the Insurrection Act, which allows the use of active-duty or National Guard troops for federal law enforcement in cases when “rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable […]

  • Update: 9/14/21 Our Justice System Has Become Embedded With Officials That Are Leviathan

    The FBI Agent Credited With Foiling Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Kidnapping Plot No Longer Works for the Agency After He Was Charged With Allegedly Smashing His Wife’s Head Into a Nightstand and Choking Her After a Swingers’ Sex Party. The Detroit News first reported the firing of former Special Agent Richard Trask, 39, who took the public face of the investigation, testifying in court. However, the FBI dropped Trask as a witness after social media posts calling former President Donald Trump a “douchebag” and other expletives surfaced. Attorney General Dana Nessel. (Office of the Attorney General of Michigan) The firing is another blow to the credibility of at least a dozen confidential informants planted within the Whitmer kidnapping plot, some who allegedly hatched the plan and another who rose to second-in-command of the group. In March, prosecutors also indicted an informant […]

  • “Great Derecho” Storm Just Destroyed Crops Pestilence Incorporates Any and All

    Forms of public and mass destruction and often accompanies famine (Ezekiel 7:15) or war ( (Jeremiah 21:9). Jesus forewarned of pestilence when He described the end times (Luke 21:11). PESTILENCE IS CONTAGIOUS, VIRULENT, AND DEVASTATING, The Torrential Rain of Biblical Proportions, We Are About to Enter the Worst Days of This Pestilence. Our Public Officials Are Brain-Dead, America, and The World Is About to Experience the Worst Death Rate in Modern History. Take Cover… Outside Mogadishu, locusts turn farmland into desert MOGADISHU (Reuters) – A rifle on his back, Mohamed Yasin tries in vain to chase away the swarm of yellow-coloured insects that have invaded his farm as his camels mill about nearby. Swarming on the outskirts of Mogadishu, locusts are eating away at Yasin’s livelihood, destroying maize and beans and all his grass. “We have asked the government to […]

  • Up-Date 2/4/2021 Hell Gates Now Open: Bill Gates Goes Viral on Digital ID

    and Digital Currency, the Antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Makes His Appearance Soon… Understanding Rev10;6 ‘there will be delay no longer.’ Effectively Netanyahu has not formed a Govt in almost 18 months & now he will be in power 18 months before Ganz takes over. That will complete his 14 yrs of time, times, etc. the anti-Christ will NOT allow the building of a new Temple while he is in office. When it does, then the last two prophets will come So if the last week started with the renewed Covenant in January 2016 there would be a break of 18 months[delayed] in the last week, that means that we are still looking to the end of the ‘silence in Heaven’ in the latter part of 2021 The antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Makes His Appearance, and He Has all the Answers, the World Falls for […]

  • Bible Prophecy — No One Has Ever Seen Forecast Even Close to This Level of Extreme Weather

    Bible Prophecy I Have Never Seen The Righteous Forsaken or Begging For Rain… Severe Weather Threatens 90 Million People In Midwest And Northeast States The Storm Prediction Center has warned that severe thunderstorms are forecasted across the Midwest and Northeast on Wednesday.   “Damaging winds, along with some hail threat, are expected with thunderstorms across the upper Midwest later this afternoon and evening. Isolated damaging winds are also possible across parts of the Northeast,” Storm Prediction Center wrote in a 0737 ET statement.  CNN estimates as many as “90 million people across the Midwest and Northeast” could be affected by today’s storms.  Wisconsin; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Rochester, Minnesota are at risk of intense storms. This could be great news for the corn belt in desperate need of water, but a constant stream of wind could damage crops. Wind damage could snap the corn […]

  • Up-Date: Satan Soldiers Having Trouble With Truth, June 10, Report VAERS Contains

    HUGE Number Of COVID Vax Injuries/Deaths Reported… Independent doctors and analysts reveal how the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is conniving  to suppress the shocking high tally of deaths and reactions to the COVID19 jab. In what may be criminal activity, VAERS is deleting already published reports compounding their conspiracy of lies and deceit. Hundreds, maybe thousands of vaccine deaths are being covered up. Independent medical data analyst, Albert Benavides broke the news that VAERS does not publish “follow-up” reports – no follow up investigations, no follow-up autopsies, Nothing! Benavides showed how the official data in VAERS is being ‘massaged’ to minimize how toxic and deadly these experimental jabs are in this ‘must watch’ video interview by Dr Jane Ruby, below: Watch Video Albert Benavides has over 25 years working as a professional systems data analyst, auditor and manager. Board certified with the American […]

  • Another Deadly Virus — It Destroys Lives It’s Known as the Sin Virus

    CNN, New Yorker Suspend Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating During a Zoom Call… Update (1740ET): In a stunning ‘correction’ from Vice, which ratchets this story up to ’11’ on the Spinal Tap amplifier of WTF-ness, “This piece has been updated with more detail about the call and the headline has been updated to reflect that Toobin was masturbating.” Hey look, we understand, an accidental exposure of a penis could be rubbed off as a one-off, awkward moment but spanking the monkey, that’s a hard one to get over. Quite a multitasker!! From the “Not, The Onion” file (which is becoming far too regular in this farcical new normal), legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended by CNN and The New Yorker after he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio. “I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I […]

  • Their Worm Never Dies, We Do Not Live

    in a Free America Anymore One-World Global Government… UK Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For Ten Years British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption has warned that “social controls” brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade. Supreme Court Rules In Excessive Force Case “It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now,” commented Sumption, who has been highly critical of the government’s ‘totalitarian’ lockdown policies. The judge compared the reaction to rationing after the Second World War, which went on for nine years, adding that this time “I think it may be even longer.” “An interesting parallel is the continuation of wartime food rationing after the last war. People were in favour of that because they were in favour of social control,” he said during a […]

  • Death Angel Visit the Ungodly the Demonic China and America Who’s Next

    Coronavirus: China locks down two cities a year after Wuhan Residents in parts of Hebei province are restricted as part of measures to stem the coronavirus surge. Authorities finished carrying out a mass COVID-19 testing of all 13 million residents of Xingtai and Shijiazhuang. Most of the locally-transmitted cases were found in China’s Hebei province The daily number of new coronavirus cases has doubled in China, the country’s national health authority reported on Sunday. Mainland China registered 69 cases on Saturday, compared with 33 reported a day earlier. The National Health Commission reported that 21 of those people had been infected overseas. The country also reported 27 asymptomatic cases on Saturday, down from 38 a day earlier. China does not classify asymptomatic patients as confirmed cases. The latest outbreak has prompted tougher movement restrictions. In Beijing, passengers must scan a health code before boarding a taxi or ride-hailing […]

  • Parler Will Shadow Banned, Removed Those Accounts They Do Not Agree

    With, They Are Hypocrites of the Worst Kind, Parler Faces Extinction as Amazon Employees Demand AWS Stop Hosting — Parler, NOT Who They Seem To Be. Update (2210 ET): Parler CEO John Matze has issued a statement Sunday (tomorrow) at midnight Amazon will be shutting off all of our servers in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet. There is the possibility Parler will be unavailable on the internet for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch. We prepared for events like this by never relying on amazons proprietary infrastructure and building bare metal products. We will try our best to move to a new provider right now as we have many competing for our business, however Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this as a coordinated effort knowing our options would be limited and knowing […]

  • Christians Should Prepare for Hell on Earth, the Floodgate Has Been

    Open Satan Is Driving the Culture Bus, Christian Persecution Has Begun… Nolte: Nevada’s Democrat Governor Punishes Casino for Holding Worship Service A group called Evangelicals for Trump skirted Nevada’s fascist anti-Christian laws by holding a worship service in a casino. And now Nevada’s Democrat governor, the anti-science and bigoted Steve Sisolak, has not only publicly lashed out at the peaceful Christian gathering, the casino’s been punished with a $250 fine. So get this… And tell me Nevada’s Democrats and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (who sided with Nevada’s Democrats) are not anti-Christian bigots. In the Democrat-run state of Nevada, coronavirus social distancing rules allow for indoor casinos and amusement parks to operate at 50 percent capacity. So, no matter how many people this represents, as long as the indoor casino or amusement park does not operate over 50 percent capacity, they are in compliance with […]

  • Satan Soldiers, “We Have a List.” and It’s a Pretty Blatant Sign of

    Decline When People Start Keeping ‘Lists’ of Political Opponents They Want to Punish and This Madness Is Just Getting Started…AKA The Tribulations… In sharp contrast to Joe Biden’s calls for American to “come together as a nation and heal,” some Democratic Party activists are promoting the compilation of a blacklist of people who worked for, funded, campaigned for, were appointed by, or endorsed President Trump.  according to a CNN reporter — White House staff were starting to look for new jobs. “Employers considering them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump. On September 18 of the year 96 AD, a fairly obscure and elderly politician named Marcus Cocceius Nerva was proclaimed Emperor of Rome by the Senate. Rome was in chaos at the time; the empire had suffered from years of turmoil, economic decline, and oppression. Most […]

  • UP-DATE: 11/07/2020 At 7:49 PM The Food Shortage and The Coming Tribulation

    As governors and President Donald Trump consider ways to prematurely open up America amid the still-unfolding Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, they are risking much more than just lives. They are actually putting our entire food supply chain at risk, and once that collapse begins, like a jetliner spiraling out of control, there will be no way to stop the crash. As reported by The Hill, our fragile ‘just in time’ food chain can still be impacted in ways that would only compound the economic destruction and death coronavirus has already caused:  The coronavirus pandemic has upended food supply chains, led to closures of meat producing plants and left Americans with the unsettling experience of seeing empty shelves at supermarkets. Coupled with the run on toilet paper that led to severe shortages, recent events are leading Americans to wonder if the nation’s food supply […]

  • Updates: Governments Around the Globe Will Start to Suppress the People With

    Heavy-Handed Hard Lockdown Tactics… Updates: 11/1/2020 ‘Le Grand Escape’ From Paris: Footage Shows Record-Breaking Traffic Gridlock Hours Before Lockdown Viral footage out of France shows what reports described as hundreds of miles of traffic jams in an around the French capital at the close of this week just as a Macron-mandated second national lockdown went into effect Friday. The new lockdown measure took effect Friday at midnight with a 9pm curfew, which requires all residents to stay at home other than for essential work or medical reasons. It appears that hours before the lockdown went active, Parisians rushed to get out of the city, as one viral video showed. The stay-at-home orders have been issued to be in effect for one month – at least until December 1. #Coronavirus: Paris has seen hundreds of miles of traffic jams as people tried to leave the city […]

  • Death Angel Moving Into New Territory: Global Dignitaries Will Start Tested Positive

    for the ‘Pestilent.’ What Started Out as an Orchestrated Plandemic Now Has Turned into Their (Politicians) Worst Nightmare, Pestilent… Belgium’s Deputy PM in Intensive Care With “Pestilent” Coronavirus Sophie Wilmès, 45, Who Tested Positive for Virus on Saturday Belgium’s deputy prime minister, Sophie Wilmès, who had led the country until last month, has been taken into intensive care after testing positive for coronavirus. A spokesman said Wilmès, 45, was stable and conscious but that she was in need of treatment. Wilmès had announced only last Friday that she was going into self-isolation after developing “suspicious symptoms”. She tweeted the following day that her test had been positive and that the “contamination probably occurred within my family circle given the precautions taken outside my home”.  no one is immune from this “Pestilent” A spokesperson for the political party of former Colombian […]

  • Update 10/03/2020 Death Angel Moving Into New Territory: Presidents Governors

    Senators and Congressmen in America Will Start Tested Positive for the “Pestilent“ Dignitaries from around the world start to test positive ,God Speaking Not Many Listen… People who have tested positive for Covid-19, so far: 1+2. President & Melania Trump 3. Bill Stepien, Trump campaign mgr 4. Hope Hicks 5. Kellyanne Conway 6. Sen. Ron Johnson 7. Sen. Mike Lee 8. Sen. Thom Tillis 9. Ronna McDaniel 10. Notre Dame Pres. Jenkins 11-13. Three WH reporters 14-24. Eleven staffers from Cleveland debate 25. Chris Christie 26. Nick Lunas Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Thom Tillis (R-NC), Both Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Have Revealed That They, Too, Have Tested Positive Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) contracted the Chinese coronavirus following last week’s Rose Garden event — in which President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the […]

  • Update: 10/03/2020 There Is Something Very Big About to Happen, Trump Was

    Reading His Message From a Teleprompter, a Word of Caution to His Enemies — He Has Been Hand-Picked by God, I Don’t Know If He Still Has the Anointing From God , but His Enemies Need to Proceed With Caution… There’s a Big Difference Between COVID-19 (Flu) and a Pestilent, If It Kills It’s a Pestilent, the COVID 19 Flu Is a Common Occurrence in Society, Time Will Tell What the Death Angel Has Prescribed Remarks made by President Trump during a speech have prompted speculation after he referred to having a lot of rich enemies and told the audience, “This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while.”  The world, at the moment, seems unreal as we now understand that uncertainty is a certainty and that change can cause great upheavals that can affect us for […]

  • Some Very Evil Politicians Have Chose to Punish, Destroy People’s Lives in an

    Effort to Remove Trump From Office, It’s Obvious They Will Proceed at Any Cost… In several places in the Bible there are references to worthless persons (Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer) (Deut. 13:13; Judg. 19:22; 20:13; 1 Sam. 25:17; 1 Ki. 21:9-13; Prov. 6:12-14; 16:27; 19:28; Nah. 1:11). The term worthless translates the Hebrew בְּלִיָּעַל belial Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has come under fire for using the State’s emergency alert system to order residents to wear face masks. The IPAWSCAP, or Integrated Public Alert Warning System, sent out thousands of messages to cell phones Monday afternoon ‘alerting’ people that it is compulsory that they were face masks in public. The message read: From the Governor’s Office: Fight COVID by wearing a mask. Michiganders are REQUIRED by executive order to wear face coverings in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces. Businesses must refuse entry or service […]

  • Plandemic Are Tough to Control, Perhaps the Death Angel Will Reverse Course and

    Wreak Havoc on the Perpetrators, ‘China’, Bill Gates, WHO, and The New World Order Degenerates… UP-Date 7/29/2020 Backlash Against Politicians and their cohorts, MSM and big evil tech…You do recall, don’t you, that the governors and mayors who imposed the lockdowns never asked their citizens about their views about instantly getting rid of all rights and freedoms. They didn’t consult legislatures. They didn’t consult a range of expert opinion or pay attention to any serious demographic data that showed how utterly preposterous it was to force non-vulnerable populations into house arrest while trapping vulnerable populations in nursing homes that became Covid-soaked killing fields. Google that and see what response you get, I can tell you Google hides the truth, as they do on their YouTube platform… China, Germany Suffer Alarming Jump In New COVID-19 Cases or is it pestilent? Summary: […]

  • Covid-19 Will Cause A New Financial Crisis, Economic Collapse Bank of America

     America’s largest bank is going on lockdown… Update (1230ET): On the heels of JPMorgan’s decision to begin its resilience plan, a number of the rest of US’ majors have also started their own contingency plans: Citi is sending hundreds of traders and salespeople to its backup site in Rutherford, NJ starting Monday as part of its coronavirus planning, CNBC’s Hugh Son reported in a tweet, citing a source. To view, the source of this information click here To contact the reporter on this story Bank of America is splitting its trading force, sending some employees to its back-up office in Stamford, Connecticut, Business Insider reports, citing an internal memo. Morgan Stanley is moving about half of its institutional securities traders to its disaster recovery site in Westchester, New York, Business Insider reported, citing a memo it saw. Plans for trading desk came days after non-essential […]


    Up-Date: 7/14/2020 @ 1:35 PM CST…They Don’t Want YOU To Know The Truth, MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources… The Number Of Americans That Have Died From COVID-19 Is Greater Than The Number That Has Recovered The information that I am about to share with you is quite disturbing, and it has some very alarming implications.  One of the great mysteries of this coronavirus pandemic has been the widely varying death rates that we have been witnessing all over the world.  For example, South Korea has had 8,981 confirmed cases so far.  Of those cases that have been resolved one way or the other, 111 victims have died and 3,166 victims have recovered.  So that would seem to indicate a very low death rate in that nation.  But in Italy, things are very different.  Up to […]

  • Up-Date 7/12/2020 We Are Close To a Complete National Hard Lock Down, “Coming Tribulation”

    Texas Governor Warns of Another Lockdown If Face Masks Aren’t Worn Texas Gov. Greg Abbott warned he may impose another lockdown if people don’t wear face masks. “The only way that we can keep our businesses open, the only way that we can have people continue to have a job they need to pay their bill is for everybody to adopt this practice of wearing a face mask,” Abbott, a Republican, said during an appearance on KLBK-TV on Friday. The governor issued a mandate on July 2 requiring all Texans wear face coverings over the nose and mouth in public spaces. People who refuse to comply could be fined. Abbott said imposing the order was a tough decision to make and acknowledged that wearing a face covering is inconvenient. “I made clear that I made this tough decision for one reason. It was our last, best effort […]

  • Up-Date 7/12/2020 It’s Obvious by Now the Death Angel Is Visiting Those Evil Individuals

    and Groups That Continue to Poke God in the Eye, Who’s Next?, Scripture describes the worthless person as one who “digs up evil” (Prov. 16:27), “makes a mockery of justice” (Prov. 19:28), and “plots evil against the LORD” … As known as “Quai des billionaires” (billionaires wharf), the port has 19 berths for yachts up to 90m in length, including several larger ones for 150m and 165m vessels. France 3 is reporting the virus pandemic has resulted in a plunge of activity in superyachts at the port “At the port of Antibes, this luxury enclave did not escape the consequences of the Covid-19. Boats are missing and some are stranded at the dock, leaving hundreds of crew members stranded. Normally, this platform is 95% full, currently it is 65%.”  France 3 said the plunge in superyacht activity means the budget at the port will have to be slashed next fiscal year, calling the downturn “very […]

  • Cody Donnell Senior Claims Resolution Specialist Copyright Division, Wants HNewsWire To Send Money Today

    Its a Scam, Fraud, Be Careful… Scripture describes the worthless person as one who “digs up evil” (Prov. 16:27), “makes a mockery of justice” (Prov. 19:28), and “plots evil  Cody Donnell <[email protected]>Tue 7/7/2020 12:03 PMTo:  [email protected] Hello HiMedia Group,Per our conversation earlier today, it is clear that you have forfeited your opportunity to resolve this matter amicably. Copyright protection is federally protected. It is the domain owners responsible to verify the copyright holder for all content on their website. You cannot take content from other websites and repost without permission from the original copyright holders. 17 U.S. Code § 504 allows our client the ability to seek statutory damages up to the amount of $30,000.00 per work. At this time we will be escalating this matter towards litigation. You will receive our drafted complaint that details the escalation process soon. At this time I would […]

  • Up-Date 7/4/2020 The Worst of The Worst False Teachers – Christian and Robin Harfouche Showtime for Hyping the Harlot

    False Prophets HNewsWire Exclusive-2 Corinthians 11:13, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.” The Apostolic Succession Lie of Rome continues in certain so-called churches that promote themselves as apostles. A great example of this is Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church here in Pensacola, Florida. Located at 4317 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL 32505 and phone: (850) 439-6225. They call themselves Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche and his wife is Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche. Here they are in all their pomp and circumstance laughing all the way to the bank! Though false teachers lead astray, the Biblical truths they teach can lead to Christ those whom God has called and is choosing. The truth quickens those being given the gift of faith. However, faith manifest in the one who receives the truth does not certify […]

  • Evil Now Front and Center: Kansas Officials Signal Readiness For 2nd Lockdown Ahead Of November Election.

    As states reopen their economies this spring and likely into summer, new threats are emerging that another round of shutdowns could be seen in the second half of the year, which would coincide with the upcoming presidential election.  This time, the closures will not be about “flattening the curve” but rather about politics and damaging the president’s election odds, as the cover to keep non-essential businesses and schools closed is the lack of a proven vaccine.  This is currently unfolding in Kansas as state officials are convinced a possible second stay-at-home order could be managed much better than before, reported WIBW.  At a news conference on Wednesday (May 6), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Secretary Dr. Lee Norman said, “it would not be good science to say if stricter restrictions previously in place will need to be reimplemented.” He said it comes down to the speed of reporting from […]

  • In a Time of Great Peril, the High-Tech Thought Police Are Censoring the Truth

    MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources… Question — Why Are These High-Tech Conglomerates Afraid of the Truth? The answer, Because They Know the American People Have Become Lazy, Like Sheep They Need a Leader and They Chose High-Tech, It Will Be the Downfall of This Country Unless the People Change Course or the Mindset of These High-Tech Elitists stop suppressing the truth. If the people don’t wake-up, they will begin to live in the worst nightmare of their lives, “Lost Social Media Reality”… Where will this sinister person come from? Some have speculated that he will come out of Syria since one of his prophetic types in history — Antiochus Epiphanes (215-164 BC) — was a Syrian tyrant. But Antiochus was actually of Greek heritage. Could he, therefore, be a Greek? It is not […]

  • New Chinese Virus ‘Will Have Infected Thousands’, “Four Horseman” Diseases, a Look Back at What China Done

    Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority, Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world… HNewsWire Update: 1/26/2020 at `4:35 PM… 5th US Coronavirus infection confirmed by CDC in 4 states (AZ, CA, IL, WA) CDC calls the virus an  “emerging public health threat,” adding that the threat is “serious.” 2082 cases, 56 Official deaths Incubation is asymptomatic, contagious, and can be as long as 14 days 5M may have left Wuhan for Lunar New Year 1st case was Dec 1 NOT Dec 31 so infect pop may be much bigger US, Russia, Thailand begin plans for evacuation Premier Li Keqiang charged with leading government’s task […]

  • America Is Going To Be Used To Invoke Medical Martial Law, P.2 The Tribulation Factor In-Play, Hell-On Earth

    Updates: 5/10/2020 @ 12:35 PM CST… Don’t compare this to 1987, to 9/11, to 2008 or to the Dot.Com bubble bursting. We’ve NEVER been in a situation where so many industries were ORDERED to STAND DOWN. The decision to shut down the entire country of Italy is MONUMENTAL!… Cuomo Orders “100%” Of New Yorkers To Stay Home, Italy Confirms Another 600 Deaths As ‘Martial Law’ Declared Summary: Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak NY rolls out restrictive new measures NY case total tops 7k Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May Spain death toll cracks 1,000 Italy reports another 627 deaths Confirmed cases in US pass 14k Drive-thru testing site in NJ’s Bergen County has a line that’s over 1,000+ cars long […]

  • Up-Date 3/31/2020: God Will Crush the Wicked — Apple’s Supply Chain Woes Are Just the Beginning

    CNN’s Chris Cuomo Diagnosed With Coronavirus Flu CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has been diagnosed with COVID-19 flu, the network said in a memo to employees on Tuesday. “In these difficult times that seem to get more difficult and complicated by the day, I just found out that I am positive for coronavirus,” Cuomo wrote in a message on Twitter. CNN reports that Cuomo was most recently at CNN’s offices in the Hudson Yards neighborhood of New York City last Friday. He anchored from his home on Monday and interviewed his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. “I have been exposed to people in recent days who have subsequently tested positive and I had fevers, chills and shortness of breath,” he wrote. “I just hope I didn’t give it to the kids and Cristina. That would make me feel worse than this illness!” Cuomo said […]

  • President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Coronavirus Pandemic

    U.S. President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned… Update (3/13/2020 @ 2:55 PM): President Trump has just proved that he doesn’t need the Democrats and is taking charge by declaring a national emergency giving him access to $40 billion in funding, plus much more capacity to act. Instead of partnering with the Democrats, who have erected hurdles for from the beginning by turning the debate over virus relief into a political hot potato, Trump and the federal government will partner with the private sector to provide millions of tests, cover the cost of care for millions of Americans, and facilitate the government’s containment effort – all without the involvement of Congress. The declaration will allow FEMA to tap into some $40 billion in funding and mobilize […]

  • Coronavirus Death Toll in Us Now at 11, and Counting

    In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent… Attempts by administration officials to tamp down coronavirus fears dwindle on Tuesday as the United States coronavirus death toll rises to nine with other states confirming additional cases of infection. The development caused lawmakers to express doubts about how the government plans to ramp up their virus testing fast enough to deal with the ongoing crisis. All of the people who died are from Washington state, with a majority of them being residents of a nursing home in suburban Seattle. As of writing, reports the total infection count in the United States has shot past 100, with cases spread out across 13 states.  (Related: CDC finally reports “possible” […]

  • Its Going To Get Worse, We Are Witnessing Biblical Prophecy In Real-Time

    UP-DATE: Coronavirus infections EXPLODE in South Korea as spread accelerates across Iran, Lebanon, and Israel… Confirmed infections have now spread to Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Belgium, Finland, Cambodia, Spain, and Sri Lanka, among other nations. Although the numbers from those nations are currently small, they will, of course, explode as additional testing identifies more people who are already infected. (Remember, “official” numbers don’t count people who haven’t yet been tested.) Literally overnight, CoVid-19 coronavirus infections doubled in South Korea to 204, representing an alarming explosion of human-to-human transmission outside of China and indicating that China was just the first wave of an accelerating global pandemic. (See for focused updates, podcasts, videos and science documents.) With the number of non-China infections more than doubling in the last week, we are now seeing exponential growth in infection numbers across Asia, even as China is desperately manipulating its […]

  • Harvard Expert Warns, Coronavirus Likely Just Now “Gathering Steam”

    4 Plagues Are Marching Across Asia Simultaneously: Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu, And H1N1 Swine Flu… Cruise Ship Coronavirus Cases Spike 30%; First Death Recorded In Europe Cruise Ship Coronavirus Cases Spike 30%; First Death Recorded In Europe The only country outside of China that really seems to be taking the threat of novel coronavirus seriously is Hong Kong, with the chair of public health medicine at The University of Hong Kong now warning that upwards of 80 percent of the global population could end up succumbing to the deadly virus. Of the billions of people that could end up falling ill, says Professor Gabriel Leung, about 51 million will likely die from it – as a conservative estimate. And as for communist China’s data on the number of infections and deaths within its own borders, Leung is convinced that the […]

  • UPDATE: Feb 13, 2020, 12:03 PM Potential Case’s Of Coronavirus Starting To Pop In The United States

    Nearly 200 People in Georgia Are Being Monitored, while the 13th Person in the U.S, the U.S. Warned to Prepare for Worst on Coronavirus… Top CDC Doctor Warns: The US Should Prepare for Coronavirus ‘To Take a Foothold’ A top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official said it is preparing for the new coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, to take “a foothold” inside the United States. “At some point, we are likely to see community spread in the U.S. or in other countries,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters during a conference call. “This will trigger a change in our response strategy.” The CDC, she added, is taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and prepare for a domestic outbreak, noting that while most of the cases of the […]

  • Not In God’s Plan, Impeachment Will Backfire Up-Date: Feb 5 at 12:22 AM

    If They Remove Trump You Can Expect Hell-On Earth… Keep in mind, these far-left extremist AOC types are the same ones who want to ban guns and come to your door and confiscate them… Project Veritas strikes again. Today, James O’Keefe’s organization has released another bombshell undercover video featuring a Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer revealing plans to carry out mass executions of both liberals and conservatives if Sanders wins the 2020 election, thrusting actual communists into power in America. Communists revolutions throughout world history have always resulted in bloodshed, and in many revolutions, the very people who initially supported it found their own heads on the chopping blocks. This undercover video, released by Project Veritas Action, carries the words of Kyle Jurek, a Bernie Sanders operative who apparently has gone all-in with the “communist purge” philosophy that seems to characterize every communist […]

  • Coronavirus Update: 1/26/2020 at 9:05 PM, 80 Fatalities Among Nearly 2,500 Global Cases

    New Chinese Virus ‘Will Have Infected Thousands’, “Four Horseman” Diseases… Coronavirus Summary 1/26/2020 at 6:22 PM CST Experts warn that Britain is on the brink of an epidemic – with more than 30 people tested for the killer illness. Toronto health officials to announce first ‘presumptive case’ of coronavirus in Canada 1497 Cases Worldwide; 56 Deaths: 3% official mortality rate (SARS was 11%) 18 Chinese cities – 56 million people – quarantined President Xi said China faces a ‘grave situation’ as the spread is ‘accelerating’ US and Russia planning evacuation of citizens from Wuhan Australia and Malaysia join the list of global nations with nCoV cases, in addition to France, Pakistan, Singapore, the US and Nepal Chinese President Xi Jinping empowered local governments and said teams from Beijing will be sent to severely impacted areas to strengthen front-line prevention and […]

  • Update 1/23/20 at 7:15 AM: Us Case of Coronavirus Reported in Washington State, CDC Says

    Eunice Yoon✔@onlyyoontv #China locks down more cities due to #WuhanCoronavirus. Huanggang (7.5mln pop.) will suspend a public bus, a railway from midnight (11a ET). Internet cafes, movie theaters, tourist sites, entertainment venues temporarily closed. Ezhou (1mln pop.) said it shut train stations.355:00 AM – Jan 23, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy52 people are talking about this Initially, many declined to speculate about the impact of the coronavirus on global GDP. But the quarantines and cancellations have virtually guaranteed that China’s already-slowing economic growth is about to take another hit. Analysts at SocGen write “Markets have become concerned about the outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan. Clearly, there is still considerable uncertainty as to how the situation will evolve. However, the SARS epidemic in 2003, which lasted for nine months and infected over 5,000 people in China, should be a useful […]

  • Update: 1/23/2020 at 2:15 PM Coronavirus Reaches Us, Death Toll Climbs, Pestilence

    Update: 1/23/2020 at 2:15 PM, Coronavirus Is ‘Mutating And Adapting’, There is A New Case in the Us of Coronavirus Reported in Washington State, CDC Says… Summary: 7 Chinese cities, around 23 million people, effectively under quarantine… Multiple cases across the world – from Scotland to Singapore and USA 634 Infected (according to Chinese officials), 647 including cases outside China. 18 Dead (following 1st death outside Wuhan) WHO says “not the time to declare a global health emergency” “Make no mistake: This is an emergency in China,” Tedros said. “But it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one.” China has reported more than 500 cases of the virus since December, most of them in the city of Wuhan. At least 17 deaths are blamed on the outbreak. The virus is spreading across China, and beyond: One case has […]

  • Biblical Prophecy Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes

    The Bible Prophesies That a Peace Agreement Will Be Signed Between the Palestinians and the Israelis, Which Will Start the Final Seven Years to Armageddon. Jordan’s King Abdullah, President Donald Trump’s Deal of the Century. A handout picture released by the Jordanian Royal Palace on March 11, 2019, shows Jordanian King Abdullah II (R) meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington, DC(photo credit: YOUSEF ALLAN / JORDANIAN ROYAL PALACE / AFP)  Jordan’s King Abdullah warned that Israeli annexation plans and its absence of a government were harming his country’s relationship with the Jewish state, as he spoke with France24 about the possibility that US President Donald Trump’s peace plan would soon be unveiled.“We keep hearing that sometime soon the plan would be presented,” Abdullah told the French television station on the eve of a visit this week […]

  • Up-Date: Jan 4, 2020 Prophecy Unfolding: The Retaliation Begins

    FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, IRAN UNFURLS RED FLAG OF REVENGE OVER HOLY DOME OF JAMKARAN MOSQUE A screenshot from the video For the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkaran Mosque symbolizing both blood spilled unjustly and serving as a call to avenge people who are killed. “Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein,” the war flag reads the words. The red flag was raised on top of one of the biggest and most important mosques in the holy city of Qom. This was done in honor of Qassem Suleimani and other officers people who were assassinated by the US. Therefore, Iran pledged that it will avenge their martyrdom. MORE ON THE TOPIC: ‘Response For Military Action Is Military Action’: Iran, U.S. Are Balancing On […]


    “Human history is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” Caring for children is spoken of highly in the Bible. For example, James 1:27 says that caring for children in need pleases God: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Psalm 127:3 calls children “a heritage from the Lord.” Jesus’ interactions with children (notably in Matthew 18) demonstrate the value God places on them. The Bible speaks often about caring for the weak, poor, and needy—and this would include at-risk children (Proverbs 14:31; 17:5; 19:17; 31:8–9). Followers of Christ are consistently called to love others. […]

  • So-Called Pastors, Priest, Sex Crimes As It Happens June — July Update

    Sexual abuse perpetrated against a child is a deplorable reality of living in a sin-stricken world. The psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical damage of the abuse remains long after molestation has ended. The Bible speaks vehemently against hurting children and against sexual sins and perversions of all kinds.  “Human history is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” #Antichrist #evildoers #suppressingtruth #birthpains #tribulation #sevenyears #hellonearth #those that have ears, let him hear, those that have eyes let them see! Hearts without God are treacherous Pastors Having Sex with Children – Breaking News pastor having sex with children As-it-happens update ⋅ August 10, 2019 NEWS Girls, ladies, give your lives to Christ and not your pastors! (III) The Punch What a mess, to befall our children born and unborn! … you […]

  • Child Rape June-July 2019 Report As-It-Happens Update

    But the question at hand is what is the cause of the recent plague of child molestation incidents. Sadly and disturbingly, it does seem that child molestation is becoming more common. Given scandals involving Roman Catholic priests, Protestant leaders, man-boy love societies, and incidents involving parents, teachers, pastors, coaches, etc., the word “plague” is an apt description. While there is no way to give a conclusive answer or find a universal cause of this child molestation plague, there are definitely biblical principles which apply. #Antichrist #evildoers #suppressingtruth #birthpains #tribulation #sevenyears #hellonearth ##those that have ears, let him hear, those that have eyes let them see! Child Rape ⋅ As-It-Happens Update ⋅ Breaking News Child Rape As-it-happens update ⋅ July 31, 2019 NEWS Tennessee man admits to photographing, raping 8-year-old boy WTVC MILLINGTON, Tenn. (WZTV) — A Tennessee man is facing […]

  • Sex Offender, Pedophile, Child Rapist July Arrest As It Happens. Birth Pains

    sex offender As-it-happens update ⋅ July 31, 2019 NEWS Former Winnipeg priest, convicted sex offender facing additional charges dies National Post WINNIPEG — A former Winnipeg priest who was convicted of sexual abuse and was facing more charges has died. Saul Simmonds, a lawyer for … Union County busts 14 sex offenders accused of going into hiding New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio ELIZABETH — Authorities in Union County spent a week nabbing 14 sex–offender fugitives wanted on charges of failing to comply with Megan’s Law. Affiliate Links Books that Help You Discern the Times & Seasons sex offender As-it-happens update ⋅ July 31, 2019 NEWS Sex Offenders‘ Challenge to NC Registration Scheme May Proceed Bloomberg Law Sex offenders challenging North Carolina’s sex offender registration law stated a plausible constitutional claim, a federal district court said July 30. Accused sex predator Jeffrey […]

  • Pedophile sexually abused children as young as four

    Pedophiles share the characteristic of being “without natural affection” (Romans 1:31; 2 Timothy 3:2). The phrase “without natural affection” is translated from one Greek word, which means “inhuman, unloving, and unsociable.” One without natural affection acts in ways that are against the social norm. This would certainly describe a pedophile. Bryan Grimes has been jailed for life after preying on young children for more than 40 years. A paedophile who sexually abused children as young as four has been given a life sentence. Bryan Grimes was convicted of attempting to rape a ten-year-old as well as sexually assaulting five other girls and a boy in Fife and Ayrshire. The sex abuse, which included a four-year-old, was carried out between 1975 and 2017. The 58-year-old admitted minor sexual offending, but denied the more serious offences. At the High Court in Glasgow, judge […]

  • Child Sex Trafficking Arrest “DirtBags” As-it-happens update ⋅2019

    Caring for children is spoken of highly in the Bible. For example, James 1:27 says that caring for children in need pleases God: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Psalm 127:3 calls children “a heritage from the Lord.” Jesus’ interactions with children (notably in Matthew 18) demonstrate the value God places on them. The Bible speaks often about caring for the weak, poor, and needy—and this would include at-risk children (Proverbs 14:31; 17:5; 19:17; 31:8–9). Followers of Christ are consistently called to love others. Molesting a child can in no way be mistaken for love. The Bible also speaks strongly against sexual sin. Sex is a […]

  • HNewsWire News and World Events.The ‘BIRD FLU’ PSYOP

  • Watchman: The Coming Civil War–“President Biden, Acting Within the Scope of His Official Duties, Could Dispatch the Military to Take out the Conservative Justices on the Court” – Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Ca)

    By SRH, Beyond this, it is not considered an official presidential obligation to assassinate a political opponent or conservative Supreme Court members. As is their wont, Democrats exaggerate their findings to sow public panic via emotionally charged misinformation. Many on the left have openly discussed the possibility of plotting Trump’s assassination. There is an element of desperation and bloodlust in these “theories” about Biden’s potential response to the Supreme Court; they are not just hypotheticals. Their main grievance is that Trump is allowed to continue his campaign against Joe Biden, who is afflicted with a mental illness. Additionally, they are frightened that Trump, if re-elected, may seek vengeance and return the favor. Democrats like Van Jones who are upset with the Supreme Court’s immunity decision aren’t being serious. Accountability mechanisms for presidents already exist. A trial for treason, dismissal from […]

  • The Rebuilding of the Third Temple, the Bear of the North—Russia Coming Very Soon

    SRH: Subsequently over a time, there was a great temple that had fallen into destruction. The people longed for its restoration, for it held great significance in their hearts. They believed that its rebuilding would bring them hope and prosperity. In a distant land, there lived a mighty bear, known as the Bear of the North. This bear was strong and powerful, commanding respect from all who encountered it. It possessed great influence and had the ability to shape the destiny of nations. But as the bear roamed the land, a series of calamities and natural disasters began to unfold. It seemed as though the world was being shaken to its core. The people were filled with fear and uncertainty, wondering if these events were a sign of something greater. Little did they know, these events were intricately connected. The […]



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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