Man Made Pestilence Has Arrived: Evidence is Emerging to Suggest That The Delta Covid


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Variant Poses a Very Real Threat, Patients Who Have Already Been Fully Vaccinated…

When are the mask wearing, side skipping, empty headed, doubled-jabbed dead eyed zombies/Politicians realize,wish that none of this will ever end. They’re living the new normal promised to us by Klaus `Anal’ Schwab, Bill Gates and Prince Charles – who, incidentally, behaves more and more like the yappy little dog he sounds as if he should be. A Prince Charles Spaniel, perhaps.

It’s a new normal managed and controlled by some of the worst people (Politicians) the world has ever seen. Right from March 2020 I have believed that Fauci, in the United States, and Whitty in the UK have been operating not on behalf of the people they are paid to care for but by the cabal now intent on the sort of world domination previously associated with villains in James Bond films.

Pestilence of MAN MADE Biblical Proportions Has Mutated Into the Global Communities…The Truth is That All of the Warnings of Alleged ‘Conspiracy Theorists’… As Delta continues to spread across the world, a mysterious illness has been detected in India,Israel with hundreds of people admitted to local hospitals and many MAY be dead. 

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Delta variant (B.1.617.2) of CCP virus is spreading like wildfire all over the world. Because of the super high infectivity of this variant, a lot of countries has taken full advantage of this “opportunity” to persuade (or scare) people to get vaccinated, claiming that vaccination will offer a significant level of protection. But is that really the case? In this article, we explored the UK data and compared our findings with what’s been reported in UK government website, and our preliminary analysis shows that the analysis conducted by UK government is selective and therefore misleading.

Pestilence to Which There Are No Cure — Another Mutant COVID Strain Discovered in Ohio… Vaccine are Completely Useless (Bill Gates and Co)…

As public health experts around the world issue warnings about new mutant strains of SARS-CoV-2, it appears a new variant has been isolated in Ohio, likely originating from somewhere in the Midwest.

One of these variants, dubbed the “Columbus strain,” has three gene mutations that haven’t previously been seen in other SARS-CoV-2 strains – the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a statement from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. These mutations occur in the so-called spike protein of the virus, which enables the virus to bind to human cells more quickly.

More evidence is emerging to suggest that the Delta COVID variant poses a very real threat, even to patients who have already been fully vaccinated.

As a reminder, the WHO’s new naming scheme has the most pervasive variants named after greek letters. Right now, the Delta variant is causing the most trouble worldwide.

Source: SCMP

It prompted UK PM Boris Johnson to delaying the end of the UK’s COVID-19 restrictions, which have been rolled back with agonizing slowness, as many Britons have complained. It is also now causing a wave of lockdowns and travel restrictions around the world as countries with lower vaccination rates have come to see it as a serious threat. Meanwhile, despite Israel’s efforts to try and suppress the variant, more cases of Delta have been detected across the country, forcing Israel’s public health authorities to consider more drastic measures.

An outbreak of the Delta variant in Israel has spread to many vaccinated people, with about half of the adults infected already being fully inoculated with the Pfizer vaccine. Along with Moderna’s jab, the two mRNA-based vaccines are believed to be more than 90% effective against preventing COVID-19. Still, as more evidence of spread among the vaccinated arises, Pfizer and Moderna will have more incentive to market “booster” vaccines as they transition to protecting the vulnerable against COVID over the long term.

Ran Balicer, the head of Israel’s COVID-19 government advisory committee, said that about 90% of new infections in the country were likely caused by the Delta variant.

“The entrance of the Delta variant has changed the transmission dynamics,” Balicer said.

Children under the age of 16, most of whom haven’t yet been vaccinated, accounted for roughly half of the new cases.

Israel has seen the Delta variant drive cases higher for the first time in months, as the average daily count of new cases has risen to 200 from around 10 a day for most of June. It doesn’t look like much, but public health officials fear it might be the start of another wave of infections, undermining PM Bennett and former PM Netanyahu’s efforts to crush COVID entirely.

“The Worst Is Yet To Come” Pestilence Is Lethal, Its Not The Flu.

“Pale Horse” of The “Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse” With Pestilences and Plagues …

Three times God told Jeremiah, “do not pray for this people, and do not lift up cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with Me; for I do not hear you” (Jer. 7:16; cf. 11:1414:11). The reason behind God’s command was that He had decided to judge and punish His people (Jer. 7:20) because they’d repeatedly broken their covenant with Him by disobeying His commands and pursuing other gods, which He had forbidden (Ex. 20:2-4; cf. Ezek. 20:4-24).

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It’s interesting to me you don’t find the words plague(s) and pestilence in the New Testament under any context other than the judgment of God.  (In fact, for the most part, the context of those words in the Old Testament is also within the judgment of God.)

Pestilence is only used in the Olivet discourse (as signs of the times of judgment):

Luke 21:10-11  (KJV)

Then said he unto them, “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers [several, many] places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”

And plague(s) is only used in the book of Revelation, too many to write out here, so I’ll list them:

Revelation 9:18, 20 – 11:6, – 15:1, –  6, 8; – 16:9, 21 – 18:4, 8 – 21:9 – 22:18.

Thus from a Biblical perspective, plagues and pestilences are the result of judgments of God. 

I Want Everyone to Know, Never Take Anyone’s Word for the Gospel, Especially Revelations, Here’s How It Works. When You’re in the Word God, Will Speak to You Through His Holy Spirit He Will Move You in the Direction He Wants You to Go. Please Stop Looking For That Individual Here on Earth That Has All the Answers, They’re Not Here, and That is Confusing You… That Includes Anything I Say, Always Test Every Spirit. Every Word, Uttered Out of Any Man’s Mouth Must Be Verified Through the Holy Spirit. StevieRay Hansen

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Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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