Up-Date 7/10/2020 Nationwide Hard Lockdown Coming Compliments of the NWO and Bill Gates, Arizona Closes


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Bars, Gyms & Movie Theaters as COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Climb, Atlanta Mayor Set To Reimpose Lockdown, the “death count” was always the headline...

Atlanta Mayor Set To Reimpose Lockdown As Cases Surge, Defying Gov Kemp, Trump: Live Updates


  • Atlanta reportedly returning to lockdown mode
  • Texas sees another near-record day for new cases, hospitalizations
  • Georgia reopens convention center in Atlanta to treat COVID patients
  • The US sees 799 new deaths, lower than yesterday
  • Phoenix mayor says hospital running out of morgue space
  • California positivity rate ticks higher
  • New Jersey rate of spread
  • Trump says Fauci “A nice man”, but “he’s made a lot of mistakes”
  • Dr. Fauci says ‘divisiveness’ not helping pandemic
  • Arizona sees ICU beds steady at 89%, reports 4,221 new cases
  • Florida sees 2nd day of 11k+ positivity rate drops to 12.4%
  • NY releases latest daily numbers
  • UK cases creep higher, deaths flat
  • In Sweden, only 70 COVID deaths involved ppl under 49
  • Kudlow says Trump will not tolerate US shutdown
  • Latest remdesivir news sends futures surging
  • The world suffers 3rd straight record jump in COVID-19 cases
  • The US sees deaths top 800 for a third straight day
  • The US reports 2nd straight record jump
  • The Philippines reports daily record
  • Ariz Gov orders indoor dining at max 50% capacity
  • Tokyo reports another daily record
  • Hong Kong closes schools
  • Texas Gov warns outbreak going to get worse, pleads with people to wear masks

* * *

Update (1750ET): In what would be potentially precedent-setting action for Democratic mayors of cities in the hardest hit parts of the Sun Belt (and beyond), Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is reportedly preparing to roll back the city’s reopening plans all the way to Phase 1, which would require residents to remain at home except for essential trips.

The report comes courtesy of a local TV statio, which reported.

Atlanta entered Phase 2 at the end of May, which was described as an “easing” of restrictions phase.

We now await comment from the mayor’s office.

Meanwhile, Texas just reported its latest numbers, including a near-record jump in new cases…

…and deaths.

Though the number of newly hospitalized patients declined slightly from the prior day’s number (the second-highest on record)…

…the 7-day average climbed to a new record.

Update (1500ET): The AJC reports that Georgia is planning to reactivate a makeshift hospital for coronavirus patients built in the Georgia World Congress Center In Atlanta to cope with a sharp increase of serious cases.

Gov. Brian Kemp’s office said Friday the state is planning to work out a new contract for more bed capacity with a metro Atlanta hospital before the conversions at the convention center begin.

State officials say there are plans to add nearly 100 beds in an unnamed hospital. Mobile hospital units at Albany, Gainesville, Macon and Rome will remain in place as the state plans to fund increased staff at dozens of healthcare and long-term care facilities across Georgia.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin just reported its second consecutive record increase in new coronavirus cases.

In addition to the 845 positive tests, there were also 11,857 negative tests, and the state’s total case count climbed to 34,753.

Source: WDES

The 6.7% positive test rate a full percentage point higher than Thursday’s number. These latest alarming numbers out of Wisconsin are the latest evidence of rapid virus growth in the Midwest.

* * *

Update (1424ET): California just reported 7,798 new COVID-19 cases (2.6%) Friday as its positivity rate edged slightly higher to 7.4% from 7.3%. The number of new cases reported Friday was below the 7-day average of 7,248. The number is also higher than the 7,031 cases reported yesterday.

The number of coronavirus hospitalizations in California reached new highs, jumping 40% in two weeks, with the number of people in ICUs increased by 28%.

Meanwhile, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego just told a reporter that a hospital in the city is running out of morgue space, so it might need to bring int refrigerated trucks as we saw in New York City.

In a report, a team of Goldman analysts (whom we cited earlier) today noted that hospital occupancy is rising across the Sun Belt…

…in Arizona, roughly a quarter of hospital beds are COVID-19 patients.

* * *

Update (1330ET): New Jersey’s rate of transmission – represented by the variable “R” – has moved back below 1, according to the latest daily numbers out of the Garden State.

☑️The spot positivity rate for tests from July 6th was 2.23%
☑️Rate of transmission is now 0.98

These are the two most meaningful measurements we have of the spread of #COVID19 across our state. We have to keep them DOWN. pic.twitter.com/wFvYPHyhAL— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) July 10, 2020

Fewer than 100 ventilators are being used across the state to treat the virus.

* * *

Update (1300ET): Dr. Fauci said during an interview with ABC’s FiveThirtyEight on Friday that all this political polarization and “divisiveness” is hurting the covid-19 response.

While Republican governors are finally acknowledging their mistakes and moving to reverse their reopenings – though Dr. Fauci said yesterday that some states should “seriously consider” shutting down – Democratic politicians continue to pander to angry leftists.

Meanwhile, President Trump snapped at the doctor on Friday offering a rare bit of criticism by saying “Dr. Fauci is a nice man, but he’s made a lot of mistakes,” Trump told Fox’s Sean Hannity after Hannity asked Trump about the surge of new cases. “A lot of them said don’t wear a mask, don’t wear a mask,” the president added. “Now they are saying wear a mask. A lot of mistakes were made, a lot of mistakes.”

* * *

Update (1125ET): Arizona just released its latest batch of numbers. The highlights are the single-day new cases number, which at 4,221 (+3.7%), brought the total to, while the state also reported 44 new deaths, bringing the state’s total to 2,082.

ICU capacity in the state, always closely watched, remained steady at 89%.

* * *

Update (1100ET): Florida reported another 11k+ new cases on Friday even as the state’s positivity rate sunk back to 12.4% (from upwards of 18% yesterday) as the number of tests shot higher.

The 11,433 new cases reported Friday (remember, all numbers are reported with a 24-hour delay) is the second-highest single-day total reported during the coronavirus pandemic, coming after the previous 11k+ day, which was recorded on July 3.

The new numbers have brought the total to 244,151 cases in Florida. Officials also reported 93 new deaths from the coronavirus on Friday. The death toll now stands at 4,102.

Notably, the state reported just 8 new deaths, even as the median age has trended higher.

Deaths have been trending higher over the past 3 days, with most of the new deaths being contributed by key sun belt states. Though Fla’s Friday figure is a welcome departure from that ghastly trend.

Meanwhile, here are the latest numbers for NY.

The news follows reports that a second 11-year-old died form the virus in Florida. She reportedly died in Broward County yesterday.

Italy also reported its latest daily figures…


…all of which were in line with recent averages.

* * *

Update (1000ET): The UK just released its latest COVID-19 data.

UK public health officials reported 512 new deaths.

In other news, Larry Kudlow said during a cable news interview Friday morning that Trump would “never tolerate” a full economic shutdown.

He also insisted yet again that the US is in recovery. But we suspect the strength of Kudlow’s jawbone alone likely won’t be enough to revive consumer confidence or create tens of millions of jobs.

Before we go, we’d like to point out this latest factoid from Sweden (population 10.25 million): Sweden has been controversial for refusing to impose a lockdown. While schools and the economy remained open, the country has suffered the highest fatality rate per capita in the world – some 5,482 deaths (compared with roughly 75k cases, and 10.1 million people), which has led to Sweden’s neighbors keeping travel restrictions in place.

Though the popularity of the approach remains popular, its availability has sagged since the early days of the outbreak as deaths have climbed.

But one analyst pointed out that of all these fatalities, only 70 people under the age of 49 years old have died from the virus. That’s only 1.3% of overall deaths. For context, average annual deaths in Sweden over the last 5 years for under-49-year-olds have been 3,417.  

Perhaps there might be a way to manage the outbreak in a more “sustainable” way that doesn’t make the world so dependent on front line workers.

* * *

Update (0900ET): The latest Gilead press release touting a new drop in mortality tied to remdesivir, the drug it initially developed to treat ebola that is now being repurposed to fight COVID-19.

As one might expect, the news sent the market, and shares of Gilead, surging higher.

Time for a secondary offering?

* * *

The market’s torrid recovery rally has encountered some more resistance this week as a massive retail-driven market bubble in China and a resurgence of US deaths linked to COVID-19 (most of which are occurring in the Sun Belt) has stoked fears that we might have finally arrived at the top of another down-slope as the reality of massively inflated valuations accompanied by the inevitable return to lockdown, as the deaths that former FDA head Scott Gottlieb has warned about during his morning appearances on CNBC finally begin to emerge.

Investors appeared to focus on the number of deaths reported on Thursday, which eclipsed 800 for the third day in a row, pushing the 7-day average to levels that we haven’t seen since early June.

According to Reuters, the US reported 60,565 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, a record-breaking tally for the second day in a row. There was, as usual, some disagreement on the numbers, as AFP tweeted that the record sum reported yesterday was higher than 65,000, citing Johns Hopkins data.

Globally, we saw 227,038 new cases yesterday, the third consecutive record.

Those numbers were mostly driven by the “Big 4” states – Texas, Florida, California, Arizona – as Florida reported a record 120 deaths, as we reported yesterday, and California had 136 new deaths, just below the record sum it reported the day before, according to the tally. Texas reported a record number of new cases north of 10k.

But almost equally as depressing are the multiplying signs that the outbreak is spreading to other states in the Midwest and South which haven’t seen the level of spread as the most troubled Sun Belt states.

Even outside the nation’s three most populous states, cases are rising. Alabama, Montana, and Wisconsin saw their biggest single-day increases yet on Thursday. The viral spread is climbing in 41 out of 50 states, according to a Reuters analysis of data collected over the past 2 weeks.

As Bloomberg reported, the Sun Belt states are seeing their highest levels of deaths yet (though most are nowhere near the mortality rates seen in New York earlier this year). Still, the virus is overrunning hospitals and exhausting supplies.

Yesterday, AZ Gov Doug Ducey announced measures including increasing testing capacity (testing across the country has continued to expand, though, in many sunbelt states, it hasn’t been nearly fast enough to prevent hours-long lines) and limiting dine-in capacity to 50%.

In Mississippi, where many lawmakers are resisting wearing masks, 26 of them tested positive, including the leaders of both legislative chambers.

“We’re not in a good situation. That may be a little too gentle. Probably what I really think is not fit to print,” said Jaline Gerardin, an expert in disease modeling and an assistant professor of preventive medicine in epidemiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. “I’m very worried.”

Ariz. has seen a 50% jump in the number of new cases reported daily over the last three weeks. Governor Ducey said Thursday: “We have had a brutal June.”

Meanwhile, more Republican governors are pleading with the public to take steps like wearing masks when in public. In Kentucky, which is now reporting at least 200 or so new cases a day, Gov Andy Beshear said he would order mask-wearing statewide beginning 5pmET.

Of course, the US isn’t the only country struggling with a disturbing resurgence. In Asia, Tokyo, Hong Kong, the Philippines (which reported another single-day record of new cases earlier on Friday) and Indonesia are all struggling with new clusters (or outbreaks that never really went away).

Just look at those curves (source: BBG):

Meanwhile, as President Trump pushes the CDC to develop new guidelines that would support his hopes for reopening schools across the country in August, Hong Kong reported 42 new cases, 34 of them locally transmitted and announced on Friday plans to close schools due to the recent outbreak, which has been traced back to old folks home and restaurants. Source: ZeroHedge

Hong Kong has reported 1,365 cases with seven deaths since the pandemic began.

The “death count” was always the headline.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.


  • 43% of US virus deaths tied to nursing homes
  • Arizona Gov shuts bars, movie theaters, etc for 30 days
  • Texas hospitalizations continue to climb
  • LA issues “dire” warning about “deteriorating” conditions
  • Kudlow says states closing bars are doing the right thing
  • NJ cancels plans to resume indoor dining
  • WHO plans to launch an investigation into China next week
  • India reports a new daily record with almost 20k new cases
  • Cali reports 5,307 new cases, up 2.5%
  • Cuomo releases latest NY figures, says he’s mulling indoor dining delay
  • The decision on indoor dining will come by Wednesday
  • Bangladesh reports record daily case jump
  • WHO warns outbreak “not even close” to being over
  • Deaths in NY drop to just 8
  • NYC mulls plan to delay indoor dining reopening
  • Florida reports the latest COVID-19 cases
  • Unconfirmed Texas hospitalization data hits
  • Global deaths passed 500k last night
  • Victoria reports another ~75 cases
  • China reports another handful of new cases

* * *

Update (1837ET): In the most sweeping rollback of the economic reopening since the state first started a month ago, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has ordered bars, nightclubs, gyms, movie theaters, and water parks to close for at least 30 days beginning at 8 pm local time as the number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations has continued to climb.

Reopening of schools has been delayed until Aug. 17, and gatherings of 50 or more are prohibited statewide. Some school districts were due to start classes in less than a month. Gov Ducey cited safety concerns and a need for “consistency” in the state’s numbers.

Restaurant dining rooms, nightclubs, some bars, movie theaters, and other attractions were given the OK to reopen six weeks ago when Arizona lifted its stay-at-home order in mid-March, becoming one of the first states to exit the lockdown, though, at the time, case totals, deaths and hospitalizations remained low, aside from a few clusters in Maricopa County, the hardest-hit part of the state, and the county where Phoenix, the 5th-largest city in the country, is located.

According to a local TV station, the majority of the districts in Maricopa County were planning to return between Aug. 3 & Aug. 10. However Queen Creek, Higley, Kyrene, Riverside, and Littleton Elementary School Districts to start on July 22 and July 30. One week ago, the largest school district in the state voted to push back it’s planned to reopen until Aug. 5 (of course that date will now be pushed back, too).

While many are relieved by the move, there are also those in the state who are less than thrilled.

Arizona is shutting down for 30 days. I know POTUS said he would not shut down again. Can someone help me understand why a republican governor would do this?— High Priestess (@NoRona10) June 29, 2020

Ducey is speaking at a media briefing. Watch live below:

So much for Trump’s promise not to return to economic lockdowns. We imagine the market isn’t going to love this.

Notably, Arizona’s decision comes as experts fear the ‘weekend lag’ will produce more than 4,000 new cases tomorrow, which would be a new single-day record, and would move the state’s 7-day average back toward the record highs seen last week and the week before.

Will we see another sea of red on Wall Street tomorrow?

According to the NYT, a dozen states and cities have rolled back reopening measures, including Jacksonville, Fla., which has made mask-wearing mandatory, Tennessee, Georgia (Gov Brian Kemp is expected to extend his state’s remaining restrictions for 2 weeks), Kansas (where the state’s governor has promised to sign an EO mandating mask-wearing in public), along with NY, NY and others.

Others are pressing ahead, like Rhode Island, which is planning to move into Phase 3 of its reopening plan on Monday.

And here’s some more bad news for Gov Cuomo: the NYT just published a statistical deep-dive revealing that 43% of COVID-19 deaths were tied to nursing homes.

* * *

Update (1630ET): Texas’s latest numbers are out, and while the number of newly confirmed cases has declined, the number of hospitalized patients has moved higher.

As for cases…


The Texas Tribune reported Monday that Texas testing sites are being overwhelmed by a crush of frightened Texans and that Texans have reported problems with almost every aspect of the process, from the difficulty of scheduling to waiting in line for hours (while northeastern states see much shorter wait times) and then waiting days (sometimes weeks) for the results.

Here’s a roundup of the data courtesy of a local reporter.

Meanwhile, an NYT article point out a massive disparity in the price of a COVID-19 test between two patients in Texas.

We imagine we’ll be seeing a flood of memes based on this concept in the not-too-distant future.

* * *

Update (1622ET): LA County has issued a “dire” warning Monday afternoon as the County, which was ordered to close all bars and nightclubs as its total nears 100k cases, faces “deteriorating” conditions according to the LAT.

Officials, including Barbara Ferrer, LA’s director of public health (despite having no medical background), warned that new data show “alarming increases in cases, positivity rates, and hospitalization.”

“There’s so much at stake, since these continued increases will result in many more people becoming seriously ill, and many more deaths of COVID-19,” she said.

“We are seeing an increase in transmission. We’re seeing more people get sick and go into the hospital. This is very much a change in the trajectory of the epidemic over the past several days. It’s a change for the worse and a cause for concern, said Dr. Christina Ghaly, LA County’s director of health services. If numbers continue to climb, the number of intensive care units in the state could hit max capacity by the end of next month.

* * *

Update (1545ET): In the latest notable shift in tone from the Trump Administration, Larry Kudlow just appeared on CNBC in an end-of-day interview (with stocks already up 1%+) to urge viewers to wear masks and do their part, while lauding states like California and Texas for “doing the right thing” by closing bars and pausing their reopening plans.

“Those states that are pausing or slowing down are doing the right thing, absolutely,” Kudlow said. At one point, Kudlow insisted that the message from the White House followed local guidelines on social distancing just as it always has been – this coming from Kudlow, who has repeatedly insisted that rolling back the economic reopening wasn’t an option…until it happened. He didn’t directly address the ‘controversy’ over mandatory mask-wearing.

Finally, Kudlow said he’d like to give Americans a re-employment “bonus”, and said he’s still looking forward to a “V-shaped” recovery.

Some things never change.

* * *

Update (1445ET): In keeping with Gov. Murphy’s strategy of trying to stay one step ahead of his neighbor/rival/colleague Gov Cuomo across the Hudson, the state has just announced plans to delay the resumption of indoor dining, which had been slated for Thursday, smashing the hopes of thousands of small-business owners as states from California to Florida close bars.

Meanwhile, the state just reported its lowest daily death total since March 4.

* * *

Update (1410ET): We’re seeing more concerning numbers about ICU cases in Miami and Houston, which as one hospital CEO recently explained is due to several factors, and that the ‘fearmongering’ about an imminent hospital crisis in Houston and elsewhere has been completely unfounded.


* * *

Update (1230ET): India reported a staggering new record in daily cases on Monday: nearly 20,000 cases were reported as certain cities imposed new social distancing measures following a lengthy countrywide lockdown. On Sunday, India opened what will be the country’s largest COVID-19 hospital, the Sardar Patel Covid Care Center. It will have 10,000 beds, officials confirmed. India has reported more than half a million cases, and more than 16k deaths. Nearly 100k cases were confirmed over the past week.

* * *

Update (1215ET): The WHO’s Dr. Tedros just announced that the organization’s investigation into China’s handling of the early days of the pandemic will begin next week when an “independent” WHO delegation will arrive in China.

Reactions on twitter were dominated by comic takes by notable China cynics like Mark Spiegel.

* * *

Update (1200ET): California just reported 5,307 new cases for Monday, up 10% from Sunday’s more promising numbers, though still below a record daily case number closer to 7k. Deaths declined by 3% to just 32 for the entire state.

Source: NBC News

In other news, reports about the EU edging toward finalizing a list of countries whose citizens won’t be allowed into the EU after it lifts border restrictions early next month are surfacing again. And guess what? It’s looking increasingly likely that the US is going to be on it.

Source: NBC News

The market dipped on the Cali numbers.

* * *

Update (1145ET): Cuomo just released his latest numbers during today’s briefing.

As for indoor dining, Cuomo gave no final answer, saying the state would consult with “stake holders” and try to have an answer by Wednesday.

The big news is that the number of deaths recorded in the state was just 8 over the last 24 hours.

At one time, the state was reporting more than 800 deaths a day, Cuomo reminded his audience. The “R” rate, meanwhile, is .8, with Cuomo saying the state’s goal is to keep it “below 1”.

The infection rate has continued to drop in NYC, though it remains higher in the outer boroughs. Cuomo said the city’s contact tracing system is “working very well”, contrary to earlier reports.

Meanwhile, during a briefing in Geneva, WHO’s Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the global outbreak “isn’t even close to being over,” and is instead speeding up. He blamed the “lack of unity” around the world for the calamity.

Internationally, Bangladesh just reported more than 4k new cases, bringing its total to 141k+ following its largest daily jump yet.

* * *

Update (1050ET): As Blaz warns about the possibility of delaying the return of indoor dining for when NYC is expected to enter Phase 3 of its reopening plan on July 6, Gov Cuomo is preparing to hold a briefing on Monday, as a criticism of his handling of nursing homes and long-term care facilities faces growing scrutiny.

Cuomo ended his daily COVID-19 briefings more than a week ago.

Circling back to the mayor, Hizzoner said he had spoken with his arch-rival Cuomo about what’s been going on elsewhere in the country, and said that indoor dining has emerged as “an area of concern”.

“We are now going to reexamine the indoor dining rules for Phase 3,” he said.

* * *

Update (1035ET): Florida has reported its latest daily and weekly COVID-19 data


Looks like the positive numbers helped push stocks even higher.

* * *

As we reported last night the number of confirmed coronavirus deaths topped 500k according to data released Sunday, while the US recorded nearly 45k cases on Sunday, below the last daily record, set a few days ago, but still above the 40k level. Following VP Pence’s appearance alongside Texas Gov Greg Abbott on Sunday to ask Americans to please wear masks in public, a notable about-face from a press briefing on Friday has set tongues wagging.

With the global outbreak having just surpassed 10 million cases and half a million deaths, two major milestones, over the weekend, perhaps the biggest news this morning was Gilead’s release of its pricing menu for redelivering, its widely hyped drug for treating COVID-19 that is less effective than a much-cheaper steroid called dexamethasone, which has proven more effective at lower mortality. Remdesivir was originally developed to treat Ebola, but one virus is as good as the next, right?

As fears about the worsening outbreaks in Latin America and Africa mount, with South Africa seeing a troubling surge in cases. Despite already having more than one-third of the reported cases for all 54 countries on the continent of more than 1.3 billion. More than 4,300 people have been hospitalized out of South Africa’s 138,000 confirmed cases, the country’s Health Minister Zwelini Mkhize said in a statement.

“We are seeing a rapid rise in the cumulative number of positive COVID-19 cases indicating that, as we had expected, we are approaching a surge during the…months of July and August,” Mkhize said…”It is anticipated that while every province will, unfortunately, witness an increase in their numbers, areas, where there is a high economic activity, will experience an exponential rise.” He added that cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town are at the greatest risk for major outbreaks.

China on Monday reported 12 new confirmed cases, including five imported cases. The seven domestic infections were all in Beijing, where 1/3rd of residents have been tested since the latest “outbreak” at a local food wholesale market began earlier this month.

With a brief pause in US news, our attention turned to CNBC Monday morning where former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned that up to half of Americans could have been infected with the virus by the end of the year.

“By the time we get to the end of this year, probably close to half the population will have had coronavirus, and that’s if we just stay at our current rate,” he said during an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“We don’t need to vaccinate the entire population because a lot of people would have already had this by the time we get to a vaccination,” he added.

Although younger people appear to be the most impacted during this latest wave, all that could change as transmission rates increase.

“Eventually, it will start to seep into older people, more vulnerable people, and you’ll start to see the total number of deaths go up even if the death rate has come down,” he said. “We’ll probably get above 1,000 deaths a day on average as the infection starts to widen out.”

And again, this is assuming the rate of spread remains steady: if it gets worse, so will the outcome.

Instagram Founder Kevin Systrom also appeared on CNBC this morning to share data from a public COVID-19 tracking platform he’s launched, which features this nifty display showing where each state’s rate of spread is relative to the spectrum seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

As lengthy food bank lines appear to keep getting longer in the US, the World Food Program warned Monday that the socioeconomic fallout from the pandemic will be “devastating” for middle and low-income nations, possibly leading to food shortages and famines not seen in decades. The organization believes the rate of hunger in the poorest nations will have nearly doubled by year’s end.

In further bad news, the Australian state of Victoria found 75 new cases of coronavirus in the past 24 hours before Monday morning (local time), the highest daily total in 2 months, a total that is “absolutely concerning” according to county health officials who have launched a “testing blitz” and are also warning that lockdowns and other social distancing measures might be reintroduced.

Finally, there have been unconfirmed reports about Texas coronavirus hospitalizations rising another 7.5% over the last day, which would be bad news for a hospital system that is becoming worryingly stretched. Some Houston-area hospitals belonging to the Texas Medical Center hospital systems have stopped publishing ICU numbers as they claimed they caused needless panic since ICUs are often run at or near full capacity. They have insisted there is plenty of ‘overflow’ capacity that can be brought online.

Another important headline out of the US: NYC Mayor de Blasio now weighing whether to further delay the reopening of indoor dining, which has already started in the city in some places.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has to Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly. All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Patrick Galasso on July 13, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    Evil, sin and sinful men must be opposed. God commands those who are good, not just to avoid evil but actively oppose it. The world desperately needs Christians who will engage every facet of life. “Good citizenship,” as Charles Colson writes in his book Kingdoms In Conflict (1987), “requires both discernment and courage – discernment to assess soberly the issues and to know when duty calls one to obey or disobey, and courage, in the case of the latter, to take a stand.”

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