Obama Quietly Ordered A Last-Minute Gun Ban, But Congress Took It Out Back And Shot It


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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We are getting more and more info about Barack Obama’s final hours as president and it seems like, just as the last eight years showed, he’s failed once again. This time in epic fashion.

As Obama was making his final push after eight years of idiocy, he was releasing 330 violent criminals, including four known terrorists, as well as giving a $221 million gift to the Palestinian state, which Trump thankfully blocked the other day.

We’re now learning that he was also trying to strip away gun rights across every state in America. The great news is, that was found out and thwarted by Congress, thanks to the National Rifle Association.

[The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action says](https://www.nraila.org/articles/20170125/nra-wins-victory-as-congress-reverses-obamas-social-security-gun-grab) Congress is opting to review a “final rule” from the Obama administration “that would blindly strip law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment rights.”

“Congress’ decision to review the Obama administration’s back-door gun grab is a significant step forward in protecting a fundamental constitutional right for law-abiding gun owners,” said Chris W. Cox, the NRA’s executive director. “The NRA has been fighting this unconstitutional government overreach since it was first discussed and we look forward to swift congressional action.”

The rule, which was “finalized” by the Social Security Administration last year, would ban “certain recipients who use a representative payee” from owning any guns.

it’s a “new era for freedom-loving Americans and the NRA is excited to begin work with our pro-Second Amendment president and Congress to ensure that law-abiding Americans’ constitutional rights are respected.”

GOOD! It’s comforting that we have a sane Congress and President that actually care about the constitution again. Obama’s days are done,But left a lot of carnage.



The American people have been spared that humility of being under the thumb of the ungodly, give thanks to the one that deserves it GOD….




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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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