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Edward O’Hara

I found this in my inbox today. All major sports are canceled.  Bars are closed.  

Live entertainment is postponed.  Markets have fallen.  Mecca is empty.  Mosques are empty.  All Mormon gatherings are canceled.  

Cult-of-personality megachurch gatherings are canceled.  The little religious activity that remains is Christian fellowship, church live-streams, and house church gatherings. 

Travel is restricted.  Hundreds of millions are quarantined in their houses and Coronavirus is now in 155 countries, so that number is bound to grow.  Whether the virus is actually as dangerous as some claim or not is irrelevant to the fact that the whole world is coming to a standstill at this unique time in history.  This is a moment of worldwide significance and the world will never be the same again.

God alone will be exalted in this day.”

While it is a profoundly sobering thought, will God alone be exalted in this day? Is the silencing of the “world’s gods” enough for God to be exalted? The answer to that is not so surprising, no. Because the impact of it can only be truly known when and if those who have been bowing at the feet of these idols come to saving faith in the one true God, Jesus Christ. So it isn’t enough to silence these idols. The true message of the cross must replace them. The message that Jesus came as a man to die a man’s death so that His resurrection conquered death for all who will trust in Him and His resurrection. And this message only gets out when God’s people preach the gospel that Paul taught. This is why Paul wrote “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they are sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Proverbial Womanhood

During times of “crisis” people generally become more willing to consider ideas regarding life and death they otherwise could care less about. Because suddenly their own mortality, and that of those in their small circle of people they really care for, becomes an issue that has been pushed to the forefront of their thinking. This happens because it suddenly hits so close to home that “their own ox is gored” as the saying goes. Suddenly things that never mattered before have a newfound significance. And this is when God’s love for them can seep into their usually otherwise very self-centered existence through a believer that brings them the good news. 

It is at times such as these we must be willing to strike while the iron is hot. To “be bold as a lion” as the scripture says of the righteous. We must take advantage of times such as these to bring the message of the gospel that they would otherwise believe has no relevance in their day to day routines. Be bolder than we otherwise might be. By bringing the message of God’s love into everyday conversation. 

Not that we shouldn’t be doing this already. We should. But, for some, it seems difficult to inject Jesus and His love for us into everyday conversation. For some, it is because they think they won’t know how to say it right. Or that they don’t know enough. But, those excuses should not constrain us. Especially with the open door, the coronavirus crisis has given all of us who claim the name of Jesus. Just share the love you know Christ has for you with them. 

But, be sure to share the things that show God’s love for them. Not things that would cause them to only exchange one idol for another. One way we can do this is by helping them to understand that things like this are not a judgment from God. Because God has not yet begun His judgment on the world. We are in the age of grace where Paul says the message we are to take to the world is that “God is not imputing their trespasses to them“(2Cor.5:19). This is what Paul called “the ministry of reconciliation” that we who are the “ambassadors for Christ” are to be taking to the world. 

In this way, we can be sure that we are not sharing a message with them that simply makes them exchange one idol for another. Because any message that makes them think that God is angry with them because they are bad is a salvation by works message. A message that forces them to think in terms of good and bad instead of death and life. In terms of behavior instead of in whom they are to believe. Works, and especially works of the law, will become an idol when presented in regard to salvation. Men that are saved are saved unto good works. But, no one is saved by good works. And neither are those who do not know Jesus condemned because of bad works. 

Paul makes this abundantly clear in all of his epistles. So we need to heed what Paul taught and never bring good or bad behavior into the equation when we are witnessing to the unsaved and helping them see their need for Jesus. Because we do not want to create in their minds the notion that the reason that they can not have eternal life is that they are bad. When salvation is based solely on whom they have believed. 

So while the world’s gods are being silenced let’s not make the mistake of being just another voice for another false god as the false religions of Roman Catholicism, evangelical Protestantism, Mormons, and JW’s are. But, be the voice for the true God Jesus Christ by showing the world His love and truth and His amazing grace. By showing them first and foremost that God is not mad at them. Because He has never been mad at them. 

Quotes about Amazing grace (74 quotes)

But, instead, we must show them that He has always loved them with unconditional love. A love that He wants them to return to Him from their heart by their own free will. And receive His love that saves to the uttermost all those who will simply trust in Him and His resurrection. Being saved from the death that rules over them in this world by receiving the gift of eternal life that Jesus has provided for them. The eternal life that all of us who have trusted in Him have already been given.

Will you be born of His Spirit so you too can inherit eternal life? You need this new spirit birthed in you because the fleshly birth only prepared you for this natural world where death reigns. Will you too be born again by being born of His Spirit? So that as His child you will now have for your inheritance His kingdom that is eternal where there is no death? 

If you are reading this God is calling you. He loves you and wants you to know Him. Because knowing Him is this eternal life that provides you with the spirit that makes you God’s child.John17:3. Because while all men are created by God, not all men are born of His Spirit so that they are children of God. It is only those who have come to know Him that is spiritual because knowing Him is to be born of His Spirit. So if you do not know Him, but have now believed that He is Lord and that He has raised from the dead to conquer death for you, then please take the time right now to talk to Him and confess to Jesus that He is Lord of your life. And believe that He has raised from the dead to conquer death for you. If you do believe in Him then tell Him something like this and you will have eternal life: 

Dear Jesus, I believe you. Thank you for joining with me in death so that by conquering death by your resurrection I could join with you in eternal life. Thank you that you raised from the dead so that I could raise from the dead too by trusting in, clinging to, and relying solely on you. Thank you for giving me a new spirit now Lord so that I can live with you in your kingdom forever. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

By praying a prayer similar to this one and really meaning it from your heart you have been saved from death to life. From sin to righteousness. And from the wrath to peace with God. And now as you begin reading the Bible and believing what it plainly says it will begin to change the way you think and believe. Because when you trust in Jesus you leave the old life behind where you were only able to relate to and trust in what has been made. And now will be equipped for God’s kingdom because you are no longer only natural flesh and blood, but are a new creature made a spiritual being ready to inherit God’s spiritual kingdom. It is because of Jesus’ resurrection that He is the only WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. Because only Jesus has broken through the wall of death that the flesh and blood natural body can never get through. And only by the new birth are we made ready to receive the spiritual body that can go through the wall of death as Jesus’ did first so we could follow Him in the way He has prepared for us. 

God Bless you in your new life in Christ. And I hope to see you here again to hear more of God’s message of reconciliation, restoration, and healing for all who will trust in Him.

This message can also be heard at

Jesus, amazing grace, Edward O’Hara, FALSE GODS, Biblical Truth
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Edward O'Hara

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