Satan Soldier Bill Gates: from ‘Computer Programming’ to ‘Eugenics’ & ‘Depopulation’


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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation does not need much introduction. Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world.

Bill Gates is invited to G20 meetings and other top level gatherings such as those that take place in Davos at the World Economic Forum, where he is treated like a head of state. He is presented to the mere “plebs” of the world as the savior of humanity and the Earth. As the embodiment of charity, a great example of the American dream, and a wonderful inspiration to all.

A star-studded Paris summit makes far-fetched promises | Environment| All  topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 30.11.2015

Where did he come from? Well Bill Gates was born in a wealthy family, a family of influence. His mother Mary Maxwell Gates came from a powerful banking family. His father William Henry Gates Senior was an attorney. Bill Junior dropped out of Harvard University and his mother, worried about his future, helped Bill to set up Microsoft, using her IBM connection to set up a deal with IBM.

Then in 1991 she arranged a meeting between her son Bill and Warren Buffet, the multi-billionaire who took Bill under his wing.

Both of Bill’s parents were heavily involved in family planning and eugenics, his father serving on the board of ‘Planned Parenthood’. From an early age Gates was spoon fed with the ideology of eugenics, and in his 30’s Warren Buffet added to this with his enthusiasm on the subject.

Buffet’s foundation the ‘Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation’ is a massive financial backer of pro-abortion activities and population control policies. By 2019 the foundation had spent $77 million on abortion, enough to kill 220,000 babies. It is the largest founder of reproductive health and family planning in the world, which are just fancy words for eugenics.

So Bill Gates, a Rockefeller descendant was pushed forward with one goal in life, and one goal alone. It was not computer programming. His role in this world was determined by his bloodline. He was to become the face of population control and depopulation within the framework of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 set by the UN.

Between 2000 and 2017 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation massively enforced their new polio foundation on the children of India. Half a million children under the age of 5 were left paralyzed. The Indian people were furious and as a result the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were thrown out of the country in 2017. Yet less than two years later they were allowed back in and India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi was honoured by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his efforts to reach the UN’s sustainable development goals.

However it’s extremely strange Bill Gates was given the opportunity in the first instance to begin his Polio vaccination campaign in India, considering the fact that back in the year 2000 it was known in the USA, that the oral Polio vaccine frequently caused paralysis.

In the UK the Polio vaccination program was halted four years later in 2004, because of the proven link between the vaccine and paralysis. Yet the vaccination programme was continued for thirteen more years with devastating effects on India’s children. Nobody said a word, not the UN, not the WHO, not the RIVM who were involved in the development of the vaccine, and most certainly not the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

But the damage was done, and the WHO reluctantly admitted that the global explosion was caused by the mutated polio strains used in vaccines.

The oral vaccine was the cheapest of the two available vaccines which led to poorer countries receiving the oral vaccine, and richer countries receiving the injectable vaccine. But the oral vaccine started causing major issues. According to the WHO the oral vaccine contained a live, but weakened Polio virus activating an immune response in the body. However the weakened virus did not die after the body had become immune to Polio. It instead became stronger and started causing mayhem in children. Those who’d had the oral polio vaccine developed identical symptoms to the original wild polio virus and were left paralyzed.

At first the WHO denied the allegations and stated this was an extremely rare occurrence. But then as the number of paralyzed children grew they admitted it was due to mutated polio strains contained within the vaccine, giving it the name ‘Vaccine-derived Polio Virus’.

The WHO’s solution? Every child in the world should get the Polio vaccine. The very same vaccine that had caused the paralysis in thousands of children was to be given to every child under the age of 5 under the guise of ‘herd immunity’.

Did the paralysed children receive any compensation? No.

Was the WHO prosecuted? No.

Was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation prosecuted? No.

Which is precisely why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was able to continue it’s eugenics programmer and move on to the children of Africa with the meningitis vaccine and disastrous HPV vaccine.

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Satan Soldiers engineered a false predicament whereby all effective COVID-19 treatments were quite deliberately not approved by the American regulatory agencies and medical establishment. That deceitful move alone set up the FDA’s legal maneuver to approve the various Covid ‘vaccines’ for “Emergency Authorization Use” only. Once that happened, Big Pharma, W.H.O., along with Bill Gates & Company, illicitly took over the management of this transparently fabricated plandemic.

Bill Gates A.K.A Satan Soldier “Tech Savior” Image Unraveled or Maybe The Truth About Gates The Monster Finally Comes Out…

Five years ago, he warned us against a global plandemic. He said that an infectious disease was humanity’s biggest threat. The BMGF is working tirelessly on vaccines to combat these diseases.

The most common accusations against Gates is that he’s a pedophile billionaire who wants to block out the sun, implant chips into our brains, control the population through vaccines, and even remove the “spiritual” part of our brains.

Gates Can’t Escape the Facts:

For example, there is a team of Harvard scientists who are openly experimenting with blocking out the sun to curb climate change. And they are funded, in part, by Bill Gates.

But is this a plot to control the human race, or save it? it’s an evil plan.

Most controversial was his relationship with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Bill Gates

According to The New Times, Gates met with Epstein many times after he was convicted of sex offenses. He rode in his jet, and he’s even stayed at Epstein’s infamous Manhattan penthouse late into the night.

In the span of about two weeks, the public goodwill that Gates long enjoyed has mostly evaporated. But as Bloomberg reminds us in a lengthy feature about Gates’ sudden loss of public support, Gates wasn’t always so revered. In the early days, before he the propaganda machine, Gates was seen as a “ruthless nerd-turned-tycoon”.

In fact, as Bloomberg tells it, Gates’ initial interest in philanthropy was part of an attempt to white wash his image after some pretty aggressive behavior in the 1980s, including stabbing his co-founder in the back while he was undergoing cancer treatment.

It’s easy to forget that Bill Gates wasn’t always so publicly revered. During the heyday of the PC revolution, he was the ruthless nerd-turned-tycoon who brutally and profanely berated underlings and allegedly tried to slash Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen’s equity in the company while he was undergoing cancer treatment in the early 1980s. (Gates has said his recollection of events differed from Allen’s.) Windows software, his flagship creation, was a buggy mess that frustrated millions of consumers, and Steve Jobs groused that Gates and his team showed “no shame” and “no taste” in ripping off Apple’s products. Even the judge who oversaw Microsoft’s crippling turn-of-the-century monopoly trial said Gates had “a Napoleonic concept of himself and his company, an arrogance that derives from power and unalloyed success.”

By the 2000s, though, the world’s richest man seemed to have realized he had to change this Redmond-robber-baron narrative—and that his wealth could help. He stepped down as Microsoft’s CEO and shifted his attention to what would become the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which eventually gave away more than $50 billion to fight malaria and AIDS and boost childhood vaccination rates, earning the couple widespread praise, not to mention Time’s 2005 “Persons of the Year” cover with U2’s Bono. Less than a decade after Microsoft’s antitrust trial, Gates was making the rounds on Capitol Hill advising lawmakers on U.S. technology competitiveness and health initiatives.

“I was lucky enough in my Microsoft work to accumulate an ownership that was worth a lot of money,” he told Charlie Rose in 2008, shortly after switching to full-time focus on his giving pledges. “Warren [Buffett] likes to call that ‘claim checks’ on society, where you get to say, you know, have a thousand people go build a pyramid for you or do whatever you want.”

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Nothing can protect a billionaire’s reputation from association with Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile financier, along with #MeToo-inspired reports about “mistreatment” of female Microsoft employees with who he may have been romantically involved. The controversy is spoiling Gates’ plans to follow up his COVID-era achievements by doubling-down on his focus on climate change. He has just published a new book, and has been working with other ‘global leaders’ to invest in green tech.

For a man who has repeatedly insisted that he doesn’t care about his “legacy”, his divorce from Melinda will likely permanently tarnish his public image. One thing is clear: it’s going to be a long time before he appears on another magazine cover with Bono.

Satan Soldier Bill and Dark Princes Melinda Gates are Sick, Delusional Adult…

‘Crazy and Evil’: Bill Gates Surprised by Plandemic Conspiracies and Hearsay Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination, and Bill Gates as the Crazy, Want-To-Be Doctor That’s Willing to Risk Your Life…

And the president will go along with mandatory vaccination, true to form Biden is sick, there is only one person he cares for ‘Biden, and now the horror movie will play out.

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One of the signs of the end times I speak about in this article is that “lawlessness” in society will become pervasive. Hear the words of Jesus as he mentions this fact in His message about end times events.

Elitists, aka Satan Soldiers, just don’t seem to get it. Maybe it’s the way their brains work. Maybe they just can’t comprehend the idea that some people will not compromise certain freedoms no matter the cost. They think everyone has a limit—that everyone has a price. They think anyone can be bought, or that anyone can be leveraged into submission. The truth is… many of us can’t. Some of us have no price, and we cannot be compelled to comply.

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire dailyexpose

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It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

“One thing that I’ve been saying to try to get through to people,“is just the whole idea of lockdowns. ‘Lockdown,’ this is a prison term, right? And when do you lock down the prison? When the prisoners are rioting and getting rebellious. It’s a way of reminding everyone, ‘Hey, you’re in prison and we’re in charge.’”

“It isn’t really about the vaccines or the tests,” he said in regards to newly implemented guidelines.

“What it’s about is training us, conditioning us to live in a society where we accept this type of control.”

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

“My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.” ~ StevieRay Hansen, CEO The 127 Faith Foundation

The 127 Faith Foundation: We do not solicit donations from “those on disability, on a fixed income, or those who cannot afford to give.” Please Pray!



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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