Satan Soldier Fauci: New COVID Variant Might Make us Go Back to a ‘Degree of Mitigation’ — ‘We Can’t Just Say We’re Done’
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Satan Soldier Fauci: New COVID Variant Might Make us Go Back to a ‘Degree of Mitigation’ — ‘We Can’t Just Say We’re Done’

HNewsWire-Their Strategy Seems to Be Working: They’re a Gang of Thug-Like Thugs. Their Plan Is Succeeding; Globalists Are on Track With Their Plandemic to Destroy the People; They Realize That Capitulation Is Their Only Choice, and That It Will Be Accomplished via the People’s Food Supply. U-Godly Subhuman Elicit Scum.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned Thursday on CNN's "The Lead" that the new BA.2 type of COVID might force Americans to wear masks again.

"The World Health Organization's director general, meanwhile, is sounding the alarm, stating that the epidemic is not finished," stated anchor Jake Tapper. Do you believe it was too soon to switch to the new criteria that enable so many Americans to avoid wearing masks?"

"Jake, it's not too soon if you note the caution that comes with it," Fauci added. The caveat is that we must be adaptable. And, if we do see a turnaround and comeback, we must be prepared to pivot and return to whatever level of mitigation that is appropriate for the scenario. As a result, we can't just declare victory. Now it's time to move on. We must be adaptable since we are working with a dynamic scenario. Hopefully, the instances will continue to fall as the weather warms, the danger of staying inside decreases, and we'll do well, at least for the next several months."

Dr. Francis Collins speaks in Washington on Sept. 9, 2020. (Michael Reynolds/Pool/Getty Images)

One Of Satan Soldier!

According to a missive obtained by The Epoch Times, Francis Collins, a top U.S. health official, was caught off guard when he was asked for the first time about a report members of Congress issued that revealed new information, including the email Collins sent urging a "take down" of the Great Barrington Declaration.

In an email sent in October 2020, Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) until December 19, 2021, urged for a "rapid and devastating public takedown" of the proclamation, which advocated for a more balanced approach to combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.

A congressional subcommittee at the end of 2021 made public the email, which was sent only days after the paper was produced by three epidemiologists.

Collins was challenged with the email for the first time during an interview on Fox News only hours after the panel's findings was issued.

Collins was questioned about the report's assertions that the White House under President Donald Trump attempted to "undermine the COVID response" by host Neil Cavuto.

Collins said that he was "trying to stay out of the politics side of things" and refused to respond when Cavuto inquired about the "takedown" email.

"OK, if it's that particular," Collins said.

"Yes, there were people, particularly Dr. Scott Atlas, who said don't worry about putting on masks or asking people to isolate themselves or stay physically separated, 'just let it rip' and let this virus run through the country until everyone has had it, and then we'll have herd immunity," he added. "However, the result would have been hundreds of thousands of more fatalities." That made no sense to me."

Atlas was Trump's primary health advisor.

According to two of the statement's writers, the phrase "let it rip" do not appear in the declaration. The statement acknowledged that lockdowns had a disastrous effect on the United States and other nations, and recommended governments to develop more targeted rules that safeguarded the elderly and other those more susceptible to COVID-19 while allowing others to live their lives.

Collins did not anticipate to be questioned about an email he wrote to Drs. Anthony Fauci, Clifford Lane, and Lawrence Tabak, according to a Freedom of Information Act request received by The Epoch Times.

In the message, an NIH spokesperson, Emma Wojtowicz, apologized for the ambush.

"The producer said that the interview will be about Omicron and your tenure as director," she continued.
Photo via Epoch Times
A file photograph shows an aircraft flying above a Premier League match in England. (Getty Images/Catherine Ivill)

Wojtowicz sent a link to the congressional panel report and copied and pasted the part pertaining to Collins.

Another NIH official, Renate Myles, told The Epoch Times via email that Collins was astonished during the interview.

"His astonishment was that the subject of the Great Barrington Declaration, which occurred in 2020 and on which he has made his opinion plain on several times," Myles said, "was being addressed in 2021 as if it were a fresh problem due to the publishing of a year-old email."

Collins officially opposed the declaration in October 2020. The NIH has previously said that anybody interested in learning why Collins called the announcement "hazardous" should read Wikipedia.

When questioned whether Collins was aware his email had been made public prior to the interview, Myles did not comment.

Requests for response from Fox were not returned.

Meanwhile, Atlas, the former government advisor, said that Collins' remarks during his presence were not factually true.

"I never once advised the president or anyone else during my time in Washington to let the infection spread without mitigation," Atlas wrote in an email to The Epoch Times, adding that he advised in various settings "to increase protection, especially for high risk individuals and settings," and that he "repeatedly stated in the media and in writing to follow recommended mitigations."

At the same time, Atlas asserted that the more targeted approach advocated for by the declaration "would have saved a massive number of lives while avoiding the death and destruction that ensued," adding that "the broad lockdowns advised by Collins, Fauci, and Birx were contrary to science, and they failed to stop the spread, failed to protect the elderly from dying, and killed and destroyed millions." It was the most egregious failure of health-care policy in contemporary history."

Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. During the Trump administration, Deborah Birx served as a prominent health advisor. They and Collins have justified their support for tough limitations enforced during the epidemic, such as the forced shutdown of schools and "non-essential" businesses.

Collins also wrote to Fauci and Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale School of Public Health professor who has opposed the Great Barrington Declaration, according to other missives received by The Epoch Times.

Gonsalves informed Collins and Fauci that he was reading the congressional report and that it was being circulated as "'evidence' of a plot against the Great Barrington Declaration."

"All I can say is, honestly, thank you for your service." The GBD has had a negative impact on the American reaction to the epidemic, so it's not surprising that you two were fighting back behind the scenes," Gonsalves stated.

"It's ironic that an attempt to bring out legitimately unsafe advice from the GBD is dubbed a conspiracy," Collins wrote in response. In many minds, truth seems to have devolved into a conspiracy."

The Guy Won’t Go Away —”We Can’t Just Say We’re Done”— Satan Soldier a.k.a. Dr. Fauci Warns New COVID Variant Could Prompt More Lock-downs in U.S. — Fear-Based Control

By StevieRay Hansen | August 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire-As the resurgence of COVID cases in Western Europe fuels speculation about a similar rebound in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned CNN yesterday that Americans could face another round of lockdowns if the latest COVID variant (or subvariant, in this case) causes infections – and, more importantly, hospitalizations and deaths – to rebound. BA.2, the newest subvariant of the omicron variant, was the focus of the interview. According to Dr. Fauci, a combination of declining immunity and loosening limitations might create the circumstances for an increase in new cases in the United States. “If we do see a reversal and a revival, we must be prepared to pivot and return to whatever level of mitigation that is proportionate with the scenario,” Fauci added. “We can’t just declare, ‘We’re done.’ We’ll get on with it.’ We must be adaptable […]


Satan Soldier Master Liar Francis Collins, NIH Director, Resigns After Gain-of-Function Falsehood Exposed

By StevieRay Hansen | July 23, 2022 | 0 Comments

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Is a “Criminal Psychopath” and One of Satan Solders Directly Responsible for Unleashing Corona-virus

By StevieRay Hansen | July 2, 2022 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire-Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R), who intends to be a part of the solution as Republicans seek to win control of Congress, said that the “first” priority should be a “full and entire inquiry” into “criminal psychopath” Dr. Anthony Fauci. Speaking to Breitbart News at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, the Republican congressional candidate said that a Republican-led Congress would have to prioritize holding Dr. Anthony Fauci responsible first. “The first thing that has to happen is a thorough inquiry of Dr. Fauci, who I believe is a criminal psychopath who should spend the rest of his life in federal jail,” he stated. “That’s my point of view. An inquiry, I believe, will provide further facts as to why this is the case. That, I believe, is the most pressing problem right now.” Sabatini […]


Fauci States Great Barrington Declaration Is Reminiscent Of AIDS Denialism.

By Bryce Abbott | April 3, 2022 | 0 Comments

According to an email published by The Epoch Times, Dr. Anthony Fauci attempted to tie a strategy to scientists who questioned whether HIV causes AIDS. Both Fauci, the long-serving head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and his former boss, Dr. Francis Collins, were vocal opponents of the approach, which was laid out in the Great Barrington Declaration on Oct. 4, 2020. Martin Kulldorff, then of Harvard University, Stanford University’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and Oxford University professor Sunetra Gupta were among those who signed the declaration, which advocated for policies aimed at reducing death and social harm while acknowledging that COVID-19 posed a much greater threat to older people than to younger people. “The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of achieving herd immunity is to allow those who are at the lowest risk […]


Fauci Comments On Looming House Republican Investigations Into Gain Of Function Research In Wuhan.

By Bryce Abbott | March 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

If Republicans retake control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections, White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci says he expects to be probed. “It’s the Benghazi hearings all over again,” Fauci told The Washington Post on March 15, referring to a number of Republican lawmakers pledging to investigate alleged gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, which is close to where the first COVID-19 cases were reported in late 2019. Potential hearings, according to Fauci, an unelected government official who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, “It would distract me from doing my work, the way it is now.” “There will be nothing there,” Fauci predicted if there are hearings and an investigation. His allusion to the Benghazi hearings appeared to be a dig at former Secretary of […]


SRH: More Fear Porn, As the resurgence of COVID cases in Western Europe fuels speculation about a similar rebound in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned CNN yesterday that Americans could face another round of lockdowns if the latest COVID variant (or subvariant, in this case) causes infections – and, more importantly, hospitalizations and deaths.


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