Satan Soldier Mark Cuban: China Is ‘Our Customer’ ‘Ok’ Doing Business With


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China Despite Human Rights Violations…

The last game of the NBA Finals – arguably the most important game of any NBA season – posted ratings that were about 66% lower than last year’s Game 6, according to Breitbart. It is the latest bad news in a stunning collapse in ratings for the league and, specifically, for the NBA Finals series this year.

For comparison, Sunday night’s Seahawks versus Vikings regular season NFL game, featuring one team that hasn’t won a game all year, had nearly twice the views of the game where LeBron James clinched his fourth NBA Championship, according to ShowBuzzDaily

Recall, just days ago we noted that “Player Protests/Politics” were cited as a driving force as to why people were abandoning watching the NBA. In a recent poll on Yahoo Sports with 22,266 responses, people were asked why they thought the NBA’s ratings had dropped off. Player protests/politics was the overwhelming favorite, at 61%, as to why people are turning away from the NBA.

We also noted that Game 3 of the finals averaged just a 3.1 rating and 5.94 million viewers, making it “the least watched and lowest rated NBA Finals game on record,” according to Yahoo Sports. Days prior to that, we noted that Game 2 also saw a ratings collapse of 68% to all time lows. 

Game 1 was the lowest viewed finals opener in history. 

There really doesn’t seem to be much of a spin that the NBA can put on the terrible ratings, other than the league has simply lost the interest of many who would have once tuned in. In fact, one of the league’s most “outspoken” voices on oppression and racism, LeBron James, should have been the feature draw for this year’s finals. 

Instead, it appears that he was exactly what is turning viewers away. 

Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban claimed to condemn human rights abuses wherever they occur. Still, despite that China is one of the biggest abusers of human rights in the world, Cuban says he is “OK doing business with China.”

Cuban made his proclamation on a podcast with former Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Monday where he said he claims to stand against human right abuses, even those in China, The Hill reported.

Kelly asked why he and the NBA claim to stand for human rights, but then seem to ignore the vast abuses perpetrated by their business partner, China.

Mark Cuban

“I personally put a priority on domestic issues. I’m against human rights violations around the world,” Cuban said, attempting to deflect from the question.

“Including the ones in China?” Kelly replied.

Cuban continued to try to deflect, saying, “China is not the only country with human rights violations.”

But Kelly pressed him on whether he condemns the abuses perpetrated by the Chinese.

“Yes, including China. Any human rights violations anywhere are wrong,” Cuban finally admitted. But Cuban still tried to steer the conversation away from his communist business partner by bringing up Turkey and Africa.

However, Kelly was not done pressing. “Why would the NBA take $500 million dollars-plus from a country that is engaging in ethnic cleansing?” she asked.

“So basically, you’re saying nobody should do business with China ever?” Cuban interjected.

“Why won’t you just answer my question?” Kelly pointedly asked.

“Because they are a customer,” he exclaimed. “They are a customer of ours, and guess what, Megyn? I’m OK with doing business with China. And so, we have to pick our battles. I wish we could solve all the world’s problems. But we can’t.”

During the interview, Cuban also waved off any claims that the 2020 NBA season had dismal TV ratings because viewers are sick and tired of the left-wing politics. Instead, Cuban said the league did not properly promote the season, especially the NBA Finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Miami Heat.

“I don’t think it has anything to do with politics. I just think we don’t have the match-up and the storylines, and we didn’t do a good job promoting it,” Cuban explained.

However, a recent poll shows that politics are indeed a major factor to the decline in ratings.

This horrific collapse should not be surprising after polls have found that many fans now believe that basketball is far too political.

A Sept. 2 Harris poll found that 39 percent of respondent who identified as sports fans felt that the league was too political. And another 19 percent said that they had turned off pro basketball because of the NBA’s deep links to China.

The 2020 post-COVID season launched with the heavy-handed presence of the anti-American Black Lives Matter agenda.

“Recently, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said that next year the NBA will likely not feature the on-court social justice displays that have become commonplace this season,” Breitbart Sports reported. “The commissioner also says he understands that fans just want to see a basketball game, and not by subjected to social justice messaging.”

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Source: HNewsWire breitbart HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
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They perverted justice among themselves … “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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