Some of Satan’s Most Dangerous Soldiers, LGBTQE, That’s E for Evil Demand Sweeping LGBTQE Agenda With Biden/Obama BS


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Biden Administration Gave to the American People, Hell on Earth…

What about the Angel of Death?

The Angel of Death if given the command of God, can take away a life, they will not do so unless they have received that command or if God wills it.

Nothing personifies death. We all will experience death, but no one single angel by the name of Azrael carries out all of the death duties...

Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes. It looks like that time has come, the American people refused to listen to wise counsel, therefore turning our country into a sewer pit of sexual perversion targeting our children. The strong delusion has taken hold and hell on earth, cometh.

LGBTQE Goal Is Destruction of Christianity in Society-E Is For Evil Specifically, we are in Tribulation.

This dreary picture is echoed in the New Testament. Jesus said it will be a time of tribulation “such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall” (Matthew 24:21). In fact, Jesus said it will be so terrible that if it were not stopped at the end of seven years, it would result in the destruction of all life (Matthew 24:22). The Apostle John states that the chaos will be so great that the leaders of the world will crawl into caves and cry out for the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them (Revelation 6:15-16).

Did you think that the LGBTQE agenda was primarily to win acceptance and tolerance from American society?  I think that most of us probably thought that.

Little did we know that gaining acceptance was merely a first step toward the ultimate goal which is evil to its core.  Should we be surprised? After all, we ARE battling principalities and powers of darkness (let us never forget this).

The end game of the LGBTQ movement, although possibly not realized by its marchers, but by its leaders is this: Detaching America from its original Judeo/Christian heritage and the moral framework which was the foundation upon which we were established.

How will they accomplish this?  Legislatively, and as their demands grow, the one piece of legislation that makes every Leftist liberal salivate is “The Equality Act.”

The online war against free speech, free thought, and association continue as tech giants continue to target and ban “dangerous” text, audio, and video. According to a recent BBC report, Apple has removed a Christian app because its teachings on homosexuality are “dangerous.”

According to the report, an activist group called “Truth Wins Out” pleaded with Apple to remove a Christian app that spreads “dangerous” speech and ideas. The offended activist group convinced Apple to remove Living Hope Ministries from its app store. Now the activist group is petitioning Google and Amazon to follow suit and ban Living Hope Ministries from their platforms, too. “Google and Amazon [must] immediately stop selling and promoting this app, which dehumanizes LGBT people,” says the petition, signed by 356 supporters. Google is preparing to remove the app if it violates Google’s “ban on content that incites hatred.” Source

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - MAY 11: Costumed guests attend the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) 14th annual Las Vegas Gala featuring a keynote address by South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg at Caesars Palace on May 11, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Buttigieg is the first openly gay candidate to run …

LGBT advocacy and political lobbying group the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has created a “Blueprint for Positive Change” to guide its anticipated Biden administration through 85 policy recommendations that it says will undo the “damage” done by President Donald Trump.

HRC states in its “blueprint” that Biden could enact some of its policy recommendations fairly quickly through executive orders that would simply cancel Trump’s actions:

Since taking office, the Trump administration has consistently targeted far reaching regulatory changes that undermine the rights of vulnerable communities, including those who are LGBTQ. The administration consistently mischaracterizes the law in federal regulations, legal memorandums, and litigation actions. These coordinated attacks on civil rights exploit the public’s traditionally limited engagement with federal legal actions and administrative developments, violating the public trust.

HRC has laid out a roadmap to working with the Biden-Harris administration and ensuring we move equality forward by advancing policies to improve the lives of millions of LGBTQ Americans. Take a look.

The first psalm warns us not to keep company with evil people. We are told not to listen to their counsel, stand in their way or sit in their seats. The word 'blessed' is translated 'happy' in some newer renderings. Blessing implies the goodness of God will be with such a person. Look for these beatitudes throughout Scripture. If the Word gives us instruction as to what to do to find God pouring out His goodness on us, we should give careful attention to that instruction. You will be blessed if you avoid bad company. Man has a natural tendency to gravitate toward mocking and complaint. Don't!

Consider: "If I meditate on God's Word and don't walk in the counsel of the wicked, whatever I do will prosper."

Among its 85 policy recommendations for a Biden administration, HRC is urging:

  • HIV-positive individuals to be allowed into the military
  • the release of transgender illegal immigrants
  • pervasive implementation of the Supreme Court’s decision in June in Bostock v. Clayton, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and transgender status
  • ending the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance program that bars overseas organizations that provide abortions from receiving taxpayer funds
  • establish a special “interagency working group to protect and support LGBTQ rights globally”
  • appointment of openly-LGBT Supreme Court justices, judges, and officials
  • ensure coverage for transgender hormone treatments for dependents of military personnel
  • ensure LGBT demands for pronoun use and access to bathroom and restroom facilities consistent with gender identity is not undermined by religious exemptions
  • urge passage of federal law controlling what therapists say to LGBT clients
  • require faith-based colleges and universities to publicly post religious exemptions
  • ensure the government does not discriminate against LGBT individuals on the basis of religion
  • eliminate federal conscience protection regulations for healthcare providers

“We urge the administration to end taxpayer-funded discrimination once and for all and to rescind Trump-backed policies that invite discrimination against LGBTQ people by federally funded grantees and contractors,” HRC urges.

“Stigma and violence against our community—especially transgender women of color—must be systematically addressed,” the group states.

The Sin Virus LGBTQE Has Mutated Out of Control

A social conservative professor who was raised by his mom and her lesbian partner is warning Americans that the Equality Act is a trojan horse that will “nullify” pro-life laws passed in various states and contains language that could lead to the abolishment of all sex-segregated bathrooms.

Robert Oscar Lopez is a professor of Humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He’s become most well-known for his article, published in 2012, on what it was like to be raised by homosexual parents. Most recently, Lopez spoke out against the Equality Act. Source

In this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Lopez begins by sharing his experiences after he published his article speaking out about the dangers of growing up in a homosexual household. Using the best available research at the time, Lopez expanded on the high rates of suicide, sexual abuse, and dependence on government assistance in those who had been raised by a parent in a same-sex relationship. The response after it was first published was more respectful than anything. However, as it gained popularity, Lopez quickly had to switch to defense.

“The mean fringe just blanketed social media, and they drowned out everything else. They dug up as much information about me as they could. Then they quickly went after doxing my family members; trying to figure out who my friends and family were… They were vicious,” he said.

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LGBTQE Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity

Quarterback Drew Brees came under brutal attack last week for having the audacity to appear in a video encouraging Christian students to bring Bibles to school.

The pretext for the attack was that he supported a project by Focus on the Family, a Christian organization that believes in the Bible, to include the biblical concept of marriage and sexuality.

Note that Brees did not say or do anything that could be even remotely construed as being anti-LGBT.  In fact, he has previously appeared in anti-bullying ads supporting that community.

But his guilt was twofold: it is the guilt of association liberals love to use to attack what they hate and the even greater guilt of asking children to read the Bible, a book that many in this community despise.  In his critics’ view, arguing against bullying LGBT members is good, but so is actually bullying Christians.

CNN headlined that “Drew Brees says he doesn’t support a conservative Christian organization after appearing in a video they made.”  That’s what constitutes news at the apple is an apple network.  They must have been really inspired to break into their endless and breathless coverage over a map of Alabama….or Mississippi…to push the anti-Christian agenda.

For too long, many Americans have misunderstood the goals of the LGBT community, particularly its activist leaders.  The majority of Americans thought this movement was about winning acceptance and tolerance of gay Americans, something few people found objectionable.

But that was never the goal.  It was only an intermediary step.  The goal was always about forcing Americans to celebrate and bow before the full and ever-expanding LGBT agenda while detaching America from its Judeo-Christian heritage and moral framework.  The destruction of Christianity in society is the goal.

Note that liberals are always the aggressors on this issue.  While many Christians do not want to be forced to celebrate what they believe to be sin, they are not attacking or discriminating against members of that community.  Most Christians rarely think about this issue at all.  But they also don’t want to be forced to violate their own deeply held religious beliefs, which is where they become vulnerable for attack.  Since they don’t celebrate the LGBT agenda, they are the enemy.

The vile “Equality Act” Taylor Swift is tirelessly championing can be understood within this context.  It is not about equality.  That proposed law seeks to accomplish two goals: to insert sexual orientation and gender identity into the Civil Rights Act and to significantly expand the definition of public accommodations.

Source: HNewsWire breitbart HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

LGBTQE--E for EVIL People, you are in the death Angel's crosshairs...

The first psalm warns us not to keep company with evil people. We are told not to listen to their counsel, stand in their way or sit in their seats. The word 'blessed' is translated 'happy' in some newer renderings. Blessing implies the goodness of God will be with such a person. Look for these beatitudes throughout Scripture. If the Word gives us instruction as to what to do to find God pouring out His goodness on us, we should give careful attention to that instruction. You will be blessed if you avoid bad company. Man has a natural tendency to gravitate toward mocking and complaint. Don't!

Consider: "If I meditate on God's Word and don't walk in the counsel of the wicked, whatever I do will prosper."


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on November 14, 2020 at 10:48 am

    The Supreme Court says pornography is okay and it is okay to burn the flag, that Communists can work in our defense plants, that it is okay to teach witchcraft in our schools and that it is okay for our students to write papers about the devil.

    But the Supreme Court says it is illegal to write papers about Jesus, it is illegal to pray in school, and now the Supreme Court says it is even illegal to pray before a football game.
    Beam me up. I thought the founders intended to create a Supreme Court, not the Supreme Being. Think about that statement.

    I yield back a Supreme Court that is so politically correct they are downright stupid, so stupid they could throw themselves at the ground and miss.

    —Congressman James A. Traficant Jr., June 20, 2000

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