Sweden: Be Smitten by Your Vaccine Passports in a Chip in Your Hand or Elsewhere Under the Skin. ‘ Mark of the Beast Is Here, Ready for Your Approval
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Sweden: Be Smitten by Your Vaccine Passports in a Chip in Your Hand or Elsewhere Under the Skin. ‘ Mark of the Beast Is Here, Ready for Your Approval

“Unless God Has Established You for This Very Information. You Will Be Worn Out by the Enemies of Men and Devils”. Doom for Eternity

As reported by The Local, Swedish authorities have recently instituted stricter requirements for large-scale events, including asking attendees to produce confirmation of their "double-vaccination status."

The outlet said that public meetings of more than 100 individuals that don't have additional infection control measures in place, such as social distancing or a limited number of persons permitted per group, will now need a valid Covid-19 immunization pass starting Wednesday.

The Swedish Public Health Agency's Karin Tegmark Wisell reportedly said in November that "vaccine passes are a measure that we consider as necessary. As a group, we cannot just sit back and hope for the best."

Everyone who is completely vaccinated is eligible for the Swedish vaccination pass, although not everyone is eligible for one.

People who have been vaccinated in a different country are presently exempt from Sweden's vaccination pass system, as are those who have a temporary "personnummer" (personal number) or "samordningsnummer" (coordination number).
CBN News noted that since that announcement, the number of people who have chosen to get a microchip instead of a passport has gone up.

Hannes Sjoblad, one of the recipients, informed a local news outlet that he had a microchip with his vaccination passport placed into his left hand. COVID-19 information appears on his cell phone when it is scanned.

In fact, according to Euronews.com, approximately 6,000 individuals in Sweden have had a chip implanted since 2014. Microchips have reportedly replaced keys, railway tickets, and ID cards in Sweden, making it easier for people to go about.

The video below (from Swedish news outlet Aftonbladet and tweeted by a netizen) shows how it works:

But in what many are calling the "Internet of bodies," CBN News said that medical implants and other gadgets that are implanted in the body and that connect to the internet are becoming more commonplace.

RAND fellow Mary Lee noted that "it's actually an ecosystem" where "a bunch of devices that are connected to the internet that contain software and that either collect personal health data about you or can alter the body's function."

"We think of this 'internet bodies' as a collection of all these devices as well as all the data," she said.

CBN News also noted that since the advent of the Omicron variant, numerous European states have reinstated restrictions.

The Christian outlet added that companies in Austria have been forced to shut early; in the Netherlands, businesses are being forced to close early as well; and in Germany, the unvaccinated have been barred from public venues like gyms and restaurants.

As for the U.S., after announcing new strategies to battle COVID-19 through the winter on Thursday, President Biden promised tighter testing for anyone entering the country.

"It doesn't involve shutdowns or lockdowns, but widespread vaccinations, and boosters, and testing and a lot more," Biden reportedly said.
As for the controversial Dr. Anthony Fauci, who serves as the White House's senior medical advisor and was part of the efforts to create COVID-19, there is no end in sight to the viral pandemic.

On CBS' Face the Nation, he reportedly remarked, "We're going to have to start living with COVID."

The “Luciferase Stamp” Are Not Allowed to Buy or Sell rev.13:17…

By Edward O’Hara

What if the “cov19 vaccine” is an agent by which the genetic code in the body is changed? And what if the “vaccine” has mRNA that by “transfection” carries into the cells material that changes them through what is known as “mutagenesis” so that they are literally changed genetically into something other than human? And what if the “hydrogel” that carries the “vaccine” into the body contains nanoparticles? (https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ofm3QnUjcIJT/)

What if those nanoparticles have the ability to mass reproduce themselves?


What if the mRNA that carries the new genetic code into the cell’s DNA changes the cells so that they do not send out antibodies to attack the introduced foreign nanoparticles?

(Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.)

What if 5G is the means by which the nanoparticles in the new species receives commands? (https://www.brighteon.com/c6b7d1a9-4cc6-42b4-82ef-1672ac742f60)

What if a “luciferase stamp” is used to ID people allowing only those who have voluntarily chosen to take the “cov19 vaccine” to buy or sell?


What if those who refuse the “luciferase stamp” are not allowed to buy or sell? Rev.13:17

Revelation 13-14 Satan's Henchmen

And what if the “luciferase stamp” that is to be used to ID those who have taken the “cov19 vaccine” that placed all those nanoparticles in them is the means by which 5G is given access and control over the new species? (https://www.brighteon.com/0b0d89f2-ef02-4b7c-8566-03db628c65f6)

What if this control is what is used to gather Satan’s army in “the day of the Lord”. Rev.20:8

What if this is how the beast is able to “wear out the saints”(Dan.7:25) and “make war with the saints and overcome them” for “forty two months”? Rev.13:5-7

What if all this is the same genetic manipulation that went on during “the days of Noah” and “the days of Lot”? Gen.6:1-6Luke17:28, and Mt.24:37

What if this genetic manipulation is “the seed of the serpent at enmity with the seed of the woman”? Gen.3:15 

What if this genetic manipulation is the cause of “If the Lord had not intervened no flesh would have been saved”? Mt.24:22

What if Satan is using the fear of death that makes men all their lifetime to be subject to bondage(Heb.2:15) to “cause both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive the mark in their right hand or forehead”? Rev.13:16

What if this is why Jesus said “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it”? Luke17:33

Why is the “cov19 vaccine” voluntary? What if the “cov19 vaccine” is voluntary because worship must be voluntary and this is the system by which the beast is worshipped and brings in the mark of the beast? Rev.13:15-17 

I have spoken with many who say they are Christians who have said they will take the “vaccine” to save their life and the life of others. Making a pretense at selflessness. While actually exhibiting the selfishness that Jesus said will cause them to lose their eternal life. I even read where so called Christian pastors have called the “cov19 vaccine” a “gift from God”.

I have shared these things with them. But, because of their fear of death they will not believe it is possible that this could be the mark of the beast. Even though as I have shown here it has all of the earmarks of the mark of the beast system described in Rev.13.

So to save their life they will voluntarily take the “cov19 vaccine”. But, are they actually taking the mark of the beast? So that what happens in the end is that they actually lose the life they could have had in eternity with Jesus?

Satan works by deception. And even with all the information showing that this has all the earmarks of the mark of the beast, many who call themselves Christian are still going to take it. Could they be those who Jesus said are the very elect that might be deceived if it were possible in Mt.24:24? Source: Edward O'Hara

Michigan Passes The Anti-Christ Bill to Microchip Humans Voluntarily, Next Round We Will Be Forced to Take the Mark, We Are Being Conditioned to Accept the Mark of the Beast…

By StevieRay Hansen | May 30, 2024 | 8 Comments

Gretchen Whitmer Satan, Stalin, or Both?…  Scripture describes the worthless person Gretchen Whitmer as one who “digs up evil” (Prov. 16:27), “makes a mockery of justice” (Prov. 19:28), and “plots evil against the LORD” (Nah. 1:11). She leads others away from the God (Deut. 13:13), is given to lewd behavior (Judg. 19:22), hides from justice (Judg. 20:13), is unreasonable (1 Sam. 25:17), defies authority (2 Sam. 20:1), is willing to lie against the innocent and promote injustice (1 Ki. 21:9-13), and seeks to overpower the timid leader (2 Chron. 13:7). It should be noted that worthless persons can be born into good families, for “the sons of Eli were worthless men; they did not know the LORD” (1 Sam. 2:12).  And, they can attach themselves to a godly leader and cause trouble, such as “the wicked and worthless men among those who went with […]


Watchman: Bill Gates, a Billionaire and Renegade Globalist, Is Urging Governments To Impose His “Global Digital ID” System Over the Interests of Their Citizens

By StevieRay Hansen | May 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

By SRH, The billionaire globalist Bill Gates wants countries to mandate his “global digital ID” scheme above the best interests of their citizens. The UNDP launched “50-in-5” last October to “help” 50 countries “design, launch, and scale components of their digital public infrastructure.”The Gates Foundation is a partner in this endeavor to introduce “safe, inclusive, and interoperable DPI” in those nations. India was called a DPI “success story” when the campaign was announced. Africa was targeted for “greater development of DPI.”Gates celebrated after India launched his massive digital ID system that keeps away non-users. In India, citizens must digitize their identities to use online services, receive healthcare, access their bank accounts, or buy food. Due to significant restrictions on non-compliant users, the technology has spread quickly, which Gates calls a “great success.” Gates argues that his digital ID is “changing […]


Watchman: Signs of Antichrist Emerging: WHO, UN, CDC & DOJ Deception. Bill Gates & Elected Officials Will Welcome the B.E.A.S.T. Demonic Activity Will Escalate!

By StevieRay Hansen | May 14, 2024 | 4 Comments

We Are Being Lied To Again-Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of humanity… The identity of the Antichrist has long been a source of both debate and anxiety for Christians. The Bible warns that many people will be taken in by his lies or fail to recognize him for what he is. No Christian wants to be one of those who are deceived by this frightening and demonic figure. Bill Gates: Introduction Into Destruction, The Mark Of The Beast “id2020 Alliance” Given that the stakes are nothing more or less than a person’s eternal soul, a great deal is riding on successfully identifying the Antichrist. The internet is filled with bloggers and preachers alike claiming that this political figure or that rival preacher is the Antichrist. Speculation is not […]


Bill Gates: Introduction Into Destruction, The Mark Of The Beast “id2020 Alliance”

By StevieRay Hansen | May 9, 2024 | 9 Comments

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil… Up-Date–Bill Gates Brought US The Personal Computer; Now He Brings US The Mark Of The Beast Under The Guise Of Virus Safety… “Immunity Certificates” Are Coming – COVID-Survivors To Get ‘Special Passports’ Enabling Return To ‘Normalcy’ American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.  Update: Even more prophetically, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman tweeted about his “optimism” and the need for “…Hydroxychloriquine and antibiotics appear to help. There is increasing evidence […]


Mr. Trump Will Be Instrumental in Bringing the Antichrist to the World Stage

By StevieRay Hansen | April 15, 2024 | 3 Comments

That Swamp MR. Trump Promise to Drain, Has Become Heavily Populated with the Worst of the Worst… Confusing: Trump seeks to protect Big Tech from European tax collectors but won’t protect his own supporters from being banned and censored? Have you ever been around a boaster? He goes around telling everyone how wonderful he is, how smart he is, how much he knows. Christians should go around telling people how wonderful Christ is, how great He is, how merciful, how kind, how powerful, how awesome, how righteous, etc. Boasting in ourselves is sinful pride; boasting in the Lord deflates our pride and gives all the glory to Him. True Christians confess, “The only thing I’m great at is being a great sinner, but Christ Jesus is a great Savior!” “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms […]



By Edward O'Hara | April 8, 2024 | 2 Comments

Edward O’Hara The free will that all men have that we talked about in our last video can be seen in the choices we make in our every day life. This is especially true now with the craziness going on in the world today which has made those choices as consequential as ever. Consequences contrived from an effort by many, even those who claim to be Christians, to encourage people to make the choice that could enslave them to Satan by accepting what has all the earmarks of the mark of the beast spoken of in Rev.13. These so called Christians do so by directly encouraging others to take the mark. And through censorship of those who know better and are trying to help others stay strong and reject the mark of the beast in these last days. And in […]


Watchman’s Warning: The Threshold Sign of the Beast, Assembling the Essential Components for the Mark of the Beast “CBDC”

By StevieRay Hansen | April 1, 2024 | 0 Comments

By SRH, The Threshold Sign of the Beast, Assembling the Essential Components for the Mark of the Beast And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18 By SRH, Worldwide, the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies is getting closer. China, with its digital Yuan leading the way, is conducting a massive trial involving over 25 million people. New guidelines for tourists […]


Watchman Says Bill Gates Is Unstable and Should be Lock-Up for the Sake of Humanity

By StevieRay Hansen | February 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

By SRH, Watchman:”Well-Documented” major adverse events and an unacceptable high harm-to-reward kill shot ratio were found in the study. This is why Watchman is going to jail. The researchers demanded a “global moratorium” for this reason. The Google Group, Bill Kill’Em Gates, and W.H.O. Fauci have all committed premeditated murder! Poison us from infancy in order to make us ill and keep us ill in order to collect money. It’s awful beyond belief. Though it appears to be a political conflict, it’s actually a spiritual struggle. The investigation discovered an unacceptably high kill-shot ratio of harm to reward in addition to “well-documented” major negative events. Who’s Going to Jail, Watchman? The researchers therefore requested a “global moratorium.” The W.H.O. Fauci, Bill Kill’em Gates, and the Google Group have all intentionally killed! Following the initial trials conducted by Pfizer and Moderna,… […]


These Doctors are presenting their Educational Research Information about ‘How they Combat Cancer and Cleaned Out their Own Arteries’.

By Dinesh Kaushiva | January 11, 2024 | 0 Comments

January 11 , 2024 The actions of the current Governments’ are that they are Intentionally introducing GMO and MRNA Technology to our Food and Drink Supplies with Nano Metallic Particles Engineered with Artificial Intelligence Bots and Synthetic Biology, Weather Conditions created with Geo- engineering by the Democrat Party, Bill Gates, George Soros, Barrack Hussein Obama, Big Pharma and Military Industrial Complex causing constant attacks on our health with their Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene Therapy ‘Bio-Weapon Injections and CHEMTRAILS it is encouraging to hear from Physicians who have presented their Educational Research information as how it improved their own health. These videos are not Info-Commercials or selling any products. The following information is not to taken as any Medical Advice it is being provided for your review only for information and education purposes. After your review it is strongly recommended that […]


A Legendary Investigator and a Filmmaker who exposed the Entities of the One World Order’s and its colluding Democrat Party Elites’ Agenda has died.

By Dinesh Kaushiva | December 31, 2023 | 0 Comments

December 31, 2023 A World Legend in the Fight Against the World Economic Forum, Military Industrial Industry, Chinese Communist and Colluding Democrat Party’s Total Control has left her legendary research for us to carry on the fight. Her investigative research exposes some of the major World Entities who are using their Wealth, Power, Influence to implement their Agenda to destroy anyone who stands in their way to establish their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT ORDER, RELIGION, DIGITAL CURRENCY, DIGITAL ID, DEPOPULATION AND TRANSHUMANISM. Allegedly, according to her research, the country of Netherlands is the Epic Center of the Workings of the One World Order Religion (SATAN WORSHIP AND LGBTQ +) ,  Global Human Trafficking, Child Sex Trade, Acquisition, Harvesting and Distribution of Human Organs, Drugs Use and Distribution and Adrenochrome’s Billion Dollar Network (Adrenochrome Industry that draws blood from captive children when […]


Source: HNewsWire    HNewsWire    HNewsWire    HNewsWire     HNewsWire     HNewsWire    HNewsWire    HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

If it kills, it's a pestilent. If you get sick and feel peony for a few days and lose your taste and smell, it's a seasonal flu which we've had since the beginning of time, contrary to what phony doctors and or phony scientists have pushed as the gospel. Yes, it's the gospel of evil, the gospel of Satan

One thought on “Sweden: Be Smitten by Your Vaccine Passports in a Chip in Your Hand or Elsewhere Under the Skin. ‘ Mark of the Beast Is Here, Ready for Your Approval

  1. It very clear that justice would NOT happen through the current court system, especially in Germany. His years of experience in litigating in these corrupt courts have also taught him that the politicians are merely puppets, and that the real criminals are a small group of very wealthy people who are actually calling the shots, and these are the people that need to be tried.

    And the original Nuremberg trials after WWII did NOT bring justice against the Globalists who funded both sides of the war, as the rich leaders of corporations like IBM and Ford were never tried, let alone convicted for their crimes against humanity that allowed Hitler and Nazism to rise to power.

    Some of the Nazi doctors who were just “following orders” were tried, convicted, and executed, but the ones giving the orders were not.

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