3 mins read

Watchman: Vaccination AKA Kill Shots Is an Attack on Life, Health, and the Body. Kill Shots, AkA Vaccination: A Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty,” Anti-Christ Poison to God Human Perfect Design

Are they saying we’re just too stupid to notice that these are maiming and killing people? HNewsWire: A baby is injected with 24 diseases by 24 weeks. Are they saying we’re just too stupid to notice that these are maiming and killing people? The process of vaccination defies the natural function of the immune system; Vaccinated people are among the sickest. They think a baby’s immune system is flawed, their answer is to inject 24 different diseases into a baby by 24 weeks, multiple times. Our children are suffering from more allergies, illnesses, and diseases than ever before due to their barbaric vaccine agenda. Vaccination is an assault upon the body, health, and life and should be resisted even unto death: “VACCINATION A Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty” – The Theocrat (1914) Lioness of Judah Ministry · December […]


10 mins read

Watchman: the Kill Shots AKA COVID Vaccinations Are Neither Safe nor Effective, Watchman Termed Them Kill Shot “The Most Evil Pharmaceutical Development Idea in the History of Mankind.” Now We Have Pestilence Via Vaccines

HNewsWire: “It often comes as a surprise to people that mRNA-type medical interventions and coronavirus vaccines had plenty of red flags throughout their history prior to December 2020. The ingredients used were already known to be toxic. Cationic lipids injure the nervous system, lungs, and liver, as well as cell membranes throughout the body. Polyethylene glycol was never used for injections due to safety concerns. mRNA had already been shown to change DNA. Previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines had all failed and killed the test animals. So inflicting the world’s population with a new, mostly untested vaccine for which its components already had so many safety warnings was the most widespread reckless experiment in human history.” Manslaughter by government decree Pestilence has arrived. Evidence is materializing that the COVID variant poses a very real threat to patients who have already […]


1 min read

Watchman: Dr. Hodkinson: “It’s Not a Time to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ – It’s a Time to Put These Bastards in Jail” “ We’ve Seen the Biggest Kill Ever in Medicine History…”

HNewsWire: “Should we forgive and forget?” “Absolutely not!” roared Dr. Roger Hodkinson. “How can you look into the eyes of a pregnant woman and tell her that this experimental product is safe? How can you do that as a physician? No! Any physician that has done that should be in jail.” Source: HATSTRUTH Beef in Bulk: Half, Quarter, or Eighth Cow Shipped to Your Door Anywhere within Texas Only We do not mRNA vaccinate our cattle, nor will we ever! Grass Fed, Grass Finished Beef! From Our Ranch to Your Table Order Today


10 mins read

Watchman: New COVID-19 Kill Shot Vaccinations Have Been Approved by the FDA in an Effort to Combat the Decreasing Efficiency of Previous Kill Shot Vaccines, and as a Result, the “Kill Shot” Is Now Considerably More Effective ( Death Almost Immediately) . Heed the Advice From Satan Soldiers at the FDA. Srh: Screw You FDA

SRH: What fun! One more chance to play “kill shot roulette” Resist encouraging the FDA, which is dangerous, crooked, and has no power. They can’t tell you what to do! It makes sense that they chose September 11 to show off their new bio-terrorism kill shot. HNewsWire: U.S. drug regulators on Sept. 11 cleared new COVID-19 vaccines to try to counter the poor effectiveness the current slate provide.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared shots from Moderna and Pfizer that will be available to Americans as young as 6 months of age later this month. “Vaccination remains critical to public health and continued protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death,” Dr. Peter Marks, a top FDA official, said in a statement. “We very much encourage those who are eligible to consider getting vaccinated.” The FDA approved the […]


5 mins read


December 21, 2023 THIS IS NOT A MEDICAL ADVICE BUT THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR EVERY PERSON TO REVIEW IT, DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE  AND MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS AFTER THE CONSULTATION WITH THEIR OWN DOCTORS. Dr. Peterson Pierre Provides a Warning About Shots for Kids That You Won’t Hear From Most Pediatricians By Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute • Dec. 20, 2023 https://thelibertydaily.com/dr-peterson-pierre-provides-warning-about-shots-kids/ The following chart shows that Democrat Party’s and their Controlled Agencies have failed the American Citizens by their COVID-19 Mandates and SPIKE PROTEIN EXPERIMENT UNTESTED COVID-19 ‘BIO-WEAPON’ INJECTIONS BEING PROCLAIMED AS VACCINES AND BOOSTERS. The above chart was compiled by Dinesh Kaushiva with the data from the following World COVID-19 Website. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Despite the fact that America ‘s COVID-19  data of INFECTIONS AND DEATHS are allegedly corrupted and in actually are much higher that shown […]


2 mins read

“Australian Gov’t Official Blows Whistle: ‘We Planned the Pandemic Decades Ago”

Dinesh Kaushiva November 9, 2023   An Senator Malcolm Roberts held a COVID INQUIRY 2.0 and during an almost 11 hours of presentations exposed the secrets and background about the 2020 COVID-19 PLAN-demic. One of his presentations can be heard on the following video by advancing it to approximately 5:35:00 point. ———————————– “Australian Gov’t Official Blows Whistle: ‘We Planned the Pandemic Decades Ago’    November 4, 2023 https://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/australian-govt-official-blows-whistle.html A senior Australian government official has blown the whistle on how the global elites planned the COVID pandemic decades in advance. ======================= Senator Malcolm Roberts Drops COVID-19 BOMBSHELLS In Australian Senate https://rumble.com/vz44ow-senator-malcolm-roberts-drops-covid-19-bombshells-in-australian-senate.html ============================= Please share with your  Family, Friends and even FOE. ======================== Information how to contact your Elected Officials; Attn: Some of the Senators and almost all Congressional Representatives limit contact only to their States in case of Senators and Districts in […]


2 mins read

Strategies exposed used by The Democrat Party and The World Economic to deceive America and The World to launch the 2021 COVID-19 Holocaust.

Dinesh Kaushiva October 18, 2023 After reviewing all the Events and Global Coordination and their successful subjecting almost every country of the World it confirms that The Spike Protein COVID-19 PLAN-demic was a very well organized sophisticated attack on Humanity. The details provided by  this very comprehensive article is very educational, informative and exposes how the 2020-2021 COVID-19 World Holocaust was very successfully staged in America and Globally. Tragically, it is still continuing in America and other countries whose leaders are complicit with The World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, Barrack Hussein Obama, Central Banks, United Nations, World Health Organization, British Crown, Vatican, Rothschild, Bilderberg, Rockefeller, Military Industrial Complex, Hollywood, over 300 Wealth Investors and The Chinese Communist Party’s Military etc ———————– The launching of their Spike Protein COVID-19 PLAN-demic was to implement their One World: Order, Government, Religion, […]


14 mins read

Watchman: This Is How Fatally Safe and Efficient It Is. Kill Shot Vaccine Pharmaceuticals Mercilessly Unleashed Their Lethal, Poisonous mRNA Vaccine Upon the Unsuspecting Global Community, Leaving Little Chance for Survival

What a Despicable, Ruthless Bunch of Evil Scoundrels! Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Pressured South Africa Into Implementing Provisions That Shielded the Companies From Claims Over COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries, Newly Disclosed Documents Show Pfizer, J&J Pressured South Africa Into Shielding Companies From COVID Vaccine Injury Claims – Documents Additional Documents are Expected to be Released Under the Court Order Later This Month HNewsWire: By Zachary Stieber September 7, 2023 Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson pressured South Africa into implementing provisions that shielded the companies from claims over COVID-19 vaccine injuries, newly disclosed documents show. Pfizer made the implementation of indemnification and a compensation fund part of its COVID-19 vaccine contract with South Africa, according to documents obtained by the Health Justice Initiative. One document states that South Africa was agreeing to “indemnify, defend, and hold harmless” Pfizer and its partner […]


21 mins read

Watchman:Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Data Speak for Itself”I Combined All of the Data We Have Into This Post That Demonstrates Governments and Big Pharma Are Injecting Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide, and Other Graphene Variations Into People. To Eliminate the Useless, According to the Wicked Elitist

SRH: This evidence was discovered and proven numerous times already by independent research teams, scientists, Biotech whistleblowers and the few ethical Journalists remaining. There’s a concerted effort by the pharmaceutical cartel funded “fact checkers,” Big Tech platforms and mainstream media, to hide the evidence and slander the people bringing this to light.The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 HNewsWire: “If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” Fauci said. Both mainstream and popular alternative media are flouting a new cycle of headlines for the potential of lockdowns and isolation returning, along with a return to masking and to receive a new vaccination. At the same time in recent days Dr. Anthony Fauci made a return, once again touting the […]


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