7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional,Paul Has Been Defending Himself Against the False Teachers, Whom He Mockingly Refers to as “Super-Apostles.” He Does Not Specify What They Taught in This Letter, but in the Preceding Verses, Paul States That They Were Teaching a Different Jesus, a Different Spirit, and a Different Gospel, Most of Today’s Pastor/ Soft Christian’s

Daily Devotional: Indeed, I consider that I am not in the least inferior to these super-apostles. 2 Corinthians 11:5 Paul started this section by saying it was foolish to compare worldly credentials, but since they are doing so, he will answer these fools according to their folly (Proverbs 24:53). He mocks them by referring to them as super-apostles, for that is how they presented themselves, not just as God’s representatives, but as the elite representatives of Jesus, or we should say, another Jesus. When a clever, fallen person sees a humble group of people, he or she sees dollar signs. Even today, some Christian leaders whose names we admire are or were paid salaries that would make them blush if they were asked about them in public. Ministers are worthy of double honor, according to Paul (1 Timothy 5:174), implying […]


4 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional,Apostle Paul Had a Wise, Yet Challenging Advice to the Church of Romans in His Letter. He Instructed Them to Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction and Faithful in Prayer (Romans 12:12)

Daily Devotional: When we are suffering, there is a need to endure and be still. Although this is quite a difficult truth to accept, we are assured of God’s comfort amid these seasons. May these prayers of strength from Paul in his letter to the Colossians be for you: Colossians 1:11 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy. Prayer: Lord, I trust in your complete knowledge and comprehension of me. I believe in Your complete and limitless ability to carry out Your holy will. I believe you care and want to assist me, and I am confident that You will take the best, most loving, and most appropriate actions toward me and my needs. So, Lord, keep […]


5 mins read

Watchman: A Daily Devotional, Jesus Said Several Things Would Precede the Last Days: Numerous False Christs Would Appear, Duping Many; We Would “Hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars,” And There Would Be an Increase in “Famines and Pestilences—it Is Already Here

Daily Devotional: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go in to Pharaoh and tell him, “Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: ‘Let My people go, that they may serve Me. For if you refuse to let them go, and still hold them, behold, the hand of the Lord will be on your cattle in the field, on the horses, on the donkeys, on the camels, on the oxen, and on the sheep—a very severe pestilence. And the Lord will make a difference between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt’”’” (Exodus 9:1-4). SRH: The identical biblical passage could be directly associated with Bill Gates and his group of rebellious individuals. The person in question asserts that it is necessary to cease tampering with the God Gene Bill Gates, as failure to do so might end in […]


5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, May God’s Will Be Done, Here on Earth, Just as It Is in Heaven (Matt. 6:10). It Is an Aggressive Prayer to Ask That God’s Will Be Done Here on Earth

Daily Devotional: Many people believe that everything that happens is somehow God’s will.But that is not the case. Lives snuffed out by murderous aggressors and families shattered by adultery are not God’s will. Children Force into Trans EVIL no-sense and adults who have been abused or are disabled by disease are not against God’s will. He employs sin and illness to further His purposes (Rom. 8:28), but they are not His desire. God will eventually destroy all evil and perfectly fulfill His will (Rev. 20:10-14), but this has not yet occurred. That is why we must pray for the accomplishment of His will on earth. We cannot afford to be indifferent or passive in prayer. We must pray fervently and not lose heart (Luke 18:1). David prayed in this manner. His desire to do God’s will drove him to pray […]


5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Praying for Christ’s Rule—”Thy Kingdom Come” (Matt. 6:10)–When You Pray, “Thy Kingdom Come,” You Are Praying for Christ to Reign on Earth as He Already Does in Heaven

Daily Devotional: Sin and rebellion are now rampant, but when Christ’s kingdom comes, they will be done away with (Rev. 20:7-9). When we hear the word kingdom we tend to think of medieval castles, kings, knights, and the like. But “kingdom” in Matthew 6:10 translates a Greek word that means “rule” or “reign.” We could translate the phrase, “Thy reign come.” That gives a clearer sense of what Christ meant. He prayed that God’s rule would be as apparent on earth as it is in heaven. God’s kingdom was the central issue in Christ’s ministry. He proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23) and instructed His followers to make the kingdom a priority in their own lives (Matt. 6:33). He told parables about its character and value (Matt. 13) and indicted the scribes and Pharisees for hindering those who sought to […]


5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, “Hallowed Be Thy Name” (Matt. 6:9). Prayer Should Always Exalt God. Your Prayer Should Literally Begin and End With God

Daily Devotional: Psalm 102:15 says, “The nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Thy glory. The Disciples’ Prayer exemplifies the importance that God should place on our prayers. Jesus began by extolling the Father, saying, “Hallowed be Thy name” (v. 9), and then asked for the Father’s kingdom to come and His will to be done (v. 10). He ended with a praise song: “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen” (v. 13). God is the beginning and finish of his prayer. “Hallowed be Thy name” extols the Lord’s name and establishes a tone of reverence and surrender that is maintained throughout the prayer. Wherever God’s name is honored, He will be loved and worshipped, His kingdom will be joyfully expected, and His will will be […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Jesus Is the Great Deliverer. He Has Come to Free You From Slavery to the World So That You Can Worship Him

Daily Devotional: Blessed Is That Word “Free,” and Blessed Is He Who Spends Himself to Make Men So Egypt is a microcosm of the world. Pharaoh is comparable to Satan, the prince of this world. Those who are called by God are born into the world and subject to its rule. But when the LORD summons them, the prince of this world will not let them leave easily. He wants their servitude. He desires their worship and despises the idea of people worshiping the LORD. “I will not let my slaves go,” he usually says. The LORD summons those to whom He will give His firstborn son. He considers them his own children. As the heirs of their father, the firstborn have rights and benefits. The Father summons us from the world to worship Him. We have been serving Pharaoh, […]


3 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, God Empowers and Equips Every Believer Who Trusts Him Enough to Act On His Word

  Matthew 14:22-33 Sometimes obeying the Lord feels as if we’re taking a chance. Like Peter, we may find ourselves in a precarious situation, overcome by fear. Although life is filled with uncertainties, biblical truths never change. As we focus on them, we’ll be able to obey with confidence—not in our desired outcome, but in the Lord’s faithfulness. We can count on God being with us. It’s impossible for believers to live a single day without His presence because our relationship with Him through our Savior Jesus Christ is a permanent one (Heb. l3:5). God’s love for us is deep and abiding, and His promises are sure. When He calls us to leave our “comfort zone,” we can obey because He’s there at our side. God’s enabling power is ours. The Holy Spirit gives us divine strength to do what the Father […]


5 mins read

Christian Persecution” How Should a Christian Respond

to Persecution?” First, We Must FIGHT… There is no doubt that persecution is a stark reality of living the Christian life. Christian persecution is to be expected: the apostle Paul warned that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that, if they persecuted Him, they will also persecute His followers (John 15:20). Jesus made it clear that those of the world will hate Christians because the world hates Christ. If Christians were like the world—vain, earthly, sensual, and given to pleasure, wealth, and ambition—the world would not oppose us. But Christians do not belong to the world, which is why the world engages in Christian persecution (see John 15:18–19). Christians are influenced by different principles from those of the world. We are motivated by the love of God and […]


1 min read

He That Speaks Truth Shames the Devil, Truth Established, Truth Must Prevail

“The lip of truth shall be established for ever; but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” (Proverbs 12:19) Truth wears well. Time tests it, but it right well endures the trial. If, then, I have spoken the truth and have for the present to suffer for it, I must be content to wait. If also I believe the truth of God and endeavor to declare it, I may meet with much opposition, but I need not fear, for ultimately the truth must prevail. What a poor thing is the temporary triumph of falsehood! “A lying lip is but for a moment!” It is a mere gourd which comes up in a night and perishes in a night; and the greater its development the more manifest its decay. On the other hand, how worthy of an immortal being is […]


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