9 mins read

Pale Horse In Play: As a Result of Inflation Riots That Have Already Triggered Sociology-Economic Unrest in Sri Lanka and Peru, the Dominoes Are Starting to Fall, Get Ready for a “Serious Food Shortages” Coming

HNewsWire: the president of the United States appeared in front of the globe this week, anticipating “serious food shortages” while failing to present a strategy to keep us nourished. “With respect to food shortages—yes, we did discuss food shortages, and, um, and it’s going to be real,” His Fraudulence Joe Biden remarked during a press conference on Thursday. “The price of these sanctions is placed not just on Russia, but on a slew of other nations as well.” Including European nations as well as our own.” Naturally, Biden made this statement only a few days after Press Secretary Lyin’ Ginger said that Americans are unlikely to experience food shortages. “While we do not foresee a food crisis in the United States, we do predict that increased energy, fertilizer, wheat, and grain prices may effect the cost of producing and buying […]


17 mins read

Update: Pale Horse In Play: Your Children Will Be Dead if You Follow Satan’s Soldiers’ W.H.O., FDA, Medical Communities or Governments’ Order. The Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Advisers Gave a Thumbs-up to Kill Shot Vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer for the Littlest Kids

  Beef in Bulk: Half, Quarter, or Eighth Cow Shipped to Your Door Anywhere within Texas Only We do not mRNA vaccinate our cattle, nor will we ever! Grass Fed, Grass Finished Beef! Here is a discount code for HNewsWire readers to get 20 percent off first order: HNEWS20 From Our Ranch to Your Table Order Today   Study CDC Cited In Arguing For COVID-19 Vaccines For Babies Being Updated HNewsWire: A non-peer-reviewed study that U.S. government scientists cited in asserting COVID-19 is a leading cause of death for children is being updated after inaccuracies were detected. A general view of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Ga., on Sept. 30, 2014. (Tami Chappell/Reuters) The preprint paper, published in May, says that COVID-19 has been the fifth-leading cause of death during the pandemic for […]


16 mins read

Pestilence “COVID Wave!” Satan Soldiers Wanting to Mask and Isolate People Again, Continuing to Push the Kill Shot Poison Injection

HNewsWire: A bacterial lung infection was the cause of death. Pestilence So, as Fauci said in a case study paper on the Spanish Flu not long ago, 20 million of the 50 million people who perished died from bacterial lung infections caused by mask misuse. Covid is a  Pestilence virus, not a bacterium. I don’t care if individuals test positive for covid; the tests have previously been shown to produce false positives and are not specific to the covid virus. These folks are dying from lung diseases caused by excessive mask wearing, and China’s insane zero-covid rules have damaged everyone’s immune systems. It’s also been widely established that the covid injection makes individuals more susceptible to covid and other illnesses, as well as killing people’s natural immune systems. In Canada, health officials are yelling “covid wave!” and threatening to disguise and […]


20 mins read

Satan Soldier Proven Liar Wannabe Dr. Anthony Fauci Complained Monday That Americans Are Refusing to “Adhere”to Authorities,in Other Words, Be Yoked to COVID UNGODLY Restrictions, While Asserting That Everyone Should Still Be Wearing Face Diapers Indoors. SRH: We the People Will Not Comply With Evil!

Fauci Complains That Americans Will Not “Adhere” To Authorities HNewsWire: The Daily Mail UK’s editors clearly aren’t looking forward to re-masking this Fall, since they ran a story this weekend headlined, “Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer.” Imagine that. Long mask syndrome. The headline and the social media takes are a little overheated, like a person wearing a mask all day, so let’s figure out what the article really says and doesn’t say. Now remember, one of Science™’s sacred cows is the religious belief that masks are totally harmless, only a minor inconvenience at worst. If you dare question that assumption, prepare to face the unholy wrath of the white-coat army. The Mail’s article reported on an April study courageously published in the […]


11 mins read

Watchman: Just Look at Australia. Look at New Zealand. Consider Canada. Look at Britain. Can You Have Guns There? No, They Have Taken Them Away. What Did They Do? They Forced the Population Into Lockdown. They Forced the Population to Get the Kill Shot Jab. The Gov. Is Now the People’s Enemy

  HNewsWire: ‘Global System Collapse’ The Plandemic That Will Kill Millions — Tribulation… The Pandemic and the Globalist Calls “Look at Australia.” Consider New Zealand. Consider Canada. Consider the United Kingdom. Can you bring firearms? No, they were taken away. What exactly did they do? They put the population under lockdown. They forced everyone to get the Kill Shop jab. Consider Australia. Consider New Zealand. Take, for example, Canada. Consider the United Kingdom. Can you bring firearms? No, they were taken away. What exactly did they do? They put the population under lockdown. They compelled the populace to receive the kill shot jab. The government is now the enemy of the people. According to precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter, “nothing is getting better,” and the evidence is all around us that we are clearly on the verge of […]


13 mins read

Watchman: Monkeypox Is a Homosexual Disease, Similar to Aids. 99% of Cases Are Sexually Transmitted. The CDC (Satan Soldiers) Shift the Focus to Combat Racism & Stigma. Really?

SRH: Homosexuals Are great liars, a real special Sub-human breed. They lie pathologically, constantly, and sometimes without even realizing it. An evil liar will often lie so much that their lies are what form their reality. In living a life of lies, their own minds become prisoners to their own evil behaviors. Some evil people only lie a little bit, maybe stretching the truth to make themselves seem stronger, smarter, or better. Some evil people lie about you and others. But one thing is for sure: they are liars. The lies serve as a tool to manipulate a reality for the beliefs that serve them. When caught in a lie, they will probably try to gaslight you, make you question reality as it is, and make you continue to look to them as a source of strength when all they […]


8 mins read

Watchman: Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines, Biden Warns “Everybody Should Be Concerned”—Srh: Well, the Truth Has Finally Come Out. What Everyone Should Have Been Concerned About When the Homosexuals Invaded Children’s Schools; When the Homosexuals Took Over Our Streets With Their Flags and Signs Proclaiming How Proud They Were; They Were to Violate All of God’s Laws

HNewsWire:Belgium has begun monkeypox quarantines, and Biden has issued a warning. “Everyone Should Be Worried” – SRH: Well, the truth has finally come out, what everyone should have been concerned about, when homosexuals invaded children’s schools, when homosexuals took over our streets with their flags and signs proclaiming how proud they were to violate ALL of God’s laws, we were told to stand down, we being Christians, and some pastors in the so-called churches went along with it, and now we have a pestilence running rampant killing innocent people, you who ignore this,”Enjoy” pestilence, starvation, plague, illnesses, pandemics, Tribulation.   After three cases were reported in the nation, Belgium became the first country to impose a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for people who come into contact with the virus. The formal seat of the Belgian parliament is the Palace of […]


9 mins read

Watchman’s Update: Pale Horse In Play Pestilence Is on the Move in a Big Way: China and Now America Reports the First Ever Human Case of H3N8 Bird flu

HNewsWire: Pestilence Avian Influenza Weekly Update Number 878 13 January 2023 Human infection with avian influenza A (H5) viruses. Human infection with the avian influenza A (H5N1) virus Between 6 January and 12 January 2023, no new cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus were reported to WHO in the Western Pacific R Human infection with avian influenza A(H5) viruses Human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus Between 6 January and 12 January 2023, no new cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus were reported to WHO in the Western Pacific Region. As of 12 January 2023, a total of 240 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus have been reported from four countries within the Western Pacific Region since January 2003 (Table 1). Of these cases, 135 were fatal, resulting in a case […]


7 mins read

Update: Pale Horse In Play: Pestilence, Monkeypox Lightning-Fast Spread Around the Globe Warp Speed, Time Is Short People, Un-godliness Has Run It’s Course,Tribulation Playing Out RealTime

The Main Stream Media Removed Any Mention of Transmission via Homosexual Activity. Just Like They Did With HIV/Aids HNewsWire:  Romans 1:27 – “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Yes, Paul actually talks about how homosexuality is a punishment for pride!.   UN-Godliness, Monkeypox is allegedly on the agenda for an urgent meeting of the WHO. HNewsWire: The Globe Health Organization is apparently organizing an emergency conference to discuss the frightening spread of monkeypox throughout the world, including a probable case in New York. According to the Telegraph, the United Nations’ health agency is gathering together renowned specialists on the uncommon illness after a number of additional nations disclosed their […]


10 mins read

Update: 8/6/22 Polio Resurfaces in New York, Step-Up and Get Yours, New York Health Officials Say Infection Originated in a Kill Shot Vaccine, Who’s Next?

Side Bar: While in Texas, we spoke with Dr. Robert Malone about how the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) actually works, and how many of these adverse events are truly reported. He revealed to us the inner workings of the VAERS system, its shortfalls, attempts that have been made to update it, and the difficulty of finding the true number of deaths resulting from the COVID vaccine. Watch Video Source: ET Pestilence On The Move Again: Health Officials Said ‘Hundreds’ of People in NY “May” ,That Would Mean Are Infected With Polio HNewsWire: Last month, news of an unvaccinated man acquiring polio and suffering paralysis in New York’s Rockland County was quickly followed by reports of the virus being identified in the county’s wastewater. According to CNBC, polio has been found in sewage samples gathered from two distinct sites […]


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