6 mins read

Watchman: Americans Must Leave the Food Industrial Complex and Build Their Own Farms or Buy From Small Mom-And-Pop Ranches

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden A devastating wildfire ravages parts of the Texas Panhandle, home to more than 85% of the state’s cattle herd. This comes when the nation’s cattle herd has collapsed to a seven-decade low, pushing up retail beef prices at the supermarket to record high levels. Texas A&M Forest Service said the wildfire, called Smokehouse Creek fire, has scorched more than 850,000 acres (344,000 hectares) of grasslands as of Wednesday. Source: Bloomberg  Reuters spoke with state Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who warned the wildfire has likely killed tens of thousands of livestock and destroyed grain in storage bins. “It’s almost like gasoline when it goes up,” Miller said, adding, “We have now lost over a million acres. Miller said the wildfire rages in the Panhandle area, where 85% of the state’s herd is located. It’s important to note that […]


9 mins read

Watchman: In America 17 Million Households Starving You Can Thank Google and All of Satan Soldiers

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden President Biden called the latest jobs numbers as “Bidenomics in action.” The elderly president, who sometimes appears to exhibit strong signs of ‘cognitive fog,’ said he “continues to fight to build an economy from the middle out and bottom up.” But working-class Americans know better than to trust the statical magicians at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and, in a recent poll, do not trust the government’s rosy economic news. The distrust is warranted because not even the United States Department of Agriculture can pretend Bidenomics is working anymore. A new report from the agency shows household food insecurity in 2022 soared to levels not seen since Biden was vice president during the Obama administration. USDA found that 87.2% of households were food secure last year. The remaining 12.8% (about 17 million households) were food insecure. This is the […]


21 mins read

Watchman Take Note of Food Lines in America: This Level of Idiocy Is Real! Without a Doubt, the Government Will Handle This Issue With Its Typical Flair—That Is, by Making It Worse

HNewsWire: In an effort to address what they see as the region’s rising food insecurity problem, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors overwhelmingly adopted a proposal on November 7 to establish a new Office of Food Equity. Supervisors Lindsey Horvath and Janice Hahn wrote the plan, which aims to strengthen the county’s Food Equity Roundtable—which was founded in 2021 to link food producers with public and private nonprofits. The coalition was financially supported by the Annenberg, California Community, and Weingart foundations. According to Ms. Hahn, the creation of the new organization would allow the county to improve its food system. This is the real deal in foolishness! The government will undoubtedly handle this situation with its signature flair, which is to exacerbate it.   Beautiful automobiles to load up with free food. How many of the people getting free […]


1 min read

Watchman Says the Mark Mandated: Satan Soldiers at the World Economic Forum Have Decided That All Citizens Must Be Implanted With a CBDC Microchip in the Very Near Future in Order to Properly Engage in Society and Do Basic Things Like Buy Food and Water—We Have No Say in the Matter

HNewsWire: Implanted under the skin until Elon Musk’s handlers get NeuraLink ready for primetime… The WEF has declared that all citizens must be implanted with a CBDC microchip in the very near future, in order to be able to fully participate in society and do basic things such as purchase food and water. According to Professor Richard Werner, in the very near future citizens will “need to use the latest technology” such as a “CBDC chip implant” in order to access their bank accounts. Professor Richard A. Werner is an economist and professor of banking and finance. He is known as the proponent of a new post-crisis monetary policy he called Quantitative Easing (“QE”) – which he proposed in Japan in 1995 as chief economist of a British investment bank. He has also worked as a researcher at the University of…...

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