4 mins read

Watchman:There Are in Fact “Boots on the Ground” in Ukraine, Notwithstanding What the United States and the United Kingdom Have Publicly Stated. More Lies From Our Pretended Leader

HNewsWire-A French journalist who returned from Ukraine with volunteer fighters told CNews the Americans are directly “in control” of the ground fighting. Georges Malbrunot, Le Figaro’s senior foreign reporter, made the claim. Malbrunot said that he had previously fought with two French volunteers against ISIS. “I was surprised, as were others, to learn that to be allowed to join the Ukrainian army, well, it’s the Americans who are in control,” Malbrunot said. The journalist went on to say that he and the volunteers were “nearly detained” by the Americans, who claimed to be in command. They were then compelled to sign a contract “till the conclusion of the conflict,” according to the journalist. “And who is in command?” It’s the Americans’ fault. “I witnessed it with my own eyes,” Malbrunot said, adding, “I believed I was with the international brigades, […]


12 mins read

Will Putin Fulfill Biblical Prophecy and Attack Israel? Part 5

Escalating Tensions: Welcome back! When we started this series a few months ago, there was very little indication that Russo-Israeli relations were anything but warm and friendly. Why? Surprisingly, Russia is a diplomatic powerbroker in the Middle East and has extensive leverage over Israel’s main enemies—the Palestinians, Lebanon, Iran, and Syria, just to name a few. Israel desperately needs Russia to help with their national security concerns. Today however, tensions are escalating between the two nations at an alarming… or shall we say “Biblical” pace. We may be the generation that sees the Old Testament prophecy (Ezekiel 38-39) fulfilled during our lifetime. Catch up on the entire series by clicking on the articles below. Will Putin Fulfill Biblical Prophecy and Attack Israel? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Pedophiles Do Evil Things Most people know that Putin assassinates […]


8 mins read

The United Nations Warns Russia and the Ukraine War Will Increase Global Food Prices, Ushering in a New World Order Mayhem Figureheads U.N. as They Become Prominent in World Events

HNewsWire- With dozens of nations worldwide strongly reliant on Ukraine and Russia for food supply, the United Nations warned Friday that the protracted conflict is likely to push up global food costs and exacerbate malnutrition in the Global South. With Ukraine and Russia’s capacity to produce and export food in doubt, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warned that a worldwide supply deficit “may drive up international food and feed prices by 8% to 22% over their already high levels” (FAO). Two weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has killed over 560 civilians and displaced over 2.5 million people, the FAO reported that up to 30% of Ukrainian wheat crops would be unharvested during the 2022–2023 season owing to the fighting. “In June, cereal crops will be ready for harvest,” FAO Director General Qu Dongyu said. “It is […]


8 mins read

The United States Has Warned Russia That if Its Territory Is Hit as a Result of Strikes Near the Polish Border, NATO Would Respond With “Full Force.” It’s Getting Ugly, Tribulation In Play

HNewsWire-The White House is considering Russia’s Sunday strike on Ukraine’s base at Yavoriv, which is barely 10 to 15 miles from NATO member Poland’s border, a hazardous escalation targeted at the West, especially given that US National Guardsmen were allegedly training Ukrainian forces there only a month ago. Following the news of the strike, which killed an estimated 35 people, US national security advisor Jake Sullivan warned that NATO is prepared to respond “with full force” if Russia attacked NATO territory. “If there is a military strike on NATO territory, we will invoke Article 5, and we will bring the whole weight of the NATO alliance to bear in responding,” he told CBS News. Russia is said to have launched 30 missiles against the facility, which is just a few minutes’ drive from Poland’s border: “All I’ll say is that […]


12 mins read

A Taste of Their Own Medicine The Russian Government Has Reportedly Blocked Access to Facebook and Twitter They Got What They Deserved Completely Wiped Out

HNewsWire-In reaction to the social media Masters of the Universe setting limits on Russian official media, the Russian government is said to have entirely restricted access to Facebook and Twitter in the nation. According to the Guardian, Russia has restricted Facebook and Twitter access in response for the sites’ limitations on Russian official media outlets such as Russia Today and Sputnik. Breitbart News recently revealed that Russian media sites including Russia Today and Sputnik have been totally banned throughout the European Union by Facebook (including Instagram), YouTube, and TikTok. After battle in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022, an armored personnel carrier burns and damaged light utility vehicles lie abandoned. Ukrainian military fought Russian troops who invaded the country’s second-largest city on Sunday, according to local officials. After battle in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022, an armored […]


6 mins read

Russian Residents Are Said to Be Fleeing the Country in Anticipation of Vladimir Putin’s Declaration of Martial Rule

Several journalists, both international and native, have been forced to flee the country. HNewsWire- Russian people have apparently begun to evacuate the nation in anticipation of President Vladimir Putin’s expected declaration of martial rule, according to reports. Earlier this week, Russia’s official censorship authority released guidelines instructing news networks to exclusively utilize “trusted” sources or risk being shut down. As a result, two independent news networks, including Dozhd TV – known in English as Rain TV – were shut down. It is “clear that the personal safety of some of us is now in danger,” said Tikhon Dzyadko, the Dozhd’s nighttime head editor, on the Telegram messaging service on Wednesday, as he prepared to escape the country due to fear for his life. In addition, Russian citizens have begun to panic as the Duma, the country’s legislative body, prepares to […]


10 mins read

Russia Is in Serious Trouble: It Will Enter Technical Default Within Hours,All Russian Markets Have Collapsed

HNewsWire- More than two decades ago, on August 17, 1998, Russia defaulted on its debt and devalued the ruble, precipitating a political crisis that culminated in the election of Vladimir Putin to succeed Boris Yeltsin and also resulted in the spectacular implosion of a then-obscure hedge fund called Long Term Capital Management (staffed to the gills with “brilliant” Nobel laureates), which, following a Fed-led Wall Street bailout, ushered in the We bring this up because Russia will enter another technical default in just a few hours. In the midst of a flurry of financial restrictions implemented by Moscow today, the Russian central bank suspended coupon payments to foreign holders of ruble bonds known as OFZs, a move it described as a temporary measure to bolster markets in the aftermath of international sanctions. What it is, in fact, is a technical […]


22 mins read

Bombardment of Kiev on a Massive Scale Seen as Imminent as Zelensky Admits “We Are Left Alone” as NATO Is “Afraid”

A million people are at risk of being displaced as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, which has sparked a new wave of refugees. President Zelensky of Ukraine made the following announcement shortly before 1 a.m. Kiev time: “The sabotage forces of the adversary have made their way into the city. My family and I are still here.” In the video message, he continued, “We need to negotiate about a ceasefire with Russia.” Then came what appears to be the bitter truth that, despite years of ‘promises’ from Washington and the West of a “road to NATO membership,” none of his backers or Ukraine’s friends are coming to help: “We have no apprehensions about speaking with Russia. We are not frightened to discuss our state’s security promises. We are not scared to bring up the subject of neutral status. […]


16 mins read

China Is Choosing Its Words Carefully To Not Denounce Russian Attacks On Ukraine.

Beijing has refused to denounce Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, claiming that it will not jump to conclusions and instead accusing the US of inflaming the region’s risk of conflict. China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying dodged half a dozen questions about whether Beijing would consider Russia’s assault on Ukraine an invasion during a tense press briefing on Feb. 24 that lasted over 90 minutes. “All sides must exercise restraint and prevent the situation from spiraling out of control,” she said, echoing Beijing’s request. Despite the fact that the “present state of events is not what we would expect to see,” she advised the parties involved to “give peace a chance” and reduce tensions via disagreements. China is not actively participating in the crisis, according to Hua, and has been acting properly by supporting de-escalation. “Why are you so fascinated with […]


15 mins read

Satan Soldier: Russia Will Invade Ukraine “Within the Next Couple Days”

In a dramatic UN Security Council speech, Blinken lays out Russian false flag ‘chemical attack’ claims. “The information I shared here is corroborated by what we’ve observed unfolding in plain sight before our eyes for months. And remember that while Russia has repeatedly mocked our warnings and concerns as melodrama and nonsense, they’ve been steadily gathering more than 150,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders as well as the capabilities to undertake a large military assault. It isn’t just us seeing this. Allies and partners see the same thing,” America’s top diplomat said. As if expecting that all the current White House timeframe specific predictions will once again not materialize, Blinken added the critical proviso in the UN address: “If Russia doesn’t attack Ukraine, then we will be relieved that Russia altered direction and proven our projections wrong.” He followed with: “We’ll […]


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