5 mins read

Watchman: Iran Starts an Airborne Strike That Sweeps Across Israel, Accompanied by Sirens and Booms in Christ’s BirthState. Its Going To Get Real

Israel will survive, never trust Biden, only God. Iran on the other hand along with others including Russia will not survive the Ezek 38-39 war, they will be completely destroyed by God Himself. By SRH, Iran launched dozens of drones from its own land at Israel on Saturday afternoon, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. “A short while ago, Iran launched unmanned aerial vehicles from its territory towards the territory of the State of Israel,” the Israeli military stated in a statement. “The air defense array is on high alert at the same time as the Air Force planes and Navy ships that are on a mission to protect the country’s skies,” the statement said. “The IDF is monitoring all targets.” The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has published a statement confirming its attack on Israel, claiming it was in reprisal […]


51 mins read

Update: The Antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Will Make His Appearance On The World Stage Soon, Everything is Right on Schedule… Benjamin Netanyahu is an Ashkenazim Jew, Not A Real Bible Jew, He Worships Satan

  HNewsWire Exposes the Elitist’s Ungodly Agenda: You Need the Truth to Make an Informed Decision. God bless you. Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. Check out the HIMEDIA Group. Netanyahu and the Right Have Regain Power; They’ll Hold It for a Long Time Netanyahu is looking forward to his return to the PM Residence on Balfour Street following Bennett’s interruption is understandable, and poll results have done little to undermine that confidence — and the experts’ talk of continuous gridlock is comprehensible. While Bennett opted not to make Balfour Street his permanent abode, temporary Prime Minister Lapid will live there for the foreseeable future.Bennett has agreed to follow a coalition agreement that states he would be in charge until the Knesset is dissolved and a new coalition is sworn in. […]


94 mins read

Watchman’s Update: Gog and Magog Have Taken Shape, Saudi Arabia Seeks to Join the Russia/China-Led BRICS Coalition, and America Will Cease to Exist Once This Event Occurs, Tribulation Warp Speed!

HNewsWire: Take A Hard look At This Pic! It’s hard to overstate the potential impact of a move underway that – thanks to Biden’s catastrophic diplomacy – could result in China replacing the U.S. as a security guarantor with the petro-monarchies that control so much of the world’s oil reserves. Notice The Left Hand HNewsWire:Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman welcomed Xi Jinping to Riyadh (screen grab from YouTube). Bloomberg reports: Oil-rich Gulf monarchies are using their wealth to strengthen ties with China as they worry about the future of their long-standing security partnership with the United States. Seven months after President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Gulf summit in Riyadh, economic exchanges between the world’s second-largest economy and countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have increased, expanding far beyond crude purchases, where Beijing has long held sway. […]


16 mins read

Watchman Important Update 4/12/24 @ 12:05 AM: Washington Will Be Powerless to Stop These Evil Superpowers (It Will Be The Biblical War of Gog and Magog); Fortunately, Revelations Will Prevail Over Demonic Washington Bureaucrats; Enjoy the Ride; It Will Be Bumpy

SRH:Watchman Gives Warning: Gog and Magog Have Taken Shape as the Banking System Collapses, New Leaders Are Emerging to Oppose the Davos Crowd, Led by Four Countries That Are Leading the Rest of the Non-Western World Today: China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran—Bible Hell on Earth! Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Trump Truth, Gab, Parler, Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter social media platforms. We Are Not Comfortable With Their Anti-Christian, Anti-American Nazi Philosophy. StevieRay Hansen It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. Anarchy is loosed upon the world. People who continue to get their news and patronize Facebook, Google, or Twitter have made their choice. and continue to poke God in the eye. They don’t deserve the truth.   HNewsWire: Netanyahu: Israel […]


13 mins read

If You Read the Book of Revelation, Even in a Cursory Fashion, the “World Population” Will Be Diminished Greatly During the Tribulation… There Are Multiple Verses That Speak to the Death of Mankind

HNewsWire: Emergency meetings are being held by the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to a wave of monkeypox outbreaks. The timing of this epidemic couldn’t be better for the WHO, which may soon be awarded powers to regulate rules on global health outbreaks and which is weirdly well-positioned for a monkeypox outbreak after a recent “germ-games” appeal and previous occurrences linked to Microsoft millionaire Bill Gates. “The World Health Organization is apparently organizing an emergency conference investigate the frightening spread of monkeypox throughout the world—including a probable case in the Big Apple,” according to the New York Post. There will be “a number of top scientists” at the discussion, which is expected to be focused on how the virus has suddenly spread so extensively, according to the Telegraph. Among other things, it is believed to investigate the frequency of […]


29 mins read

As Satan’s Soldier George Soros Warns the Davos Crowd, “Civilization May Not Survive” Until We Defeat Putin (And Xi) Or the Plandemic Will Collapse and I Will Die Before I Can Wreak Havoc on Society as I Want

HNewsWire: The rich guy One Satan Soldier George Soros delivered his much-anticipated annual address at Davos, his first since calling President Donald Trump a “conman, narcissist” and accusing Mark Zuckerberg of working to help him win re-election in March 2020 (and warning that “the overheated US economy can’t be kept boiling for too long”). Soros targeted China directly, as usual, but also included Russia in his list of targets. While Evil Guy Satan Soldier Henry Kissinger was making headlines earlier in the day, the 90 year old puppeteer warned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shook Europe and might be the beginning of another global war. Fighting pandemics, climate change, and nuclear war have had to take a back seat to that effort,” Soros said. “Other concerns that affect all of humanity have had to take a back place to […]


6 mins read

White Horse: China Is Shutting Down Its Nation in Order to Wreak Even More Havoc on the Global Supply Chain and Impose Even More Control Over the Quality of Life in the Western World. Nothing Good Will Ever Come Out of China But Hell on Earth

HNewsWire: Shanghai’s latest Covid lockdowns have a spooky quality to them, to say the least. Even in China, there is no doubt about that. If the data coming out of China are correct, this is what the epidemic looks like. If you don’t mind my bluntness, it’s BS,I just don’t buy it. Because of their alliance with Russia, China has lied about practically everything from the beginning of this public health problem, and it is clear that they do not have our best interests at heart. My suspicion is that the figures are being manipulated for certain manner to suit the CCP’s purposes (just as I believe they do with their macroeconomic statistics). Disturbingly Orwellian have been China’s efforts in implementing this round of lockdowns. As shown by the New York Times, Shanghai’s foreign flights have been suspended. It’s also […]


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