Sex Offenders Found Opportunities in Southern Baptist Churches. That’s When the Coverup Began. Now the Reckoning Begins.
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Sex Offenders Found Opportunities in Southern Baptist Churches. That’s When the Coverup Began. Now the Reckoning Begins.

Watchman Cry’s Out: False Churches, a Convenience for the Soft Christian–Hell Bound And Sin Virus Proud!

By StevieRay Hansen | April 2, 2024 | 0 Comments

One Despicable Baptist Leader Even Dared to Suggest That People Should Use Pronoun Hospitality When Dealing With Those Abominable Transgender Individuals. Ha! They Desire for Christians to Embrace a Deceitful Falsehood HNewsWire: JD Greear, the pastor of The Summit Church and the reigning president of the Southern Baptist Convention, divulged his stance on how followers of Christ ought to approach individuals who identify as transgender during a recent podcast. Greear caused quite a stir, declaring that he would refer to individuals using their “preferred pronoun.” Dan from Chick-fil-A’s, oh how I long to taste his succulent flesh and feel his fiery passion. His presence ignites a burning desire within me, a desire that can only be quenched by his touch. Oh Dan, let us indulge in the pleasures of the flesh and embrace our demonic desires. Cathy spews a sharp […]


Over 100,000 Victims Have Been Raped by 3,200 Catholic Priests Since 1950. Satan Has Hijacked Modern Religion.

By StevieRay Hansen | May 24, 2023 | 0 Comments

Up to 3,200 Catholic priests have sexually abused children in France in recent history, the head of an independent inquiry has said, days before publishing a report on the scope of crimes against minors inside the church. The independent commission led by former vice president of the Council of State Jean-Marc Sauve was set up by the French Catholic Church in 2018 to study sexual crimes against minors within its ranks. After going through church archives across the country and conducting interviews, the commission, known by its acronym CIASE, will deliver a 2,500-page report on Tuesday. Sauve told AFP his team had uncovered between 2,900 and 3,200 pedophile priests and other church members who operated since 1950. He added that it was “a minimum estimate.” The most terrible thing for me was to see the most absolute of evils – […]


Red Horse In Play: California Church Shooting 1 Dead, 5 Injured in Orange County. Well, Another Mayhem Occurrence, in California. Where Is the Media? Why Aren’t They Pointing to a Hate Crime From the Start? Christian Persecution? Where Are the Racist Slurs? “Hypocrites”

By StevieRay Hansen | November 29, 2022 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: LAGUNA WOODS, CA – According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, one person was murdered and at least four people were wounded in a shooting at a church in Laguna Woods on Sunday afternoon. According to OCSD, the incident occurred soon before 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Geneva Presbyterian Church. At the site, one individual was declared deceased. According to authorities, one person was murdered and four others were gravely injured in a shooting Sunday afternoon at a Presbyterian church in a suburban Southern California town where the majority of inhabitants are elderly. A suspect was present. According to a tweet from the department, “four individuals have been gravely injured, and one has minor injuries.” According to deputies, all of the casualties are adults who have been taken to the hospital. The agency said that one suspect had been […]


Satan Is Celebrated by The World, The World of The Ungodly, The Church of Satan

By StevieRay Hansen | September 12, 2021 | 1 Comment

a Religious Organization Dedicated to Satanism… HNewsWire-At the Golden Globes, Christian Bale won Best Actor in a Drama for his role as former vice president Dick Cheney in Adam McKay’s Vice. In his acceptance speech, Bale singled out Satan for “giving me inspiration on how to play this role.” The Church of Satan, a religious organization dedicated to Satanism as codified in The Satanic Bible, was quick to bask in Bale’s victory. “To us, Satan is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential,” the organization wrote. “As Mr. Bale’s own talent and skill won him the award, this is fitting. Hail Christian! Hail Satan!” When a Twitter user tweeted to The Church of Satan telling them “this is your moment,” they replied, “It’s always our moment.” Woe to the inhabitants of the […]


Has The Sodomite Culture Infiltrated The True Church?

By Staff | January 11, 2020 | 13 Comments

Edward O’Hara Fri 1/10/2020 3:53 PM There is a website I frequent that has been writing on the issue of how the Baptists and others are becoming more and more apostate. As I read the articles I notice that what they have concluded are the reasons for this really miss the mark. Because what they don’t get is that what has caused this, especially in the case where many churches baptist and otherwise have begun to accept homosexuality and other things that are part of what is known as the social justice movement, is the fact that these so-called “churches” were already apostate before they began accepting the sodomite culture. In one of their more recent stories, it is shown that the author has yet to touch on the basic reason for this apostasy. For in it the author makes this […]


WATCH: Good Guy with a Gun Shoots Texas Church Shooter

By StevieRay Hansen | December 30, 2019 | 0 Comments

Another gunman opened fire inside a Texas Church What’s so Hard to Understand, We Have Taking God out of Society, the End Result “Mayhem”… 176,913 AWR HAWKINS 29 Dec 201931,8321:56 A good guy with a gunshot an alleged church shooter in White Settlement, Texas, Sunday morning. UPDATE 2: The Dallas Morning News reports that the person critically wounded in the White Settlement church shooting has died. This brings the death toll to two innocents. The gunman was also killed. UPDATE: CNN reports that the White Settlement, Texas, church gunman is among the two killed in Sunday’s shooting. NBC News reports that the other fatality was a congregant shot by the gunman, and another person was critically wounded by the gunman as well. DFW.CBS Local reports that the alleged gunman entered the church, walked up toward the front, and opened fire just before 10 a.m. A church member who serves on […]


These Modern Churches with All the Superstar Performers Are Not Preaching the Gospel

By StevieRay Hansen | December 9, 2019 | 10 Comments

These pagan churches are parasites….. In their 2008 book Pagan Christianity, authors Frank Viola and George Barna present the surprising origins of many of the practices commonly found in churches today. The authors of Pagan Christianity claim that many common church practices/traditions actually have their roots in paganism (non-Christian religions), not in the Bible. But is it accurate to claim that the practices of modern Christianity are pagan? Is what typically occurs in a church-supported by what the Bible teaches about the church? SINCE WHEN HAS GOD NEEDED CONCERTS AND LIGHT SHOW TO WIN THE LOST? Truth is they aren’t converting many to the true gospel, but instead making millions of false converts. These modern churches with all the superstar performers are not preaching the gospel. They are luring by entertainment. The music attracts carnal people that for the most part want to stay in […]


HillSong Church Back In The News,Fall In Line Or Else

By StevieRay Hansen | March 26, 2019 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire-Biblically speaking, there are positive and negative aspects to hatred. It is acceptable to hate those things that God hates; indeed, this is very much a proof of a right standing with God. “Let those who love the Lord hate evil” (Psalm 97:10a). Indeed, the closer our walk with the Lord and the more we fellowship with Him, the more conscious we will be of sin, both within and without. Do we not grieve and burn with anger when God’s name is maligned, when we see spiritual hypocrisy, when we see blatant unbelief and godless behavior? The more we understand God’s attributes and love His character, the more we will be like Him and the more we will hate those things that are contrary to His Word and nature. The lefts tactics, bully the opposition, call them names homophobia, racist, […]


Sheep Following Progressive Denominations – United Methodist Church & Presbyterian Church USA – Headed for Destruction

By StevieRay Hansen | January 30, 2019 | 3 Comments

HNewsWire-I want to make anyone ashamed of using that term, “social justice It’s disheartening to say that so many bible teachers have been led astray, and are leading astray so many to the social gospel heresy. This is a pure adulteration of what the gospel is. Paul clearly states that if anyone, be it an angel from Heaven or any man on Earth, preaches another gospel, they are accursed. I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one, we preached to you, let him be accursed. […]


Do Church…

By StevieRay Hansen | March 2, 2017 | 0 Comments

 Original Content Copyright ©2017 All Rights Reserved



In response to an explosive investigation, top Southern Baptists have released a previously secret list of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated personnel accused of sexual abuse.

The 205-page database was made public late Thursday. It includes more than 700 entries from cases that largely span from 2000 to 2019.

Its existence became widely known Sunday when the independent firm, Guidepost Solutions, included it in its bombshell report detailing how the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee mishandled allegations of sex abuse, stonewalled numerous survivors and prioritized protecting the SBC from liability.

Executive Committee leaders Rolland Slade and Willie McLaurin, in a joint statement, called publishing the list “an initial, but important, step towards addressing the scourge of sexual abuse and implementing reform in the Convention."

“Each entry in this list reminds us of the devastation and destruction brought about by sexual abuse,” they said. “Our prayer is that the survivors of these heinous acts find hope and healing, and that churches will utilize this list proactively to protect and care for the most vulnerable among us.”

The Guidepost report, released after a seven-month investigation, contained several explosive revelations. Among them: D. August Boto, the committee's former vice president and general counsel, and former SBC spokesman Roger Oldham kept their own private list of abusive ministers. Both retired in 2019. The existence of the list was not widely known within the committee and its staff.

“Despite collecting these reports for more than 10 years, there is no indication that (Oldham and Boto) or anyone else, took any action to ensure that the accused ministers were no longer in positions of power at SBC churches,” the report said.

The Executive Committee did not make additions to the published list, but their attorneys did redact several entries as well as the names and identifying information of survivors and others unrelated to the accused, Thursday's joint statement said.

They made public “entries that reference an admission, confession, guilty plea, conviction, judgment, sentencing, or inclusion on a sex offender registry,” and expect some of the redacted entries on the list to be made public once more research is done. The list also includes Baptist ministers that are not affiliated with the SBC.

Read Full List

Up to 3,200 Catholic priests have sexually abused children in France in recent history, the head of an independent inquiry has said, days before publishing a report on the scope of crimes against minors inside the church.

investigation up to 3,200 priests have raped children in french catholic church since 1950

The independent commission led by former vice president of the Council of State Jean-Marc Sauve was set up by the French Catholic Church in 2018 to study sexual crimes against minors within its ranks.

After going through church archives across the country and conducting interviews, the commission, known by its acronym CIASE, will deliver a 2,500-page report on Tuesday.

Sauve told AFP his team had uncovered between 2,900 and 3,200 pedophile priests and other church members who operated since 1950. He added that it was “a minimum estimate.”

The most terrible thing for me was to see the most absolute of evils – an attack on the physical and mental integrity of children – which is to say a work of death perpetrated by people whose mission was to bring life and salvation.

“Between the 1950s and the 1970s, the church was completely indifferent to the victims. They didn’t exist, the suffering of children was ignored,” Sauve told Le Journal du Dimanche on Saturday, adding that clerics were greatly interested in protecting the church and retaining offenders in the priesthood.

Europe 1 radio cited sources saying that the estimated number of potential victims mentioned in the report will be well over 100,000. This is 10 times higher than the previous estimate put forward by the commission in March.

The Catholic Church across the world has been rocked by numerous high-profile cases involving the sexual abuse of minors by priests in recent decades.

The Vatican toughened its laws against sex offenders in the clergy this year in response to a 2020 independent report finding that senior church officials had failed to act on reports of crimes against children in the past.

UN: Vatican Allowed Rape and Molestation of Children.

Source: HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire humansarefree



SRH: The first psalm warns us not to keep company with evil people. We are told not to listen to their counsel, stand in their way or sit in their seats. The word ‘blessed’ is translated ‘happy’ in some newer renderings. Blessing implies the goodness of God will be with such a person. Look for these beatitudes throughout Scripture. If the Word gives us instruction as to what to do to find God pouring out His goodness on us, we should give careful attention to that instruction. You will be blessed if you avoid bad company. Man has a natural tendency to gravitate toward mocking and complaint. Don’t!

Consider: “If I meditate on God’s Word and don’t walk in the counsel of the wicked, whatever I do will prosper.”

Who Rose to the Top of America’s Foul-Smelling Stew of Corruption, a Hard Rain’s a-gonna fall…


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