Watchman: The Vaccine From Hell—Dr. Madej Notes That Moderna’s Vaccine


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Includes a Luciferase Enzyme That Not Only Facilitates RNA Reprogramming Of an Antigen but Also Has Bio luminescent Properties (Glows)...

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That Can Facilitate Confirmation of Your Vaccination by, Let’s Say, Scanning Your Injection Site to “Read the Glowing Enzyme, Kind of Like a Bar-Code,” Explains Dr. Madej.

Video explains that whichever COVID19 ‘vaccine’ shot you take, the manufacturers admit it is essentially the same set of basic ingredients ranging from nanoparticles, lipids and the dreaded Luciferase and more. Ingredients you would likely never likely choose to put into your body if you were not being so systematically coerced by governments and the fake media.

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Take the dark-tech of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), its civilian counterpart BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research & Development), the stealth-ness of nanotechnology, the Gates Foundation funded “Quantum Dot Tattoo” aka “mark of the beast,” and combine it with micro-needling as an inoculation platform that is conceived from how snakes inject their venom into their prey, and nanogels that can connect with external technologies outside your body like smart phones, the cloud or other smart devices (5G from satellites), and what do you have?  Answer: Moderna’s new RNA vaccine against COVID-19 coronavirus.

Dr. Carrie Madej’s chilling video explanation of what Moderna is up to is worth 21 minutes of your time.  Dr. Madej is a McDonough, Georgia osteopathic-trained internal medical specialist.  Her video is a wake-up call to the world.  It is not sensationalist reporting.  Links to what Dr. Madej talks about are laced throughout this report.  Dr. Madej’s report should cause the world to put these new generation of RNA/DNA vaccines on perpetual hold.

Dr. Carrie Madej Warns New COVID 19 Vaccine May Alter Your ...

Dr. Madej’s blood curdling explanation of Moderna’s new vaccine presents a dark, chilling moment for humanity, a day of no return. It has its roots in something called Transhumanism.

Dr. Madej is saying vaccine makers are up to more than producing antibodies against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Humanity is stepping into re-programming our entire species, homo sapiens, from what she calls version 1.0 to 2.0.

Let me say it again, Moderna’s vaccine is not solely about infectious disease prevention.  It is a part of something called transhumanism – where technology is melded and is inseparable from humans.

Transhumanism gains fear factor when, in the back of many people’s minds is the question, are they making this COVID-19 vaccine to depopulate the planet?

Dr. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el ...

What to do with 40 million unemployed Americans?

The US now has 40 million unemployed.  The US is ushering in 5G technology to drive robots that will do the repetitive work now done by American laborers.  With robotization (24/7 work, no sick days or vacation days, and no FICA payments to contribute to the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds), the US will be able have lower labor costs below those of China where many of our factories have been off-shored.

But what do we do with our 40 million unemployed laborers?  Guaranteed income would have to be ushered in in a gigantic fashion.  Both banking and governmental agencies are toying with the idea of a global digital currency where “money” could be downloaded into each and every person’s money card on the planet.

Culling the population

But maybe our overlords just come to the conclusion there are too many people in America, and the world. There are so many “save the earth” groups that believe human populations need to be culled. The idea of the earth is god (GAIA) is one of these beliefs.

We could dismiss the idea of our overlords as outlandish that there is a hidden agenda to de-populate the earth of humans, but we have a man who vies for the position as “richest man in the world,” who comes from a family steeped in eugenics, who can fund technologies outside the oversite of public funding, and who has stated a 10-15% reduction in the human population is one possible outcome of global immunization.

To add to those suspicions is a forecast by, a private military intelligence service of some credibility, that there will only be 100 million Americans by the year 2025 (current US population 328 million).  No explanation is given for this 100 million number.


One of the technology’s employed in the Moderna vaccine is transfection, broadly defined as process of artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into cells, utilizing means other than viral vectors (carriers).  For example, geneticists plan to use transfection to eliminate mosquitoes from the planet and therefore mosquito-borne disease like smallpox.  What about humans?

How an RNA vaccine would work

I’m not sure Dr. Modej gets it perfectly correct when she says Moderna’s vaccine uses RNA to activate a virus. I think the proper understanding is that Moderna’s vaccine creates and same viral antigen a particular virus like COVID-19 generates and produces it without having to be inoculated with a weakened virus or viral particle as conventional vaccines.


Dr. Madej notes that Moderna’s vaccine includes a luciferase enzyme that not only facilitates RNA reprogramming of an antigen but also has bioluminescent properties (glows) that can facilitate confirmation of your vaccination by, let’s say, scanning your injection site to “read the glowing enzyme, kind of like a bar-code,” explains Dr. Madej.

Already sold

Moderna is fast-tracking its vaccine. The US government is reported to have struck a $1,525 billion deal for 100 million doses of Moderna’s COVID19 vaccine.

Too powerful

MODERNA’s vaccine, if you can call it that, may be too powerful.  It over-excites the immune response and therefore Moderna plans to introduce a 3-dose regimen to reduce the possibility of adverse reactions.

Listen to Dr. Carrie Madej’s warning.  There are completely experimental technologies hidden within the Moderna vaccine.  Any vaccine has to be safer than the COVID-19 coronavirus that only kills 0.00049% of the human population (or 5 in 10,000), most of these cases being people with co-morbidities like obesity or diabetes).

Dr. Madej notes that Moderna’s vaccine includes a luciferase enzyme that not only facilitates RNA reprogramming of an antigen but also has bioluminescent properties (glows) that can facilitate confirmation of your vaccination by, let’s say, scanning your injection site to “read the glowing enzyme, kind of like a bar-code,” explains Dr. Madej.

Already sold

Moderna is fast-tracking its vaccine. The US government is reported to have struck a $1,525 billion deal for 100 million doses of Moderna’s COVID19 vaccine.

Too powerful

MODERNA’s vaccine, if you can call it that, may be too powerful.  It over-excites the immune response and therefore Moderna plans to introduce a 3-dose regimen to reduce the possibility of adverse reactions.

Listen to Dr. Carrie Madej’s warning.  There are completely experimental technologies hidden within the Moderna vaccine.  Any vaccine has to be safer than the COVID-19 coronavirus that only kills 0.00049% of the human population (or 5 in 10,000), most of these cases being people with co-morbidities like obesity or diabetes).

Posted Jul 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

Europe was already planning for a Vaccine ID Passport from the 3rd quarter of 2019. The real question is what is a vaccine. Gates has been funding a vaccine that is totally different. Instead of introducing a sample of a disease, he has been funding a vaccine that is in part nanobots that target to change and alter your DNA to prevent disease. This is already being met with approval and is highly questionable as to what are the long-term effects of changing someone’s DNA.

Gates has been behind the movement in the EU to compel Europeans to be vaccinated. There was even a September 12, 2019, global vaccination summit that was jointly sponsored bt the EC and Gates who controlled the World Health Organization (WHO). Roberto Burioni, a virologist at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy, became a celebrity battling against vaccine skeptics by simply stating: “The Earth is round, gasoline is flammable, and vaccines are safe and effective,” he said. “All the rest are dangerous lies.”

One of the reasons some believe that the death rate in Italy from COVID-19 was higher than most other countries was because they were the target for a Gates’ vaccine project sponsored by the WHO. The 2016 Lifetime Immunization Schedule was approved by the Italian scientific societies claiming it was a new paradigm to promote vaccination at all ages. There was a partnership of four national Medical Scientific Societies active in Italy in producing scientific advice on vaccines and vaccination influenced by Gates. These were:

  1. the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health; SitI,
  2. the Italian Society of Paediatrics; SIP,
  3. the “Italian Federation of General Practitioners”; FIMP, and
  4. the Italian Federation of General Medicine FIMMG)

The “Lifetime Immunization Schedule” was introduced for the first time in Italy which allowed its people to be experiments for Gates and the WHO. The Italian National Prevention Plan was approved by the Italian Ministry of Health in February 2017. The serious question that has not been answered is what has been the connection between the excessive death rate in Italy in relation to this vaccination for “all ages,” which took place as an experiment supported by the WHO and Bill Gates.

Source: HNewsWire armstrongeconomics Rewrockwell HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Darren S. on April 13, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    Did you know Bill and Meliinda Gates have separate security details? Yes, they want separate ones because Melinda likes younger men and doesn’t want Bill to know who she has sex with while Bill likes younger girls and doesn’t want Melinda to know..what a swell couple. Eugenics is their fun time.

  2. Daneey on April 13, 2021 at 10:15 pm

    Moderna vaccine is the hand of the devil. If you’re going to take a covid vaccine J and J and Pzier is better, though all are useless and idiotic when you should be relying on PROPER TREATMENT for covid,w hich is available.

  3. Nuya Bizness on April 8, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    If any of you believe this crap you need to get a life and join reality. I’ll be happy to welcome you to reality when you arrive.

  4. Karol on November 21, 2020 at 11:49 am

    I noticed one important name missing in all of this information on this virus COVID 19 and the vaccine. God was not mentioned in anything. Our God, our Creator, does not give us diseases, nor is HE connected with the making of the vaccine. NOTHING does the Bible, God’s Holy Word, tell of millions dying of disease or vaccines. God created us and HE loves all of us, HE would not create any disease to harm us, and HE tells us to pray daily together, asking for HIS protection from all disease created by Satan. Can you imagine the joy HE would feel if every American prayed to HIM at the same time?
    God bless us all and America!

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