Update: 8/6/23 Trump’s Deceptions Continue. What Happened to the Protesters Who Gathered at the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021? They Were Apprehended and are Currently Languishing in Prison. Who’s Going to Stop You Now from Helping the People That Help You, Mr. Trump?

MAGA Rioter “Can’t Believe” He’s Going to Jail for Trump After Watching a Trading Card Stunt.

Tim Gionet aka 'Baked Alaska (1)
After watching a video in which former President Donald Trump hawked digital trading cards and also declared himself a better president than George Washington, notorious Capitol rioter Tim Gionet, better known by his Twitter name "Baked Alaska," was suddenly overcome with regret over his choices in life.

Gionet, who earlier in the day stated that he believed Trump's digital card gambit means that he "can't win" in 2024, wrote a follow-up missive in which he questioned his own decision to storm the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021. This came after Gionet said earlier in the day that he believed Trump's digital card gambit means that he "can't win" in 2024.

He expressed his disbelief by saying, "I can't believe I'm going to prison for an NFT salesperson."

Gionet entered a guilty plea earlier this year for the misdemeanor offense of parading, protesting, or picketing inside of a Capitol building. As a result of his guilty plea, he faces a possible jail sentence of up to six months.

Earlier than that, Gionet was also convicted of assault for pepper-spraying a bouncer who had ejected him out of a pub in Arizona. This occurred before the most recent conviction.

Although Gionet was once a major supporter of Trump in his first two presidential campaigns, it appears that he has now switched his allegiance to the rapper Kanye West, who has taken to openly praising the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and denying the Holocaust. This is despite the fact that Gionet was once a major supporter of Trump.


HNewsWire-I will fight until my dying breath before I surrender one letter of my Liberty.'

By Patricia Tolson


In a letter obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, a Jan. 6 prisoner asks, “are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Then don’t do nothing!” The letter, dated December 30, 2021, is revealed here in its entirety for the first time.

Jeremy Brown
Jeremy Brown (Obtained by The Epoch Times)

“My name is Jeremy Brown,” the letter begins. “I am a 20-year retired U.S. Army Special Forces Combat Veteran. On January 5th and 6th, 2021 I was in our Nation’s capital as part of an all-volunteer protective detail tasked with providing security for organizers and speakers at a legally permitted political rally. On September 30th, 2021 I was arrested at home in Tampa, Florida by approximately 30 to 40 heavily armed Federal Agents and local law enforcement. They came in full force to serve a misdemeanor arrest warrant for being in an ‘unauthorized area.’ These were no ordinary agents. They were agents working as part of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Oddly, in the nine months prior to that day, I had never been contacted or questioned by any investigators about this case. Stranger still, the arrest warrant and search warrant had only been granted one day prior. This, despite numerous members of my Protective Detail having been arrested many months prior. While this may sound unusual to you, I know exactly why it happened.”

According to Brown, the same JTTF agents who arrested him on Sept. 30, 2021, had tried to recruit him as a Confidential Informant (CI) on Dec. 9, 2020. Their “pitch,” he said, was intended to gauge his “willingness to infiltrate law-abiding citizen groups that had no criminal history and certainly were not designated “terrorist groups.”

Brown declined their offer. But, having what he calls “a healthy mistrust of Federal law enforcement,” Brown made an audio recording of the exchange, which—after many efforts to delete it from the internet—has been shared and reposted by numerous others, keeping it alive. The most current iteration was shared by The Gateway Pundit.

On Jan. 6, as Brown stood next to the stage waiting for President Donald Trump to address the crowd, he described how he was again contacted by phone by one of the same JTTF agents. Brown explained to the agent where he was and what he was doing. “So, on January 6th, 2021,” he wrote in his letter, “they were well aware of my location and reason for being there.”

On Jan. 7, Brown said he sent a video of unarmed female Air Force Veteran, Ashli Babbitt, being shot by a Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd in a text message, saying, “here is a contact report for you!” The agent acknowledged watching the video with a “Wow…” That was the last direct communication Brown had with that agent or the JTTF until he was arrested on Sept. 30, 2021.

“In the days and weeks that followed the events of January 6th, I was disgusted and appalled at the blatant lies that were coming from the media, politicians, and the Department of Justice,” Brown wrote further in his letter. “In particular, it was FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony (pdf) on the House floor that made me realize I had to go public with what I knew.”

That was when Brown contacted podcast host Brandon Gray who conducted the two-hour interview where he exposed the recording of the JTTF’s recruitment effort and provided his professional assessment. “I knew I was making myself an FBI target, but I had sworn an oath to the U.S. Constitution so the choice to speak out was an easy one,” Brown wrote.

Brown cites the June 8, 2021, investigative article by Darren Beattie of Revolver.news that exposed evidence of the FBI’s potential involvement in staging the events of Jan. 6. The article also uncovered how the Michigan governor kidnapping plot seemed to be a dress rehearsal for the FBI for Jan. 6. While trying to blame a pro-constitutional group the FBI labeled as “Far-Right Militia,” Brown noted how most of the “players” in the plot “turned out to be FBI informants or actual agents. Ooopsie!”

Knowing how correspondence is monitored and often censored by authorities, Brown’s girlfriend, who spoke to The Epoch Times under the condition of anonymity for fear of being harassed, said she is surprised his letter managed to slip through their scrutiny unscathed.

“That came through the mail, “she explained, noting how the focus of prison officials monitoring emails and phone calls may have enabled his letter to slip through. “He wrote that in jail and was allowed to mail it out. Everything they bring up in court is about phone calls.”

For her, the repeated visits by the FBI, Joint Terrorist Task Force, the ATF, and Homeland Security have been done for no other reason than to intimidate her and cause fear. “It is the biggest violation of every single privacy I have ever had,” she said. “They have been to my house. They searched our house for five and a half hours initially. Then they came back and did another search. They took samples of carpet. They took dog hair. They subpoenaed all of my bank accounts and accessed the trust I have set up for Jeremy. I have absolutely no privacy. They know everything about me and I’m not the one being charged. I’ve done nothing but they have infiltrated every aspect of my life. In the last two weeks, I have had two black SUVs with heavily tinted windows just sitting at the end of my street. My neighbor knocked on the window and asked them to roll it down. They wouldn’t.”

Screenshot of SUV parked near the house of Tylene Aldridge, suspected to be the FBI.
Screenshot of SUV parked near the house of Jeremy Brown’s girlfriend, suspected belong to the FBI. (Obtained by The Epoch Times)

She noted how Brown had previously written another letter and sent it to The Epoch Times. According to the Jan. 14 report, Brown wrote: “On Dec. 11, 2020, the exact same Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) agents that (later) arrested me attempted to recruit me as a confidential informant,” and told The Epoch Times he believes his arrest and prosecution are payback for his refusal to become a confidential informant.

She added that, while Brown has been arraigned, he has not been to trial or formally charged with anything. “He’s in limbo,” she said. “No hearing dates have been set. We are still in appeal for the bail and there’s motion to suppress the original search warrant.”

In the meantime, Brown remains a prisoner of his own country:

“As I write this account on December 30, 2021, I mark my 92nd day of being held in the maximum security section of the Pinellas County Jail as an FBI whistleblower and Political Prisoner. To date, these are the crimes the FBI and Department of Justice are guilty of committing under Title 18 U.S. Code, Section 242, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law:

  1. Violations of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights by criminalizing Free Speech and peaceful assembly for attending a permitted rally on public grounds.
  2. Violations of Article 2 of the Bill of Rights by passing and enforcing unconstitutional gun laws that violate the letter and intent of the ‘shall not be infringed’ clause.
  3. Violations of Article 4 of the Bill of Rights by deceptively obtaining an unreasonable and illegal search warrant by lying to the issuing judge. When asked by me and my girlfriend to produce the warrant at the time of arrest, they refused. One agent was even recorded stating, ‘We don’t know what we are looking for…yet.’ They should look for a copy of the Constitution and read it.
  4. Violations of Article 5 of the Bill of Rights by not reading me my rights prior to arrest and questioning. They are currently still depriving me of my life, liberty and property without due process of law.
  5. Violations of Article 6 of the Bill of Rights by making sure nothing is speedy, attempting to deny me access to any of the evidence against me, by denying my right to a public trial by claiming everything is ‘sensitive’ or ‘highly sensitive,’ yet leaking information to media outlets such as the Daily Beast who had my search warrant before I did. They are denying me the right to ‘face my accusers’ by citing numerous ‘unnamed witnesses,’ many likely to be FBI informants. Because I am locked away in jail, I do not have complete access to witnesses in my favor and all my contacts with legal counsel are on monitored systems. So far I have been denied access to my attorney six times due to ‘COVID.’
  6. Most egregious are the violations of Article 8 of the Bill of Rights by denying me bond and keeping me locked in maximum security.

All illegal acts by the FBI and DOJ are meant to silence me and keep me from exposing their lies and corruption. Their fake charges and overzealous arrest were meant to intimidate not only me but also the American people. They think that this illegal imprisonment will break my will and allow them to coerce me into pleading to a crime I did not commit or that will bolster their false narrative of Jan. 6. But, how did we get here?

In a 29-page opinion issued March 7, U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols dismissed charges against Jan. 6 prisoner Garret Miller, saying defendants can only be charged with obstruction if they directly attempted to affect “a document, record, or other object” in order to obstruct the ability of Congress to certify the election. Prosecutors had not even alleged that he had done so.

On April 6, U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden acquitted Jan. 6 prisoner Matthew Martin of all four counts for which he was charged, saying it was reasonable for Martin to believe that police officers invited him and others to enter the Capitol through the Rotunda doors on Jan. 6, 2021. The judge also said Martin’s actions were “about as minimal and non-serious” as anyone who was at the Capitol that day.

“As I sit here in my jail cell being denied justice and my Constitutionally-protected, God-given rights, I wonder, Is anyone irate or tireless enough to save our Republic? … Will our children and our children’s children wonder what it was like to be free?

If you’re reading this, are you irate? Tireless? Are you willing to risk it all to set brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Are you willing to risk everything? Or, will we just wait for some other ‘good men’ to come along and do that ‘something?’ The time to look in the mirror and answer that question is NOW! Trust me, the time to fight is NOT after the tyrant locks you in a jail cell.

My name is Jeremy Brown and I am a January 6th Political Prisoner being held in the very country I spent my entire adult life defending at the highest level I could achieve. As a Green Beret I am trained and prepared for this and as an American I was born for this. I will fight until my dying breath before I surrender one letter of my Liberty. I am only one man, but if I’m the only man, so be it! I know there are millions like me and so I ask you, are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Then don’t do nothing!”

De Oppresso Liber!

Jeremy Brown

U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.)


The Epoch Times has reached out to the FBI for comment.

Joseph M. Hanneman contributed to this report. Source: ET

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HNewsWire-Former President Donald Trump said that Secret Service personnel prevented him from marching to the United States Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

The ex-president told The Washington Post on Thursday that the "Secret Service said I couldn't attend." I'd have gone there in a heartbeat."

Trump spoke at a rally addressing 2020 election problems on Jan. 6, 2021, when both chambers of Congress were in session to certify the election.

Trump told The Washington Post's Josh Dawsey at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida, "I felt it was a terrible... and I kept wondering why she wasn't doing something about it. "How come Nancy Pelosi isn't doing anything about it?"

"As well as the mayor of Washington, D.C." "The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in control," Trump stated, referring to the Democratic House speaker and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who is also a Democrat.

Most major social media networks suspended Trump for days after the Capitol hack on Jan. 6. Twitter, his most popular social media network, stated it had suspended his account because Trump would supposedly promote violence in the run-up to the election.

"The throng was significantly larger than I had anticipated. "I think it was the biggest audience I've ever talked to," Trump remarked of the event on January 6. "I'm not sure what it implies, but there aren't many photographs." They don't want to display photos, and false news doesn't want to reveal photos. But this was a fantastic audience."

In reference to a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 incident, Trump told the newspaper that he had yet to be contacted by the committee. His attorneys have cited executive privilege in an attempt to prevent the committee from issuing subpoenas.

On Jan. 6, Trump also alluded to multiple anonymously sourced pieces stating that there were gaps in his phone records. Trump said that he did not use a burner phone and that he did not delete call data.

"In terms of phone calls, I don't recall receiving many," he remarked, before adding, "Why would I care who phoned me?" What difference did it make whether lawmakers called me? There was nothing mysterious about it. There was no mystery."

During the interview, Trump also refused to indicate if he intends to run for president in 2024, stating that his health would play a role in his ultimate choice.

"I don't want to comment on running, but I believe a lot of people will be quite glad with my choice, since it's becoming a bit dull now," the former president said.

Trump Is the Greatest Scam Artist of All Time, and He Has a Special Affinity for His Target Demographic: Conservatives, Christians, and the Stupid. It Is Expected That Hundreds of Individuals Would Make Donations in Support of Trump’s New Private Aircraft. Does It Bother You That a Multi-Billionaire Is Requesting That the Working Class Send Him Money to Buy a Private Jet? After All, You’re an Idiot in His World, Ask His Supporters Rotting In the DC Jail.

Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: over-criminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security. And slowly the populace begins to submit.

No one speaks up for those being targeted.

No one resists these minor acts of oppression.

No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is.

Historically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.

Time has insulated us from the violence perpetrated by past regimes in their pursuit of power: the crucifixion and slaughter of innocents by the Romans, the torture of the Inquisition, the atrocities of the Nazis, the butchery of the Fascists, the bloodshed by the Communists, and the cold-blooded war machines run by the military industrial complex.


HNewsWire- Trump is seeking Not Kidding donations to help pay the construction of his new "Trump Force One" private aircraft, just days after a flight carrying him to Mar-a-Lago forced an emergency landing because one of its engines failed.

Trump issued an email to his followers titled "Update Trump Force One" in which he said that "my crew is creating a BRAND NEW Trump Force One."

He stated that the plane's development has been kept secret and that he "can't wait to reveal it to the world."

The fundraising email said that he had a "critical update on his jet" and reminded prospective supporters to recall how the former president used to fly around the United States in his own "Trump Force One" before to becoming "the greatest President of all time."

The email included a GIF of a jet taking off, as well as a poll asking contributors if they wanted to see his new plane.
The poll directs supporters to a contribution website, which requests that they "Make ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY" to submit your reaction to President Trump!"

The plane, a Dassault Falcon 900, was donated to Trump for the evening's journey from the Republican National Committee meeting in New Orleans to his Florida property.

Trump's own Boeing 757 was a campaign highlight in 2016.

It was alleged last year that his Boeing 757 was lying idle at an Orange County, New York, airfield, unable to fly.

The full-size passenger airplane, which is emblazoned with Trump's name in enormous block letters across the side, has fallen into ruin. According to CNN, one engine is shrink-wrapped and the other is missing components.

Israel Won’t Attend ‘Rigged’; 70-Nation Conference to Decide Israel’s Future

By StevieRay Hansen | January 14, 2017

ERUSALEM, Israel — Secretary of State John Kerry will be among dozens of Western and Arab officials meeting in Paris this weekend for a controversial conference to discuss a solution to the I… Source: Israel Won’t Attend ‘Rigged’ 70-Nation Conference to Decide Israel’s Future


Israel Won’t Attend ‘Rigged’ 70-Nation Conference to Decide Israel’s Future

By StevieRay Hansen | January 14, 2017

ERUSALEM, Israel — Secretary of State John Kerry will be among dozens of Western and Arab officials meeting in Paris this weekend for a controversial conference to discuss a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Noticeably absent from the so-called Paris Peace Conference are the main players: Israel and the Palestinians. “It’s a rigged conference, rigged by the Palestinians with French auspices to adopt additional anti-Israel stances,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “This pushes peace backwards.  It’s not going to obligate us,” Netanyahu added before a meeting with the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende. “It’s a relic of the past. It’s a last gasp of the past before the future sets in,” Netanyahu said, in an apparent reference to the incoming U.S. administration of President-elect Donald Trump. “This conference will distance peace.  The only way to reach peace…


DNC Chair Frontrunner: Trump Brings White Supremacy To The White House.

By StevieRay Hansen | January 14, 2017

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who once proposed a black-only nation and is now a leading candidate to be the next Democratic National Committee chairman, told supporters Friday that President-elect… Source: DNC Chair Frontrunner: Trump Brings White Supremacy To The White House.


DNC Chair Frontrunner: Trump Brings White Supremacy To The White House.

By StevieRay Hansen | January 14, 2017

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who once proposed a black-only nation and is now a leading candidate to be the next Democratic National Committee chairman, told supporters Friday that President-elect Donald Trump is bringing white supremacy back to the White House. According to The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel, Ellison made these statements at the DNC’s Future Forum in Phoenix, Arizona, and received a warm response to his remarks. At the same event on Saturday, Ellison also accused Trump of being a “prolific misogynist,” according to the Washington Examiner. “This guy is the most prolific misogynist as anybody who has ever occupied that office. The sisters of the Democratic Party have been insulted by this man and the resistance to this man has to come from the Democratic Party,” he said. On the same day, Ellison attacked Trump on Twitter over the…


Secretary of State Nominee, Rex Tillerson Rejects the Obama Administration’s Shaky Globalism

By StevieRay Hansen | January 13, 2017

After enduring the Obama’s Administration’s willingness to lead from behind over the past eight years, and after suffering from the Administration’s shameful incompetence in dealing with global threats, it is heartening to observe that the incoming Trump Administration has served notice that it is prepared to take threats to the safety and security of the United States seriously. Recent history demonstrates that seriousness has been unfamiliar to the current Administration. Instead, the Obama Administration has offered a series of spineless responses to wide-ranging threats. Recall the Administration’s refusal to counter the alleged Chinese cyber attack on the federal government, which exposed 22 million American’s personnel records to outsiders. Consider President Obama’s failure to take action against Russia until after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confounded his expectation by losing the election. Witness the fact that ISIS (the Islamic State)…


Use Term Limits to Drain the Swamp Trump Vows to Back Term Limits. So Do These 48 Lawmakers…

By StevieRay Hansen | January 13, 2017

Our first and perhaps greatest Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, ended his Gettysburg Address by calling on his fellow Americans to rededicate themselves to the “great task” of preserving our “government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people.” I share that commitment, which is why I have always supported term limits for our elected federal officials. Too often today our representatives and senators seek re-election not by making an argument to their constituents, but by issuing an ultimatum. It usually goes something like this: “I know we’re all citizens in a free republic and that means you can vote for whomever you want, but given the amount of seniority and authority that I’ve built up during my long career in Washington, if you don’t vote for me, our district or state will lose money, power, and influence.” But…


Time for GOP to Man Up on ObamaCare

By StevieRay Hansen | January 13, 2017

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Stories are already circulating that any number of weak-willed Republicans are looking for some way to slow down the repeal ObamaCare train and call the whole t… Source: Time for GOP to Man Up on ObamaCare


Fox’s ‘The Mick’ Showcases Child Abuse

By StevieRay Hansen | January 12, 2017

Fox’s newest “comedy” series “The Mick” is one of the worst shows 1MM has seen, and that is saying a lot. This vulgar program is far from family-friendly and with a TV-14 DLSV rating, you can be as… Source: Fox’s ‘The Mick’ Showcases Child Abuse


Armed forces glad to see Obama go and take your LGBT with you X Pres…

By StevieRay Hansen | January 12, 2017

Citing an unflattering poll about Barack Obama, a military watchdog says the outgoing president left his mark on the U.S. armed forces. The Military Times/Institute for Veterans and Military Famili… Source: Armed forces glad to see Obama go and take your LGBT with you X Pres…


Netanyahu condemns Paris summit as ‘rigged’ against Israel

By StevieRay Hansen | January 12, 2017

JERUSALEM (January 12, 2017) — Israel’s prime minister on Thursday condemned an upcoming conference in Paris aimed at reviving peace talks with the Palestinians. “It’s a rigged co… Source: Netanyahu condemns Paris summit as ‘rigged’ against Israel


Sources: HNewsWire   HNewsWire   HNewsWire   HNewsWire   ET

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