Watchman: Daily Devotional, We Are Given a Warning: We Are Not to Be Deceived, Because These Events Are Only the Beginning of Birth Pains

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We Have Reach the End of Secular World Reality–Tribulation, We Have Now Entered a State of What God Had Promised, Hell on Earth (Tribulations)…

GOD's Been Sideline:  7,000 Dead As Turkey Declares State Of Emergency In Quake Zone,

Thousands of people have been killed in Turkey and northern Syria after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on Monday. According to data from the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), the earthquake and its aftershocks hit the areas of Central Turkey, East Turkey and the Turkish-Syrian border region between Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 February. As our chart shows, the initial 7.8 quake was closely followed by a 6.7 magnitude aftershock in the same region, and a 5.6 magnitude aftershock in the Turkey-Syria border region.

Turkey: 20 Earthquakes in Two Days

“Unless God Has Raised You up for This Very Thing, You Will Be Worn Out by the Opposition of Man and Devils”…

“When you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” In Luke 21, Jesus speaks of the end times of life on earth. What sorts of things will happen? Luke 21:31

In Luke 21, Jesus speaks of the end times of life on earth. What sorts of things will happen?

For one thing, Jesus says that people will try to deceive others by claiming to be the Messiah. That happened around A.D. 70, when Jerusalem was destroyed; 29 people claimed to be the Messiah. Could they all have been the one? It has happened more recently too. In the early 1990s more than 30 people in Korea predicted that the second coming would soon take place. Did it happen? No.

The Bible predicts that wars, earthquakes, and other disasters will be a sign of the end times. There are lots of these today. There are also many who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. In 2 Timothy 3:2 we read that in the last days “people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” All these things are happening today.

But let’s be careful. All of these things have also been happening for 2,000 years.

One key to understanding Jesus’ warnings is in Luke 21:9: “Do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.” And in Mark 13:32 Jesus explains: “About that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” The point is to “be on guard! Be alert!” (Mark 13:33). Are you ready for Christ’s return?

Father, until Jesus returns, help us not to be deceived but to live for you each day, and thus to be ready to share this good news with everyone. Amen.

The Great Tribulation

It is our belief that the Great Tribulation referred to in the New Testament Book of Revelation (chapters 6-11) is unfolding before our eyes. In the near future, we will devote the "Tribulation" tab on our "Trending" menu to this emerging reality. As people continue to unplug from mainstream media, our commitment is to present the truth and encourage our audience to understand current events from a Biblical perspective. Click here to begin the journey.

The Watchman

In the Bible, the Watchman is responsible for keeping watch and warning others of potential danger or impending judgment. The role is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 33:6, God says to the prophet Ezekiel, "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand." Click here to begin the journey.

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