White House Receiving Backlash From Union Federal Workers In Reference To The Tyrannical Federal Vaccine Mandate.


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Three major public sector unions are contesting federal COVID-19 vaccination regulations for government employees, claiming that forcing unvaccinated people to work from home is “unjust.”

The Liberal government’s mandatory vaccination policy, which went into effect on Oct. 6, 2021, required all federal workers, even those working remotely, to be fully vaccinated with two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Workers who refused to get completely vaccinated or who refused to reveal their vaccination status would be placed on paid leave.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) filed a policy grievance on behalf of public servants who were placed on leave without pay due to these vaccine policies in late March, claiming that the policies “constituted an abuse of management authority” because remote workers are unlikely to return to physical workplaces in the long run, posing “no reasonable threat to the health and safety of their workplaces,” according to the group.

“As the pandemic has progressed and science has progressed, we believe that continuing to place unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave is a harsh administrative measure that can be considered disciplinary and without just cause,” said PSAC, which represents roughly 230,000 public sector workers across Canada.

Two other major public sector unions, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), have taken action in the last week to challenge the federal vaccine mandates, representing roughly 60,000 to 20,000 public servants, respectively.

“We are committed to immunization. However, given the relaxation of COVID limitations and the changing situation, we believe the employer’s policy is currently unjustified. PIPSC President Jennifer Carr told the National Post that these members can work from home.

“In practice, we believe it is punitive and an abuse of managerial power.”

According to statistics recently supplied with unions by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), approximately 1,800 government employees were still on unpaid leave as of March 29 owing to the vaccination policy.

The unions are also frustrated by the government’s long-overdue review of its immunization program. The government’s top human resources officer is responsible for examining the policy’s need and contents “at least every 6 months,” according to TBS’s vaccination policy, and submitting the results to the TBS president.

This means the first evaluation since the policy’s inception in October 2021 was supposed to be completed by April 6, 2022—a deadline that union officials claim has passed without the TBS showing any evidence of publishing it publicly.

“Not only have they failed to offer us a stance, but they’ve also failed to tell us when they’ll come up with one,” Carr added. “They called us (on May 17), but they still can’t offer us a date.”

“It appears to be in a black hole at this time,” she continued. “A number of public employees are now in limbo.”

Let’s be real here, most of the conspiracies pertaining to the elite are real. We are much more important than they want us to believe. They’ll only give you that very validation when you’ve proven yourself to be of any use to their deeply evil agenda. One must dive deep into the “crazy” conspiracies you’ve all heard about to get the broader picture here. The only people that are PUSHING the vaccine upon you, are the ones of opposing theological beliefs. When you wake up to that you’ll realize the lines aren’t blurred, they’re clear; And they’re being crossed.

Most have been dragged so far away from God but still claim to be Christians. They’ll come around, they just need to be persecuted more. Because until we realize that society is developing into something that we cannot fit into, we cannot focus on how we can lay our treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19). Perfect your mind in the eyes of God, and he will guide your life to carry out his purpose.

The political purge inside the American government continues despite the fact that the entire nation is witnessing it occur in real time. It’s hard to say wether or not the American people will wake up to the fact that there is an organized movement under the surface that seeks to weed out all who don’t prove themselves useful to the globalist agenda.

This “agenda” is biblical prophecy, and is still widely overlooked in the Christian community; Whether it be due to lack of awareness, or simply due to being a lukewarm Christian. Either way, prophecy is prophecy for a reason. These events will come to fruition because God wills it. Let the evildoers have their victory today, because Christ will proclaim victory thereafter. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

House Judiciary Committee Republicans said in a letter on Wednesday that whistleblowers claimed the FBI launched thousands of investigations on American parents who indicated disagreement to schools’ COVID-19 rules and designated them with a “threat tag.”

In a letter to the Justice Department (pdf), Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Mike Johnson (R-La.) stated that “brave whistleblowers” from the FBI had informed them that the agency had reportedly created an internal threat tag called “EDUOFFICIALS” in October 2021 to track alleged threats against school boards, in response to an Oct. 4 directive from Attorney General Merrick Garland.

According to the reps, the instruction came in response to a request from the National School Boards Association, which requested that the federal government employ counterterrorism instruments, such as the Patriot Act, to target parents at school board meetings.

The congressmen said that such investigations involved parents who were “upset with mask mandates” and state elected officials who “publicly voiced disagreement to vaccination mandates.”

The congressmen wrote, “In sworn evidence before this Committee, you denied that the Department of Justice or any of its components used counterterrorism legislation and resources to target parents at school board meetings.” “We now have proof contradicting your testimony.”

“We’ve heard through courageous whistleblowers that the FBI has initiated investigations with the EDUOFFICIALS threat tag in nearly every part of the country, including all sorts of educational settings.” The material we’ve received demonstrates how federal law enforcement is deploying counterterrorism resources to pursue protected First Amendment conduct as a direct result of your direction.”

According to Jordan and Johnson, a news release accompanying the October instruction to examine such “threats” “highlighted the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center [NTOC] to act as a snitch-line for information regarding parents at school board meetings,” according to the press release.

The lawmakers mentioned many instances in which a parent was reported, including one case in which an FBI field office investigated a mother for reportedly threatening a local school board that “we are coming for you.”

The woman was a threat, according to the complaint, because she belonged to a “right-wing mom’s club” known as “Moms for Liberty” and because she “is a gun owner,” according to the FBI.

Moms for Liberty, according to its website, is a non-profit group that advocates for parental rights at all levels of government.

The parent allegedly told the FBI agent she was angry about the school board’s mask demands and that “her comment was a warning that her organization would seek to replace the school board with new members through the election process.”

Another investigation recounted by the legislators included a parent who was against masks.

The father “matched the description of an insurrectionist,” according to the complaint, since he “rails against the government,” “believes all conspiracy theories,” and “has a lot of firearms and threatens to use them,” they added. Later, the complainant stated that they did not have any particular information about any crimes or threats.

In another case, a Democratic Party official allegedly filed a complaint against Republican elected officials in an unidentified state, alleging that they “incited violence” by publicly opposing vaccination requirements in school districts.

The FBI eventually decided that none of the cases posed a threat and that they did not violate any federal laws.

Jordan and Johnson, on the other hand, said that FBI agents had “exerted their limited time and resources examining these accusations,” and that the time and resources might have been better spent on “actual and immediate dangers.”

The legislators wrote, “This whistleblower information is astounding.” “As a direct result of their exercising their fundamental constitutional right to speak and fight for their children, you have opened an FBI investigation into them, established an FBI case file that contains their political beliefs, and applied a ‘threat tag’ to their names.”

The congressmen said the whistleblower information raises “serious concerns” that Garland’s Oct. 4 memorandum will “chill protected First Amendment activity as parents will rightfully fear that their passionate advocacy for their children could result in a visit from federal agents,” and that “parents have an undisputed right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, which includes voicing their strong opposition to controversial curricula at local schools.”

They told the attorney general to promptly provide all of the papers and materials listed in their letter, as well as to take “reasonable precautions” to preserve all “records relevant” to the case.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in October 2021, Garland stated that “actual and tangible threats of violence against school officials” are “not protected by the First Amendment,” and that officials are “not investigating nonviolent protests or parent engagement in school board meetings.”

What is done is done, the mere rumor of federal investigations being conducted on parents who support medical freedom was enough to hold back a potential cultural shift in which nearly all sensible Americans would come to the conclusion that parents are the ultimate authority in a child’s life. But you can’t expect anything less than psy-ops from our government entities.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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