Who Is the Antichrist and What Will His Rise Look Like?


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In police-state fashion, “Demonic Big Tech” took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

To better understand the person of the antichrist, you can begin by reading Revelation 13:1-4. As you read, ask God to help you understand His Word (Psalms 119:73).

In this Scripture passage, we witness the rise of the antichrist, who will come into great power during the tribulation period. With your Bible still accessible, consider the following insights on the biblical text, verse by verse. The below points about the antichrist will help us understand what he is, what he will do, signs and events around his rise to power, and ultimately his goal.

What and Who is the Antichrist?

Revelation 13:1-4

1. A beast – I saw a beast rising out of the sea (13:1): Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator. It also contrasts the antichrist from Christ, who is most commonly called the Lamb. The Lamb saves sinners, but the beast persecutes and executes the saints. The Lamb is gentle, whereas the beast is ferocious. The Lamb is loving, but the beast is heartless and cruel.

2. A Gentile – This beast “rises out of the sea” – The sea refers to the Gentile nations (Revelation 17:15), indicating that the antichrist will be a Gentile. “Anti” can mean “instead of ” or “against” or “opposed to.” So “antichrist” can mean “instead of Christ,” “against Christ,” or “opposed to Christ.” The antichrist is the “man of lawlessness,” the “son of destruction,” who will lead the world into rebellion against God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10Revelation 11:7) and deceive multitudes (Revelation 19:20).

3. Great Power – With ten horns and seven heads” (13:1): We have seen that because animals use horns as weapons (Genesis 22:13Psalms 69:31), horns eventually became symbols of power and then of dominion, representing kingdoms and kings.

4. Roman Revival – Comparing this text with Daniel 7:16-24, we conclude that the antichrist will rise up from ten kingdoms that will constitute a revived Roman Empire, the final form of Gentile world power before Christ returns.

Some Bible expositors say the seven heads are the principal rulers of the antichrist’s revived Roman Empire. Others suggest that the seven heads may be successive world empires — Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the antichrist’s revived Roman Empire. Still others say the seven heads represent seven mountains (Revelation 17:9). A mountain can symbolize a kingdom (see Daniel 2:34-45). This may be a veiled reference to Rome, which was built on seven hills (Revelation 17:18). All these views support the idea that antichrist’s kingdom will be a revived Roman Empire.

5. Global Power – With ten diadems on its horns” (13:1): The ten diadems, or crowns, point to the dominion of the antichrist’s kingdom, which will eventually embrace the entire globe.

6. Will Blaspheme – “and blasphemous names on its heads” (13:1): These point to the antichrist’s character — he will have a mouth full of blasphemy (Revelation 13:5-6) and will exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped (2 Thessalonians 2:4). 

7. Great Army – The beast was like a leopard” (13:2): Much of the imagery in this verse is from Daniel 7. The leopard was known for swiftness, cunning, and agility (see Daniel 7:6). This imagery in Daniel represents Greece under Alexander the Great, which had a swift, cunning, and agile army. Such will be the case with the antichrist as he comes into world dominion.

8. Fierce – “its feet were like a bear’s” (13:2): The bear in Daniel’s account refers to Medo-Persia (Daniel 7:5), well known for its strength and fierceness in battle (Isaiah 13:17-18). Such strength and fierceness will certainly characterize the antichrist and his forces.

9. Powerful Words – “Its mouth was like a lion’s”(13:2): The lion in Daniel’s account refers to Babylon (Daniel 7:4), with lion-like qualities of power and strength. Babylon was known for its ability to move quickly (like a lion). Such qualities will characterize the antichrist.

A comparison of Revelation 13:2 with Daniel 7 reveals that the final world empire of the antichrist — a revived Roman Empire — will be rooted in all the previous empires. It will unite in a single kingdom the evil and power that characterized all the previous kingdoms.

10. Satan – “To it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority” (13:2): The ultimate source of the antichrist’s power is Satan.

11. Resurrected Dead? – “Seemed to have a mortal wound” (13:3): Some Bible expositors believe this mortal wound refers to the pagan Roman Empire, which died in the past but will be revived in the end times. Others say a historical character of the past, such as Nero, Judas Iscariot, Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin, will come back to life and fulfill the role of the antichrist in the end times. Others say the antichrist will actually be killed and then resurrected. Still others say that perhaps the antichrist will be severely wounded, and Satan will supernaturally heal this wound. Perhaps he will simply appear to be killed, though he really is not, and through satanic trickery will appear to be resurrected.

The revived Roman Empire view seems unfeasible because Revelation 13:12 specifically refers to “the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.” The “first beast” is the antichrist. Then, in Revelation 13:14, we find a parallel reference to “the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.” This verse is interpreted most naturally as referring to a person — not a reincarnation of a past person, but a unique anti-God person of the future.

It is unlikely that the antichrist will actually be resurrected, but he may give the appearance of having been resurrected. Satan has supernatural abilities (John 12:312 Corinthians 4:4Ephesians 2:2), but he is not powerful enough to resurrect people from the dead. Only God can create life (Genesis 1:1Genesis 1:21Deuteronomy 32:39); the devil cannot (see Exodus 8:19). The devil has great power to deceive people (Revelation 12:9). He is a master magician and a super-scientist.

With his vast knowledge of God, man, and the universe, he is able to perform counterfeit miracles (2 Thessalonians 2:9). Some theologians believe Satan may be able to perform limited “grade-B” miracles. But only God can perform “grade-A” miracles. Only God can fully control and supersede the natural laws He Himself created. Satan will likely engage in a grade-B miracle in healing the wounded (but not dead) antichrist or engage in some kind of masterful deception, or perhaps a combination of both. In any event, the antichrist will appear to be resurrected from the dead. 2 Corinthians 4:4 informs us that Satan can blind peoples’ minds. If Satan pulls off some kind of counterfeit resurrection, he may blind people’s minds so that they accept this as an indication of the antichrist’s power and deity and subsequently worship him.

If the antichrist only appears to be dead but is not genuinely dead, a scenario suggested by Bible scholar Walter Price becomes viable: The apostle Paul was stoned in Lystra, and the citizens “dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead” (Acts 14:19). While in an unconscious state, Paul “was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (2 Corinthians 12:4)… At the same time, he was thought to be dead, his spirit was caught up into the third heaven and there received a profound revelation from God. This same thing, in reverse, will happen to the Antichrist. The Antichrist…will be no more dead than was the apostle Paul. But just as the citizens of Lystra thought Paul was dead, so the Antichrist will be thought dead.Just as Paul’s spirit departed from his body and was taken to heaven, where he received further revelations, so the antichrist’s spirit may depart from his body and be taken into the abyss, where Satan will offer the world’s kingdoms to him. The antichrist’s spirit will then return from the abyss (Revelation 11:7), re-enter what appears to be a dead body, and thereby give the appearance of a resurrection from the dead. Mark Hitchcock suggests that while his spirit is in the abyss, the “Antichrist probably receives his orders and strategy from Satan, literally selling his soul to the devil, and then comes back to earth with hellish ferocity to establish his world domination over a completely awestruck earth.”2

12. World-Wide Attention – “The whole earth marveled as they followed the beast” (13:3): This event will no doubt make headlines around the world. Internet videos of the event will go viral. Television reports of the event will be shown around the clock.

13. Worshipped – “They worshiped the dragon” (13:4): During Christ’s three-year ministry, Satan tried to persuade Him to fall down and worship him (Matthew 4:9). Before that, Lucifer (Satan’s original name) sought to put himself in the place of God (see Isaiah 14:12-17Ezekiel 28:11-19). Satan will finally have what he has yearned for—worship. They worshiped the beast… “Who is like the beast?” (13:4): This contrasts with believers, who say to God, “Who is like you, O Lord?” (Exodus 15:11).

Major Characteristics of the Antichrist

1. The genius of the antichrist. Scripture reveals that the antichrist will be a genius in intellect (Daniel 8:23), commerce (Daniel 11:43Revelation 13:16-17), war (Revelation 6:2Revelation 13:2), speech (Daniel 11:36), and politics (Revelation 17:11-12).

2. The antichrist mimics Christ. Christ is God (John 1:1-2John 10:36), and the antichrist will claim to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Christ did miracles (Matthew 9:32-33Mark 6:2); the antichrist will mimic such miracles (Matthew 24:242 Thessalonians 2:9). Christ is crowned with many crowns (Revelation 19:12); the antichrist is crowned with ten crowns (Revelation 13:1). Christ rides a white horse (Revelation 19:11) as does the antichrist (Revelation 6:2). Christ was resurrected (Matthew 28:6); the antichrist will appear to be resurrected (Revelation 13:3-14). Christ is a member of the holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14), but the antichrist is a member of an unholy trinity—Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet (Revelation 13).

Cross-References for Further Study of the Antichrist

BlasphemyExodus 20:7Leviticus 19:12Leviticus 22:32Deuteronomy 5:11Matthew 12:31-322 Thessalonians 2:4.

Satanic powerJob 1:12Luke 4:6Acts 26:18Ephesians 6:122 Thessalonians 2:9.

The worship of evil spirits (such as Satan)Leviticus 17:7Deuteronomy 32:172 Chronicles 11:15Psalms 106:371 Corinthians 10:20Revelation 9:20.

Application for Christians

1. Who is like the Lord? People will worship both the devil and the antichrist, saying, “Who is like the beast?” (Revelation 13:4). We, however, proclaim with the Scriptures, “Who is like you, O Lord?” (Exodus 15:11). The Lord declares, “There is none who can deliver from my hand” (Isaiah 43:13). The true God is incomparably great.

2. Test all things. We ought to consistently test all doctrines and religious ideas against Scripture. Even today, the spirit of antichrist is at work promoting heretical doctrine (see 1 John 4:1-32 John 1:7). Scripture often warns against being deceived by false doctrine (Matthew 7:15-16Matthew 24:4-11Acts 20:28-302 Corinthians 11:2-32 Timothy 4:3-4). We protect ourselves by testing all teachings against Scripture (Acts 17:111 Thessalonians 5:21).

The Antichrists, the Who, Un, CDC, Doj, Bill Gates, and Co, Most of Our Elected Officials Will Bring on the Antichrist System Into Play. We Are Already Under Demoniac Submission to the Beast Now

We Are Being Lied To Again–Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of humanity…

The identity of the Antichrist has long been a source of both debate and anxiety for Christians. The Bible warns that many people will be taken in by his lies or fail to recognize him for what he is. No Christian wants to be one of those who are deceived by this frightening and demonic figure.

Given that the stakes are nothing more or less than a person’s eternal soul, a great deal is riding on successfully identifying the Antichrist. The internet is filled with bloggers and preachers alike claiming that this political figure or that rival preacher is the Antichrist. Speculation is not confined to the depths of the web either. Innumerable churches have heard sermons warning about what the Antichrist will say and countless Bible study groups have debated where the Antichrist will originate.

So the Bible antichrist isn’t just someone who is opposed to Christ and His ways. It is someone who puts themselves in place of Jesus Christ. Now we know that satan is the ultimate antichrist, as he is the one who leads the rebellion against Christ, and tries to put himself in place of God and of Jesus. The Bible even confirms this about satan:

Isaiah 14:12-14 …’ How art thou has fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weakens the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the highest.’

So satan’s main goal was to be IN THE PLACE OF God and of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. And this is the same thinking that Satan has placed in his antichrist system that the Bible reveals. So we have satan as the main antichrist, but we also have an antichrist system that satan set up on earth to take the place of Jesus Christ on earth. The following 29 characteristics reveal just what that antichrist [IN PLACE OF-Christ] system is., planned events :

#1) Hospitals will be overrun in regions of America – As the exponential growth rates cause an explosion in infection cases, hospital beds that can handle biocontainment demands will quickly be full. We are close to that condition at this very moment, in fact.

#2) Entire cities in America will be placed under quarantine lockdown status: This may take a while to be fully recognized and declared, but it will occur. Once you are caught in quarantine, you will not be allowed to leave, for fear that you might spread the disease to other cities.

#3) School closures will become commonplace: This is already beginning to occur, and the practice will rapidly spread.

#4) Over the coming week, there will be tens of infections confirmed in America: By the end of this week (Sunday night), we should expect somewhere around 100 new cases having been confirmed this week.

#5) Within 30 days, if lab testing is allowed to take place, you will see hundreds of coronavirus infections confirmed in America. Watch for cases to jump to 200, then 500, etc. If the testing is allowed to take place, this is inevitable.

#6) Within 90 days, if the labs are legitimately trying to test everyone they can, you will see thousands of coronavirus infections confirmed in America. By June, in other words, there will be thousands of confirmed infections in America, and possibly over 10,000 by that time.

#7) Unless there’s a miracle intervention, eventually the number of coronavirus infections confirmed in America will exceed 100,000. This is mathematically inevitable, especially with the widespread negligence, incompetence and even criminal maliciousness of federal agencies that are right now telling Americans to NOT prepare. The federal government, of course, may never allow these numbers to see the light of day, since the CDC and the Trump administration now appear to be modeling their response after communist China (basically just lie about everything and hide the truth).

#8) Restrictions on domestic air travel, armed highway checkpoints: Once the quarantines begin, you will see armed roadside checkpoints and domestic air travel restrictions put in place. America will become a medical police state.

#9) Forced vaccines and “show me your papers” police state protocols. Eventually, once the vaccine is rolled out, you will see calls for mandatory vaccines and restrictions on human rights for people who are not vaccinated (no right to hold a job, no right to travel on public transportation, no right to be a parent, etc.). Prepare to be required to carry proof that you’ve been vaccinated. “Show me your papers.”

#10) The near-collapse of entire cities into lawlessness and chaos: Although it might take a year or more for the full extent of the coronavirus pandemic to work its way across the nation, at some point entire cities will seemingly descend into lawlessness and chaos. The U.S. military is already reportedly planning for up to 3.3 million deaths in America as a possible scenario. The quarantines, paycheck losses and the severing of food supply lines will wreak havoc in cities like Seattle and San Francisco, where homelessness and filth are already out of control, even without a pandemic.

Just remember, you are told there’s no need for YOU to prepare, even while the military and government are buying every truckload of emergency supplies they can find.

Target News Reported: It’s criminal. When the Surgeon General tells you to STOP buying masks because they don’t work, and then says hospital staffers need all those masks because they DO work, you know he’s lying.

By now you know the coronavirus wasn’t an accident. It was genetically engineered to exterminate humanity. Its release was not accidental, the intent was always to build a “hard kill” weapon that would unleash the economic collapse and global enslavement that would then enable the mass slaughter of obedient human beings by the demon-infested globalists who despise the human form.

Those depopulation-minded globalists, of course, are working on a euthanasia injection that will kill off the masses. They are going to label that death shot a “vaccine” in order to convince billions of people to obediently agree to be injected. Mr. Depopulation himself — Bill Evil Gates — is furiously funding death injection factories that will be able to crank out lethal injections by the billions over the next 2-3 years. And unlike the attempted ethnic cleansing of the Third Reich in World War II, this time the sheeple will line up and beg to be killed, avoiding all the “messy business” of any organized resistance.

No bullets, no bombs, no gas chambers. Just mass graves quietly filled with medical euthanized sheeple who begged their captors for “immunity” but got death instead. That About Sums It Up, Almost. Next, the Antichrists WhoUN, CDC, Doj, Bill Gates, and Co-Most of Our Elected Officials Will Bring on the Antichrist System Into Play. We Are Already Under Demoniac Submission to the Beast Now :

hat the High-Tech Do-Gooders Have Overlooked, There Are No Laws, No Rules to the World They Have Created, Artificial Intelligence Will Eventually Eat Their Own, and Anyone that has Contributed to the Undoing of Humanity, Mad-Mix During the Tribulations…

You the high tech conglomerates (HYPER-REPROBATES) chose to attack God’s children (The Christians) you brought destruction upon yourselves and your high-tech corporations, it’s amazing how wrong you can be when dumb down in biblical truth, God’s word has survived the tyrants for thousands of years, yet you CEOs have missed the most important part of life, God’s plan for humanity, enjoy

The globalist’s Big Tech,MSM and the Elitist are going to make your life a living hell until you surrender to their ungodly plan

The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The 127 https://www.the127.org/



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In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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