Watchman: Just Look at Australia. Look at New Zealand. Consider Canada. Look at Britain. Can You Have Guns There? No, They Have Taken Them Away. What Did They Do? They Forced the Population Into Lockdown. They Forced the Population to Get the Kill Shot Jab. The Gov. Is Now the People’s Enemy


HNewsWire: 'Global System Collapse' The Plandemic That Will Kill Millions — Tribulation... The Pandemic and the Globalist Calls

"Look at Australia." Consider New Zealand. Consider Canada. Consider the United Kingdom. Can you bring firearms? No, they were taken away. What exactly did they do? They put the population under lockdown. They forced everyone to get the Kill Shop jab.

Consider Australia. Consider New Zealand. Take, for example, Canada. Consider the United Kingdom. Can you bring firearms? No, they were taken away. What exactly did they do? They put the population under lockdown. They compelled the populace to receive the kill shot jab. The government is now the enemy of the people.

According to precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter, "nothing is getting better," and the evidence is all around us that we are clearly on the verge of a financial disaster unprecedented in history.

"All you have to do is read the news in the morning to know that things have gotten worse than the day before." That happens every day. I've been talking about 'Mad Max' for years. When I first started talking about it, I got a lot of flak and was labeled a nut case. It certainly appears to be the most likely scenario right now.

It simply returns to the West, and while China is not in the West, it is also extremely leveraged (or indebted). When a financial system is over-leveraged, the economy suffers. The only thing that can happen at some point is something bad. To repay the debt, it is either default or hyperinflation of the currency. In terms of timing, I would be surprised if we made it to the end of this year and people still thought the system was normal."

When the system does fail, it becomes "ugly." Holter elaborates,

"How are things going to work if this thing goes down?" My question would be, will anything work? Is your bank going to be open? Will your broker be available? Will there be a store, a restaurant, or any other place to buy goods? That brings us back to Jim Sinclair's song "Get Out of the System" (GOTS). Make yourself your own central banker.

Stock up on the items you believe you will require. Will it last two weeks or two years? It may last two years. One thing is certain: our lives in the United States will be drastically altered to a lower standard of living... You are witnessing the breakdown live."

The US got away with it for so long because the USD is the world's reserve currency. Nations all over the world regard the US dollar as a safe haven asset. So when the US government prints trillions of dollars, it is robbing Americans and the rest of the world. The greatest heist in history.

The US got away with it for so long because the USD is the world's reserve currency. Nations all over the world regard the US dollar as a safe haven asset. So when the US government prints trillions of dollars, it is robbing Americans and the rest of the world. The greatest heist in history. June 5, 2022 — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom)

The issue is that this has been going on for decades, and there is no way to fix it now. The reality is that the United States has been bankrupt for some time, and what is on the horizon is a nightmare: widespread poverty and a new system of control. Allow me to explain why this isn't just doom and gloom.

The total US debt is $90 trillion. The total unfunded liabilities in the United States are $169 trillion. That amounts to $778,000 per US citizen or $2,067,000 per US taxpayer.

Remember that the only way the US government can function right now is to print more money. As a result, hyperinflation is unavoidable.

The total market capitalization of ALL companies listed on the US stock exchange is $53 trillion. The real value is much lower because the United States has been printing trillions of dollars to provide interest-free loans to investment banks in order to boost the stock market. It's a ruse.

The majority of the $53 trillion is made up of air.

The total value of all US assets, including land, real estate, savings, corporations, and everything else owned by citizens, businesses, entities, and the state, is $193 trillion.

That number, like the US stock market, is full of air.

Total US debt: $90 trillion

Unfunded liabilities in the United States total $169 trillion.

$259 trillion in total

$193 trillion minus all US assets

$66 trillion in the bank

After all assets in the United States have been sold, that amounts to $66 trillion in debt and liabilities.

Do you comprehend?

So, even if the United States could sell all of its assets at their current market value, which is impossible, it would still be bankrupt.

You're probably wondering why things are still going on. Why hasn't everything yet collapsed?

It's all about perception, denial, and reliance.

The perception is that the United States has the world's largest economy and the most powerful military. However, the United States is bankrupt and cannot afford its army.

The denial is that all nations rely on a strong USD to keep global markets afloat.

The US zombie persists because the end of the US means the end of western prosperity and an admission that the current system failed as a model for the rest of the world. It has no effect on reality. The impending collapse is unavoidable.

What plans do our leaders have?

You've probably heard of the 'great reset' or the 'new world order.' Is it a planned annihilation of global markets, economies, and the world as we know it?

A shift to a new dystopian future in which the elites rule over the slaves without the guise of democracy?

Without controlled demolition, the world will come crashing down on everyone, including the elites. The world has changed so much that nothing makes sense anymore; open corruption, obvious propaganda media, and the erosion of our rights.

What is the end goal? ZeroHedge is the source.


SRH: The Nation, in Nearly Every Aspect, Is Failing Such Is the Fate of Nations Who Adopt Spineless Money, We’re Headed for Complete Financial, Moral, and Political Collapse, From Then on The Plandemic Will Be Accomplished.

It's corruption, evil teachers unions, arbitrary rules, monster debt, anti-Christ Anthony Fauci, fake money, woke, and a dependent populace.

We’re headed for complete financial, moral, and political collapse.

The plundering, corruption, and lies of public officials are criminal.  Federal Reserve Presidents have been buying and selling stocks to front run their market swinging policy decisions for years.  Members of Congress have long been trading off insider information related to their legislative wheeling and dealing.

Indeed, the fate of the nation and the fate of the currency are one and the same.  We’re headed for complete financial, moral, and political collapse.  But it’s not all bad…

You can count your blessings.  You have front row seats for the greatest crackup the world’s ever known.  The dollar’s doomed.  The nation is too.…and the rush to silver and gold has only just begun.

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