As We Witness Satan Soldiers Unsuccessful Attempts to Remove Pres. Trump


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There’s One Option Left, Attempted Assassination of President Trump…

Donald Trump is a nearly unstoppable force of nature, having survived over 4 solid years of relentless attacks and character assassination by the radical Democratic Left in America. They can’t stop him, they can’t even stop Amy Coney Barrett from being confirmed as a Supreme Court justice next week, they are besides themselves with fulminating rage and anger. They have fantasized about it for years, so the question we are asking today is, do the Democrats hate Donald Trump so much they will attempt to assassinate him to prevent 4 more years of him as president?

The Satan Soldiers AKA deep state is at war with America. The CIA is running an attempted coup, and all the CIA’s puppet “journalists” (actually nothing more than CIA-run media hacks) are all-in. The Democrats are betting everything that they can remove Trump from office and somehow avoid a popular uprising that would likely see millions of armed citizens taking action to defend this republic against the lawless deep state and its authoritarian rule.

You are witnessing the final chapter. The Democrats, CIA and media hacks are throwing everything at Trump in a last-ditch effort to remove him from office before the 2020 election, which the Dems know they cannot win (because Democrat ideas suck, and they have no ideas other than communism and handing out free stuff to everyone). Just today, lunatic Democrat congresswoman Maxine Waters called for President Trump to be “imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement,” probably so the deep state can pull a Jeffrey Epstein on him, where magically all the security cameras simultaneously malfunction while the prisoner is executed.

The fake news corporate media has abandoned any last shred of credibility and is now literally faking every “bombshell” about Trump, Ukraine, Russia and the so-called “whistleblower” (who is really nothing more than a CIA spy). In reality, all media hacks have become crisis actors who have been handed scripts by the CIA, and they are role-playing those scripts to pretend like Trump has been caught carrying out heinous crimes… the very same crimes that Joe Biden actually committed.

This face-off ends with just one party left standing. The Democrats cannot survive this if they do not decisively take out Trump, because in escalating this brazen, fabricated assault on our president, Democrats have demonstrated to all Americans that they don’t care about any real issues Americans are facing such as health care costs, the collapse of liberal cities and the growing power and corruption of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Instead, Democrats are willing to watch America burn and collapse as long as they think they might be able to get Trump in the process.

Democrats have become terrorists, criminals, and lunatics, and they have reached the point of insanity where they quite literally want to see this country burned to the ground rather than witness Trump win a second term.

Satan Dark Princess Display: ‘Shorthand for Killing Someone’: Trump Campaign Disturbed by Gretchen Whitmer Displaying ‘8645’ in Background for Interview

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is getting attention for her choice of background features during her appearance Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press.

After including a bubble-text “8645” printout on a table behind her during her interview, the Trump War Room, one of the Trump campaign’s verified Twitter accounts, accused the Democratic (Demonic) governor of “encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump.”

“Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump just weeks after someone sent a ricin-laced package to the White House,” the tweet added.

The term “8645” has made its way around the internet for some time already. An Urban Dictionary definition of the four-number sequence from 2017 defines it as “a sneaky way to illustrate one’s support of getting rid of Trump.”

In another tweet, the Trump campaign shared screen shots of more extreme definitions of the slang term from Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary which mention it could be a reference to killing someone.


Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer and the Hollywood Pedophile Elitist So Every Nutcase in the World Wants to Become Famous by Assassinating the President…

They will try to kill Trump before they let him be reelected as president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident.

 The Moment Secret Service Shoots Gun-Toting Man Outside White House

Video has emerged of the man shot by Secret Service Monday afternoon:

*  *  *

In the latest indication of just how chaotic things are becoming in America, on a day when the city of Chicago is being overrun by violent criminal gangs, President Trump was abruptly pulled from the podium at the start of Monday night’s WH press briefing.

However, Trump soon returned, and explained that a shooting had just taken place outside the White House.

“There was a shooting outside of the White House,” Trump said. “There was an actual shooting and somebody’s been taken to the hospital.”

He added that Fox News reporter John Roberts had heard two gunshots. Asked if he was rattled, Trump replied “do I seem rattled?”

An individual was shot by the Secret Service outside the White House at 17th and Pennsylvania. The armed suspect has been taken to a nearby hospital.

Reporters at the briefing tweets photos of locked doors and generally sounded more panicked than the situation probably warranted. And especially since so many of them have actively supported violent rioters and looters.

How long before the left starts looting and rioting to show support for the crazed armed gunman that was just shot outside of the White House?— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) August 10, 2020

Both in Politics and in the Media Now and After the Election, the New World Order Foot Soldiers Have Their Marching Orders, Destroy Trump and Those That Supported Him, George Soros and His Soldiers Are Going to Wreak Havoc Upon Those That Support Pres. Trump. They Will Not Be Satisfied If Joe Biden Wins the Presidency. They Want to Marginalize Anyone Who Has Supported Donald Trump, Making It Impossible for Them to Hold Office — or to Express Their Christian or Conservative Views.

They will try to kill Trump before they let him be reelected as president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident.

Those in power will NEVER surrender their power willingly. Donald Trump is flying in the face of people so corrupt that they would not hesitate to have him assassinated somehow, be it a plane or car crash or under the pretense of some minority who gets amazing access. This is standard operating procedure and it is dominant throughout history from ancient times to the present. They will stop Donald Trump one way or another. They cannot afford to lose control of their money machine. The press is part of the establishment, for you can see they have received their orders to portray Trump as dangerous. They should be nominated for an Oscar at the Academy Awards. This is why there is ultimately revolution. No individual can reverse the direction of corruption. Yet the practice of assassination is historic, they create an accident. The “establishment” does not appear willing to accept Trump under any conditions.

Maverick, Pres. Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.

It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the a good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations. . .like Big Pharma 

They are owned lock, stock and barrel by foreigners, like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary with their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher’s union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign.

 Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; he’s questioning why the border is wide open; he’s questioning why no wall has been built across the border; he’s questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; he’s questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes, yet are not deported; and he’s questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.

The possibility that somebody may have already carried out the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump.[1] In his article, Kouri mentions how Trump’s personal Boeing 757, on its way from New York to Little Rock, Arkansas, had to make an emergency detour and landed at Nashville International Airport after the plane’s captain reported he was experiencing problems with one engine. Fortunately, the plane landed safely.

In the CFR-controlled America, political assassination has become a common occurrence. The CFR conspirators have been very successful in assassinating anybody they see as a potential threat to their globalist designs.

CFR psychopaths inside the U.S. government have actively participated in the assassination of foreign leaders, among them Colombia’s leader Jorge Gaitán, Italy’s oil executive Enrico Mattei and Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the Dominican Republic’s President Rafael Trujillo, Panama’s Omar Torrijos, Chile’s President Salvador Allende, Congo’s Patrice Lumumba, South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem, Sweden’s Olof Palme, Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and, more recently, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,[3] and Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski.

They also planned and carried out the assassination of American leaders, such as General George S. Patton, Admiral James Forrestal, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, and probably even FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

They also carried out the assassinations of people who, for one or another reason, they have considered a potential threat to their plans. Among them are singer John Lennon, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, ex-CIA director William Colby, Clinton’s secretary of commerce Ron Brown, San Jose Mercury News’ journalist Gary Webb, George W. Bush’s biographer J.H. Hatfield, editor of George magazine and presidential hopeful John F. Kennedy, Jr., U.S. Army corporal and football star Pat Tillman, computer hacker and activist Aaron Swartz, journalist Michael Hastings, publisher Andrew Breitbart, members of SEAL Team 6, comedian Joan Rivers, and perhaps even authors Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton, just to mention a few.

The CFR globalist conspirators have always use assassination as a tool to control U.S foreign and domestic policy, and the CIA has been their main executor. Proof of this is that in 1976 President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905 banning assassinations. It clearly stated: “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

Currently, the same people who told us that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are now desperately trying to delegitimize Trump by claiming that the Russian government influenced the results of the election. Moreover, impostor Barry Soetoro has declared that he plans to stay in Washington D.C. with Michael in order to create a “shadow government” to fight President Trump.[7] Now, given the fact that Soetoro is a mentally-retarded moron, one has to conclude that his “shadow government” will be fully under the control of the Invisible Government controlled by the Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and CEOs of transnational corporations ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan.

Nevertheless, we should not be surprised by the globalist conspirators’ knee-jerk reaction. They have plenty of reasons to be scared to death.

It is evident that one of Trump’s goals is to disassemble the New Homosexual World Order machinery the globalist conspirators have so carefully been assembling during the past hundred years. An investigation of Obama’s true place of birth may bring him to a long vacation in a federal prison and will automatically invalidate all his executive orders and maybe even his nominations to the Supreme Court. An investigation into Hillary’s shady deals through her Foundation may send her to join Obama. An investigation of McCain’s activities at the Hanoi Hilton may uncover his dirtiest secret. An investigation of the roles of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and other CFR members in the 9/11 events may bring stiff penalties to them and their accomplices. Even worse, an investigation of the treacherous role of the Council on Foreign Relations may result in its destruction.

Satan Soldier Snoop Dogg and the Democrats Spend Four Years Fantasizing…

About Riots, Assassination and Violent Chaos, They Got What They Ask for Almost, Trump Win in Nov, the Strong Dilution Place Upon This Wicked Individuals Will Last a Life Time…

As Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats attempt to place blame for the ongoing riots on President Trump, here’s a two-minute clip of prominent Democrats, pundits, and actors calling for civil unrest, assassination, and violence against conservatives.

The Short List of “Reprobate” found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).”

We’re living in a world where unruly groups of people are spending their evenings out trying to intimidate people who they feel “deserve” it, without actually knowing anything about their targets. Any of us could become a target.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire nowtheendbegins HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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