11 mins read

Pt.6- Fellowship With God, Our Reasonable Service

By Edward O’Hara Sun 1/5/2020 3:30 PM From the last article, we learned that Adam could not make a moral choice that brought a penalty while in the garden. Which showed that death is not a penalty man receives by inheritance or imputation from Adam as some have falsely believed. And that this was because while he had one of the components necessary for such a choice, he was still missing 2 very important parts.  Without which he could not make a moral choice for which penalties are imputed by God. Because while he did have free will, he did not have the knowledge of good and evil. Or the law that Paul says in Rom.5:12-14 only came through Moses.  With this in mind, I now want to show what God’s purpose was for doing things in this kind of […]


11 mins read

Put.5- Could Adam Make A Moral Choice?

Edward O’Hara Thu 1/2/2020 1:07 PM In my last article I showed that when Paul said sin is not imputed when there is no law, he meant exactly what he said. And how the religion of the cults is in such disagreement with Paul that they have believed exactly the opposite. Falsely teaching that Adam’s sin was not only imputed to him. But, that his sin was imputed to all of mankind bringing the penalty of death. And in believing this they make Augustine their apostle by receiving his false sin nature/original sin doctrine in rejection of Paul’s gospel.  In this article, I will show that this is not the only false teaching that has managed to deceive so many. Because the scripture says other things were missing from Adam and Eve in those days that the false church misses […]


7 mins read

Put.4- Sin Is Not Imputed When There Is No Law- Rom.5:13

Edward O’Hara Tue 12/31/2019 1:21 PM… In our last study we left off with the question; But, what about the people that God destroyed in the flood? Or at Sodom and Gemorah? Weren’t these punished by God for their sins? Isn’t that the imputation of sin? The short answer is no. Because there are a couple of reasons given in the Bible for why this happened. And none of these is said to be because of imputed sin. In some instances, it was because those that God destroyed were not really human people at all. Like when God flooded the earth. Because in Gen.6 we see that God says the only people who were perfect in their generations/genealogy were Noah. And the rest had been affected by the DNA change because of the marriages that had been going on between the […]


9 mins read

Put.3- Sin Is Not Imputed When There Is No Law- Rom.5:13

Edward O’Hara Tue 12/31/2019 12:56 PM… When you read those words what comes to mind? Do you think it means that only sometimes sin is not imputed to them? Or maybe your thinking Paul really didn’t mean what he wrote the way it sounds because of course their sin was imputed to them, because you’re sure that’s why they died? But, is that what the scripture says? And whose sin is Paul speaking about? The sins of only some of the people who lived before Moses? Or all of the people who lived before Moses? The fact is that when Paul wrote these critically important words, he had just described the events concerning the sin of Adam and the effects it brought to all mankind and the sin of all men after him that lived before Moses. So he was most […]


8 mins read

What Does The Bible Say Really Happened In The Garden?

That’s what the prophets said, right? Yes, that’s what they said. But, you never see them saying it is for the forgiveness of the sin of Adam, do you? Of course not. Because they never said that men are held accountable for another’s sins. In fact, Ez.18:20 says that it is only the soul that sinneth that shall die. And that the son will not bear the iniquity of the father. Edward O’Hara Sat 12/28/2019 11:03 PM Here is an enumerated list of what the Bible plainly says of the events in the garden.From Gen.1:26-301. God made man in His image and likeness.2. God made them male and female.3. God made them with free will and dominion on earth over what He made. And told them to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth.From Gen.2:7-4. God made their bodies […]


9 mins read

Why Context Is So Important Something Paul Says the Rest of the World(Gentiles) Did Not Have

By, Edward O’Hara, Fri 12/27/2019 12:24 PM… When reading the Bible we always need to remember who the letter we are reading from is written to. Because while the whole Bible is written for us. The whole Bible is not written to us. For example, Even though all believers can glean truth from it’s teaching, Hebrews is written to, well… Hebrews. So when reading letters like this we must always remember that these are written to people who had a covenant with God before Jesus came. Something Paul says the rest of the world(Gentiles) did not have. Eph.2:12.  So it was these people, and not Gentiles, to whom God said; “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the […]


10 mins read

What Universalists And Calvinists Have In Common

Edward O’Hara Thu 12/26/2019 6:54 PM… The Calvinist(those who believe John Calvin’s teaching) believes that God chose who will go to heaven and who will go to hell before they were born. The Universalist believes that all men will be saved because God chose them before they were born. The Calvinist gets this from confusing what Paul taught about predestination in Rom.8 and what Paul taught in Rom.9. The Universalist gets this from confusing Paul’s message in Rom.5:18. In Rom.5:18 Paul says “Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” They believe this means that just as all are condemned in Adam because of his sin. So all are justified in Christ because of His sinlessness. Even though on the […]


6 mins read

Christ Is Born

The Bible is very clear about why Christ was born. The Bible tells us that He was born to “take away the sin of the world”(John1:29). And Jesus said that this sin was that “they believe not on me”(John16:9). Because it is in believing in Jesus that we have the eternal life that Jesus was born to provide for us.  For Israel, this would begin by Him fulfilling the law so that it could pass away(Mt.5:17,18). This was necessary for Israel because as long as they were under the law they could not be joined with Jesus for eternal life(Rom.7:1-4). Because while they were under the law they were “kept shut up unto the faith which should afterward be revealed.”(Gal.3:23).  And for the Gentiles(all who are not Israelites) Jesus came to offer them the same New Covenant He brought to Israel. […]


13 mins read

Sin Nature Or Free Will?

If a man has inherited from Adam then we must see it in the Genesis account. But, there is no mention of any change in Adam’s nature in that passage or anywhere else in the scriptures… The passage shows us that the only change that happened in Adam after he ate the fruit is his receiving of the new knowledge. And God says of his receiving this new knowledge in Gen.3:22- “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil” This shows that this new knowledge made Adam more like God. “As one of us”. So it could not be a sin nature.  Rom.7 is a favorite of those who have been indoctrinated with the RCC view of why man sins. But, it actually says nothing of the kind. And neither does any of the rest of the […]


6 mins read

Children Confused about Gender Identity – Satan’s Wounds!

It is impossible not to weep as you view the wounds that Lucifer has inflicted on the lives of multitudes -“Trans People” King Lucifer, the master of deceit and destruction, is called in the Bible the god of this age. His false powers have deceived a multitude. Much of the world is subject to him because he offers them the right to serve themselves and to do what they please. Lust, sex, pleasure, money, and every vice is known to man is the carrot that he holds in front of the man. One thing Satan does not announce is when you serve yourself, you are actually serving him. He is the creator of the idea of selfishness. This idea was born when Satan stood up to the eternal God and said, “I will” do what I want to do. He wanted […]


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