Bad News for the Satan Soldiers Over At


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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CDC and the Dark Biden Administration, Non-Mask Wearers Will “Definitely Not” Consent to Being vaccinated…

Based on the current level of knowledge in the field of gene-research, the entire program of manufacturing and injecting RNA into the body is an insane criminal enterprise.

Are you aware that, after decades of genetic research and tens of thousands of studies linking genes to diseases, there is not a single gene-treatment that can cure a disease across the board?

What there is, however, is a great deal of money that hustlers have raised for bio-tech firms. In addition, there are many sky-blue promises being made behind closed doors.

And oh yes, there are many examples of errors, in which experimental gene insertions yield unexpected results—unintended and dangerous results, as well as unpredicted alterations in genomes.

Undoubtedly, the huge numbers of reported injuries and deaths from the COVID mRNA vaccines are surely the result of more than just the production of the spike protein.

Why are we not hearing more about this? The answer is simple… because people assume the problem must be the spike protein and only that protein.

The human beings of planet Earth are now part of a guinea-pig vaccine experiment that has far deeper implications. We are being subjected to an open-ended, genetic spin of the roulette wheel.

And there are no safeguards and no comprehensive follow-ups.

For this reason alone, the entire effort to develop the mRNA injections should have been banned from the beginning—until researchers demonstrated convincingly that the risks would be minimal. Of course, they could not make that guarantee.

But the fatuously named Warp Speed program rocketed ahead—all based on pretentious and speculative “science.”

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Biden announced yesterday that the US would send 20MM doses of vaccine that are authorized for emergency use in the US abroad for the first time as pressure from the international community grows).

A recent survey found that half of Americans who don’t wear masks say they “definitely won’t” get vaccinated, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.Half of non-mask wearers said they would “definitely not” get vaccinated, according to a survey taken the week of March 15.

By comparison, the data, which was leaked to Bloomberg, found that 13% of those who wear a mask some of the time or never said they had gotten vaccinated, while 34% of those who do wear masks all or most of the time said they had been vaccinated. Half of non-mask wearers said they would “definitely not” get vaccinated, versus 7% of those who wear masks regularly.

Source: Bloomberg

The findings follow an announcement by the CDC allowing fully vaccinated people to ditch masks in most settings.

Biden celebrated the decision as offering Americans a stark choice: Either get vaccinated, or wear a mask.

The only problem with this is that many of those who are skeptical of the vaccine also don’t wear masks.

One analyst who spoke to Bloomberg said she was surprised by the resistance to the vaccine.

“But I think what stands out is the share that say they definitely won’t get the vaccine among those who say they don’t wear masks,” Hamel said in an interview.

What’s more, the survey data support what many Americans probably see as common sense – although nobody apparently told the White House or the CDC.

The findings already indicate that people who say they don’t want the vaccine are much less likely to believe that masks are effective. “And so certainly that relationship between the attitudes towards the vaccine and attitudes towards other sorts of protective measures exist, particularly among that group that says they’re just definitely not going to get vaccinated,” she said.

The CDC was widely criticized for spurring confusion with its latest guidance for individuals and businesses, as states are now deciding whether they will follow the CDC guidance or opt to wait.

Some employers are already saying they will require new hires to be vaccinated, although most employers still concede that it would be illegal to require all employees to go out and get the vaccine. Ultimately, however, they might still be forced to rely on the honor system as medical privacy laws might prevent them from asking to see evidence of the shot.

The polling company, KFF, which has been running polling data through its COVID Vaccine Monitor, used data on self-reported masking behavior and people’s belief in whether wearing a mask prevents the spread of the vaccine as the basis for these findings.

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What So-Called Dr.Fauci Did to This Country and Helped Implement Around the World is Unfathomable and They Should All Be Dealt With as War Criminals , Crimes Against Humanity

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Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Parler, Facebook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms. We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian — anti-American Nazi philosophy.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

Bow down to Satan Soldiers… Comply… Submit?

If you haven’t received the vaccine yet, don’t… do… it… Please don’t give it to your children or young adults of any age. You may give them a disease and possibly shorten their lives. No one should presume the right to do that for another human being. Most importantly, no one should force YOU to receive a dangerous and experimental shot, either for yourself or your children. Stand up! Transfer your precious little ones from any school if they insist on enforcing a mask mandate, which in itself is a form of child abuse.

Please wake up. Don’t be a moron. Dr. Fauci is a raging lunatic.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Bad News for the Satan Soldiers Over At

  1. The first ten amendments, which would come to be
    known as the Bill of Rights, were included at the
    demand of those especially concerned about vesting the
    federal government with too much power and who
    wanted an enumeration of specific rights that the new
    government lawfully could not transgress. But all
    agreed that substantive rights are not granted by
    government; any just government exists only to secure
    these rights. And they specifically noted in the Ninth
    Amendment that the Bill of Rights was a selective and
    not an exclusive list; that is, the mere fact that a right is
    not mentioned in the Bill of Rights is neither proof nor
    evidence that it does not exist.
    It is important to note the founders’ understanding of
    three of these rights that are decisive for republican
    government and the success of the founders’ project.

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