Boycott Target, Sign the Pledge


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The *Boycott Target Pledge* is simple:
“Until Target makes the safety of women and children a priority, I will shop elsewhere.”

Sign the Pledge

AFA Target boycott crashes corporate earnings

AFA’s 1.4 million supporters are dealing a crippling blow to Target over their dangerous bathroom policy. The Target boycott, launched in April 2016, is causing a significant drop in foot traffic to the store. Effects of the boycott are clear in Target’s financial report released February 28. The report indicated a dramatic drop in Target’s sales and earningsduring October, November, and December. This bad news for Target resulted in the company’s stock value dropping 13 percenton the day of the report.

Together we are making an unprecedented financial impact on a corporation whose policy is to allow men to use women’s restrooms and dressing rooms. Target’s decision is unacceptable for families, and their dangerous and misguided policy continues to put women and children in harm’s way.

Target, however, remains willfully blind to the link between the boycott and financial loss, but this blindness should not persist. Investors will hardly allow a politically correct bathroom policy based on a minority opinion to sink Target’s profits further. Target investors must be aware that a strong majority of Americans believe the use of restrooms and dressing rooms should be linked to a person’s biological sex We must keep the pressure on Target.

This is why it is urgent the Target boycott reach 1.5 million signers by the end of April. At that point, I will personally return to Minneapolis with an additional 500,000 names. I will then discuss how Target can invite 1.5 million AFA supporters back to their store by having a common sense bathroom and dressing room policy that links usage of these rooms to a person’s biological sex.

Sign the Pledge

Support AFA’s social media campaign to reach 1.5 million

Here’s what AFA is asking you to do:

  • SIGN – If you haven’t already, sign the boycott pledge today.
  • SHARE – Ask family, friends, and church members to sign the pledge. One effective strategy is to voice your concerns politely, but firmly on Target’s Facebook page and other social media sites. Please use #BoycottTarget.
  • SUPPORT – Make a generous donation to help AFA launch a comprehensive social media ad campaign to reach 1.5 million signers on the petition. As a thank you for your donation, I will send you an exclusive AFA Cultural Institute DVD of Parenting Teenagers with John Rosemond. The teenage years are well known for being a time of difficulty and conflict between parent and child. The teenager has a new desire for the privileges of adulthood, but must first learn the responsibilities of adulthood. In Parenting Teenagers, John Rosemond describes the teenager’s desire for freedom and the parents’ desire for responsible behavior, and how to achieve balance in a God-honoring way.

Your action is critical because we’ve heard from insiders that other companies have hesitated to change their bathroom and changing room policies because of the success of the AFA Target boycott.

AFA believes that, with enough pressure, pro-family advocates can stop this insanity before more women and children become victims. Remember, too, your prayers and gifts are the lifeblood of this organization.

Sign the Pledge

**What Target’s policy could lead to: **



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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