2 mins read

Watchman’s Daily Devotional: Lord, Help Me to Always Have a Heart to Listen and Obey. If You Have Planned Some Mighty Deed, Give Me the Courage to Do It. Help Me Persevere Until I Stand in Your Presence

1 Chronicles 11:22 King David had a group of valiant men, and among them was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. Benaiah hailed from Kabzeel and was known for his great deeds. He displayed his bravery by defeating two mighty heroes from Moab. But his courage did not stop there. On a day when snow had fallen, Benaiah fearlessly descended into a pit and struck down a lion. Such acts of valor were a testament to his strength and unwavering faith. Benaiah’s role extended beyond mere acts of heroism. He became the leader of David’s bodyguards, entrusted with the task of protecting the future Messiah, who would descend from David’s lineage. This position of honor and responsibility highlighted the significance of his role in safeguarding the chosen one of God. During this time, Israel was a nation under the guidance of […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Let No One Deceive You With Empty Words,for Because of Such Things, God’s Wrath Comes on Those Who Are Disobedient. Therefore, Do Not Be Partners With Them

Daily Devotional: He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. (John 1:9-11) All of us are born into the world through the physical seed passed down through our parents, and we begin our physical life as members of the world system of darkness, ruled by Satan. We have a duty to shine the light of truth into the darkest corners of deception in Satan’s world system, which includes everything that operates the world system today: politics, economics, education, religion, the military, and especially today, medicine, which is pharmakeia in the original Greek language of the New Testament and is translated into the English Bible translation. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for […]


5 mins read

The Strength of a Man’s Faith in God Is Considered an Indicator of His Well-Being in Biblical Societies. Buying “Health” From a Doctor Was an Extremely Rare Occurrence in the Bible, and When It Was, It Usually Ended Badly. Examples Include Mark 5:25–26 and 2 Chronicles 16:12–13.

The truth is that we are created by God in His image and that His intention for our lives is to live in health. What a wonderful truth it is to know that God created me for a specific purpose and cares about each and every day of my life! Psalm 139 by King David is one of the most eloquent expressions of this truth. So, what exactly is “health?” It is a common English word, but its precise meaning can be obscure. If you ask ten random people on the street what “health” means, you will likely receive ten different responses. Frequently, we can define a word by describing its antonym. The opposite of “health” is “sickness.” This term is probably simpler to define, and the vast majority of individuals would associate it with diseases and physical ailments. However, […]


12 mins read

Watchman: I was Wrong About Mike Johnson’s Path to Speaker-ship: ‘Through Prayer, Not Politics’ It Was All Lies!!

HNewsWire: Proverbs 29:2 King James Version  When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Read full chapter Proverbs 29:2 in all English translations Our country needs people like this to lead it. May God bless him. No one could believe it when Mike Johnson (R-La.), the newly elected Speaker of the House, told the Democratic and Republican members of the House of Representatives that God in the Bible put each of them there for a reason in his first speech as chair. He is surrounded by Democrats and Republicans who are against Christians, the Constitution, Jews, and lawbreaking. Say prayers for him. “I want to tell everyone here what I told the Republicans last night: I don’t think this is a coincidence.” Bible verses, in my opinion, make it very […]


7 mins read

Watchman: One of the Clearest Warnings Is to Beware of False Prophets and False Messiahs (Bill Gates). He Taught That They Would Be Able to Deceive People (Pharmaceuticals), Even by Displaying Miraculous Signs (Vaccines). He Spoke of Wars That Would Continue(United State Gov) Throughout This Age, as Well as Famines, Earthquakes and Wars

Jesus compared His Second Coming to the great flood in the days of Noah. Noah built that ark over a long period of time as he preached to the people (2 Peter 2:5). Yet the people did not listen or even consider that their world was about to end. 37. Matthew 24:37-39. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up until the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be when the Son of Man appears. Jesus predicted that His return would not be hidden. He predicted that it would be more like lightning in the east, visible even from the west. The prophet Zechariah describes some of […]


5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, God Knows We Require the Tests and Hardships That the Wicked Throw at Us. Their Challenges Teach Us Patience and Compassion, but Most Importantly, They Cause Us to Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Matthew 13:28-30 (NIV) 28″‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29″‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'” Jesus told a parable about weeds being discovered in a wheat field. The field’s owner suspected that an opponent had spread the weed seeds. People who worked in the field inquired if they should pluck the weeds. Because the owner was concerned that the wheat may be destroyed during the procedure, he told them to wait until harvest. They would then […]


11 mins read

Watchman: A Daily Devotional The Religious Leaders of Jesus’ Day Had One Motivating Force: ‘What Will Men Think of Me?’ Their Religion Was About Pride in Being the Spiritual Elite,Much Like the Pastors of Today—Empty Suits

Pride will kill you. Forever. The sin that is most likely to prevent you from calling out to God for salvation is pride. Those who have a reasonable belief that they are healthy will not seek treatment. As seriously dangerous as pride is, it’s equally hard to spot. When it comes to diagnosing our hearts, those of us who have the disease of pride have a challenging time identifying our sickness. Pride infects our eyesight, causing us to view ourselves through a lens that colors and distorts reality. Pride will paint even our ugliness in sin as beautiful and commendable. We can’t conclude that we don’t struggle with pride because we don’t see pride in our hearts. The comfortable moments when I pat myself on the back for how well I am doing are the moments that should alarm me […]


5 mins read

“Forgive Us Our Debts” (Matt. 6:12). Believers Confess Their Sins; Unbelievers Satan Soldiers Deny Theirs

Believers in Christ have a hard time dealing with sin. You probably weren’t surprised to hear that. Sin becomes less of a problem, but you become more aware of it as you grow in Christ. This does not make you more susceptible to temptation; rather, it makes you more cognizant of the subtle ways in which sin dishonors God. Some people think you should never confess your sins or seek forgiveness, but the Lord instructed us to do so when He said for us to pray, “Forgive us our debts” (Matt. 6:12). That’s the believer’s prayer for the Father’s forgiveness. John said, “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us […]


3 mins read

Watchman’s Daily Devotional: When Jesus Finally Came, Israel Was in a Dire Spiritual State. The Jewish Nation Was Enslaved by the Burdensome Legalism of the Pharisees, Who Had Established a Set of Laws That No One Could Fulfill. Does This Ring a Bell?

The people were filled with uncertainty, seeking a deliverer to bring them peace and freedom from their sins. They were aware of God’s promise of a savior who would forgive their transgressions and purify their souls (Ezek. 36:25-27), yet they were unsure of His arrival and how to recognize Him. The overwhelming response to John the Baptist’s preaching reflects the anticipation among the people. Matthew 3:5-6 tells us, “Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea, and all the district around the Jordan; and they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins.” The burning question on everyone’s mind was, “How can I enter the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus Himself was approached with this question in various forms. In Luke 10:25, a lawyer inquires, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” […]


5 mins read

Watchman: If the Holy Spirit Were to Bring Conviction to Our Country, What Might That Look Like? What if for a Month Everything Came to a Halt—Stores Closed, Entertainment Ceased—as People Cried Themselves to the Ground Over the Hardness of Their Hearts and the Falling State of the Nation?

The impact of the Second Coming on each of our individual lives will be determined by the state of our faith in Jesus. How each nation interacts with God will determine how they are judged. Our hope rests in God’s pity. We pray that our efforts will help us shine more light on a country that is descending into darkness. The Holy Spirit equips us with the ability to answer thoughtfully and respectfully any question about the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15). There are those who believe we have stumbled too far and wasted our second chance. That said, historical accounts of revivals paint a similar picture. Truthfully, only God can provide it. However, I believe that you and I can always pray earnestly to the Lord while we are still alive and ask Him to give […]


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