Watchman: False Prophets Make Huge Profits. They’ll Do Anything to Scam You.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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(HNewsWire) This is a story about heresy, lunacy, and the crazy world of false religion.

Religious predators feed on naïve and ignorant souls. The most vulnerable often fall into their traps. Let's face the truth. Greedy mega preachers, predatory priests and racist rabbis peddled in lies. Instead of investigating Scripture and sound doctrine, the unwary sheep follow the heretic shepherds over the cliff and into the belly of hell itself.

 "Is 'John of God' a Healer or a Charlatan?" asked ABC News in 2005. You can add "or a Criminal?" to that headline. The Brazilian faith healer turned himself in on Sunday following allegations he'd sexually abused more than 300 women. It's a fall from grace for a man who Oprah once traveled to interview. The latest:

  • The timeline: The accusations began emerging only this month, and the BBC reports authorities took notice when "John of God," or Joao Teixeira de Faria, pulled nearly $9 million from a number of bank accounts Wednesday, sparking fears he might flee the country. An arrest warrant was issued Friday, and the 76-year-old missed the Saturday deadline to comply. He turned himself in Sunday to police in Abadiania, where he's based and where everyone wears white, notes the Washington Post. He has since been moved to Goiania, the capital of Goias state, and his lawyer says he plans to file an appeal in the hope of getting Faria placed under house arrest rather than kept in police custody. Faria has denied the allegations.
  • So what's he famous for? "His intense methods of healing," as BuzzFeed News puts it, which include channeling the spirits of dozens of dead doctors, biblical figures like King Solomon, and historical figures like a Spanish nobleman from the 1400s to treat people with conditions ranging from leprosy to sinus infections to paralysis. BuzzFeed also links to a video that shows surgeries carried out without anesthesia; Faria doesn't have a medical license. In other graphics procedures, Faria is known to shove forceps high into a patient's nostril. Does this sound like a faith healer to you? Well according to some rich and famous"Oprah" this man is right in line with God Almighty......
I've noticed that the only ones prospering from their false doctrine"prosperity gospel" are the prosperity gospel preachers.
Joel Osteen the pretender,
If you listen to Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer, if you take what they teach seriously, it will not be good for you. It will be detrimental to your long-term growth as a follower of Jesus.

He is mostly recognized for being one of the senior pastors at the largest Protestant church in America, Lakewood Church. His live sermons are streamed to an average of 20 million people on a monthly basis. Before he began preaching himself, he spent a lot of time working behind the scenes at Lakewood Church.

He is responsible for founding the church’s TV show and produced the program which featured John Osteen’s, Joel’s father, sermons, and speeches. It wasn’t until John sadly passed away in 1999 that Joel stepped into his father’s preaching shoes. When Joel took over, the membership of the church grew as thousands of people were keen to hear his unique thoughts on Christianity.

Where does Joel Osteen live?

Joel is one of the richest pastors in the United States of America, and he without a doubt takes advantage of it. In the words of Osteen himself, “It’s God’s will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty.” And he stays true to his word. Joel Osteen house is situated in Houston in a wealthy suburb known as River Oaks.

The house cost him $10.5 million, and Joel and his wife also own a second $2.9 million mansion in Tanglewood, Houston. The River Oaks stone property boasts loads of unique and luxurious features which span across the large mansion, including 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5 open wood fireplaces, 3 elevators, a 1 bedroom guest house and outdoor pool and pool house.
Joel Osteen Net Worth
There are many estimates about Joel Osteen’s net worth, but the most accurate range we’ve calculated is between $50 and $60 million.

It would appear Mr. Osteen has denied himself to bring GOD the glory, and his twisted version of faith is to convince you to send him money, all for God's of course...

False Gospel 

In light of Scripture, the prosperity gospel is fundamentally flawed. At the bottom, it is a false gospel because of its faulty view of the relationship between God and man. Simply put, if the prosperity gospel is true, grace is obsolete, God is irrelevant, and man is the measure of all things. Whether they’re talking about the Abrahamic covenant, the atonement, giving, faith, or prayer, prosperity teachers turn the relationship between God and man into a quid pro quo transaction. As James Goff noted in a 1990 Christianity Today article, God is “reduced to a kind of ‘cosmic bellhop’ attending to the needs and desires of his creation.”

This is a wholly inadequate and unbiblical view of the relationship between God and man.

Dangers of the Prosperity Gospel

John Piper does a great
job of defining what the Prosperity Gospel is and why it is so sinister. Please
take a few minutes to watch this before moving on to the critiques of Joyce Meyer
and Joel Osteen:

Joyce Meyer

False Doctrine,The Joker....

When I first heard her tell her story I was deeply moved and
impressed. She is an amazing example of overcoming hurts and abuse. She will
forever have my admiration and respect in that regard. Furthermore, she gives
spectacular advice. If my wife or if one of my daughters went to her in a
moment of crisis, I believe they would return with magnificently helpful
advice. If they went to her for teaching, they would return with deadly heresy.

False Doctrine

1. She teaches that Jesus literally stopped being the Son of God
on the Cross (listen here):

“He could have helped himself up until the point where he said I commend my spirit into your hands, at that point he couldn’t do anything for himself anymore. He had become sin, he was no longer the Son of God. He was a sin.”

2. She teaches that Jesus went to Hell and became the first-born
again man (listen here):

“Do you know something? The minute that blood sacrifice was accepted Jesus was
the first human being that was ever born again. Now that was real it happened
when he was in hell.”

3. She teaches that Jesus paid for our sins in Hell:

is no hope of anyone going to heaven unless they believe this truth I am
presenting. You cannot go to heaven unless you believe with all your heart that
Jesus took your place in hell” -From The
Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make

4. She teaches that words have
power and you can release the power of Heaven through your words.

5. She teaches that you need special revelation from God to
understand what she teaches because it is NOT contained in the Bible (listen here):

“The Bible can’t even find any way to explain this. Not really. That’s why you’ve got to get it by revelation. There are no words to explain what I’m telling you. I’ve got to just trust God that He’s putting it into your spirit as He put it into mine.” From “What Happened From the Cross to The Throne

“Now spirits don’t have bodies, so we can’t see them. Okay? There probably is, I believe there is, and I certainly hope there are several angels up here this morning that are preaching with me. I believe that right before I speak some anointed statement to you, that one of them bends over and says in my ear what I’m supposed to say to you.” From “Witchcraft & Related Spirits” (Part 1) - 2 A-27 Audiotape)

6. She teaches that she is no longer a sinner.

Unfortunately, I could continue with examples of her utter misuse of scripture, false teaching, and blatant heresy. In America, Christians have an embarrassment of riches. We can buy more books, download more podcasts and tune into more helpful teachers than anyone else on the planet. The lies that she teaches are easily lost in the hum of all the great teachers we hear. But this is not the case in the third world.

In many other countries, their resources are far fewer. Uneducated pastors, who are doing their very best and uninformed Christians have this garbage pumped into their countries through radio waves and TV broadcasts. Because Joyce Meyer is endorsed here, she is trusted there. And, she can afford to spread her message with the money she makes from American Christians who buy her books, CDs and who attend her conferences. Her influence is severely disrupting the church in the third world. Her teachings are the unfortunate starting point for Christians in the third world and it is birthing even greater heresies.

The devastating reality that we have to come to grips with is that
when we support her here, we support the churches she is undoing there.

Financial Concerns

There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. I love it when
Christians are rich. That should mean more money to fund the mission. But there
is a line to how much money we as leaders should spend on ourselves. I don’t
know where the line is, but it is somewhere before the ministry purchasing
million dollar homes for us and our kids. That line is somewhere before purchasing
us a $10 million private jet. The line is somewhere before the ministry
spending $261, 498 for 68 pieces of furniture. That equates to $3,845.56 per
item. That line is somewhere before spending so egregiously that the U.S.
Senate investigates us. Joyce Meyer lands on the other side of that line.

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The following link includes audio from Joyce Meyer. Around 5:30
she is asked if people will get more money back to them if they give financially to her ministry.

Not only does she teach giving as a way to leverage more money from God, but she is also reckless with desperate people. She is not at all concerned if people give to her instead of paying bills. This is intolerable!

Questionable Example and Lack of Accountability

I challenge you to watch a typical message by Joyce Meyer. Here are a few things you will notice:

She pauses about every five minutes for applause. And if people
don’t applaud she is likely to say something like, “I’m preaching better than
you’re acting.”

She talks about herself constantly. She is the main character in every story she tells. Even when she talks about herself in a self-deprecating way, somehow it comes across in a way that causes people to admire her more.

God talks to her and reveals new information to her... a lot!

Her ministry lacks real accountability. Her family and her close
friends are the governing board. This is an organization that receives almost
$100 million dollars annually, and with no substantive accountability.

Conclusion for Joyce Meyer

What I wrote and linked in the first section should have been enough to completely remove her from our sphere of trust. Her doctrine is horrific. Her hermeneutics are horrible. She is a woman who seems to have an unrestrained love for money and applause. Her finances are questionable at best. Her example is questionable at best. Her impact on desperate people here, as well as churches and pastors around the globe, is wildly destructive.

I lament with you a sense of loss if she was a teacher you
trusted. I lament that someone who is so wrong has so much influence with so
many. I do not regret, however, pointing to her as a false teacher and as one
who should be rejected.

Joel Osteen

Like Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen has some really great things to say.
He is encouraging and the man is certainly happy. This should not be held against

The man is confused on theology. He has much of the same doctrinal misunderstandings as does Joyce Meyer. They come from the same tradition. His doctrine is difficult to discern for many because he won’t talk about doctrine. He won’t talk about theology. He quickly backpedals when asked hard questions, as seen here in an interview with Larry King.

In fairness, Joel published a letter of apology after
this interview.

While I commend him for his humility and courage to publicly declare that he was wrong, this is just one of the too many instances. He frequently misunderstands important matters of faith and doctrine when being interviewed. He repeatedly gets the Gospel wrong. And he does so when talking to millions.

If we take Joel at his word, our only conclusion is that he is
either incapable or unwilling to understand and explain how the Gospel
intersects with all of life.

We recently hosted Hank Hanegraaff (The Bible Answerman) at SMCC.
He has some very helpful insights (here and here) into Joel Osteen’s
confused views of faith, doctrine and Scripture:

Joel Osteen and Prosperity Gospel

The Prosperity Gospel is much like all other religions in that it
uses faith, it uses doing good things to leverage material blessings from God.
Essentially, use God to get things from God.

“God has
already done everything He’s going to do. The ball is now in your court. If you
want success, if you want wisdom, if you want to be prosperous and healthy,
you’re going to have to do more than meditate and believe; you must boldly
declare words of faith and victory over yourself and your family” From Your Best Life Now, p.132

“If you are believing for your child to find God, go help somebody else’s child
to develop a relationship with God. If you’re struggling financially, go out
and help somebody who has less than you have ... f you want to reap financial
blessings, you must sow financial seeds in the lives of others ... If you want
to see healing and restoration come to your life, go out and help somebody else
get well” From Your Best Life
Now, pp. 224, 250-51

This is not the Gospel. This is a false Gospel. Joel teaches that
we open ourselves to God to get more from God. He teaches that we use our words
to speak into existence a better reality. This straight from the Word of Faith
Movement. This is not what is taught throughout the New Testament. Consider
what the Apostle Paul wrote. And remember that he wrote this while in prison.

Philippians 4:10-13 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last, you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

The term heresy is from Greek αἵρεσις originally meant “choice” or “thing chosen”, but it came to mean the “party or school of a man’s choice” and also referred to that process whereby a young person would examine various philosophies to determine how to live.

The word “heresy” is usually used within a Christian, Jewish, or Islamic context, and implies slightly different meanings in each. The founder or leader of a heretical movement is called a heresiarch, while individuals who espouse heresy or commit heresy are known as heretics. Heresiology is the study of heresy.

According to Titus 3:10 a divisive person should be warned two times before separating from him. The Greek for the phrase “divisive person” became a technical term in the early church for a type of “heretic” who promoted dissension.

In contrast, correct teaching is called sound not only because it builds up in the faith, but because it protects against the corrupting influence of false teachers.

Ahn, Che [Latter Rain]

Anderson, Fil [Universalism]

Angley, Ernest [Word of Faith]

Armstrong, Garner Ted [Worldwide Church of God]

Armstrong, Herbert W [founder Worldwide Church of God]

Arnott, John [leader Toronto “Blessing”, Latter Rain]

Austin, Jill [Latter Rain]

Avanzini, John [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Bailey, Foster, Alice [Lucis Trust, occult]

Bell, Rob [Emergent Church]

Bennett, Rita [occult inner healing see Agnes Sanford]

Bentley, Todd [false prophet, kundalini, Lakeland lunacy]

Bernal, Dick [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Bevere, John and Lisa [lucre lover, Kingdom Now]

Bickle, Mike [Kansas City Prophets, Int’l House of Prayer]

Blanchard, Ken [Mystic Contemplative Prayer]

Blavatsky, Helena Patrovna [psychic, Theosophical Society]

Boshoff, Jan [false prophet, denies inspiration]

Branham, William [occult spiritist, serpent seed, false prophet]

Brother Lawrence [Contemplative Mysticism]

Brown, Michael L. [Brownsville heresy]

Browne, Rodney Howard [Latter Rain, spirit drunkenness]

Burke, John [Emergent Church]

Burke, Spencer [Emergent Church]

Cain, Paul [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Campbell, Wes & Stacey [Latter Rain]

Camping, Harold [false prophet]

Campolo, Tony [liberal professor, author, theologian]

Caycee, Edgar [occult psychic clairvoyant]

Charisma Mag [writers, editors, associates]

Cho, Paul or David Yonggi [Word of Faith, pastor of largest church in the world]

Chvada, Mahesh [Latter Rain]

Clark, Randy [Latter Rain, Toronto “Blessing”]

Clement, Kim [New Apostolic Reformation]

Cloud, Deron [Assoc of heretic Eddie Long, check web for much more]

Collins, Jim [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria [Word of Faith]

Corner, Dan [teaches Another Gospel other than Grace]

Craft, Charles [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Crouch, Matthew [promotes rank heresies via TBN]

Crouch, Paul Jr. [promotes rank heresies via TBN]

Crouch, Paul Sr. [lucre lover, sodomite, TBN founder]

Crowder, John [New Mystics, Sons of Thunder]

Dake, Finnis Jennings [Bible editor, Charismatic/Latter Rain]

Dawson, John [YWAM, Latter Rain Copelandite]

Dawson, Joy [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Daystar Television Channel [Charismania]

De Artega, William [Latter Rain adovocate]

Deere, Jack [Latter Rain, Wimberite]

Dollar, Creflo [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Dowie, John Alexander [father of Modern Healing Revival]

Driscoll, Mark [previous Emergent Church leader]

Dunne, Benjamin [New Mystics; toking the “Ghost”]

DuPlantis, Jesse [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Eastman, Dick [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Eddy, Mary Baker [“Christian” Science; mind sciences]

Foster, Richard [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Frangipane, Francis [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Hagin, Kenneth Jr./Sr. [Kenyon clones like Copeland]

Hamon, Bill [Latter Rain]

Hanegraaff, Hendrick Hank [Preterist, plagiarist thief who stole Walter Martin’s ministry from his family]

Hayford, Jack [ecumenist Pentecostal RC supporting Latter Rain Dominionist]

Hickey, Marilyn [Copeland clone]

Hill, Steve [lead “evangelist” Brownsville blasphemy]

Hinn, Benny [Latter Rain, fornicator w/Paula White]

Huch, Larry [Copeland clone]

Hybels, Bill [Emergent Church, Chrislam]

Jackson, John Paul [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Jacobs, Cindy [Copeland clone]

Jakes, TD [Oneness Pentecostalism]

Jones, Bob [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain, not College]

Jones, Laurie Beth [Mystic Contemplative Prayer]

Jones, Tony [national coordinator Emergent Church]

Jordan, Bernard [Hinn clone]

Joyner, Rick [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Keating, Thomas [Contemplative Mysticism]

Kelsey, Morton [Agnes Sanford’s pastor]

Kempis, Thomas a [Contemplative Mysticism]

Ken Blanchard [Emergent Church]

Kenyon, EW [Father of Word of Faith occult spiritism]

Kidd, Sue Monk [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Kimball, Dan [Emergent Church]

King, Patricia [mystical witchcraft via Extreme Prophetic TV]

Kinnaman, Gary D. [Latter Rain spiritual warfare]

Kuhlman, Kathryn [faith healer and Hinn’s mentor]

Lawrence, Brother [Contemplative Mysticism]

Lea, Larry [Latter Rain Copelandite]

Leonard Sweet [Emergent Church]

Long, Bishop Eddie [lucre lover, sodomite Charismatic]

MacNab, Francis [Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Marrs, Texe [rabid anti-Semite]

McClure, Joel [Emergent Church]

Mclaren, Brian [Emergent Church]

McManus, Erwin [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Merton, Thomas [Trappist monk and Catholic mystic]

Meyer, Joyce [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Miller, Calvin [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Mills, Joshua [Crowder clone, gold dust, oily hands]

Munsey, Phil [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Munsey, Steve [lucre lover, Copeland clone]

Murdock, Mike [Copeland clone]

Murphy, Ed [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Murray, Arnold [serpent seed, much more]

Nouwen, Henry [Contemplative Mysticism, Emerging Church]

Osteen, Joel [compromiser, positive confession]

Packer, J I [Romanist and Charismatic Sympathizer]

Pagitt, Doug [Emergent Church]

Parham, Charles [sodomite father of modern Pentecostalism]

Parsley, Rod [Kingdom Now, Joel’s army, Manifest Sons]

Paulk, Earl [Latter Rain]

Peale, Norman Vincent [positive confession liberal]

Pearson, Carlton [Universalism]

Peretti, Frank [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Peterson, Eugene [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Pierce, Chuck [Elijah List]

Pierce, Chuck [Latter Rain]

Popes, all [idolaters, false Christs, exceeding deceivers]

Popoff, Peter [lucre lover, fake healer]

Price, Fred KC [Copeland clone]

Richard Foster [Emergent Church]

Rinker, Rosalind [occult inner healing see Agnes Sanford]

Roberts, Oral [deceased, false prophet]

Roberts, Richard and Lindsey [Oral’s son and wife, false prophets]

Robertson, Pat [divination, false prophet, aiding wickedness]

Sandford, John & Paula [Latter Rain]

Sanford, Agnes [occult visualization inner healing advocate]

Savelle, Jerry [Copeland clone]

Scandrette, Mark [Emergent Church]

Schambach, R. W. [deceased Latter Rain]

Schuler, Robert [Peale clone, positive confession liberal]

Seamands, David [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]

Seymour, William [see Parham, Charles]

Shaw, Gwen [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Sheets, Dutch [Elijah List]

Smith, Joseph [founding False Prophet of Mormonism]

St. John of the Cross [Mystic Contemplative Prayer]

Stapleton, Ruth Carter [occult inner healing see Agnes Sanford]

Stevens, John Robert [Latter Rain; assoc of Frangipane]

Strader, Stephen [Latter Rain]

Sutton, Dave [Emergent Church]

Talbot, John Michael [Contemplative Mysticism]

Tenney, Tommy [Oneness Pentecostalism, Charismatic]

Teresa of Avila [Contemplative Mysticism]

Thompson, Robb [Word of Faith, lucre lover]

Tilton, Robert [Copeland clone]

Vineyard Fellowship or Churches [Wimberites]

Wagner, Peter [New Apostolic Reformation, Wimberite]

Wallis, Jim [Communist Liberation Theology]

Ward, Karen [Emergent Church]

Warren, Rick [Emergent Purpose Driven, promotes Chrislam]

White, Dr. John [Latter Rain, Word of Faith]

White, Ellen G. [founder False Prophet Seventh Day Advents]

White, Paula[Copeland Clone, fornicator w/Benny Hinn]

White, Tom [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]

Willard, Dallas [Emergent Church]

Wimber, John [deceased, Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]

Womack, Andrew [Copeland clone]

Wright, H. Norman [occult inner healing see Agnes Sanford]

Wright, Jeremiah [liberal Liberation Theology, Bible denier]

Xander, Dieter [Emergent Church]

Youth With a Mission Prophets [YWAM- Latter Rain]

Muldoon, Dayna [Word of Faith]

The enemy looks for a chink in our armour, to get a toehold, then a foothold, then a stronghold, then a stranglehold.  We are warned in God’s word to be wary and watchful, as no one is immune to deception, unless we are so prideful as to think we know it all.

“Of all deadly sins, this is the most deadly, namely, that anyone should think he is not guilty of a damnable and deadly sin before God:” Martin Luther.  Yet some say Martin Luther was himself guilty of a degree of anti-semitism which according to the Bible is specifically cursed by God.

It is a cliche, but still, it is good policy to be better safe than sorry and keep away from false doctrine and anyone involved in it.  As God’s word tells us that means many, even most, Christian teachers.  The fruit of their false teaching can be quite upsetting and personally damaging as many will testify.

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Peter 2:1)

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”(Ephesians 5:11)

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” (Luke 16:10)

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” (Hebrews 5:14)

“Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” (Malachi 3:18)

The Parable of the Good Shepherd

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.

HNewsWire- “All political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.” Just look at some of our modern day examples: torture is “enhanced interrogation techniques”; murder is “collateral damage”; the aggression initiation of war is a “pre-emptive strike”; the theft of taxpayers’ money is a “bailout”, and the theft of depositors’ money in a bank is a “haircut” or “bail-in”.In a blatant example of Newspeak, the New World Order controllers (through the psychiatric DSM V) have tried to rename pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons” and redefine pedophilia as “sexual orientation”. This makes no sense since sexual orientation has to do with gender, not age, with whether you are attracted to males or females, not how old they are. There are even organizations (like which are claiming that pedophiles are being unfairly stigmatized for their feelings! Psychiatry, it should also be noted, has a history of inventing fictitious diseases such as ADHD (as admitted by its inventor on his deathbed by Leon Eisenberg).

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Please help me help these kids(orphans) that are in trouble, PLEASE 80% of the book sales goes directly to:

HNewsWire Radio

"It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not loved and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, then to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute


StevieRay Hansen
HNewsWire Editor

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that's sacred….

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Watchman Says Guard Your Souls: Plans to Recognize an Offensive Demonic, Anti-Catholic Hate Group Have Been Scrapped by the Los Angeles Dodgers. Earlier This Month, the Baseball Team Announced They Would Be Celebrating “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” Dreadful Demon Group From Hell

By StevieRay Hansen | May 18, 2023

  HNewsWire: Meet Real Live Christ Hating Demons: What It Takes To Be A Sister of Perpetual Indulgence ​ Most often the Sisters are seen out having a good time, looking fabulous and enjoying ourselves. However, what is not often seen is the great deal of work that each Sister does. Similarly, we are often associated with fundraising. Although we do a lot of fundraising, that is not our mission and our work spans a lot of other areas. In addition to fundraising, the work of a Sister also includes ministry, education and entertainment. We organize, plan and throw events, some of which are very large and complex. The Sisters regularly visit local hospices, bringing joy to the people there. We also have some very intense one-on-one sessions with the people we meet while out. Ours is a “ministry of……...

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By Dinesh Kaushiva | May 18, 2023

HNewsWire: Dinesh Kaushiva   May 10th, 2023 With all the information provided in the previous article titled “WHY IS THE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH IS WORSENING” on the HNewswire website, it might have given the impression that all medicines and medical equipment other than with the Gene Therapy -Trans-Humanism Nano Artificial Intelligence Technology advancements have been useless or ineffective. To clarify it is very important that it is not the advancement of  Medical Science that are evil but rather HOW THE MEDICAL ADVANCEMENTS ARE BEING UTILIZED INSTEAD OF ALSO UTILIZING ALL OTHER  NATURAL SOURCES OF MEDICINES AND OPTIONS AND WHICH ARE BEING SUPPRESSED OR DEMONIZED. THE EVIL CABALS ARE DETERMINED  TO ONLY USE GENETICALLY MODIFYING ENGINEERED AGENTS TO IMPACT  EVERY BIOLOGICAL CELL SYNTHETICALLY TO OVER RIDE THEIR NATURAL FUNCTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE DOMESTIC AND GLOBAL ELITES PLAN OF ONE WORLD CONTROL,…


Watchman: It Looks Like The (NWO Pukes) are Going to Push This Plandemic Right

By StevieRay Hansen | May 18, 2023

Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase. Into the Emergency Stage. Right Into FEMA Food Stations as the Economy Falls off Fiscal Cliff–Hell on Earth… The latest economic data suggest the US recovery stalled. One look at the Citi US econ surprise index, as of this week, shows the recovery ran out…



By Edward O'Hara | May 18, 2023

HNewsWire: By Edward OHara: Whether you are a “messianic Israelite” like the man I refer to in this video. Or you are a gentile like me. Acts 15 is the end all be all to clear up any and all questions one might have as to whether a believer is to keep the law of Moses and be circumcised to be saved. So that keeping what these apostles taught here in mind, as you read anything they taught in their later epistles that may seem to you to be saying all men must keep the law of Moses, you will not be deceived by satan to a salvation that is by works. Most agree that circumcision is not necessary for salvation. But, many believe that the believer must still keep the law of Moses. In fact, I did a quick…


Watchman Reporting: “Lethal Mistreatment in Hospitals, Care Homes, and the Community… This Is, Time and Again, Medical Murder, AKA COVID Kill Shots, Plain Old Murder By Mr. Gates and His Renegades Comrades!

By StevieRay Hansen | May 18, 2023

HNewsWire:   By Dr. Michael Yeadon, May 17, 2023 When I led respiratory and allergy research at Pfizer (1995-2011) I recall noticing that Zithromax (azithromycin) was an antibiotic with, iirc, 90% of scripts directed towards suspected chest infections. The commercial franchises were a law unto themselves and there was no expectation of contact between research (R&D) and commercial. Another bad behavior dot joined. It was said that “there was no evidence of clinical benefit” (from the prescription of Zithromax in acute exacerbations of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease aka bronchitis or smokers lung). But it’s been approved so how could there be “no evidence”? Well, in clinical trials for new antibiotics, the control group are given whatever is then standard-of-care. The goal isn’t to see if the new drug “works”, merely that it’s not inferior to the SOC. The clinical……...

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HNewsWire: Newsmax Instituted a Rule That All Employees Must Either Be Vaccinated or Submit to Weekly COVID Testing — Newsmax — Fox News Turn Their Backs on Christian/Conservative Viewers. It’s Time to Walk Away From Both Newsmax and Fox News. They’re Untrustworthy, They Have Gone the Way of the New World Order.

By StevieRay Hansen | May 17, 2023

Conservatives are outraged after learning that Fox News let host Tucker Carlson go. “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was Fox’s highest-rated show and the most-watched program in all of cable news. Completing this poll entitles you to our news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The news comes after Fox paid $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems in a defamation settlement over claims made by the network following the 2020 election. Many conservatives see the move as further evidence that Fox is moving farther to the left. The phone lines were full Monday during the “Todd Starnes Show” as callers said they were canceling their Fox Nation subscriptions and leaving Fox over the Carlson ouster. The backlash against Fox was evident in comments on the company’s social……...

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Watchman: Former Fox Radio and Fox Nation Host Todd Starnes, “I Think That Many Conservatives Have Discovered They No Longer Have a Friend at the Fox News Corner of the World

By StevieRay Hansen | May 17, 2023

HNewsWire: The Fox News Channel has experienced a significant decline in viewership following the departure of Tucker Carlson, with a notable decrease in audience numbers. According to Todd Starnes, a former host on Fox Radio and Fox Nation, a significant number of conservatives have realized that they are no longer receiving support from the Fox News platform. By participating in this survey, you are eligible to receive our complimentary news bulletins. It is possible to choose to withdraw from participation at any point in time. The user is required to consent to our privacy policy and terms of use. On the last episode of his show on the network, Carlson accumulated a viewership of 2.65 million. As of Wednesday evening, the number of individuals watching the 8 p.m. time slot had significantly decreased to 1.33 million. During the 8 p.m….…...

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Watchman: Hannity to Replace Tucker in Massive Fox News Shakeup Turn Out the Lights; The Party Is Over–Fox No News Cable Dead On Arrival–No Hannity BS

By StevieRay Hansen | May 17, 2023

Watchmen: As Always Hannity Is Completely Clueless… I Have No Idea, He Says. Hannity Said Earlier This Week That He Didn’t Know Why Carlson Left. Remember When Hannity Asked You to Get the Kill Shot? I Guess He Was Wiser Back Then!. HNewsWire: According to Drudge Report’s sources, Fox News is getting ready to announce a major change to its primetime lineup in an attempt to stem the flow of conservative viewers. That includes “a schedule where every hour of primetime will change,” the website said. According to Drudge, Tucker Carlson will be replaced by Fox News veteran Sean Hannity. Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld, meanwhile, are poised to land their own prime-time shows. A source told Drudge, “It’s our boldest and most fearless line-up ever.” Drudge-style all-caps headlines accompanied the website’s exclusive announcement that “HANNITY FOXNEWS SHOWCASE: MOVES TO……...

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Watchman: Michelle Obama Beats Trump in Reuters Poll

By StevieRay Hansen | July 3, 2024

Michelle Obama Beats Trump in Reuters Poll By SRH, A theoretical face-off between Michelle Obama and former President Donald Trump could result in a catastrophe…


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Watchman: ‘San Francisco is Ripe for God’s Judgment’ – Pastor Jack Hibbs

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Nett on April 13, 2019 at 11:40 am

    Well, the church has always existed for the money of the parishioners. It is no secret that some non-churchmen are deceivers, this also applies to many other rich people who have been enriched by illegal means or by lying. In the article you write about Joel Osteen’s net worth, and did you saw how much the actors earn money? Churchmen can also be compared with the actors, is not it?)

    • StevieRay Hansen on April 13, 2019 at 11:49 am

      Most of today pastor are indeed actor and the money is great, that’s not what the Scripture teaches us, the modern church is driven by entertainment, expensive clothes, big cars, mansions are the order of the day for these prosperity gospel lunatics…
      Be blessed…….

  2. Adeline Shor on April 12, 2019 at 5:36 pm

    You actually make it appear so easy along with your presentation however I in finding this topic to be really one thing that I feel I might never understand. It sort of feels too complex and extremely wide for me. I am looking ahead for your next post, I’ll attempt to get the dangle of it!

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