Ousted Afghan President Fled Country With Cars, Helicopter “Stuffed Full Of Cash”


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It was widely reported Sunday that as the Taliban was at the gates of Kabul, President Ashraf Ghani was quick to flee the country towards neighboring Tajikistan. This no doubt signaled national troops on the ground that there was little point in putting up much resistance, given their commander-in-chief had high-tailed it out at the first sign of enemies closing in, while not even so much as addressing the Afghan people.

According to a Russian embassy statement on Monday, the circumstances of Ghani’s departure are even worse, with the embassy in Kabul saying Ghani “had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave some money behind as it would not all fit in,” according to RIA news agency quotes cited in Reuters.Ousted Afghan President Ghani, via Reuters

His precise whereabouts are now unknown, with Russian officials taking the opportunity to slam his cowardice as the Afghan population suffers.

“As for the collapse of the (outgoing) regime, it is most eloquently characterized by the way Ghani fled Afghanistan,” spokesman for the Russian embassy in Kabul, Nikita Ishchenko was quoted as saying. There’s little doubt the Russians further intended the statements as a biting criticism of Washington’s 20-year long failed war. 

“Four cars were full of money, they tried to stuff another part of the money into a helicopter, but not all of it fit. And some of the money was left lying on the tarmac,” he added. The embassy cited “witnesses” who beheld the bizarre scene on the airport runway.

An aide to President Vladimir Putin was also cited as saying, “I hope the government that has fled did not take all the money from the state budget. It will be the bedrock of the budget if something is left.”

The Russian Embassy in Kabul has confirmed that Afghan president Ashraf Ghani attempted to smuggle a vast sum of money as he fled the country.

Earlier reports alleged that he was forced to abandon 5 million dollars, stuffed in bags, at the airport— Murad Gazdiev (@MuradGazdiev) August 16, 2021

One regional report suggested Ghani is now in Oman after his plane was said to have been denied entry into Tajikistan. While nothing is confirmed in terms of his location, there’s speculation he could eventually make it to the United States – perhaps a parallel situation to when the US-backed Shah fled Iran for the US in 1979.

Over 20 years and some $2.5 trillion of US taxpayer dollars later, Ghani apparently took pallets of cash for himself. 

The Kremlin meanwhile has announced it plans to keep the Russian embassy in Kabul open for the time being, at a moment multiple Western embassies have effectively relocated their operations to the international airport. But given the rapid security deterioration at Karzai International Airport, such operations will be short-lived. 

President Ashraf Ghani three months ago:

Q: How long can your government last without US support?

A: Forever. pic.twitter.com/Bq3Bonep25— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) August 15, 2021

China, at the same time, appears to be moving toward formal recognition of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Chinese media is also now generally mocking the Americans departing under such humiliating circumstances. 

* * * 

According to the latest reports, the Taliban have actually sent guards to the Russian and Chinese embassies: 

Currently, only the embassies of Russia and China are functioning in Afghanistan. Both are being guarded by the Taliban.https://t.co/oL8YWWalzx— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) August 16, 2021

Kabul’s streets are clogged with panicked civilians fleeing the Taliban onslaught of the Afghan capital, American chinook helicopters are hovering above the US Embassy with an emergency evacuation in progress, and the national government propped up for two decades by US money and power is negotiating surrender with barely a fight.

One former CIA officer has observed looking back to Joe Biden’s July 8 Afghan policy speech: “This may become the most infamous — and devastating — press conference ever held by an American President,” wrote CIA foreign operations veteran Bryan Dean Wright on Sunday.

This may become the most infamous — and devastating — press conference ever held by an American President. pic.twitter.com/j4kKwyPDVm— BDW (@BryanDeanWright) August 15, 2021

“When I announced our drawdown in April, I said we would be out by September, and we’re on track to meet that target,” Biden had said. “Our military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on August 31st.”

Clearly the Taliban are on the cusp of declaring victory in Kabul far ahead of that date marker, and certainly very far ahead of the initially conceived September 11 symbolic ‘mission accomplished’ date (without doubt whatever plans were laid for an optimistic sounding 9/11 “we’re out of Afghanistan” or even “mission accomplished” speech will be scrapped).

Here’s the exchange from a bit over a month ago:

REPORTER: Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, it is not.


THE PRESIDENT:  Because you — the Afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped — as well-equipped as any army in the world — and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable.

Perhaps this utter failure to grasp or predict anything close to reality on the ground in the conflict is a failure also shared by US intelligence, given that it was only in June that a widely reported intel assessment forecast that Kabul could fall within six months.

US intelligence agencies who said just 4 days ago that Kabul could fall in 90 days have revised the figure to 72 hours
https://t.co/v2XUuPVcKX— Bruno Maçães (@MacaesBruno) August 14, 2021

But just last week that assessment was significantly revised to say within “one month to 90 days”. Merely the last 48 hours has obviously proven this completely off the mark as well.

US intelligence is now giving it just 72 hours – but it’s looking more and more like the Taliban will overrun the capital in maybe just 24 hours, which may not even be enough time for all US diplomatic personnel to get out.

President Ashraf Ghani greets a Taliban delegation at the presidential palace a few hours ago, after signing an agreement to resign and transfer powers to the Taliban. Some reports that he is expected to leave the country shortly. #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/ce8bW8A588— Sharmine Narwani (@snarwani) August 15, 2021

Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s US-backed leaders appear to be putting their exit plans in place, with appeals being made to the invading Taliban to spare them and their families…

Ex, president Karzai latest message:
I am here in Kabul with my girls and I ask the Taliban to provide security and safety for the people. pic.twitter.com/l3FmVC6jnE— Tajuden Soroush (@TajudenSoroush) August 15, 2021

For example former Afghan president Hamid Karzai urged the Taliban to provide security and safety for the city’s civilians and its leaders in a Sunday video message recorded while standing with his three daughters.

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The time of tribulation upon the earth is HERE. Its severity is without historical precedent. Concerning this time, the angel, Gabriel, told Daniel, that it “will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time,” (Dan. 12:1a). This time of tribulation is in keeping with unfulfilled prophecy given to Daniel that pertains to Israel, (Dan 9:24-27). It is during this time that God’s wrath will be poured out upon the world—specifically those who are hostile to Him and His people.

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It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Anarchy is loosed upon the world.

You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

NWO is teaching many of the younger generation by subtle means, that the frail, elderly or infirm are useless eaters and to be looked at with disdain. No respect. No love. They promote selfishness and prioritizing your own agenda above all else.

“When the History of This Madness is Written, Reputations Will Be Slaughtered and There Will Be Blood in the Gutter “

There is a huge gap between rhetoric and reality

Fraud, Corruption, Censorship, Gaslighting & Insanity

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StevieRay Hansen
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Bow down to Satan Soldiers… Comply… Submit to The Anti GOD Coup?

“Give Me God Given Free Will, Liberty or Give Me Death”



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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