Four High-Ranking New Zealand Officials Are Being Charged by the MāOri Government With Crimes Related to the COVID Plandemic

HNewsWire: By Rhoda Wilson The Māori Government has sentenced Christopher Hipkins, Andrew Little, Ashley Bloomfield and Christopher James to 10 years in prison for committing crimes in response to the covid pandemic.  The court also sentenced 118 Members of Parliament to prison for supporting and facilitating the four criminals’ actions. After hearing all the evidence, the Māori Government issued a statement prohibiting the importation, sale and use of the mRNA BioNTech medical technology and all derivatives in New Zealand. What is the Wakaminenga Maori Government? The Wakaminenga Māori Government (“WMG”) operate under “Native Māori Jurisdiction.” It is the first nation jurisdiction of New Zealand. It is recognised in pre and post-treaty British imperial law. The first collective form of Māori Government was Te Wakaminenga at Te Ngaere in 1805, Muriwhenua (transl. Northland). Te Wakaminenga is translated into English texts as…


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The Names And Faces Of Satan Soldiers Who Are Killing Humanity — The World Economic Forum (WEF) Death March is Taking America Down Hell’s Highway

 The ones on the left are the ones that actually got the money.  Trump’s Operation Warp Speed went to Anser. These Are the Real Satan Soldiers Take a Good Look at the List Just So You Understand Facebook and Google’s CEO Founders Are Demon — Fact —  Ever-one on This List Is EVIL…   Satan Soldiers Wants God’s Plan Block—When Satan Soldier Biden Is By StevieRay Hansen | June 30, 2023 | 1 Comment in Charge a Demonic Presence Controls, Joe Biden Selects Pennsylvania Transgender Health Official Rachel Levine for HHS… Satan Soldier elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday he had chosen Dr. Rachel Levine to serve as the assistant secretary of health for the Department of Health and Human Services. Levine, born Richard Levine, is an openly transgender individual and would mark the first transgender official confirmed by the United States…


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First, I have a new Rumble channel at which I am posting videos because my old computer won’t let me sign in to my other channel. To see them and subscribe go to So, as I said last time in my first message covering the first several verses in this Rom.11, once more as Paul often expresses in all of his epistles we can not, we must not allow works to persuade us that they have anything to do with salvation in any way. But, only trusting in Jesus as He trusted the Father while He lived as a man on earth. As Paul shows us justification is by the faith of Christ in Gal.2:16. And not by any works. Especially the works of the law.   Jesus showed us what righteousness is by submitting His will to the Father’s.…


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Watchman Says UK Scientists Have Begun Developing Another Kill Shot Vaccine as “Insurance Against a New Plandemic Caused by an Unknown “Disease X, Evil is in Control, Thank Google, Dr. Bill Gates and His Cohorts in Crime

By SRH, According to Watchman, UK scientists are developing another kill shot vaccine as “insurance against a new plandemic caused by an unknown disease X.” Evil is in control, thanks to Google, Dr. Bill Gates, and his criminal cohorts. Disease X may have originated from zoonotic spillover, where infections spread from animals to humans. Mutations in bacteria can also cause new, deadly diseases. What SB! UK scientists are creating vaccinations to prevent a future pandemic triggered by an unknown “disease X.” Disease X is likely rehearsed at “Cladee X” like COVID-19 was at Event 201. Could we be preparing for a new pandemic? Sky News stated yesterday that “Disease X” is a “unidentified and potential future pandemic” and that over 200 UK scientists are preparing for it. The “Pandemic Accord” will require all WHO members to battle “disinformation” and contribute…


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Watchman Says Bill Gates War on Meat,Deceitful and Seductive Spirits, and Doctrines of Demons. Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, That in the Latter Times Some Shall Depart From the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils. Bill Gates et al., Forbidding to Marry and Commanding to Abstain From Meats, it is Bible Prophecy

The King James Bible (KJB or KJV) is the only version of the Bible that accurately predicted and is currently fulfilling the prophecy of a war on meat consumption and encouraged by WEF and Gates not to consume it. All other popular, recent updated versions that have been released or revised multiple times alter the text, erasing the prophecy. By SRH, SRH: The Best Leaders Always Show the Way. Please Take Charge and Lead by Example. You Ungodly Slobs Eat Bugs for the Next Five Years. Bill Gates is yet again attempting to play god, this time he has yet again spoke of his plans to modify cows as part of a claimed effort to “fight climate change” by reducing the “methane emissions” from beef cattle. Gates made the call while speaking at the third edition of the French finance…


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Watchman: Governments Do Nothing to Stop a Demonic Unhinged Psychopath; People Are Dying Due to Bill Gates’ Release of “Gene-Edited Mosquitos” Tribulation In Play

Watchman: Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change’. — HNW Calls for Bill Gates to Be Modified to Protect Christ Followers “Like all perversions of the truth, true Godly liberty is the casualty. In the end they that preach these perversions are all anathema as Paul said in Gal.1:8,9.” By SRH, Watchman: Bill Gates’s release of “Gene-Edited Mosquitos” is killing people; governments are doing nothing to stop this demonically insane psychopath. Brazil is experiencing a fatal viral outbreak as a result of the unleashing of millions of “gene-edited mosquitoes” into the environment. Dengue fever cases have increased 400% so far this year. Over 364,000 instances of dengue infection have been documented in the first five weeks of 2024 alone, according to Brazil’s health ministry. The statistic is startling—it is four times more than the total…


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Watchman Says Bill Gates Is Unstable and Should be Lock-Up for the Sake of Humanity

By SRH, Watchman:“Well-Documented” major adverse events and an unacceptable high harm-to-reward kill shot ratio were found in the study. This is why Watchman is going to jail. The researchers demanded a “global moratorium” for this reason. The Google Group, Bill Kill’Em Gates, and W.H.O. Fauci have all committed premeditated murder! Poison us from infancy in order to make us ill and keep us ill in order to collect money. It’s awful beyond belief. Though it appears to be a political conflict, it’s actually a spiritual struggle. The investigation discovered an unacceptably high kill-shot ratio of harm to reward in addition to “well-documented” major negative events. Who’s Going to Jail, Watchman? The researchers therefore requested a “global moratorium.” The W.H.O. Fauci, Bill Kill’em Gates, and the Google Group have all intentionally killed! Following the initial trials conducted by Pfizer and Moderna,……


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Watchman: Bill Gates Is Well-Known and Wealthy for Two Reasons: He Founded Microsoft, One of the Most Tyrannical (In Terms of Design, Security, and Historically Predatory Toward Free-As-In-Freedom Rival Technology) Firms of All Time,The Guy is Evil

We really appreciate your help. Maintaining the websites and live streaming videos requires a substantial financial commitment. Any amount contribution is much appreciated. Please think about contributing a reasonable amount on a monthly basis. Please Give Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. The HIMEDIA Group. Join the cause. Donate now. By SRH: Microsoft, one of the most oppressive (in design, security, and historically predatory toward free-as-in-freedom rival technology) companies of all time, made Bill Gates rich and famous. Memes are targeted by a Gates Foundation-affiliated vaccination promotion program. What’s more sensible? Things are not as chaotic as they seem. Microsoft, one of the most oppressive (in design, security, and historically predatory toward free-as-in-freedom rival technology) companies of all time, made Bill Gates rich and famous. Another is Gates, a millionaire, recreating…


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Watchmen: Jesus Is Not Your “Homeboy.” Jesus Does Not ‘Put His Arm’ Around the Sodomites and Affirm Their Abominations. He Does Not Get Tattoos To Fit in With the “Tribe.”

Please Help Donate GiveSendGo By SRH, The one-minute commercial showcased various images of a wide range of individuals washing each other’s feet. One image showed a Hispanic police officer cleaning the feet of a black man in an alley, while another depicted a mother washing her daughter’s feet outside an abortion clinic. There were also photos of what appeared to be same-sex couples washing each other’s feet, among others. As the commercial wrapped up, it concluded with a lively melody and the message, “Jesus preached love, not hate.” He proceeded to wash their feet. Some people thought the advertisement showcased AI imagery. However, according to a global media firm, AdAge, the images are not created by artificial intelligence. At first, some of us at Ad Age were skeptical about whether the He Gets Us Jesus #SuperBowl ad was created…


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Breaking News Stories that expose some of the major issues causing the self-inflicted Destruction Of America and all Citizen’s Health and Future.

January 14 , 2024 Based on our research here are only some of the major Entities and Sources that have emerged as the main cause of almost every Current American Crises and which every American Citizen is now currently facing. It is the group of same individuals working in harmony to bring about their common goal and aspirations to establish their One World Order as soon and as fast they can and replace The Constitution of The Republic of The United States Of America and America’s Sovereignty as a nation.. IN OUR OPINION: OBAMA – HAD TWO LEGAL TERM PRESIDENCIES WHEN HE WEAPONIZED CIA, FBI , IRS, THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, OTHER AGENCIES , MAJORITY OF BLACK, LATINO AND ASIAN COMMUNITIES AGAINST AMERICA AND CHRISTIANS IN PARTICULAR. HIS AND MICHELLE OBAMA’S PARAMOUNT GOAL WAS AND IS TO ‘FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA’ AND…


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