7 mins read

Constitutional Rights Group Is Suing Canadian Federal Government For Unlawful Invocation Of Emergencies Act.

A constitutional rights organization has filed a lawsuit against Ottawa for invoking the Emergencies Act and blocking the financial accounts of many people who took part in recent rallies against the government COVID-19 regulations. In a news release dated February 25, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced it had launched a constitutional challenge against the federal government on behalf of four Canadians, including two decorated military veterans and a former police officer. On Feb. 14, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau activated the act, giving police broad new powers to expel protestors from downtown Ottawa and demonstrators who were blocking multiple Canada-US border crossings in solidarity with those in the national capital. Financial institutions were also empowered to freeze the accounts of individuals and corporations suspected of being involved in the protests without requiring a court order under the public order […]


9 mins read

Deputy Prime Minister Idiotically Defends The Use Of Canadian Emergencies Act.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland defended the Liberal government’s use of the Emergencies Act to deal with protesters in Ottawa, claiming that the demonstrators are attempting to “usurp the authority” of the democratically elected government. Freeland made the comments during a virtual press conference on Feb. 18 to update the public on the government’s efforts to stop the protest, which began on Jan. 29. Several cabinet members, including Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, Justice Minister David Lametti, and Minister of Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair, as well as Government House Leader Mark Holland, were in attendance. “Today, our economy and democracy are under attack from a foreign-funded adversary,” Freeland stated. “We must not allow these illegal blockades and occupations to usurp the authority of democratically elected governments.” They must and will not be permitted to endanger peace, order, and good governance. […]


11 mins read

Trump Supporters Should Be Terrified About Their Bank Accounts Being Frozen, According to Canada’s Justice Minister

Tribulation In Full Play David Lametti, Canada’s Justice Minister, said Trump supporters who gave to the Canadian Freedom Convoy should be “concerned” about their bank accounts being frozen. After comparing someone financially supporting the truckers to backing a terrorist movement, Lametti made the filthy remark during an interview with CTV. “You just made a comparison between folks who might have donated to this and people who might be sponsoring a terrorist,” the reporter said. “Sir, I just want to be clear. Many people say things like, “Look, I really don’t like your vaccine mandates and I donated to this; now that it’s unlawful, should I be concerned that my bank account will be frozen?” “How do you respond to that?” “Well, I believe if you’re part of a pro-Trump movement and you’re donating hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions […]


10 mins read

Canadian Border Paralyzed by Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protests.

Demonstrators protesting in sympathy with the Freedom Convoy truckers in Ottawa have stopped a key Canada-US border crossing in Manitoba. The Emerson Port of Entry is being blocked by a demonstration involving a large number of automobiles and farm equipment, Manitoba RCMP announced on Twitter on Feb. 10. According to the police, both northbound and southbound traffic has come to a halt. This is the third time in recent weeks that a border crossing between Canada and the United States has been shut down. Protesters have also shut down the roadway leading to the Coutts border in southern Alberta, as well as the Ambassador Bridge, which connects Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan. The demonstrations are in support of the ongoing truckers’ convoy campaign in Ottawa, which is fighting against federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates and limitations. Since Jan. 29, Alberta protesters […]


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