21 mins read

I Think the Bigger Question Is: If Monkey Pox Is Prevalent in Homosexual Men, How Would Children Get It? And Why Would Any Child Need to Be Vaccinated to Prevent It? Perhaps Monkeypox Is a Different Kind of Bioweapon, God Sent (Pestilence)… They Would Otherwise Go Unnoticed and Point the Finger at the Pedophiles Who Victimized Them

SRH: If monkey pox was first released in May, or possibly earlier, it should have mutated into a less contagious virus by now, unless a new version was released. The bio-weaponization of “medicine” is married “to gain of function”. A match made in hell. The “masks” are off. Ironically, as the “big guy” stated: “get real pal” ushering in global medical tyranny. It’s here. This is just another extreme measure, similar to COVID-19 – SCARE the wits out of people, NO LOCK DOWN this time around. So much depression was rampant-thus the high death rate-the “vaccine” does not work-DO NOT BELIEVE THE CDC OR ANYONE ELSE PUSHING FOR SIMILAR METHODS USED DURING COVID TO THE MONKEYPOX. Anti-viral drugs are the ultimate virus prevention, whether engineered or not. Just like COVID, Ivermectin is VERY effective at prevention AND treatment… But there’s […]


9 mins read

Watchman: We Aren’t Being Honest: In New York City, Two Men Died From Monkeypox, Which Officials Termed the “Stigmatizing” Sickness. God Forbid We Teach These Homosexuals That Sticking Your Penis up Another Man’s Rectum Is Both Morally and Medically Wrong

HNewsWire: You Men Having Sex with Men, Please Isolate. Wear Masks. Keep Your Monkeypox to Yourself! “Predominantly in Homosexuals, Bisexuals, or Guys Who Have Sexual Relations with Men or Monkeys” is how the instances are described. According to NBC New York, New York City revealed two monkeypox-related deaths on Friday, the first in the five boroughs. Aside from reporting that the victims were “immune compromised” and had “underlying health issues,” few information were made public, with officials instead issuing a terse message of sympathy. “The two reported fatalities have deeply saddened us, and our hearts go out to the individuals’ loved ones and the community. Every effort will be taken to minimize further virus-related suffering by continuous community participation, information sharing, and immunization “officials stated in a statement There have already been four monkeypox-related deaths in the United States since the […]


13 mins read

Watchman: Monkeypox Is a Homosexual Disease, Similar to Aids. 99% of Cases Are Sexually Transmitted. The CDC (Satan Soldiers) Shift the Focus to Combat Racism & Stigma. Really?

SRH: Homosexuals Are great liars, a real special Sub-human breed. They lie pathologically, constantly, and sometimes without even realizing it. An evil liar will often lie so much that their lies are what form their reality. In living a life of lies, their own minds become prisoners to their own evil behaviors. Some evil people only lie a little bit, maybe stretching the truth to make themselves seem stronger, smarter, or better. Some evil people lie about you and others. But one thing is for sure: they are liars. The lies serve as a tool to manipulate a reality for the beliefs that serve them. When caught in a lie, they will probably try to gaslight you, make you question reality as it is, and make you continue to look to them as a source of strength when all they […]


12 mins read

Watchman: Satan Soldier, Accomplish Liar A.K.A Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a Pfizer Board Member, Cautioned That the United States Lacked a Government Infrastructure Adequate of Dealing With Public Health Problems Like the Transmitted Homosexual Monkeypox, All Lies!

HNewsWire: Dr. Scott Gottlieb (His advice should not be trusted!), a member of the Pfizer board, issued a warning that the United States lacked a government infrastructure suitable of handling public health catastrophes like the spread of homosexual monkeypox. SRH: It is a Pestilence The former head of the Food and Drug Administration wrote in and op-ed for the New York Times, “If monkeypox gains a permanent foothold in the United States and becomes an endemic virus that joins our circulating repertoire of pathogens, it will be one of the worst public health failures in modern times not only because of the pain and peril of the disease but also because it was so avoidable. “Our failures extend beyond political judgment to the organizations entrusted with guarding us against these dangers.” Gottlieb said that during the early stages of the […]


8 mins read

Pale Horse In Play: When the CDC Declared a COVID Emergency, You Couldn’t Attend to Church, Visit Your Dying Loved Ones, or Do Anything Else but Stay Home and Wear a Mask.

When Rep. Weiner Was a Lockdown COVID Enthusiast, He Said That Individuals May Now “Select” Their Own Risk Level for Monkeypox CDC Emergency and San Francisco’s Homosexual Leather Parade. “Safer Sex, Social Gatherings, and Monkeypox” this is CDC Bullshit, You Can’t Make This Crap Up! Side Bar: Anyone who would be so stupid to play in someone else’s sh!t hole deserves any disease they get. Clean Up America. Pestilence, AIDS, monkeypox, what next? “DEATH”, yet still they harden their hearts HNewsWire: The Useless Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States amended its monkeypox guidance on Friday, recommending that persons most at risk, including males who have sex with men, “take a brief break” from such practices to help “contain… the Pestilence.” The modifications include recommendations that persons “take a brief hiatus” from sexual activity until they […]


14 mins read

The City of San Francisco, California, Declared a Public Health Emergency Thursday in Response to the Epidemic of Homosexual Disease Monkeypox, as Incidences of the Disease Continue to Climb in the United States. Homosexuals Are Unapologetic and Proud of Their Ungodly Sexual Orientation

HNewsWire: The city of San Francisco, California, declared a public health emergency over the monkeypox epidemic on Thursday, as instances of the viral illness continue to grow in the United States. San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D) said that the bill will go into effect on August 1. There have been at least 260 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the city to far. “San Francisco has declared a Local Public Health Emergency for monkeypox. This proclamation will take effect on August 1 and will enable us to plan and allocate resources to avoid the spread “San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D) said. “This virus affects everyone, but our LGBTQ community is experiencing large instances, and we need action; we need more immunizations.” The action comes after the World Health Organization declared the worldwide spread of monkeypox an international health emergency. […]


7 mins read

Update: Pale Horse In Play: Pestilence, Monkeypox Lightning-Fast Spread Around the Globe Warp Speed, Time Is Short People, Un-godliness Has Run It’s Course,Tribulation Playing Out RealTime

The Main Stream Media Removed Any Mention of Transmission via Homosexual Activity. Just Like They Did With HIV/Aids HNewsWire:  Romans 1:27 – “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Yes, Paul actually talks about how homosexuality is a punishment for pride!.   UN-Godliness, Monkeypox is allegedly on the agenda for an urgent meeting of the WHO. HNewsWire: The Globe Health Organization is apparently organizing an emergency conference to discuss the frightening spread of monkeypox throughout the world, including a probable case in New York. According to the Telegraph, the United Nations’ health agency is gathering together renowned specialists on the uncommon illness after a number of additional nations disclosed their […]


2 mins read

The COVID Fake Virus Didn’t Work, Now Satan’s Soldiers at the Biden Administration Are Renewing the Public Health Emergency Over Monkeypox, It’s True About Pestilence

HNewsWire: The Biden Administration Renews Public Health Emergency Over Monkeypox After Covid Fake Virus Didn’t Work The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) extended the public health emergency declaration for monkeypox on Wednesday. In a statement, Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra said his decision to prolong the public health emergency was prompted by “the ongoing implications of an outbreak of monkeypox cases across numerous states.” Before renewing the determination, he talked with public health professionals. On August 4, the Biden administration’s  aka Satan Soldiers declared monkeypox a public health emergency for the first time this year. If it was not renewed by Wednesday, Nov. 2, it would have expired. Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), previously stated that the designation would afford more “access to resources” and […]


7 mins read

Pestilence on the Move: Monkeypox May Spread Before Symptoms Appear, a Study Suggests. From the Start of the Global Monkeypox Outbreak, Researchers Have Hoped That People Could Only Spread the Virus Once They Developed Symptoms. Not True!

HNewsWire: We’re Not Being Honest: Two men died in New York City from monkeypox, which officials called a “stigmatizing” illness. God Forbid That We Teach These Homosexuals That Sticking Your Penis Into Another Man’s Rectum Is Both Morally and Medically Wrong. Please isolate any men who are having sex with other men. Put on masks. You should keep your monkeypox to yourself! The incidents are defined as “predominantly in Homosexuals, Bisexuals, or Guys Who Have Sexual Relations with Men or Monkeys.” According to NBC New York, two monkeypox-related deaths were reported in New York City on Friday, the first in the five boroughs. Aside from stating that the victims were “immune compromised” and had “underlying health conditions,” little information was released, with officials instead offering a short word of condolence. A study published Wednesday in The BMJ by the UK’s Health […]


2 mins read

‘Winter of Death’ 2.0? Fake Dr. Fauci Just Threatened 70% of Americans So, the New Plandemic for MonkeyPox Homosexuals Won’t Be Allowed in Public Without a Condom and a (Face Diaper), Right Fauci?

HNewsWire: The sequel to ‘Winter of Death’? Dr. Fauci has just threatened 70% of Americans. As a result of the new MonkeyPox pandemic, homosexuals will be prohibited from entering street without a condom and a mask (Face Diaper) Dr. Anthony Fauci has issued another COVID-19 warning, stating in an interview on Tuesday that individuals who are not up to date on immunizations would “get into problems” this autumn and winter. “They’re going to go into problems if they don’t get vaccinated or boosted,” Fauci told Los Angeles radio station KNX-AM. A huge portion of the US population has not received the COVID-19 immunizations. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, as of July 21, 227.8 million Americans had either not had a main round of Kill Shot injections or had not received a Kill Shot booster dose. That equates to almost […]


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