14 mins read

Watchman: Governments Raised the Cost of Food and Energy While Devaluing Our Currency by “Printing” Trillions of Dollars, Pounds, and Euros. Bank Failures Were Planned and Orchestrated. They’re Clearing the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency. They Will Impose the Currency on the People if Necessary. Tribulation in Play

HNewsWire: The American Government, Run by Evil Secret Societies, Is Making a Concerted Effort to Impose Digital Currency. You Must Agree to “The Mark” or You Will Be Unable to Transact Business. HNewsWire: Once the economy has melted down, CBDC’s will be proffered as the ONLY way we can get “back to normal”—a “cure” that will turn out to be as catastrophic, in their way, as those “vaccines”… This is likely a deliberate blow to crypto. The Fed gangsters can’t have competition with their Ponzi scheme. The Fed is suppressing an alternative to CBDC, its own digital money (Central Bank Digital Currency). The involvement of Vice President Biden is irrelevant. He’s the Fed’s stooge, a figurehead who makes it seem like the central bank is accountable to Congress. Not at all. Once CBDCs are out there – optional at first, of […]


6 mins read

Watchman Says Satan Soldiers Are Going After Our Children– School Satan Club Order by Federal Court–Sponsored by the Satanic Temple

HNewsWire: HELLERTOWN, Pennsylvania (WPVI) — A federal judge has ordered the Saucon Valley School District to permit a controversial club to meet on middle school grounds. The ruling states that the district must allow the ‘After School Satan Club’ to meet at the times and locations specified in the February agreement. The Saucon Valley School District’s decision to let a Satanic group hold after-school meetings at a middle school in the district, targeting students aged 5 to 12, has sparked widespread controversy in the Lehigh Valley. “I think it’s a little ridiculous,” said Hellertown resident Carrie Spier. Rowan Nowicki from Hellertown said, “If they can have Christian clubs or anything like that, I don’t see a problem with having an alternative viewpoint.” The national campaign director for the After School Satan Club, June Everette, has stated that the club only […]


4 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, You Must Hold Fast to God’s Promise and Vision. God’s Timing and Method for Their Realization Are Both Perfect. The Ways of God Are Very Different From the Ways of Man

Genesis 40:14 14 But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. 41:1 1 When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, God told Joseph in dreams that his family will eventually submit to him as king. His brothers resented him because of his ambitions and his father’s fondness. Brothers, at the age of 17, sold their younger sibling to slave dealers. They made up a lie to tell their dad, claiming that an animal had taken his life. And in Egypt, Joseph rose through the ranks to become the first in charge of his master’s household. He would not disobey God or his master by giving in to the wife’s sexual desires. Because of her baseless accusations, […]


1 min read

Watchman: Authorities in Australia Label “Premillennialism” as an Extremist Ideology, Linking It to Terrorists. Christians Are Now on the Elitist Hit List, and Tribulations Are Promised to Be Ugly. Many Good Men and Women Will Perish Because of Evil Men (Bill Gates and Co.) Who Are Hell-Bent on Controlling Humanity, Tribulation Year Four

HNewsWire: Bill Gates and Co The whole structure of our government now works against the interests of the average American. Use internal strife to defeat an enemy. Many people go along that broad route to hell. Joe, you need to set the pace — you and your evil government have a place in hell waiting for them. Smiling Satan Soldiers (demons) in that picture: The destruction of America is at hand. Do we care how Satan’s smiling minions in the photo define marriage? This is what evil looks like! The Pope has declared Demonic Biden a devout Catholic who is eligible to receive Holy Communion. His evil policies gained traction because of the “Devil” Pope’s support. HNewsWire is warning that the recently approved Respect for Marriage Act WILL end up being used to target and suppress Christian and other traditional…...

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1 min read

The United States of America, and the CIA in Particular, Is the World’s Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism, According to the Watchman on the wall. the United States’ Torture Program, Carried Out Primarily by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

HNewsWire: This week saw the release of a report detailing the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” (EITs) program, which has been used primarily at Guantanamo Bay and other undisclosed locations. Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, also known as Abu Zubaydah, was the first prisoner brought to Guantanamo from Pakistan and tortured using enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), and his likeness appears in the report. To perfect their torture techniques, the CIA and FBI tortured Mr. Zubaydah despite the fact that they later admitted he was the wrong man to interrogate. Professor Mark Denbeaux of Seton Hall University’s School of Law; Dr. Jess Ghannam of the University of California, San Francisco’s Department of Psychiatry and Global Health Sciences; Mr. Zubaydah himself; and Mr. Zubaydah’s drawings of many of the tortures used in EITs collaborated on the report. Here you can get the full report…...

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9 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional,The ‘Mark of the Beast’ has Begun–Rev 13:16 – And He Causeth All, Both Small and Great, Rich and Poor, Free and Bond, to Receive a Mark in Their Right Hand, or in Their Foreheads

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. The “Luciferase Stamp” Are Not Allowed to Buy or Sell rev.13:17… By Edward O’Hara What if the “cov19 vaccine” is an agent by which the genetic code in the body is changed? And what if the “vaccine” has mRNA that by “transfection” carries into the cells material that changes them through what is known as “mutagenesis” so that they are literally changed genetically into something other than human? And what if the “hydrogel” that carries the “vaccine” into the body contains nanoparticles? (https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ofm3QnUjcIJT/) What if those nanoparticles have the ability to mass reproduce themselves? (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-replicating_machine) What if the mRNA that carries the new genetic code into the cell’s DNA changes the cells so that […]


9 mins read

Watchman Warning: The Medical Establishment Is Working Hand in Hand With Globalists to Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda

HNewsWire: Dr. David Ayoub MD Explains How the Medical Establishment Is Working Hand in Hand With Globalists To Facilitate the Depopulation Agenda “ … This chills me. This was a press release, Aug. 05, on Aug. 30 and 31 more than 750,000 vaccinators will go house to house and work in vaccination booths across Indonesia to reach more than 24 million children under the age of five. In one day. This is a trial run in order to vaccinate a lot of people. So if and when something goes wrong with the vaccine, nobody will refuse it. They’ve already taken it. It takes a little time for the rumors to spread about abortions, ovulation problems, paralysis, so forth. They have a trial run to vaccinate a huge number of people in one day. And I believe this is possible that this infrastructure that’s being built in this country with the flu vaccine, this pandemic that’s going to come, they are […]


1 min read

Watchman: Do You Ever Wonder Why They (Satan Soldiers) Want Us to Be Disarmed? Our Government Has Entirely Abandoned Its People

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated… HNewsWire: The U.S. government has been secretly tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, as well as those who aren’t up to date on their shots. Worse, it is recording the reason why. Now that the program has been widely adopted, know why it’s being done and how you can outsmart it. Sory at a Glance The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program was implemented on April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the United States starting January 2023. Under this program, doctors at clinics and…...

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5 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, He Will Allow Pestilence,Plagues That, in the End, Will Be for Our Good, if We Will Heed the Message in Them

Exodus 12:37-38 37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. 38 Many other people went up with them, as well as large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds. Archaeologists have discovered Hebrew homes from this historical period in the neighborhood of what was once Rameses, where the Israelites dwelt. Never forget that you are reading true stories as well as God’s hand on human history, revealing Himself to anyone who will look. One plague after another descended on the Egyptian gods, but God spared the Children of Israel. With each plague, God demonstrated the truth to the Egyptian people. If favors (Joseph and the Pharaoh’s dreams) do not bring us to Him, He will allow plagues that, in the end, will be for our advantage if […]


14 mins read

Watchman Monitors Lawlessness: When a Society Ignores the Law, Lawlessness and Disorder Follow. The Cause of the Uproar “In Those Days, Israel Had No King; Everyone Did as They Saw Fit” (Judges 21:25). We Notice This in America Today

HNewsWire: A gang of bumbling thugs loaded up their car with a treasure trove of merchandise they stole from a Tractor Supply Company in Arlington, Tennessee — near Memphis. Videos posted on social media showed the thugs attempting to stuff large boxes into the getaway car. “You’re on camera, buddy,” said one eyewitness. They sped away with a passenger door open — leading to mockery from store workers. It’s unclear why no one tried to stop the criminals. Watch below and   HNewsWire: Lawlessness is contrasted with righteousness in verses such as Romans 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:14, and Hebrews 1:9. The righteous, who have the nature of Jesus Christ, hate the deeds of lawlessness. Lot, a godly man living in Sodom, “was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard” (2 Peter 2:8). The psalmist said, “I abhor […]


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